Tiffany Special

Personal Differences

Tiffany Special

Pooky, I’m going to miss you so much,” said Happier in Taeng’s sad squeaky voice.

Me too. I will miss all of you. Can you come and visit me again?”

Yes! Let’s meet again!” chirped Happiest in Taeng’s even squeakier voice.

Tiffany palmed her face and shook her head in despair at Taeng and her father. They were totally unbelievable. Ever since Pooky and the peas met, Taeng and her father had become inseparable. And it seemed a tad ridiculous, but she actually felt jealous of her father.

Taeng had spent most of their remaining time with him, hanging out, chatting, drinking even. And while she was glad that her father liked Taeng so much, she couldn’t help but wish that Taeng would pay a little bit more attention to her.

But one thing kept her smile up. Oh yes. She had a trump card. All thanks to her best friend, Jessica who had kept her promise. She had almost forgotten about it too. But most amazingly, Jessica remembered and called her to tell her about it. They had a short conversation in which Jessica couldn’t stop giggling and that of course set her off too. Giggles were highly contagious. Especially best friend giggles.

And there was no better subject to set off the unstoppable giggles other than…


Young was in a very happy state as he walked out of the cinema with Krystal. His arm was around her shoulder and her arm hung around his waist. She had stuck her hand in his back pocket, a little move that he liked very much. The feeling of her hand on his as he walked was just…too y.

I love you! Don’t ever leave me! Promise me!” Young mimicked the cheesy lines in the romantic movie they watched.

I promise! I will love you always! Oppa!” Krystal was quick to comeback with an equally cheesy line and the two of them laughed hard, ignoring the mildly disapproving yet curious looks from the people around them.

They kept up the banter, repeating lines from the movie, all the way to his car. And when they got there, Young pressed the button on his car key and the doors unlocked with a loud beep. Krystal reached for the door and was about to pull it open when Young stopped her and pinned her back against it. Her wide open eyes blinked rapidly as he leaned closer, stopping only when their faces were an inch apart.

Just so you know, I wasn’t entirely kidding when I said those lines,” Young began. “I do mean them.”

Krystal blushed instantly and Young couldn’t help grinning. It tickled him to see her being all shy when he said things like that while knowing just how wild she was capable of becoming too. It was a lethal combination. Krystal was so lethal and she didn’t even know it. She didn’t know how much power she had over him. She didn’t know how the slightest frown or pout or smile could shift his feelings like grass in the wind.

I really do love you and I don’t want you to leave me. Ever,” he said while looking deep into her eyes.

I love you too,” she whispered, holding his gaze steadfast.

And this was yet another thing he loved about her. She might be blushing, but she certainly wasn’t looking away from him. She had the bravery of a lioness and the shyness of a rabbit all in one. It was magical.

And he felt it coming. The pull. The magic. The moment. She tilted her head up and their lips met. He pressed down hard on her at once and she pushed too. It was this resistance that he liked. The will to fight. The will to be his equal, as inexperienced as she was. He knew which buttons to push but withheld from pushing them for her sake. He didn’t want to play her like a player. He wanted to love her like a man in love. So he let her push. He let her take the reins. And he let her in.

Their heads tilted from side to side, lips parting and locking, their hands locked tightly around each other. And it wasn’t long before they were breathing heavily and feeling giddy from the desires that ignited deep within them. But he always stopped when they got there. It was like some kind of wall that he would come up against each and every time they got heated up.

Young…” Krystal breathed. “Young…”

Young swallowed hard. If there was a problem he had with Krystal, it would be the sheer allure that she cast on him. It was getting increasingly hard to resist her but he wasn’t willing to progress to the next stage with her yet. There were too many questions to answer. Was she ready? Was he ready? Were they ready?

However, all that changed when an image of Taemin flashed in his mind. Taemin. Just the thought of Taemin displeased him. So he made a quick decision.

You’re coming with me, woman.” Young planted another kiss on her reddened lips before opening the door for her.

Where are we going?”

My place.”

The look on Krystal’s face was beyond description. Yes, it would be hard to describe the look of a hundred different emotions flashing by within a fraction of a second. But that was how Krystal looked and that was how he felt as well.


Would you like a drink?” Young asked as soon as they stepped into his apartment.

Krystal shook her head. “No, thanks.”

Her voice was a little shaky and he was amused to observe how nervous she was. On the other hand, it struck him that she was after all, new to this. New to being with a man, all alone with him in his apartment at night. He couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking in that pretty little head of hers. Was she thinking about going all the way again?

Krys, relax,” he cooed, caressing her pinkish cheeks as he guided her to the couch. “There’s no need to be nervous.”

I’m not,” said Krystal.

Young almost laughed. Silly little girl. Did she have any idea how nervous she looked? “Babe, your voice is shaky and you’re pursing your lips. You’re nervous.”

I’m not.” Krystal looked determined to refute the fact to the very end so he decided to back off her for a bit.

Alright, okay. You’re not. I got it.” He ran his hands up and down her arms and allowed himself a tiny smile when she shivered from his touch. Was she aware of what he was doing? She ought to be…right?

His arms were around her, wrapping her in his embrace and their faces were side by side, barely an inch apart. Hence, all it took was for her to face him and their lips would meet.

Krys,” he called in a whisper.

She turned to look at him and there they were, her luscious lips, so red and kissable. That was more than he could take and his restraint melted. He kissed her gently, pulling her onto his lap as her arms locked around his neck. And for the next few minutes, that was all they did. Locking and parting. Locking and parting.

His lips made their way to her neck where they explored freely, pausing at spots that made her moan and squirm. She was so y. Every part of her appealed to his senses. Every sound she made sent his heart into a chaotic thumping mess.

Subconsciously, he stood up with her in his arms. It was a wonderful feeling to have her so close to him and his mind was screaming for more. Closer, it chanted. Closer. As close as humanly possible. Krys, you’ll be mine tonight.

He walked to his bedroom and put her on his bed before climbing on to lie down beside her. He propped himself on one arm and caressed her cheek with the other.

Krys, you’re so perfect. How are you so perfect?”

She blushed and shook her head. “I’m not perfect. I’m lacking in many ways. Sometimes, I really wonder what you see in me.”

Don’t say that. I don’t want to hear you dissing yourself again. And if you ask me what I think, I’d say you’re pretty darn perfect.” He leaned over and kissed her again, this time, more aggressively than before. She was perfect. Darn perfect she was. His hand travelled down her body from her cheek to her neck to her bosom and stayed. He could feel how she tensed up but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she attacked his lips with even more vigour and fire.

He felt her hands tugging at his shirt, pulling it out of his pants, searching for its buttons. He stopped her and she tried to continue but froze when he said, “I’ll take it off.”

Her eyes widened and cheeks flushed as he sat up and removed his shirt, revealing a toned body. Then, he reached for her tank top and pulled it up and over her head. She lifted her arms to allow the tank to be taken off but she seemed to feel shy afterwards. All the signs were there. She lifted her hands as though to cover herself but lowered them again, clasping them on her lap instead. She also avoided his gaze, choosing to look down at her hands.

Seeing her that way reminded him of how shy she was when they first made out in his car at the drive-in. And once again, he was hit by a jolt of realization. What was he doing? Was he really going to take her all the way tonight? Just look at how shy she is. Are you sure she wants this? What if she doesn’t? And Mr. Jung! I promised Mr. Jung to be good to Krystal. I can’t. I can’t do this.

And with that thought, he picked up his shirt and draped it over her.

Young?” She sounded confused and a little hurt. “What’s wrong?” She clutched at his shirt, covering herself with it, no doubt, feeling embarrassed to be at this stage of undress in front of him.

Nothing. Nothing is wrong. We should stop. That’s all.”

Stop? Why?”

Young paused. He didn’t know what to say. The last time they broached this topic, Krystal had gotten rather upset and they had fought. He didn’t want that to happen again, so he tried to be careful with his words.

It’s not time yet,” he finally answered.

Not time yet? Young, you can be honest. What’s wrong with me? Just tell me. And don’t tell me that we need to trust each other first. I’ve learnt to trust you ever since the last time so that shouldn’t be a reason anymore. Just tell me. Am I too inexperienced for you? Is that why?” Krystal looked at him straight in the eye, daring him to give her an honest answer.

Where did you even get that idea from?” Young was surprised that Krystal would even think that her inexperience was the reason behind his actions. “Your inexperience has nothing to do with this.”

Then what’s the problem?” Krystal kept up her stare even as her lips began to tremble. “Am I not y enough for you?”

Young shook his head vigorously. “No, no, no. You’re the iest woman I’ve ever met. What are you talking about, Krys. Where are you getting all these ideas from?”

But what’s a girl supposed to think when her boyfriend backs down from going further every single time?”

Krystal was beginning to sound angry. Oh no.

Please don’t think that it’s got anything to do with you. You’re perfect. There’s nothing wrong with you at all. Believe me, it’s not easy to stop myself when I’m with you.”

Then…what? Why? Why stop?” Krystal pulled off his shirt and revealed herself to him, causing him to avert his gaze immediately. “See? You won’t look at me. You take off my clothes but you don’t continue after that. And now, you won’t even look at me.”

Krys,” said Young in a strangled voice, “you don’t understand. You have no idea how you make me feel. You have no idea how much power you have over my…my…”


You , Krys. If I keep on looking at you in that bra, I’m going to lose control and just rip it off you and everything else too.”

Krystal looked stunned. Oh my gawd! What did I just say to her?! Oh my gawd!

And to his big surprise, she replied softly, “I’d like that.” Her blush had deepened and she was tugging and twisting the shirt in her hands but the words that she said were so bold and dangerous. And the lethal combination both excited and confused him.

Krys, I stopped because I’m not really sure if you want it. I’m not sure if you’re ready. Sometimes you say things that are so y and daring but when it comes down to it, you’re so shy. And I really don’t want to say this but I guess, I’m not too comfortable doing it when you’re shy. It feels like you’re not ready. I don’t know if you’re scared. And I promised your dad to be good to you so I don’t want to take you any further if you’re not ready for it.”

Krystal turned red, opened , closed , blinked and bit her lip as Young tried his best to explain why he stopped. She looked as though she had many things to say but nothing came out. But when he finally stopped talking, she looked into his eyes and held his gaze steadily.

Without looking away or even blinking, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It loosened and hung on her shoulders listlessly until she pulled it off and tossed it aside.

Young couldn’t stop staring. He was trying his darnedest not to stare but all was lost. How could he not look at one of the most beautiful sights in the world was right in front of him? He wasn’t sure if his jaw was hanging open but he was sure that if he said anything right now, it would be gibberish. That was how gooey the state of his mind was at the moment.

And if his mind wasn’t already blown, then the next thing she did would have done the job. She reached for his hand and put it right on top of where her heart was, pressing it firmly against her softness. His hand was frozen stiff as he did his best to refrain from giving her a squeeze. She wasn’t one of those girls. No. He didn’t want to mess this up. So he kept still and tried not to lose his mind over how soft and awesome she felt in his palm.

I’m ready,” she said firmly. “Yes, I’m shy and nervous and I can understand where you’re coming from but I want this. I really do. I know how experienced you are and so I admire how long you’ve gone without it because of me. But I don’t think I should be the reason why you’re not getting any. If you want it, you can get it from me.”

She paused to take his other hand and place it over her heart as well before continuing to say, “Teach me. Teach me how so that I won’t be shy and nervous. I want to learn. So, teach me.”

Young was on the verge of hyperventilating. That was hands down, the iest declaration of love he’d ever heard from any girl he’d ever known!

Krys, are you sure about this?” he asked in all seriousness.

She nodded without hesitation in response and said, “I’m sure. I’ve never been surer about anything other than the fact that I love you so much that I’ll do anything for you.”

Young’s heart stopped as her sweet words snuggled deep into his heart. Krystal was so out of the ordinary. It was incredible. She was incredible. And he felt very lucky to have her. So if this was what she wanted, he’d give it to her. Without question. With all his heart.

Alright. I won’t back away again. But we’ll go slow. Step by step.”

Krystal smiled contentedly. “Sounds good to me.”

He grinned happily and hugged her, holding her tight even when he felt her tense again from the foreign feeling of hugging him while she was topless. He wasn’t going to let go again. No. He’d promised her that he wouldn’t so he wouldn’t.


Yoong drive home excitedly that night, eager to see his bunny as soon as possible. And the moment he stepped into his apartment, he knew that he was in for a good night. For the lights were dimmed and there was soft jazzy music playing. And not only were his eyes and ears pleasantly surprised but there was also the mouth-watering aroma of food wafting from the kitchen to please his sense of smell.

Yes. There was no mistake about it. He was definitely the luckiest man in the world.

Bunny! I’m home!” he announced in anticipation of the appearance of a cute little woman in front of his very eyes but there was none. So, he walked to the kitchen and stuck his head in. Ah, there she was with her ear plugs in her ears, humming softly to herself as she placed some kimchi onto a small dish. And he chuckled to himself when she conveniently put one into and munched on it before returning the container of kimchi to its place.

He walked stealthily to her and pounced, causing her to shriek in fright. She whirled around and upon realizing that it was him, pulled out her ear plugs and scolded him, “Don’t do that again! You really gave me a fright!”

He laughed and planted a kiss on her kimchi flavoured lips gleefully. “But you’re so cute when you’re frightened!”

If I’m really your bunny, you should be protecting me from frights, not causing them.” Sunny pretended to frown.

Yoong cocked his head cheekily and replied, “But you love me because I give you frights, right?”

Sunny narrowed her eyes into slits and said, “I’m not so sure if I still love you at this very moment.”

That induced a pout and a whine from him. “Bunny…I can’t live without you…please don’t leave me…”

Sunny stuck her tongue out at him and walked out of the kitchen. “I’m leaving right now.”

No! Nooo!” Yoong went after her and caught her, hugging her tightly so that she couldn’t go anywhere. “Bunny…don’t go!”

What will I get if I stay?” Sunny’s eyes glinted with mischief and Yoong grinned at once.

A very y night with a very y bear.”


I’m Yoongie bear and I have a famous cousin.”

Sunny laughed. “You’re so silly.”

Yoong merely grinned and continued to ask, “Do you know who my cousin is?”

Who’s your cousin,” Sunny humoured Yoong, looking half-curious and half-amused.

Yogi bear!” Yoong laughed and Sunny could only shake her head at his love for immature, lame jokes.

Alright, Yoongie bear. It’s time for dinner. Be a good bear and help me with it.”

Aye, aye, bunny.”


Dinner was a pleasant affair with a tasty bowl of soup and a savoury dish of beef. One thing they shared in common was their love for beef and rice. They tucked in and ate every morsel of food before clearing the table together. They worked well together, each doing their part to help the other.

Soon, the table was cleared, dishes washed and put away and they cuddled on the couch as the relaxing music played on.

To be honest, this music makes me feel like sleeping rather than…” Yoong trailed off without completing his sentence and Sunny pouted at him.

Really? I thought I’d try something different to set the mood but since you don’t like it…” Sunny reached for the remote and turned the music off.

Mmm, now it’s a little too quiet.”

Yoong.” Sunny glared at him. “If you fuss anymore, you can forget about it tonight.”

Yoong grinned and pounced on Sunny. “Just kidding! I’m always in the mood for it. No matter what music you put on or off.” He laughed as she landed flat on the couch and inadvertently pressed a button on the remote that put the jazzy music back on. “Mmm…y jazz…” he murmured as he toyed with the ring that hung on her necklace. He loved seeing the ring on her. It was a symbol of their love and commitment to each other. It also reminded him of how they’d gone all the way in the new car he bought her.

And just thinking of it made him tingle all over. Alright, no more fun and games. It was time to get down and dirty with his bunny.


Taeng arrived at the airport with Tiffany and her father. Her brother had said his goodbyes to them back home since he couldn’t make it to the airport.

And as a last parting shot, he had said to Taeng, “Remember! Don’t be too nice to Miyoung.”

Taeng nodded earnestly. “I’ll try my best.”

Leo laughed and gave him a pat on his shoulder. “You’re the best. I’m glad my sister has you. Take care of yourselves, okay?”

Okay!” Taeng had chirped.

And now, as they stood at the airports departure gates, he felt extremely sad about having to leave Mr. Hwang.

I’m going to miss you very much, Mr. Hwang.”

Taengoo…don’t call me Mr. Hwang anymore.”

What should I call you then?”

Call me as you would your father.”

Taeng blinked as the old man smiled warmly.

No matter what, I will treat you as my son from now on. So call me often, alright?”

Taeng nodded vigorously and smiled so widely that his lips were on the verge of splitting. He was happy. Beyond happy. Deliriously beyond happy. Mr. Hwang had accepted him! Yay!

Daddy Hwang!” he called Mr. Hwang happily.

Oh goodness. Drop the Hwang. Just call me Daddy.”

Daddy!” he responded immediately and they hugged happily.

Goodbye, son. I’m going to miss you and your peas. Pooky will miss them too.”

Daddy! We can do a video call so that Pooky can say hi to my peas.”

Great! I’m looking forward to that!”

And they hugged again, holding on to each other as though they never wanted to let go.

Alright. It’s time for us to go. Let’s go Taeng. Bye Dad.”

Mr. Hwang finally let go of Taeng to hug his daughter and she smiled as he her hair.

Happy birthday, dear girl. The scarf looks great on you.”

Thanks Daddy. You have great taste in scarves. I love it!”

Mr. Hwang chuckled.

You’re always so sweet with your words. I’m going to miss you so dearly, Miyoung-ah.”

I’ll miss you too Daddy.”

Come on the video call with Taengoo. Then I can see the both of you and his peas.” Mr. Hwang paused as his eyes widened. “Oh my, that’s such a happy family right there!”

Daddy, we really have to go now. Bye!” Tiffany waved goodbye to her father.

Then, Taeng found himself being pushed by Tiffany and he waved a final goodbye to Mr. Hwang before entering the departure gates.


Tiffany was sad to leave her father but she was also rather happy to finally get Taeng all to herself again. Oh yes. They were going up on the plane and Taeng was none the wiser. She had checked in for the both of them while Taeng was busy talking to her father and he didn’t know about the plans that she had. Oh…just wait. He was about to get the best surprise of his life. Yes. And she was about to get the best birthday present of her life.



Taeng was surprised to say the least. For one, they were at the first class boarding gate. First class? Why were they at the first class boarding gate?

Fany, I think we’re at the wrong boarding gate.”

Tiffany giggled and Taeng wondered why as she replied, “We’re not.”

But this is first class.”

Tiffany nodded. “I haven’t told you about this but Jessica bought us first class tickets for my birthday.”

Wow!” Taeng was stunned by Jessica’s generosity. “She’s such a good friend!”

Tiffany smiled. “Yes, she is and I love her so much.”

I should thank her for the ticket too, when we get back home.”

Tiffany giggled again and Taeng wondered why she was extra giggly today. But before he could think of anything, they were greeted very politely and welcomed onto the plane by the cabin crew.

Welcome on board our A380 aircraft, Mr. Kim and Miss Hwang. Let me show you to your seats.”


Krystal was finding it a little hard to breathe but she was determined to go through with this. She wanted to become his woman. Completely. And she would do the necessary to become his woman. Young had told her that he’d go step by step and she was thankful to have such a patient boyfriend as Young. It appeared that her darkest days were over and her happier days had arrived.

In truth, she had had her qualms about entering a relationship at first. On top of that, their beginning was rocky. It hadn’t been easy to enter this relationship with Young and many a time she found herself wondering why she even bothered to persevere. But Young had snuck up on her and taken her heart whilst she wasn’t looking. Thus, at the end of the day, Young was always the one for her and she knew that he was going to be the love of her life.

Between the moment they met on the plane to the moment they finally became a couple, many tumultuous events happened. And after they became a couple, even more difficulties presented themselves. Yet, despite everything, Young made her life worth living. That’s how she knew that he was worth it. That how she decided that she would give him everything. Everything.

She felt incredibly shy as Young held her in his arms. She could feel every inch of his skin on hers. It was indescribable to her. And as they hugged, she felt as though she had come home. His body was warm and comfortable. He smelt good. Visually, he was eye-candy. He was so perfect to her. So perfect.

And it was out of this world to know that he thought she was perfect too. He made her so happy. So happy that it was a little frightening to imagine what her life would be like without him. She didn’t want to think about it, so she hugged him even more tightly, seeking warmth and comfort from him.

Krys,” he murmured and leaned away from her. His eyes were gentle and kind yet fiery with desire.

Seeing that look in his eyes made her tingle all over. It was so different from all the gazes of the boys she knew from before. She’d never told him, and didn’t think he needed to know that she had been one of the popular girls among boys in school. She didn’t think he needed to know because she’d never gone out with any of them. She rejected boy after boy, hoping that they would stop asking after a while but it seemed to spur even more to try instead.

Later on, she’d found out that there was a premium label tagged on her. She was known to be the hot girl who rejected all boys and the idea of being the man who succeeded in getting a date with her became the dream of many boys.

So, she decided to go out with one of them. He’d seemed to be a nice boy, nice and quiet and she’d been surprised when he asked her out on a date. Thinking that he would be the lesser of the many devils out there, she agreed and they went out on a date. But what he did during their date messed up her impression of boys and men even more. He was inappropriately touchy and it was obvious that he was overly eager to get into her pants.

She was disappointed. She’d thought that he was one of the nicer boys. But it turned out to be otherwise. And because of that, she had even lesser faith in men and almost no desire to ever be in a relationship.

When she first met Young, she had recognized the player in him. However, she liked that he wasn’t trying to hide it and something about the way he presented himself didn’t put her off. Furthermore, when they became friends, he’d been the perfect gentleman and over time, she began to trust him more and more. Slowly, she found in him solace, comfort and reliability. To her, that was worth the entire world—she hadn’t exactly had reliable men in her life so far—and that was why she found herself falling for him.

And now, as she stared into his loving gaze, she fell even deeper in love with him. She’d never thought that she would ever end up in a relationship like that but Young had proven to be different from all the rest.

When he looked at her, he looked at her. She always appreciated the fact that he treated her like an individual, a person to be respected and treated kindly. He took great care of her when she was in her greatest hour of need and made no move to take advantage of her vulnerability. And even now, as she sat before him, topless, he looked at her in a beautiful way that made her feel loved and cherished.

~~~~~YoungKry Special

~~~~~pass: teachme

Oh Krys…are you sure you’ve never done this?” Young managed to ask after a while. His mind was completely blown by her. He had no idea what had happened to him. The only thing he could remember was how fantastic the warmth of her hand was and how crazy she made him feel. He certainly hoped he hadn’t scared her in any way but it didn’t seem to be the case for she was grinning away like a child who had scored the first victory of her life.

Did I do it right?” she asked, her grin still plastered all over her face.

I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what happened to me. I…I usually…last a lot longer than this.”

Krystal blinked and her grin faded away. “Is that good or bad…?”

Babe, that was the most awesome—I mean, you’re the most—no, I mean—argh! I’ve lost my mind because of you, Krys.”

Krystal’s eyes were still unsure so he pushed himself up to caress her cheek.

Krys, that was so good that I couldn’t even control myself. It was more than good. You’re amazing.”

Her lips curled into a smile and he couldn’t resist kissing her again so he leaned forward to do so but just then, her phone rang. She looked at him apologetically but he shook his head and nodded at her phone.

Hello?” Krystal answered her phone softly, perhaps feeling a little conscious of what she had just done. “Oh!” she gasped. “I’m sorry! I haven’t noticed the time.” She nodded at whatever the other person was saying and replied, “I’ll be on my way soon.” With that, she ended the call. She looked at him with those expressive eyes of hers and he knew that something wasn’t right immediately.

What’s wrong, Krys? Who was that?”

That was our butler. He called to warn me that Daddy will be coming home soon and I shouldn’t be out with you at this time.”

Young looked at the clock. Oh gosh! How time had flown! He leapt out of bed and began picking up their clothes. He blushed a little when he handed her bra back to her but had no time to be shy about it. It was imperative that he sent her home before her father got home and noticed that she out with him at two in the morning.


Taeng was enjoying the amount of space that he had at his first class seat when a stewardess approached him and said, “Mr. Kim, your allocated timeslot for your shower spa is in five minutes’ time.”

Shower spa?” Taeng was clueless.

The stewardess smiled and nodded. “That’s our speciality on this aircraft. We are very proud to be able to offer our first class passengers a shower spa while on board our aircraft.”

Oh…I see. Okay. Thank you for telling me about this. But may I know where the shower is?”

I will show you to the bathroom and give you a brief explanation about it as well.”

Thank you! Er…do I need to bring my own towel or something?”

No. We have everything provided for you in the bathroom.”

That’s wonderful!” Taeng chirped. He petted his peas and said to them, “I’ll be right back.” Then, he put them on his seat, covered them with the blanket that was provided and stood up to follow the stewardess.


This is the shower spa. We have provided you with towels and all the toiletries you need over here.” The stewardess gestured towards the counter and Taeng could see the bottles of shampoo and bath gel arranged nicely on top of it. “You have thirty minutes for your shower spa. Have an enjoyable time.”

Thank you!” Taeng chirped and looked about the bathroom excitedly. He couldn’t wait to try the shower. Imagine! Showering on the plane! What a story to tell his peas and friends!


Yoong rolled a die. “!” he announced gleefully when it stopped rolling. “Alright. Give me a good one please!” he said to another die he had in his hand before rolling it as well. “Come on, come on,” he chanted, hoping for a good roll. “Aww…forehead?! Why…” he pouted.

What’s wrong with my forehead? Why are you so unhappy about it?” Sunny glared at him and he grinned hastily.

Nothing! I love your forehead! Come here and let me it.” He held Sunny’s face and her forehead quickly. “There! ! Now it’s your turn.”

Sunny laughed and took the dice. She rolled both at the same time and burst into laughter when they stopped.

Kiss elbow.” Yoong was saddened by the results of the roll. “Why do the rolls all the time?” he asked as Sunny kissed his elbow. “The whole night we’ve been , rubbing and kissing noses, foreheads, cheeks and now my elbow. Pinching your cheeks was probably the most exciting roll we got so far. This game ! Or do the dice hate us?”

If the game isn’t working for us, why don’t we modify it?” suggested Sunny.

Great idea! How should we modify it?”

You can choose your body part but you have to roll the action die.”

Sounds good! I choose them!” Yoong pointed at Sunny’s s excitedly and she laughed at his exuberance.

Okay, okay. Roll the action die.”

Yoong picked up the die with different action words and rolled it. “Let it be kiss or please,” he hoped out loud and Sunny laughed again when the die stopped rolling.

!” Sunny announced and Yoong cheered immediately. He grinned like a kid in a candy store with an unlimited budget and began tugging off her loose top to reveal a very y black bra. Sunny giggled and lay flat on the bed comfortably. “Do a thorough job, Yoonie bear. them like a honey pot.”

Yoong blinked. “A thorough job? By that you mean more than one ?”

Oh. You only want one ? In that case—”

No! No! I’ll do a thorough job!” Yoong was more excited than ever. Finally! He was finally going to get some action tonight! But before that…

He leapt off the bed and grabbed the lighter that he kept in a drawer.

Yoongie, what are you doing?” Sunny asked as she sat up to look at him.

I’ll light up the candles for you first,” Yoong explained as he turned back to wink at Sunny.

Sunny got off the bed as well and joined him as he lighted the candles. She switched the lights off just before he was done and stepped into the heart shaped candle formation.

I love you, Yoongie!” Sunny said in her cutest voice and she made a heart shape with her arms raised and arched, fingers touching the top of her head.

Yoong couldn’t help but grin happily as he joined her in the shape and lit the remaining candles. He tossed the lighter onto the bed and turned to Sunny. “I love you too, bunny.”

And with that, they kissed. It was a naughty kiss. A battle between players who knew how to tease, demand for more, and turn on their partner. So for every flick of Sunny’s tongue on his, he’d return the favour with a nudge and a swirl, and she’d come back with a push and another flick. Their temperatures rose higher than the flames that danced around them, casting their warmth on the rapidly heating up couple.

When they finally stopped kissing, their breaths were heavy and their eyes hazy with desire. Yoong turned Sunny around and hugged her waist as he propped his chin on her shoulder.

We’re standing in our heart. I’m in your heart and you’re in mine.”

Sunny turned to look at him and pecked his cheek. Yoong smiled. It was impossible not to when he had such a cute girlfriend. She allowed him to be himself. He didn’t have to be that suave Casanova. He didn’t have to be that eligible bachelor that every girl wanted for herself. With Sunny, he was just Yoong. Yoongie bear. Rilakkuma bear.

And it was great to know that she’d still love him, no matter which type of bear he was.


Taeng was just about to shed his clothes when there was a knock on the door. Thinking that the stewardess was back to tell him something, he opened the door quickly. Much to his surprise, it wasn’t the stewardess. It was none other than Tiffany!

Fany…?” he blinked in confusion. “What are you doing here?”

Tiffany didn’t answer his question. She simply slipped into the bathroom and shut the door. Then, she turned around and grinned at him salaciously.

Taetae…” she cooed and he felt more and more confused by the second. Why did she have that look in her eyes? She only looked at him like that when…

He squeaked when Tiffany pounced on him and peppered him with kisses all over his face. What was going on? They were on the plane! What was Tiffany doing to him? There were people outside the bathroom!

Fa—” he tried to call her name to stop her but she didn’t let him speak. Her lips engulfed and muted him, her tongue snaking out to attack his. He tried to pull away from her but she held on tight, her hands his hair, pulling him towards her. “Fa—mmph,” was as far as he got.

He could feel one of her hands releasing his hair and the next thing he knew, his jacket was being yanked off his shoulders. And as soon as his jacket fell to the ground, her hand had sneaked under his t-shirt and was groping him all over.

For a moment, he felt rather violated but that thought soon evaporated when her hand moved further down his body…

~~~~~Tiffany Special

~~~~~pass: pinksky

She smiled, feeling the post-coital bliss emerging from within and spreading to every inch of her being. His hair was wet and messy and very y. Mmm, they ought to do it in the shower more often. The shower was a good place. Maybe the bathtub too. She giggled as she thought her naughty thoughts and couldn’t resist planting a wet trail of kisses from his neck all the way up to his lips.

He caught her lips with his and they engaged in slow, gentle lip locking as their hearts slowed down to a regular pace. The steam in the shower made it slightly foggy so she cut the water supply which seemed to be dwindling too.

Mmm, Taetae…that was so good.”

But Taeng hung his head and pouted. “I’m sorry, Fany-ah,” he apologized.

Tiffany was confused. “What do you have to be sorry about?”

I…lost control and ended up…I’m sorry I didn’t soap you up properly. I haven’t done your legs yet.”

Tiffany burst into incredulous laughter. She couldn’t believe it. And there she was, thinking that Taeng had finally caught on to the hints that she’d been dropping. Well, some things would never change. And it was a good thing too. It was a good thing that she could depend on him to be him. Besides, she had gotten what she wanted, didn’t she?

Hee hee. Thanks for the wonderful birthday present, Jessi. And Taetae too. Even if you still don’t know.


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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD