Wedding P2

Personal Differences

The winsome couple walked down the aisle with Jessica’s hand tucked around Yul’s arm. They waved and smiled and made their exit from the tent. It was time for the after-party.


Guests milled and mingled and helped themselves to the lovely delicacies dished out on trays by servers who nearly made frequent rounds to ensure that everyone had something to eat and drink. Krystal had found Young and they were smiling stupidly at each other when they overheard a guest saying something mean.

Let’s see if this Jung marriage lasts. They only got married because she got pregnant.”

Krystal huffed and was about to give that guest a piece of her mind when Young pulled her back and shook his head. “Don’t. We don’t want a scene here.”

But somebody else did it for her. It was much to her surprise to see Hara marching up to the guest and saying, “Don’t assume that what happened to you will happen to others.”

The guest gasped. “Oh look who we have here. Hara…you’re no better off yourself. And why are you speaking up for your greatest enemy? Don’t tell me you’ve succumbed to her like a pathetic groupie.”

Hara scoffed. “I don’t have any trouble getting a man, unlike you, Madam Sour Grapes. And I’m not her groupie. She’s not my enemy either. We used to disagree but that has been resolved now. We may not be the best of friends but I will still stand up for her when a like you attacks. So go, leave, if you don’t have well wishes for Sica, don’t stay here. You’re stinking up the place.”

Hmph. Mind your own business, Hara.” The guest stood up and walked away haughtily, leaving Hara to hurl daggers at her with her eyes.

Hey, I overheard the whole thing.” Krystal approached Hara and smiled. “Thanks for defending my sister.”

You don’t have to thank me. es like here shouldn’t have been invited. If it weren’t for her father…”

I’ll let her know that you helped her. She’ll be happy to know that.”

You’re very kind. I know that I’ve done too many wrongs to her. I’m sorry for it now.”

She won’t bear grudges against you. She’s too happy with Yul right now,” Krystal assured her.

I’m happy for her then.”


The wedding and after-party are going very smoothly. You’re the best, Fany ah.”

Oh Taetae…” Tiffany kissed Taeng on the lips briefly and smiled. “You’re the best. I couldn’t have pulled it off without you. And everyone.”

I only helped a little bit. You’re the one who did most of it.”

No, you helped in so many ways. I can’t even list them properly. And you can help me with something else as soon as this is over as well.”

There was a gleam in her eyes that Taeng could not comprehend. “How can I help you?”

Oh…I’ll tell you later.”

Okay. I’ll do my best to help you.”


The newly married couple made their reappearance after Jessica had enough rest. And of course, a brief make-out session with her newly officiated husband. She’d grabbed him once they were alone and it was woe to her beautifully applied lipstick. He’d ended up with lipstick all over his face and they laughed at each other after that.

It looks like our marriage is off to a great start,” said Yul.

Definitely. But the best start has to wait for later.”

Your violet wedding wish you mean?” chuckled Yul.

Jessica smiled shyly and nodded. “I can’t wait,” she whispered.

Just a little while longer, baby. But now, we have to get rid of the lipstick on my face and have the makeup artistes make us look presentable again. We have guests to thank.”

It’s such a bother. Why do we have to go back? Why can’t we just run off and start enjoying ourselves.”


Jessica huffed and pouted. Yul’s disapproving tone was evident. “Okay, we’ll go back and I’ll thank all of them with a beautiful smile.”

That’s my good girl, Sica wifey.” Yul grinned and planted one last kiss on the tip of her nose.

And you’re my good boy, Yul hubby.” Jessica giggled.

I won’t be a good boy tonight though.”

Jessica bit her lip. “Don’t say things like that if you want me to go back out there.”

Yul laughed. “Okay, I won’t. I’m sorry.”

So after the makeup artistes touched up their makeup, Jessica was back with her hand tucked around Yul’s arm, making her rounds through the guests, thanking them and smiling beautifully at all of them as promised.

They made their way around and stopped to chat with many guests until her father spotted them. He gestured for them to come and she could hear him saying, “And there’s my daughter and her husband. Sooyeon, Yul, come and meet my good friends and business partners.”

Jessica kept up her beautiful smile and allowed Yul to lead the way.


This was exactly why she didn’t want to take over her father’s business. It was this side of the business that she didn’t enjoy. She was capable of making small talk and the whole networking technique was easily grasped by her but she had no wish to do it all the time. It was tiring. So she tugged on Yul’s arm and excused themselves to look for some familiar, welcomed faces.

The familiar faces were all seated at a table together—Yoong, Sunny, Hyun, Hyoyeon, Young and Krystal. Yul and Jessica headed to their table sat down to rest.

Congratulations Yul. You’re a married man now. How does it feel?” Yoong grinned.

It feels like I own the world.”

You look like you do.”

Are you enjoying the after-party?” Yul asked Sunny.

Everything is wonderful. This park is beautiful. It’s officially the best wedding I’ve been to.”

You’re the best, Sunny. You always know what to say.”

Sunny giggled. “Yoong doesn’t seem to think the same.”

Yoong nudged her to shut her up but it was too late, the table was curious.

Why doesn’t Yoong think so?” Hyun was always inquisitive.

Yoongie? Why don’t you tell them?”

Sunny! Stop it!” Yoong nudged her even harder than before but Sunny only giggled even more.

The two of you are acting fishy. What games are you playing this time?” asked Young knowingly.

Sunny shrugged and grinned cheekily. “I’ll lose if I say anything. But he’ll win if he does. Only problem is…he won’t say it.”

The two of you are hopelessly childish, seriously.” Hyoyeon laughed.

Pardon? Says the kiddy couple who gets their kicks from drawing happy faces on gogumas?”


Sunny laughed. “Okay. I shan’t reveal any more secrets today.”

Just then, Tiffany and Taeng appeared at the table.

Hey people,” greeted Tiffany as she took a seat. “Boy, I’m tired.”

I love you Tif.” Jessica smiled. “Everything was perfect because of you.”

And Taeng.”

Taeng too. Thanks. You’re the best best man any man can hope to have,” said Yul.

Taeng blushed and smiled shyly. “I didn’t do that much.”

And I’d hate to break up the party, but it’s time for you two to give your speeches,” reminded Tiffany.

Alright, let’s do it. Then we can disappear and the guests can start going home,” said Jessica.

Tiffany laughed. “I’ve never seen a bride this eager to get rid of her guests before.”

I’m not just any bride.”

Of course, you’re a Jung girl. Nothing is ever the same when it’s comes to the Jung girls.”


Dear esteemed guests, our newly wedded couple will now make their speeches to wrap up their day. Let’s welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kwon up on stage,” Tiffany announced and handed the microphone over to Yul.


Dear guests, thank you for coming to celebrate our wedding.” Yul’s voice cracked a little and Jessica looked at him with concern. Was he alright?

I never knew how much I needed this until today. So to all of you who came, this couldn’t have happened with you. Taeng. My best man. You. You are so important to me.” Yul’s voice cracked again, this time audibly and Jessica squeezed Yul’s hand to lend him her support.

Because of you, I met Jessica. And if I didn’t met Jessica…my life. I don’t know what I’ll be doing right now. Probably just working really hard at my job. Working every day. Without knowing what I’m missing.”

Jessica kissed his cheek out of pure overwhelming love and he stopped to smile at her. The guests giggled and some cheers rang out.

And last but not least, I want to thank my family. My mother…she’s so great…she…s-she…” Yul couldn’t continue. His voice cracked completely and his lips were pressed together. Jessica never saw it coming but her newly wedded husband was crying. “A-And m-my b-brother…” Yul tried to speak as he sobbed but it was no good. He couldn’t say anything more. His tears were pouring from his eyes, streaming down his cheeks as he cried like a baby in front of all the guests.

Jessica promptly took the microphone from him and spoke into it calmly. “Yul loves his family very much,” she said as she squeezed his hand again. “This is one of the great things about him. So on behalf of him, I thank all of his co-workers, friends and family. Thank you for coming. It means a lot to him. As for me, I would like to thank all of you for coming as well. But to be honest, I can’t wait for this to be over so that I can spend some time with my husband. So, enjoy the rest of the party and thank you for coming.”

The guests laughed at her simple honesty and applauded them both as they made their way off the stage. Their families stood up and they hugged tightly, deeply immersed in emotions that were indescribable. Yul cried like a three-year-old as his mother cooed and patted his back. His brother had a hand on his shoulder, patting it comfortingly.

Meanwhile, Jessica’s father was sobbing over her as her mother smiled through her tears. He had already sobbed once when Jessica said her vows and got her ring but it was tears galore once more as they hugged. Krystal was no less emotional but she didn’t cry. Jessica was thankful for that. She couldn’t handle anymore crying and sobbing. She had had enough for a day.

It is now time for the bride and groom to take their leave. The bouquet toss is open to any girl who wishes to get married next!” announced Tony and a flock of ladies hurried to the entrance where Yul and Jessica were.

The couple waved and smiled before turning around and Jessica tossed the bouquet over her head as she left. A little commotion was heard and when she turned around to see who had caught it, a cheeky smile broke out across her face. Oh yes. It was meant to be. Tiffany had caught the bouquet and Taeng was grinning while blushing like a cute little boy. She laughed. She wished her best friend all the best with her little man as she clung onto her husband and got into the white limousine that was waiting to ferry them to their luxurious hotel room, sponsored by Yoong as a wedding gift, for the night.


Jessica was beside herself with impatience as Yul helped her out of the limousine. She was thankful that her wedding gown wasn’t as heavy and long as most gowns were. She had specifically requested for one that wouldn’t trip her up and embarrass her and Ock Juhyun had definitely worked that in.

She had hugged and thanked Ock Juhyun for gracing her wedding and the wedding dress maker simply smiled and said, “You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen. I’m very proud of the way you presented my dress to everyone. I hope this gown will bless your marriage with everlasting happiness and whenever you have a fight with him, remember to look at this dress. It will remind you of your vows and promises of today.”

I will. Thank you for this beautiful dress,” was all she could say for emotions were running deep. Somehow, Ock Juhyun had a way to get to her. Deep. Every encounter with her was touching.

But now, she couldn’t wait for Yul to strip her of her dress and take her in his tuxedo. She would have preferred if they did the deed with her in her wedding dress as well but she didn’t want to risk damaging the beautiful masterpiece made by Ock Juhyun. She shivered inadvertently as she thought about it. It was her most anticipated wish. And it was about to happen.

They were received and escorted as soon as they got to the entrance of the hotel and took the elevator that a butler had pressed for. Jessica wished that he would leave them alone but the high standards of service that this hotel offered would not make that possible. The butler led them to their room and opened the door for them. He then showed them around the royal suite, explaining a few things in it before finally leaving them to be alone.

Yes. They were alone at last and Jessica turned to Yul expectantly with fire in her eyes.


Baby.” Ooh, his voice sent thrills down her spine. He wasted no time in kick starting the fulfillment of her greatest wish. “Come to me.”

(pass: badboyinatux)


Yul…” she mumbled as she hugged him tight.

Oh…” he moaned after a while. “Oh baby.”



And they kissed. Deeply. Lovingly. Desperately. She was alarmed when she felt something wet on her face. It was Yul. He was crying. Again. “Oh Yul…what’s wrong?”

Yul shook his head and smiled. “You’re my wife, Sica. Can you believe it? You’re my wife. And we’re going to have a baby.”

Yes, I’m your wife.” Jessica smiled and wiped his tears with her fingers. “And we’re going to have a baby.”

Mrs. Kwon,” he whispered and smiled.

Mr. and Mrs. Kwon.” She grinned. “And little Kwon,” she added.

And little Kwon,” chocked Yul.

Jessica giggled. “Cry-baby Kwon seobang. Who’d have thought that you’re such a baby.” And she kissed his tear-streaked cheeks.

Are you feeling alright? Was I too rough?” he asked suddenly.

She shook her head and smiled. “I’m fine. And so is little Kwon. We’re fine.”

Good. Good.” He smiled and hugged her again. “Cuddle and shower?”

In the bathtub.”

Sure. But let me get out of my tux first. Has your wish been completely fulfilled?”

Jessica smiled from ear to ear and nodded. “Yes.”

Great.” He planted her kiss on her forehead before taking off his clothes. “Then we can get started on mine.”

Yours?” Jessica blinked in surprise. “You have a wish too?”

Yes,” Yul flashed a wicked grin. “Mine involves some water.”


Moments later, they were cuddling in the bathtub of lavender scented water. Yul had his arms around Jessica, idly fondling her here and there and she had her hands on his, idly him. They remained quiet, each trying to grasp the reality of their union. They were indeed husband and wife now. It was so unbelievable.

Jessica didn’t know what to think. Or what to feel. Was she supposed to feel different now? Was she supposed to act differently now? What did being married change?



We’re married.”

Yes, baby,” he answered and planted a kiss on her bare shoulder. “We are.”

Now what?”

What do you mean?”

What do we do now?”

We enjoy ourselves.”

Is there something that I should do?”

Baby, you don’t have to do anything. Just carry on being yourself.”

So, nothing has changed?”

What kind of changes were you expecting?”

I don’t know. We’re married now. I don’t know what to do.”

Yul chuckled. “Baby, why are you worrying about this? You’re a wonderful wife. And we just had the most mind-blowing of our lives. I think we’re off to a good start.”

You think so? I’m a good wife?”

You’re the best wife.”

Jessica smiled. “I’m the best wife.”

Mmhmm. You’re beautiful and kind and y and everything I could ask for and more. I’m very happy right now.”

So am I.”

Baby…you feel so good,” he murmured as he planted more kisses along her shoulder and neck.

Jessica felt a stirring presence behind her and smiled. Yul was definitely a happy man. And she was going to make sure that he stayed happy for a long, long time.

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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD