Sica Baby Special

Personal Differences

Sica Baby Special

It was the longest day of her life. Hands down. Heads down. Feet down. She just wanted to lie down. Better still, she wanted to lie down with Yul. She was tired after answering phone calls from clients enquiring about this and that. She was tired out by the likes of Dennis who tried to hang around to sift out more information about the whereabouts of Tiffany and Taeng.

We don’t know,” Tony answered truthfully when asked. “We have no reason to withhold any information from important clients like you.”

Jessica overheard their conversation and frowned. Dennis must have put up an act in front of Tiffany because the Dennis that was in the office right now was not behaving like a gentleman at all. She did not like people who pretended to be nice when they were not. Determined to shut him down, she breezed out of Tiffany’s office and smiled. “Dennis, how did the meeting with Tony go?”

It went well,” admitted Dennis.

Jessica tittered. “So you wouldn’t object to Tony holding the meetings with you in future. Excellent.”

Wait a minute.” Dennis’ eyes narrowed into slits. “What do you mean by that?”

Jessica flashed a megawatt smile. “All future meetings or discussions regarding this project will be handled by Tony. Tiffany has done all the brainwork and the networking. We are at the closing stages of this project and the opening will happen soon. Therefore, you won’t need to meet with Tiffany anymore. Tony is more than capable of tying up the loose ends for you. In fact, I would say he’s overqualified but we always ensure top notch service here at Make It Big.”

What is this? First you say that Tiffany is out of town. Now you’re saying that Tony is basically taking over from here. Are you trying to pull the carpet out from under my feet?”

I’m curious to know why you are insisting that Tiffany handles this project at this point.” Jessica folded her arms and shot an icy cold stare at him. Dennis looked a little taken aback and Jessica secretly gloated over her impending victory over him.

She’s the best. It’s only natural that I demand for the best.”

Tiffany only hires the best so you’re definitely getting the best.”

Dennis had no comeback for that and Jessica had to suppress the snicker that was lurking dangerously just below the surface.

I’m presuming that your silence is your consent.”


Tony, I’m officially putting you in charge of Dennis’ project.”


Thank you Dennis. I look forward to seeing your successful grand opening happening.”



Kwon seobaaang…” whined Jessica as Yul stepped into her bedroom later that evening. “I want a tummy rub…” She pouted and batted her eyelashes at him, putting on every charm that was at her disposal.

Baby,” Yul was on the verge of laughing as he answered her cries for attention. “…you look just like a pouty kitty. All you’re missing is some fur.”

I’m not a pouty kitty. I’m a y lady. A y preggy lady who’s in need of a good tummy rub.”

Yul laughed heartily and shook his head. There was no way he could resist Jessica when she was in this mood. She was just too adorable for him to handle.

How’s this feel?” he asked as he rubbed her tummy through her thin tank top and she literally purred. “And you say you’re not a kitty?” he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief. “You sound just like one.”

I can’t believe you’re comparing me to a fur ball,” grumbled Jessica.

Not just any fur ball though. You’re the cutest, most adorable fur ball I’ve ever seen.” Yul bent to kiss the tip of her nose. “Not to mention totally y and soon you will be my wife. My wifey.” He flashed a roguish grin and attacked her lips on the whim.

She responded immediately, tilting her chin up to get more of him, her lips parting invitingly for him. He accepted her invitation without hesitation and dived in to claim what was his. His tongue showed her in no uncertain terms that he owned her and knew her well as it touched places in her that sent tingles all the way down to her toes. She was not to be dominated, however. She pushed her tongue forth to engage him in a sensual tango, sliding over him, seducing him, tempting him to go further; deeper.

Breathlessness took over the both of them and they parted, panting away. Their gazes locked and neither could stop the exuberant smiles that played on their lips. He was lying on her, his legs intertwined with hers, his hands in her hair. He nudged her with a of his hips and she moaned softly, that unbridled sound betraying her inner desire for him. And he would have taken it further with her if it weren’t for his plan.

She whined and tightened her arms around his waist when he made to pull away from her. Yul…”

Baby…I’ve got something special planned for us tonight. If we go any further, my plans will be ruined.”

Plans? What plans?” Jessica blinked.

Yul grinned, looking more dashing than ever before inching close to her ear to whisper, “The first hours of your birthday belong to me and me only.” He could hear her breath hitching and feel the inadvertent squeeze of her arms as he continued, “And you’re going to get more than just a tummy rub, baby.”


Krystal and Young were out shopping. Krystal was shopping for a present for her sister’s birthday after deciding that the gift that she had prepared wasn’t enough. She was determined to get something else to go with the pair of vintage jeans and hand-written card that she had prepared so far.

Young had tried to assure her that vintage jeans and a card were more than fantastic gifts but Krystal couldn’t be convinced. It was the very first sister birthday she ever had and she was determined to go all out for it. She figured she’d missed out on twenty birthday presents for Jessica so she wasn’t about to let this one go too easily.

I need to get something for unnie’s pregnancy. It didn’t hit me until this morning that she won’t be able to wear the jeans I bought for quite a while so I need to get something else that she can use while she’s pregnant.”

Krys…” Young was immeasurably amused by Krystal’s self-criticality with Jessica’s birthday present. But he could understand where she was coming from and wanted to help her out. “Relax…we’ll find something for your sister. Don’t worry.”

Krystal shook her head. “We’re hours away from her birthday, Young. I can’t not worry.”

Okay, okay. Let’s be systematic then. What kind of gift do you want to get? Something useful? Something fun? Something naughty?”

A bright smile broke across her face. “Something naughty!”

Young grinned and patted his puffed out chest confidently. “I know just where to go. Follow me.”


The place turned out to Victoria’s Secret, a luxury lingerie store and Young was granted immediate VIP treatment. Krystal raised an eyebrow but did not comment. She had an inkling as to why he was a VIP at Victoria’s Secret and she was surprised to find that she wasn’t very happy about it. Was she not okay with his past? She had thought she was.

Mr. Choi! You haven’t been here in a while. We’ve missed you.” A beautiful svelte woman gave Young a hug and pecked his cheek in greeting.

It was not a romantic gesture but Krystal wished she hadn’t seen it all the same. But why was she bothered by it? She couldn’t understand it herself.

Jen, this is my girlfriend, Krystal.”

Jen gave Krystal the once over and smiled knowingly. She’s different.”

You’re darn right she is.” Young grinned. “We’ve been together for more than three months.”

More than three months?!” Jen’s eyes were big and wide. “She’s different.”

She is.”

And you’re shopping for her lingerie?”

No. She’s looking for something nice for her sister who’s pregnant. We need your help on this, Jen.”

Jen smiled and her eyes sparkled with joy. “I’ll be glad to help. Krystal, please follow me.”

Krystal nodded and followed Jen into the back of the store and was surprised to find that there was a lot more room at the back than she had expected.

What kind of lingerie are you looking for, Krystal?”

Mmm, something that my sister can wear throughout her maternity. Something y. Comfortable.”

How about our collection of nighties then? They are as y as nighties can get without compromising on the comfort for pregnant women. This one has lace on the sides. y, alluring and fully customizable for a growing belly. You can pick the red or the black one. Both are y as hell, in my opinion.”

Krystal had to give it to her. Jen certainly was good at suggestions. Already her eyes had been caught by the bold red lace-up nightie when Jen had begun introducing it. She was sure that Jessica would love it. I had expected to spend a lot of time choosing but this is perfect. My search is over.”

Jen giggled. “I’m not put in charge of VIP customers for nothing, you know.”

Suddenly, a question popped into Krystal’s mind but she hesitated to ask it. Amazingly, Jen had picked up on it somehow and asked her, “Is there anything else I can help you with? Feel free to ask me about anything.”

Did Young bring many girls here with him before?”

Jen looked at her warily so she hastened to assure the woman.

It’s alright, I’m just curious to know. I won’t be jealous or anything.”

Krystal, I think some things are better left unsaid. You may be curious but knowing the truth won’t make you feel any better.”

He brought that many huh…” Krystal was a little downcast.

I suppose you know about his history with women.”

I do.”

Then you should know that sometimes, numbers don’t matter. You may not be the first and only girl but from the looks of it, you may just be the last girl he will ever have.”

How do you know?” Krystal wasn’t sure if Jen really meant what she said.

Oh honey, I’ve seen all sorts of men and women while working here and let me tell you this: There are two kinds of people who will come here. They either come with lust in their groins or love in their hearts. In the past, Young came with lust. This time, it’s with love.”

Krystal blushed.

Say, why don’t you get something for yourself too. Have some fun in the bedroom with your lover boy.”

Krystal’s blush deepened and Jen grinned. Looks like he’s been all over you, hasn’t he. Young, Young…tsk tsk…but I don’t blame him. You’re very beautiful.”

And Krystal’s blush was at its deepest as she confessed, “We haven’t…” She trailed off, unable to speak about something so intimate to a stranger, albeit a very friendly and beautiful one.

Jen’s eyes bulged in surprise and for a moment, Krystal was genuinely worried about them popping out from their sockets. You two haven’t had yet?”

By this time, Krystal was sure that she was as red as a tomato. No.”

Jen gasped and blinked and stepped back dramatically. Three months and he hasn’t gotten into your pants?”

Krystal shook her head mutely.

Wow…he sure wasn’t kidding when he said that you are different.”


Krystal stepped out of the VIP room with two bags and Young was curious to know why there were two.

Are they both for your sis?”

Krystal grinned and shook her head. One of them is for me.” Young’s eyes bulged a little right then and Krystal giggled. “Do you want to see me in it?”

His lips ran dry and he them unconsciously. Needless to say, his answer was as shaky as the legs of a new born calf. “I…I…er…mmm…”

Krystal slid her arm around his and pressed herself against him. “I like Jen. You’ve got to bring me to her a lot more in future.”

Young swallowed hard. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to run to the top of a hill to scream his lungs out or grab her and strip her down to nothing. His final choice would have been irrelevant anyway. His limbs had turned into jelly. Krystal pouted at his reaction. She seemed to be disappointed by his lack of response to her little seduction.

Krys, I…er…”

Let’s go home. I want to surprise her with my presents at the of midnight.”



Krystal bounded over to Jessica’s bedroom as soon as she got back but her sister was nowhere to be found. So was Yul. They had both disappeared. She grinned. There was no doubt that Yul had something planned for her sister. Something naughty. And for a moment, she felt a little envious of her sister. She wished her boyfriend would ease up on being physical with her too.


Jessica couldn’t wait. She had fidgeted through dinner, whined through their shower and pouted for the rest of the night. Until Yul finally smiled and said, “Let’s go.”

She squealed like a little girl and linked arms with him immediately. Thank goodness for Yul. With her father out of town on business and her mother busy attending a social function, all she would have gotten were expensive presents from them and a short phone call wishing her a happy birthday. Her sister hadn’t appeared for dinner or after that so she supposed that Krystal was out with Young. Tiffany would probably call her tomorrow and her friends from her social circles would either call or send text messages. She’d also receive gifts from her father’s business associates but that was it.

It was alright though. She had had enough of overwhelming attention and fanfare on her birthday. She remembered having fabulous parties thrown by her parents when she was a little girl but she never did like those very much. Sure, it was every girl’s dream to have a lavish party thrown in her honour. But the guests’ reasons for being there weren’t entirely focused on her. She knew that her father had significant pull on the guests who turned up.

In college, she had wild parties with her rich crowd but she tired of them after she graduated. It was always the same thing—drinking, dancing, laughing with people whom she didn’t really consider to be significant to her. Tiffany would not join those parties. Tiffany would have given her a hug and a thoughtful gift and a dinner treat. That girl would not party because she had an early morning lecture to attend the next day. Of course Tiffany would want to be well rested and prepared for lessons.

So it was fine. She didn’t need all that and she had want she really needed—Yul.


He took her up to high ground and parked his car in an extremely secluded spot. It was way up high and the view of the city down below was magnificent. She smiled as soon as she saw the view. He remembered that she liked such views and that pleased her. He began taking blankets out of the boot of his car, walking to an open spot on the grass and laying a blanket on it.

Mr. Kwon cordially invites soon-to-be Mrs. Kwon to take her place on the royal carpet.”

Jessica could barely contain her giggle as she sat on the blanket. Royal carpet? Just how cheesy can Yul get? She smiled sweetly when he covered her with another blanket. How thoughtful. My Yul. My thoughtful Yul.

He then hauled a cooler box out of his boot and Jessica was most amused. Just how many things he had stored in that magical boot of his?

What’s in there?” she asked, curiosity prickling her everywhere.

Delicious delicacies for our queen and her royal offspring.”

Jessica laughed. Yul’s cheesiness was too much to handle.

Why is our queen laughing? Does she think that this is funny?” Yul’ grin was wide as a mile.

Jessica could only nod as Yul opened the box and took out a bottle of what looked suspiciously like wine.

Yul!” Jessica gasped. “I can’t—”

It’s not wine, baby. I wouldn’t bring anything alcoholic, you know that.”

Jessica calmed down and smiled. Of course. Yul would never endanger her or their baby. She watched as he poured the wine-like drink into two wine glasses. He handed her a glass and she took a whiff at it. It smelt fruity.

It’s black currant and blueberry,” added Yul.

Jessica sipped. It was smooth and sweet. It’s nice.”

It’s as close to wine as we can get, baby.”

Then a tiny cake appeared. Just enough for two, the cake was round and cute with strawberries on top. He lit the candles that surprisingly, were not blown out by the wind. Jessica stared.

Happy birthday, Sica baby. I love you.” Yul gave her a chaste kiss on her lips before jerking his head at the cake. Make a wish and blow the candles out.”

Jessica closed her eyes and made a wish. It was a simple wish. She simply wanted her family to be happy. The family that she had and the family that she was going to have. Happy. Then she opened her eyes and blew. And blew. Until she was blue in the face. Yul laughed and did nothing to help so she pouted and smacked his arm. “What kind of candles are these!”

Trick…candles…” Yul answered in between his chuckles.

I can’t blow them out!”

You can.” Yul laughed some more. “It’s just that they relight faster than you can blow them out.”

And how are we supposed to extinguish the flame then?”

Yul picked up a candle. He poured a tiny bit of his drink on it and it extinguished.

I hate it when you look so smug.” Jessica pouted and folded her arms.

What must I do to seek your Majesty’s forgiveness?” Yul asked solemnly.

Jessica merely huffed and turned away. Yul was such a tease! But he wasn’t about to let her turn away from him. No. His arms were around her in an instant, pulling her into his embrace, positioning her between his legs so that she could lean back against him comfortably. And before she could protest, he had her melting into his arms as he rubbed her tummy. It was strange but she enjoyed it so. She was rendered powerless by it. She loved it.

Mmm…” she sighed contentedly as she wriggled herself into a snug fit against him.

Yul picked up the cake and brought it to her after removing the candles and extinguishing the flames. Care for some cake?”

It’s going to make me fat.”

Baby, our closing activity will burn it all off anyway.”

Jessica blushed and tingled all over. The way he said it in his deep, throaty voice made her toes curl. Okay.”

She opened and he fed her a piece of cake. Like it?”

Jessica nodded as she chewed. It was nice. Sweet but not too sweet. Light and fluffy. It was a wonderful cake. Made even better by the fact that he was feeding her. Hee.

You see that big square over there?” Yul said suddenly, pointing to the night sky above them. Jessica looked up. What’s Yul talking about? Yul put the cake down and whipped out a small telescope. She watched as he adjusted it and looked through it several times. He then guided her to look through the telescope with one hand and said, “See the three stars in an arc?”

Ah. “Yes.”

That’s Mesathim, a triple star system,” said Yul as he began rubbing her tummy with his free hand.

Mmm…” Jessica was enjoying the rub. Yul could do or say whatever he wanted so long as he didn’t stop rubbing her tummy.

And do you see the arc of stars around it?”

Jessica looked. Sure enough, there was a circle of stars, albeit rather faint. “Yes.”

Baby, you’re looking at the Aries constellation.”

Jessica was silent for a while. Aries. That was her sign! Yul had brought her here to stargaze and find her constellation! Her lips unwittingly curled into a smile.

Do you know that Aries represents the ram?”

The ram?” Jessica could feel Yul nodding on her shoulder.

The ram is associated with the god Amon-Ra. And it’s so apt.”

Why?” Jessica was curious.

Because Amon-Ra repesents creativity and…” Yul trailed off teasingly.



Jessica blushed. I didn’t know that you are into constellations.”

Yul chuckled. “To be honest, I’m not. But stargazing seemed like a romantic thing to do together and before I knew it, I was looking up the constellations so that we can find it on your birthday. But it’s perfect because you’re gonna be my wife and our baby’s mother soon.”

He caressed her cheek and kissed it tenderly before continuing, “Because of you, I’ve finally experienced love. Because of you, I’ve learnt how beautiful a woman can be. And…” Yul’s voice dropped to a whisper, “…every time we make love, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. You’re my shining star, my goddess.”

Jessica couldn’t breathe. What Yul had just said was—Her thoughts were obliterated by his lips clamping onto hers, pressing in, applying sweet, sweet pleasure that drained all the strength in her limbs and it was all she could do to return it. She parted her lips, opening her doors to welcome him, availing herself to him. He could take whatever he wanted of her. She’d give it all to him willingly.

For she may be his goddess, but he was her god too. He was her universe. He was like gravity to humanity, holding her firmly to the ground, ensuring that she wouldn’t float into meaningless existence. So, with a heart so full of love, she gave herself, fully, fearlessly, to him.

His tongue drove her crazy as it dominated her, sliding over her teeth, her tongue, playfully nudging her to join him in his joy. And she responded, sliding her tongue against his like a snake, seducing him with her soft touch and the promise of what was to come. Then he stopped. Pulled back with great difficulty. It showed in his dark, swirling pupils that bored into hers, making it as clear as day that he wanted her. All of her. Every single inch of her.

Yul,” she breathed.

Baby,” he breathed.

And with that, Yul began putting everything back into the box. He helped her up and shook the blankets before folding them haphazardly. He opened the door for her and made sure that she was all strapped in before putting all the other things away. Then he got back into the car and started the engine.

Just before driving off, he turned to her and said, “We’re going to make sweet love tonight, baby. Nice and slowly. All night long.”

Jessica her lips unconsciously as the flames leapt and danced in her loins. Oh…she couldn’t wait.


Meanwhile, somewhere in Jeonju, a woman typed and sent a text message before putting her phone away. She slipped her hand into his and was relieved when he didn’t resist. Instead, he squeezed her hand lightly, letting her know that he was happy to hold her hand despite not saying a word.

Lead the way, Taetae.”

And they set off into the night. She’d follow him. She’d follow him to the ends of the Earth if that was what it took to get him back.


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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD