Round 66

Personal Differences

Round Sixty-Six

Why didn’t you reveal your daughter? Why did you keep her a secret?”

Mr. Jung smiled grimly. “I was wrong. I was not a good husband; neither was I a good father. I cannot make excuses for what I did. I admit to my transgressions and I can only hope to be forgiven.”

Krystal gaped at her father. Who was she to him that he had to bring himself down like that? No, he shouldn’t have said it like that. But she had to wait for her turn to speak. It would be rude to interrupt.

Miss Krystal Jung, how did you feel? Living as a secret daughter that could never see the light?”

It was a painful question. She had suffered, most definitely. But was she going to reveal all the pain of her past? Why should she? She was no longer in that dark corner. She was in the light now.

The past is what made me who I am today and I’m happy enough with what I have become. If you were to ask me if my past hurts, I’d like to say that everyone has had their fair share of difficulties. Sure, there were moments, dark moments in my life, but who doesn’t have them too? And I think there are far more unfortunate people than me out there, so I don’t think my difficult moments are even worth talking about. What is more important is that I am loved. My family loves me and I love them.”

Is it true that you chose not to be recognized as a Jung after coming here from America? If you love them, why did you make that decision?”

It is true. I was the one who chose not to come out as a Jung. It is not easy to be a Jung and I was selfish. I wanted to lead a peaceful life. A quiet life. Without all the spotlight. But circumstances have led me to this place today.”

The circumstances that you speak of refer to the scandal?”

Ah, there it was. Inevitably. The topic has finally been approached. The interest in her father’s promiscuity was over. All eyes were on her now. A hand squeezed hers under the table. Jessica was smiling confidently at her and a spurt of strength came from nowhere at that moment. There and then, she knew. She could handle this.

Yes, I am talking about the scandal that was started by a malicious woman. A jealous woman. Haven’t you all met one, somewhere along the way in your life? I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about.”

A few laughs burst out in the sea of reporters and a murmur of agreement spread through the crowd. Yes, malicious and jealous people were everywhere. Almost everyone would have been a victim of one before.

I would like to state that I have never been in a relationship in my life. And I am not stupid enough to kick off my love life in such a way. Why would I want to snatch her boyfriend from her? I won’t love a man for his money like she did. I want a real romance. One that is based on feelings, not greed.”

From her peripheral view, she caught a slight movement from her right. And it hit her that she might have hurt him with her words. All of his previous relationships were based on fun, not feelings, and thus wasn’t she indirectly criticizing him as well?

So you are saying that Miss Malina was lying?”

I’m saying that she was mistaken.”

She was mistaken? Can you elaborate on that?”

I won’t deny that I’m close to Mr. Choi. He helped me a lot when I first came here from America. I had some difficulties back then.”

So you’re saying that Malina thought that you had stolen her boyfriend when you didn’t.”

Yes. It’s not really her fault either. I don’t blame her for hating me.”

The crowd murmured and buzzed. Did she say something wrong? Or did they not believe her?

There is no truth to Malina’s words.” Young interjected. “I don’t date my employees.”

Mr. Choi, we know about you dating one of your new staff recently. Doesn’t that contradict what you have just said?”

I dated her without the knowledge that she was a staff back then but I stopped seeing her after I found out.”

Why is she no longer in your company then? We were told that she left the company only recently. Did she leave the company to continue dating you?”

I am not at liberty to disclose the reason. It was her personal decision and our company gave her our blessings. As of this moment, I am not seeing anyone.”

The crowd murmured again. Krystal didn’t like the murmuring one bit. She didn’t like how people were forming their opinions about them without truly knowing them. It was all based on what was known and heard. But did the crowd truly know them? Why did they have to be judged by strangers? What wrong have they done? And what authority did the crowd have to judge them?

I hope you’re not as naïve as to believe in the rubbish that they said.”

Everybody turned around. Somebody had spoken loudly and clearly from the back. And the crowd buzzed. Hara Goo was here. Flashes from cameras went off like crazy as photographers sought to capture the drama through their lenses.

The entire Jung family is trash. Like father, like daughters. Mr. Jung has already admitted to being an unfaithful husband and hiding his illegitimate daughter from everyone. Goodness knows how many more children he’s hiding behind his crooked back. And his legitimate daughter, Jessica Jung. She too, is a loose woman. And now they are trying to clear the name of Krystal Jung who obviously isn’t as simple as she makes herself out to be.”

Miss Hara Goo, is there something that you know about this? What do you have to say on this matter?”

The reporters were abuzz with frantic excitement, hoping for a sensational scoop that would sell a few extra copies of their paper for the next few days or even, week.

I am a victim of Jessica Jung’s underhanded ways, just like Malina is a victim of Krystal Jung’s manipulative ways. I cannot remain silent any longer. How many more women are going to have their boyfriends snatched away by these two? I dread to think about it so I will put an end to it today.”

What do you mean by that? Please elaborate on what they did.”

Jessica Jung is responsible for snatching five of my boyfriends from me.”

The crowd gasped in shock and the murmuring was significantly louder than before. Indeed, it was a daring statement and very shocking. The accused was Jessica Jung! Daughter of Mr. Jacky Jung, one of the richest, if not, the richest and most powerful men in South Korea. It wasn’t every day that people dared to accuse the Jungs of such things.

Do you have any proof to back up your claim?”

The reporters knew that they couldn’t publish anything concrete unless there was some kind of proof. Whether the evidence itself was reliable or not, was another issue altogether.

I have pictures to prove it!”

Hara passed around printed pictures to reporters. The murmuring had increased tenfold by now and Krystal was certain that her sister was on the verge of exploding from pure, unadulterated, red hot, molten anger. A quick glance to her left confirmed her prediction. Jessica was absolutely fuming mad.

Now, if Jessica Jung is this kind of woman, surely Krystal Jung is no different. They are, after all, half-sisters who share the same father. And just look at their father and the kind of example he has set for them. Is it any wonder why they have turned out to be such immoral women?”

Excuse me. I would like to speak for Krystal Jung.”

A steady voice spoke up from nowhere, causing everyone to look about in confusion. Who was this other person?

A petite woman stepped out from behind a massive video camera on a tripod

I am Luna and I work at Mr. Lee’s television station. I would like to state for the record that Krystal is innocent. She was set up by Miss Malina to take the fall. Miss Malina had conspired with Miss Lee Jieun to publicize the scandal in order to raise her own level of exposure and fame.”

And what proof do you have?”

I overheard Miss Malina and Miss Lee Jieun’s dispute from one of the rooms at the station. Miss Malina wanted Miss Lee to give her a role in a movie or drama but Miss Lee refused to do so. They were quarrelling over this very loudly and I could hear every word they said, including the part about publicizing the scandal.”

Why did you decide to speak up only today?”

I am just an employee in the station. What could I have done? Who would have believed me? Actually, I never intended to speak up at all. I am here today only because I have to film this press con for the station. But after listening to all the accusations, I can’t stay silent any longer! The injustice is too much!”

The situation was getting more and more chaotic by the minute and despite her circumstances, it all seemed very hilarious to Krystal in that moment in time. Was she at some sort of circus act? Or was she thrown into some dramatic Korean television drama serial? How did her life go from nice and quiet to this complete fiasco?

An elbow nudged her and she looked to her right. Young was looking at her inquisitively, waggling his eyebrows at her—his usual way of asking her what was going on without having to say anything. She suppressed her giggles and shook her head.

Later,” she mouthed silently.

He looked more curious than ever but didn’t push it. She was glad for the nudge though. It almost felt like old times when he nudged her like how sneaky kids would at the back of a classroom while planning something naughty and disobedient. He always gave her this sense of freedom. It was almost as if she could do anything with him around.

Will everyone just shut their mouths!” Jessica slammed her hands on the table and roared into the microphone without warning.

Krystal was shocked, to say the least. The crowd was silenced at once and they all looked at her, blinking rapidly, trying not to be too intimidated by her well-known icy princess demeanor.

Are we dummies sitting up on stage or something? While you are discussing about us, you do realize that we’re all seated up here, right?”

She paused to breathe and the crowd flinched, as though bracing themselves for another dose of Jessica Jung.

It looks like I have no choice but to show you something that will shut all of your mouths once and for all. Especially Hara’s.”

She whisked out a little memory card from her pocket and passed it to one of the crew who was manning the projection of the video onto the big screen behind them before sitting down again.

To everyone here today, I would like to refute Hara’s claim that I’m the one who has been stealing her boyfriends. She has some cheek, daring to come here today to hurl false accusations on me. She clearly does not know the meaning of ‘let the sleeping dogs lie’.”

Just then, an image was flashed onto the big screen. It showed Hara in a hotel room. And the rest of the video spoke clearly for itself.

Hara paced up and down, waiting impatiently. She turned and faced the door when she heard it opening.

“Donghae! You said you’ll be here in an hour but it’s been one and a half! What took you so long?”

The man grunted and hauled Yul’s limp body to the bed, leaving him sprawled across it. He turned to Hara with an exasperated look.

“I had to find a way to spike a drink and get him to drink it without him suspecting anything. Then I had to haul him all the way up here. Besides, I got him here didn’t I?”

“Fine. You’re right. You got him here. That’s what is important.”

“So I’ll leave you with the love of your life now.”

Donghae turned to leave the room but he stopped in his tracks when he heard her laugh.

“Love of my life? Ha… Ha… Ha… More like the love of my enemy’s life.”

“You don’t love him?”

“Of course not. Why would I?”

“Then… Why do this?!”

“Because I hate Jessica,” Hara stated matter-of-factly.

Donghae gaped in disbelief.

Hara shooed him out of the room.

“I’ve got a man to claim.”

And the video clip ended.

The hall was so quiet that the sound of a pin dropping would have been as loud as a lion’s roar. Or Jessica’s, for that matter.

Krystal noticed her sister nodding at someone in the crowd but she couldn’t see who it was so she made a mental note to ask her sister about it later. She also wanted to know how her sister got her hands on that video but there were more important things to tend to at the moment. The crux of the matter was the complete disintegration of Hara’s accusations. Her claims were no longer trustworthy. The video had revealed the undeniable truth.

The man in the video that she had abducted is none other than my fiancé, Kwon Yul. He is very good looking and the best man a woman can ever hope to have, so it’s no wonder that Hara is jealous of me. But to try to get him that way? She obviously doesn’t know who she’s messing with.”

Many of the reporters had seen Yul before as he had appeared at functions with Jessica in the past and there were a great many heads nodding in agreement with Jessica. Yul was one heck of a good looking dude indeed. Hara would be jealous. Yes, she would.

Ladies and gentlemen, at this point, I would also like to invite two colleagues of Krystal to tell us more about what Miss Hara Goo has been up to.”

Mr. Jung snapped his finger and the doors opened to reveal a man and a woman, standing side by side. Camera flashes went off like fireworks during New Year’s as the pair made their way up the stage.

A gasp escaped Krystal’s mouth before she could stop it when she saw who it was and her heart began to pound. What was going on?

Good evening, everyone. I am Jang Hyunseung. I am Miss Krystal Jung’s colleague. I am here to testify that Miss Hara Goo is indeed a bad apple. She is my best friend’s girlfriend and when she found out who Krystal was, she tried to convince me to woo Krystal and dump her after making full use of her. She said many bad things about Krystal, which I found to be untrue after getting to know Krystal better. So I am here today to apologize to Krystal and also to testify against Hara. I would also like to apologize to my best friend for testifying against his girlfriend. I know that he loves her very much but I mean it when I say, you’re better off with somebody else, my friend.”

Good evening to one and all, I am Sulli, a colleague of Krystal’s. I would like to thank Mr. Jung for letting me speak. I would like to state for the record that Krystal was very hurt by the scandal and I was one of the people who turned their backs on her after the scandal was reported. I have realized how wrong I was, for not believing in her when she needed someone to believe in her. Please don’t let Malina and Hara get away with what they have done.”

Krystal smiled warmly at Sulli who was looking at her with teary eyes. It was an emotional moment for them as they reaffirmed their everlasting friendship with their eyes.

And last but not least, the woman who started the scandal, Miss Malina herself.”

Mr. Jung snapped his fingers again and this time, a lone woman stood in the doorway, sporting the highest heels money could buy and a killer dress that accentuated her every curve.

Cameras followed her every step as she ascended the steps to the stage. The crowd of reporters went absolutely wild with the appearance of the woman who started it all. She had gone into hiding and was nowhere to be found, until now. Indeed, only Mr. Jung had the means to find her and get her to make such a high profile appearance. Just how did he do it?

Good evening everyone. I am Malina Takahashi and I am here to tell you exactly what happened. I was Choi Young’s girlfriend until he broke off with me in a horrible way. As Miss Krystal Jung said, I was under the impression that he had broken up with me for her. I was very angry and decided to confront him at his car show. That’s where Miss Hara Goo approached me and convinced me to take revenge. I roped in Miss Lee Jieun to help us to publicize the scandal and the rest is history. I would like to state for the record that I am very sorry for causing Krystal so much grief but please understand that I was but a woman scorned. I regret doing what I did and I hope that by coming out here today to tell you the truth, I can be forgiven. Thank you.”


That was the . Surely it was the . The woman who started the scandal had come out to tell the true story! Mr. Jung had apologized publically for his transgressions! Hara Goo was completely obliterated! All kinds of evil schemes coming to light! Holy smokes! That was the most epic press conference ever!

Speaking of which, where was Hara? Where was she?

She was gone.

Fled from the scene like a rat.

And a rat she was.

A real rat.


Finally, it was over. The true villains had been exposed and the truth had come to light. It was a great relief for all. And a hay day for the reporters who were, at the moment, most probably scurrying back to their desks to get their articles written.

Mrs. Jung was waiting with open arms when they re-entered the waiting room. She hugged Krystal as tightly as she could, knowing that the young woman had endured with everything she had. Her tears fell even though she tried to hold them back as strong emotions overwhelmed her from the inside out. She remembered Krystal’s words. It isn’t easy being a Jung. Indeed. She could understand. And her heart went out to this brave young woman who had no choice but to be a Jung. She would give her more love. More love and care.

She stretched her arm towards her own daughter and pulled her in for a hug as well. Her own daughter too had gone through a lot today. It certainly wasn’t easy to go up against someone who hated you so much. Especially when you didn’t even know why. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling—being hated. So she would shower her with more love as well. More love and care.

And as she hugged the young ladies tight, she felt an arm wrapping around her own shoulders and she knew at once who it was. In that timeless moment, everything was suddenly worth it. Every drop of sweat, tear and blood even, was more than worth the pain. For this was what being a family was about. Staying strong through adversity. Sticking together, staying together. Supporting each other. This was her family.


Young was buried by his best friends who hugged him and wouldn’t let go. Yoong hugged him especially tight and whispered sneakily into his ear, “You’d better get your girl after this. You hear me?”

Yes. You have to. If you don’t, I’m never going to help you out with your accounts again,” stated Hyun very solemnly.

Young grinned. He loved his buddies to death even if the way they showed their love for him was as weird as the moon appearing at noon.


Daddy, do you know who Luna is? I’d really like to thank her for speaking up for me like that. She might get into trouble for doing it too.”

Don’t worry, Soojung ah. I’ve got that covered.”

Krystal smiled and her eyes sparkled with a kind of life that he had never seen in her before. It was that kind of joy that knew not of embarrassment or privacy for it had him tearing up instantly.

Thanks, Daddy. Thanks for teaching me what to do with that video clip. I got my sweet revenge and I feel great!”

Jung Sooyeon!” gasped Mama Jung. “This isn’t the time to be talking about revenge!”

But Papa Jung threw his head back and roared with laughter as tears streamed down his cheeks. Jessica Jung Sooyeon. His beautiful daughter with her idiosyncrasies. He loved her, no matter what.


Sulli! I thought you weren’t coming! You sneaky girl, you!”

Krystal laughed and cried as she threw her arms around Sulli.

The other girl did the same and said, “I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t want to add any more pressure and stress on you.”

But how…how did you…”

Your father called me yesterday to formally thank me for saving you. That’s when I took the chance to force him to allow me to get up there.”

Daddy called you?”

Uh huh. It was funny too. He said to me, ‘I know I thanked you before but I would like to formally give you my thanks for saving my daughter. I owe to you her life. So feel free to come to me if you need anything in future.’ and so what better chance than to make him repay me by allowing me to go up there?” Sulli mimicked is voice as she re-enacted the phone call.

Krystal’s heart was warmed by the knowledge of her father’s love but before she ran off to hug her father again, she had one more question to ask Sulli.

I want to know why you did it. We’ve already made up. There was no need for you to put yourself in that position.”

I had to do it, Krystal. I turned my back in your hour of need and I still feel bad about it. I had to speak up for you. I had to voice your suffering to the world. They have to know how badly the scandal affected you.”


Oh shut up before you make me cry.”


Babe, you did so good up there.”

I know.”

You don’t need any comforting, do you?”

Of course not. I’m Jessica Jung. Are you kidding me?”

But I’m going to give you a hug anyway. Come here, you.”

Tiffany opened her arms wide and stepped towards Jessica who stepped forward immediately. They embraced for a while, enjoying the therapeutic effects of the welcomed human touch.

That video clip was a of brilliance. How did you get it?”

I found it in my drawer by accident. I was transferring some pictures of Yul and me into it when I saw the video file in a folder. It was from the time I rescued Yul from her evil clutches. I had totally forgotten about it—it was so long ago.”

Hah! She definitely didn’t see it coming.”

Did you see her face? I was looking at her all the time. She was completely petrified when the video started. She knew she was a goner then.”

You’re scary.”

So are you.”

That’s why we’re best friends?”

That’s why we’re best friends.”

And the girls giggled to their hearts’ content.


Hayeon hugged Taeng suddenly, making him jump. Nevertheless, he wrapped his arms around her in return and patted her back gently.

What’s wrong Hayeon ah?”

I feel so sad.”

Why are you sad?”

Why must that woman be so mean? Why is she so cruel to Jessica unnie and Krystal unnie?”

Taeng was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to say. Why was Hara so mean? He didn’t know. He couldn’t really understand her mentality either.

I don’t know, Hayeon ah. Some people are just bad, you know.”

But it’s so sad.”

If you’re sad, just let it out and you’ll feel better.”

I know. That’s what you do with your peas, right?”

Yes, that’s right.”

I feel better after hugging you or oppa or appa or omma.”

Or Fany unnie?”

Hayeon leaned away from Taeng and smiled at Tiffany before hugging her too.

Or Fany unnie!”


Yoong had his arm around Sunny and was ready to leave when he patted Young’s shoulder and jerked his head towards Krystal.

My parting words—there’s no better time than now, bro.”

Sunny gave Young a great big hug and said, “You can do it, Young. She likes you too.”

Alright, alright. You’ve hugged him twice already. In a day.”

Young laughed while Yoong pouted and folded his arms. Sunny giggled and put her arms around Yoong.

If you’re so unhappy about it, how about I let you on my Ring Pop when we get home?”

Young grimaced and covered his ears. “Guys, shut up. Don’t say these things in front of me.”

But he knew that this wasn’t going to be the last of it for Sunny blinked innocently while Yoong sniggered cheekily at him.


Krystal was smiling and saying goodbye to Sulli and Hyunseung when she spotted Young approaching her. Immediately, her heart thumped faster. Was he going to ask that unasked question again? She was dying to know what he had almost asked her. It was her woman’s sixth sense that told her that it was an important question. She could tell. It was a gut feeling. A strong hunch. She was as sure about it as a detective would be after finding the final clue at the end of a mystery story.

The tension was killing her. Partly because of the anticipation of what the question really was. And partly because she wasn’t entirely sure about what her answer would be if he was going to ask what she thought he was going to ask.

As he walked towards her, she had the inane urge to yell, ‘Just ask the darn question already!’ but she didn’t. Instead, she took a few steps forward and met him halfway. And when he was in front of her, her world changed directions and rotated on a different axis. It was that amazing. She had never felt like this before.



I…I’m…Well, as you know by now…I’m not seeing anyone.”

Okay…” said Krystal, slowly, “and?”

And I was wondering if you—”

Soojung ah! It’s time to go!”

Krystal could have screamed out loud right there and then. Just how many times could a girl be interrupted by her family? First it was her sister and her fiancé. And now…her mother. He’d been so close to asking too. What was the question?!

Soojung! The car’s at the door already!”

She could only sigh in her heart.

I’m sorry, I have to go.”

Young nodded understandingly although he looked extremely constipated. It would have been funny if not for her frustration blinding her to the hilarity of his expression.

I’ll call you?”

Why was he asking instead of simply telling? How odd.

Yeah, call me. I’ll be waiting.”

Oh. My. Gawd. Did she just say ‘I’ll be waiting’? How needy was that? What was wrong with her brain?!


She was first out of the car and first into the house. What was the hurry? Was she really that eager to talk to Young? Besides, he wouldn’t know that she was already home. It wouldn’t make his call come any earlier. But now that the huge ball of stress was off her shoulders, all she wanted to do was to curl up in bed and talk to him. Did that sound pathetic? Maybe a little bit. But who cared? She certainly didn’t.


Where is Soojung rushing off to?” asked Jessica. Her sister had disappeared from the car and gone into the house as soon as the car came to a halt.

Maybe she needs to pee,” suggested Mama Jung.

Maybe.” Jessica had other ideas about Krystal but Yul was with her and she had some explaining of her own to do.

Yul wasn’t entirely happy about appearing in that video. He didn’t say a word but she was watching him during the video as well. She had had a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn’t like it and a quick glance at his expression had been enough to tell the tale.

She pulled him into her room and shut the door before turning around to face him.

Are you unhappy about the video?”

I understand the need for it to be shown.”

No. That wasn’t what I asked.”

Look, that video was what took Hara down. It saved your reputation and Krystal’s. It had to be shown.”

But you’re not happy about it.”

I’m not unhappy about being in the video. I’m just not comfortable about not knowing that you planned to show a video of me in such…a state.”

Daddy wanted me to keep it a secret. I asked him if I could at least tell you but he said no. He said the lesser the better. I wanted to tell you!”

His expression softened a little as his muscles relaxed slightly but his eyes were still displaying that look of displeasure in them.

I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.”

I’m not mad. Sica, you don’t have to apologize. Let’s not talk about it, okay? You’ve gone through a lot today and I want to put my unhappiness aside. I want us to enjoy the night.”

But I can’t enjoy the night if I know that you’re unhappy.”

Then make me happy.”

Make you happy?”

Sica, is your room soundproofed already?” His voice had taken on a different tone than before. It was slightly deeper, and huskier.

Yes,” was her suddenly hushed reply.

Good, then you can make me really happy.”

She squealed like a dolphin when he grabbed her and toppled onto the bed with her safely enclosed in his arms.

Alright. She’d do as he said and make him really happy tonight. She had nothing to lose anyway. She’d feel just as happy at the end of the day.


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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD