
You're my home

The sun was shining, when I woke up. My heart was racing and I turned my head to search the person I've been missing. There he was, snoring and still holding my hand. I looked at his sleeping face and wanted to brush the hair out of his face. I pushed the call button and asked the nurse by showing her hand gestures, if she can bring me some food. She nodded and left the room. I didn't order the food because of myself, I wasn't hungry at all. The man beside me suddenly moaned, just as loud that I could here it. I saw that he was going to wake up in a few seconds. He started to stretch himself without letting my hand go, and I could see his shirt wandering up till I could see his belly. 

"Hmmmmmm~! Ouch.... This really hurts!", he opened his eyes and looked at me, his eyes suddenly started to smile. He looked too awkward, smiling like a dump with his shirt somewhere around his chest. I stared at his sixpack to make it obvious but he seemed to ignore me. His hand were my hair, the other was still linking fingers with mine. 

"Did you sleep well, Kid?", He asked and started to brush his own messy hair.

I couldn't answer, he was holding my hand, the right one and I was right handed. So I just stared at the ceiling.

"Yah! Aren't you going to answer me?", he shook my hand and leaned over to me. 

I pointed at my hand linking fingers with his and he followed with his eyes. His eyes widened and he let it go, better said he shook my hand of and stared at it  shocked as if I was the guilty. I gave him an angry look and took the pencil and a paper. I could see him from the side, as he touched his hand. 

I slept deep. Not good. noooooooot goood. But I'm not tired anymore, that's good.



He read the paper and the he took my hand into his again. He started to brush my back hand with his thump and I began to feel uncomfortable but I didn't pull my hand away. His eyes looked at a point behind me. I turned around to the target of Bang's eyes and saw the nurse. She was standing there smiling lovely and entered the room.

"I'm going to check the machines. How are you feeling?"

"I hope this food is meant for your brother.", she said and put the plate on the little table beside me. I nodded and she left the room again.

Do you want to eat it? I'm not hungry and by the way, I can't eat it. 

I miss all the good food!  TT_TT


Yong Guk stared at me before he took the plate and I watched him having breakfast.


He left that evening, but he came back the upcoming day. And the day after. And the day after. And the day after. I didn't even have to ask him if he could come again. He came because he wanted to. I got better and I could speak a bit, now. Yong Guk stayed till late at night, not able to leave me. My parents haven't found me, but Yong Guk promised me to search them if I'm discharged.

"That's for you, open it.", he laid a little package onto my lap. I lifted my head in surprise. My fingers wrapped around the box with curiosity, I couldn't wait to open it. I've never got a present.

"What is it?", I asked my lips and shook the box lightly. 

"Just open it and you'll see!", He answered and turned his back to me. I wanted to look at his face but he started to scratch his head again, a strange habit of him, he always does it when he was nervous.  I opened the package in slow motion to , but after a few seconds I couldn't handle it anymore. I opened it as fast I could and something was falling out of the box. Many things dropped down on my blanket and I took them into my hand. Chocolate, drops, caramel, sweets so many I couldn't count them. 

"Are they for..... me?", I asked and grabbed his hand. His back was still facing me. I couldn't hide my excitement.

"Ah... this.. is just ... something small.", he said and rubbed his arm. I wrapped my arms around his hips and laid my head on  his back. He was warm and I could feel him shiver. It was really painful holding him like this, but I ignored my rips and hugged him even closer. 

"Zelo, let go .... come on, it's just sweets.", he tried to get rid of my hands but I wrapped them around him as strong as I could. I hid my red face into his shirt. I was so happy at this moment. So happy that I started to cry like a little child, wetting his shirt, but he couldn't see my tears. I tried not to sob but the sounds just left my mouth, I couldn't fight against it. I felt so embarrassed at this moment.  I felt his hand laying down onto mine covering them and he stood there without moving till I stopped crying. With a fast movement, I whipped the tears out of my eyes and hid my face under my locks. 

"Thank you.", I mumbled and played with the sweets. 

"No problem.", he said and took a deep breath, "I never imaged that you'll react like that."

I shook my head randomly and handed him a little piece of chocolate. He took it and ate it without enjoying it.

"Yah~, you have to let it melt on your tongue", I repeated his words, when he gave me chocolate the first time," You don't even enjoy it."

He looked at me with a glance I knew. Proudness, he was proud, that I didn't forget his words. He took my hand again and linked his fingers with mine, a huge smile appeared onto his face.

"Yah! Stop it. Just couples are holding hands like this.", I said and swung our hands so, that they bumped into his belly. But he held my hands with a bit more strength and his smile even got bigger.

"I dunno.... I like it. Just go on with it."

I turned my head away, I don't wanted to blush but he was just too ... too.... strange.  He stood up and let my hand go, I could hear how he took his jacked and his bag from the chair. 

"I have an appointment. Don't worry I'll be back before it's getting dark."

I grabbed his hand. He couldn't leave me right now. I was soooooo damn bored. He stopped and turned around to me. With his hand he my hair and I felt like a dog or a little child. Then he went to the door and waved before he closed it. I let my back falling onto the mattress. , that was really painful. Without realizing I felt asleep. 



He wasn't here when I opened my eyes. I looked at the clock, it was 8:20 pm, the sun has set about an hour ago and the streetlights were shining. But he wasn't there. I bit my lips and saw the sweets on my lap. His present for me. The first present I've ever got. After a few minutes I got nervous. 

"He isn't coming. He has his own personal life, it's just selfish to wait for him to come.", I said to myself and bit my fingernails. 

I was right. After waiting about 2 hours I felt some pain growing in my chest. I held one hand onto my chest to calm down but it got even worse. It was hard to breath and I closed my eyes to concentrate, to breath normally. The pain got stronger and I could feel it wandering down to my rips. I pushed the emergency button and a nurse entered the room. She looked at me and run to my machines, to check them. 

"Are you in pain? Your machines are alright, what's the matter?"

I pointed at my chest and she removed my shirt a bit. I don't wanted her to check, I wanted her to give me some pain killer. 

"Please, gimme some pain killer.", I said hard breathing, but she shook her head.

"You got the highest dosage already.", she started to touch my belly and my chest with her cold fingers and I relaxed a bit. I closed my eyes and she continued with her work. After a few minutes, she stopped and smiled at me.

"I see you're feeling better now. I'll leave now... isn't your brother coming?", she asked. 

The pain was there again, but this time I knew, I didn't need medicine.

The only one I needed was Bang Yong Guk. 






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The temporary hiatus was okay, I'm just glad you finally updated~ and hopefully soon we'll get to know why Zelo left!
Llama_96 #2
"I told you before, you're my home, idont need parents, I just wanna stay with you" <3 this is to cute~
LittlemissBANA #3
i feel bad for the parents T_T
Nuuu they're so cute together!! I thought BYG didn't like.being lonely ;_;
Yay~ glad to know the story will continue!! I wonder if Zelo will just tell his parents that he wants to live with Yongguk or what... cuz I mean if they ask Yongguk if he's seen a 15-yr-old blonde kid he won't lie to them cuz he'll feel bad that parents lost their son! Also how/why did Zelo get beaten up originally? I forgot to ask
YES!!!! Second part!! <3<3<3 wahoo!! <3

This is the cutest story I've ever read! <3 ^^
HELL YES DO A SECOND PART! Psh you don't even need to ask us! Cute ending. What was Yongguk doing though?!
Please write a second part!!!!! And the last gif of zelo ang yongguk was soo cute !!!'
Write a second part!! OMG!! This is too good to end so soon ;~~; <3<3<3
bokuhebi #10
ohhh please write a second part *-* please