I'm Zelo

You're my home

I heard a noisy high pinched sound. It was completely dark when I opened my eyes, a nurse run into my room with a torch light and started to push some buttons on  the machine beside my head. She was fully concentrated, so I tried to pull on her coat. The nurse checked the machines and then she turned around to check my breathing. 

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

I couldn't answer, because of my jaw but I grabbed her hand to show her what I wanted to say. I pulled her hand close to my mouth. She looked at me with some patient glance every nurse had and my hair. 

"Are you thirsty? Such a cute young boy like you, got nearly punched to death. That's a shame.", she mumbled and continued my hair. 

I let her hand go. She knew what I wanted. My mouth felt so dry like the desert and I couldn't breath normally because my throat burned so much. I couldn't even swallow my own spit. She left me for a short moment and turned the light on, but just a bit. I looked around in  the strange room and saw him again. He was still sitting in the chair deeply asleep. His blond hair was hanging in his face and his chest lifted with every breath he took. Why was he still here? I couldn't remember what happened to me, but the nurse told me I got beaten up, so I believed her. Who was he? Where was his home? The nurse came back with a big glass of water whit a straw in it. 

"So, here you go."

She lifted my upper body and I felt some pain into my rip case. A pillow supported my back not to fall. I tried to open my mouth, but it was hurting too much. I felt the cold fingers of the nurse on my chin as she tried to open my mouth again, it wasn't hurting as before, maybe because of her cold hands. 

"Please tell me if I hurt you. You can grab my wrist, if you're in pain.", she said and looked at me with a worried glance.

I shook my head softly and she helped me with the straw. The cold water ached in my throat at the beginning but then it felt wonderful and I emptied the glass within seconds. Her cold fingers calmed me down and I closed my eyes. The guy in the chair turned around in his sleep and let his bag drop to the floor. Now I could see his face. His face looked so damn peaceful and the blond hair fitted him so perfectly.

"So.... what's you name? You didn't carry some wallet with you."

She stood up and handed me a piece of paper and a pencil, so I could write it down without opening my mouth.

"Is he your brother?", she pointed at the sleeping stranger and looked at me with an interested glance.

I took the pencil in my hand and wrote down:

Zelo. No.

She took the piece of paper out of my hand and read it. She looked back at the sleeping guy and then back at me. She seemed to be a little bit confused, maybe because his hair color was the same as mine.

"Do you know him, Zelo? What's your family name?"

I took the pencil again and tried to think about the answers but I couldn't find it. The fact that I didn't knew him wasn't as worse as the fact that I couldn't remember my own family name. She looked at me and blinked a few times. My head started aching, but I couldn't remember. My family name, my family name, , what's my family name?! I could remember my forename, so why couldn't I remember my family name?

"Can't you remember? It's ok, don't overexert your head."

Her hand was my hair again. 

"Can you remember where your home is?"

My home? That place wasn't my home, that was all I knew. I couldn't remember a little thing and I felt really helpless. Honestly, I felt like crying at that moment but the nurse calmed me down. 

"Don't worry, it's just a short termed amnesia. You're memories will come back soon."

I wanted to sleep again and forget about everything, about the pain about the hospital, but I wasn't tired at all. 

"I'll leave you know, if you're in pain, please, just push this button here and I'll come immediately."

The nurse took the glass and went off. Here I was, laying in my bed feeling totally lonely. But I wasn't. I turned my head around watching the guy, while he was sleeping as peaceful as an angel. He was older than me, I could see it in his face, but not much older. Who was he? I wanted to find it out, so I formed little globules out of the paper and threw them on him. My arms were hurting but I never missed my target. He opened his eyes before I could threw the last globule at his face.

"Hm? What are you doing?"

I quickly took another paper and wrote an answer down. 

Hello. My name is Zelo. Please tell me your name.

He read the message and brushed his hair with his fingers.

"I'm Bang Yong Guk. How are you feeling?"

I took the pencil again and wrote a next message.

Why am I here? I got beaten up, is that real? Why are you here?

He stood up and grabbed his jacket.

"Yes, I found you laying on the street, so I brought you here. Is this all you wanted to know?"

Why was he taking his jacket on? He wouldn't leave, right? 

What are you doing? Where are you going? Are you coming back? What time is it?

He widened his eyes, he didn't look like an angel anymore more like a big annoyed boy. 

"You're asking too much! I'm gonna leave, it's really late after midnight. I won't come back, and I don't think your family will like it when they see me sitting by your side all the time. Just call them so you're not alone."

What? My heart raced in panic, I didn't knew what to do so I wrote a new message.

What? No, please don't go!! I don't want to be alone! TT_TT

He looked at me in anger. 

"Just call your parents! Or call a nurse!"

I don't remember the number of my parents. 

He put his jacket down and looked down on me, as if he wasn't sure if I was lying.

"You.... really don't remember it?"

I nodded my head and a pain rushed through my chin. I just wanted him to stay, yes he was a stranger but he was a stranger who saved my life. I looked at him, his stature was good, but I was really tall so I wasn't that easy to carry. He really carried me the whole way from school to the hospital? 

No. I can't. 

He sat down exhausted and stared at me. I could see that he was giving up his hope so I wrote a new message.

I'm Zelo, nice to meet you, Bang Yong Guk. Please talk to me, I want to forget the pain. 

He sat up and looked in my eyes. Then he took a deep breath.

"Ok, but just for one night."








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The temporary hiatus was okay, I'm just glad you finally updated~ and hopefully soon we'll get to know why Zelo left!
Llama_96 #2
"I told you before, you're my home, idont need parents, I just wanna stay with you" <3 this is to cute~
LittlemissBANA #3
i feel bad for the parents T_T
Nuuu they're so cute together!! I thought BYG didn't like.being lonely ;_;
Yay~ glad to know the story will continue!! I wonder if Zelo will just tell his parents that he wants to live with Yongguk or what... cuz I mean if they ask Yongguk if he's seen a 15-yr-old blonde kid he won't lie to them cuz he'll feel bad that parents lost their son! Also how/why did Zelo get beaten up originally? I forgot to ask
YES!!!! Second part!! <3<3<3 wahoo!! <3

This is the cutest story I've ever read! <3 ^^
HELL YES DO A SECOND PART! Psh you don't even need to ask us! Cute ending. What was Yongguk doing though?!
Please write a second part!!!!! And the last gif of zelo ang yongguk was soo cute !!!'
Write a second part!! OMG!! This is too good to end so soon ;~~; <3<3<3
bokuhebi #10
ohhh please write a second part *-* please