
One Shots Over The Rainbow
I originally wrote this for Omi Eunnie's oneshot collection at:

So feel free to apply over at that link! :D
{ title ; } Destined.
{ by ; } ` ami
{ starring; } Park Jinhee, Jang Wooyoung
{ notes; } Omi Eunnie picked Wooyoung for you! :D Mm... sorry if you had to wait a long time for your oneshot...


Back Then;


“Jinhee-ah!” Jinhee's best friend, Min Jee, ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her, embracing Jinhee in a bear hug.

“Uhhh.....” Jinhee inhaled deeply. “Min Jee....” She tried prying Min Jee's hands off.

“Oh...uhh... Sorry.” Min Jee blushed and hid her hands behind her back. But then her face got all cheery again. “JIN HEE-AH!”

“Yes...?” Jinhee covered her ears.



“I got a bear during Christmas break.” MinJee smiled, revealing one missing front tooth, and held out a bear. It was the most delicate bear that Jinhee had ever seen. It had a fluffy white coat of fur, glossy brown eyes that stared back at you, and a red, frilly bow to complete its look.

Jinhee reached out. “Awwwwwww.” She cooed at the stuffed bear and petted its head. “So cute! Can I borrow her?” MinJee squinted and eyed Jinhee, up and down. “Please?” Jinhee pouted.

MinJee sighed. “Fine, fine. But give me it back at the end of the day.”

“Yay!” She huggled the bear.


Wooyoung sat on the bench, staring at the two girls in front of him with his chin in the palm of his hand. 'How can girls get all excited over a bear?' He smirked and shook his head as the bell rang, signaling for them to go inside.




Jinhee sat on the carpeted floor with a frown. Min Jee had left the daycare early and now Jinhee had no one to play with. Jinhee jabbed the bear furiously.

Wooyoung watched from afar and shook his head. 'Silly girl.' He walked over to Jinhee and held out a block.

Jinhee looked up to see the cutest boy ever. “Who are you?”

“Wooyoung. Jang Wooyoung.” He smiled. “Want to build a house with me?”

Jinhee took the blue block from his hand and pouted for a while. She looked up. “Sure!”

Together, they built a colorful, plastic block house. Jinhee claimed the role of the mom and Wooyoung claimed the role of the dad. They became fast friends. But as the years went on, they started seeing each other less.


“Jinhee-ah!” Min Jee ran across the lawn in her Sweet 16 dress and threw her arms across Jinhee.

“Hi!” Jinhee wrapped her arms around her best friend in response. There are some things that will never change.

Min Jee unwrapped her arms and got a good look at Jinhee. “Your dress is so pretty!”

“Thanks! I could say the same for you too.”

“Want to meet my new stepbrother?” Min Jee got all jumpy with an excited smile on her face. Without waiting for a response. “Wooyoung! Come on down!”

The name sounded so familiar to Jinhee. Then, images of Him popped up in her mind. His cute smile. The block house they had made in preschool. Jinhee looked up at Min Jee. She was waving her hand frantically and was jumping up and down. There stood a boy by the door, smiling. He had his gaze focused on Jinhee. Jinhee was shocked and bit her bottom lip.


The Game;


“You will never catch me!”

Some kids/friends blew raspberries at each other and ran as fast as they could. Jinhee, not caring if she was caught or not, speed walked away from the crowd.

Wooyoung smirked as he walked up behind Jinhee, catching her by surprise. He whispered into her ear, “I will always protect you... no matter what.”

Jinhee continued biting her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes shut as her heart accelerated. It felt like something was knocking and jumping against her chest. 'This isn't happening... is it?'

Wooyoung inhaled Jinhee's scent. She smelled like strawberries. “I really mean it,” he whispered again and continued hugging her from behind, not wanting to let go.

“Wooyoungie, time to cut the cake! Come in! You, too, Jinhee-ah!” Min Jee shouted from the inside.

Wooyoung immediately unwrapped his arms. The 'pang-pang' of Jinhee's heart finally came to a stop. She liked the feeling of her heart racing at maximum speed... She missed it.

“Come on.” Wooyoung smiled and held out his hand. “I seriously meant what I said.” Jinhee shyly took his hand and they both walked inside the house.

'We were meant to be.' Jinhee smiled at the thought.


The end! T___T I feel that I did a very bad job. Mianhe.... But I hoped you enjoyed it (:
→ ` ami 1O. 25. 2OO9

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