Music's Love Confession [Jaemin + Taemin]

One Shots Over The Rainbow
I originally wrote this for Naomi Unnie's Oneshot collection so feel free to apply there!

{ title; Music's Love Confessions }
{ by; ` ami }
{ starring; Jaemin, Taemin, Minho, Others }
{ warning; This is the longest thing I've ever written @__@!! Muahaha :{D I feel so accomplished! }
Jaemin sat outside the audition room with all the other people. She could feel sweat beads forming on her forehead and the room was air-conditioned to the max. 'Oh man, it's hot.' She ped her jacket. Then suddenly something smacked her in the face.

'Hwang Jaemin. You've worked your off for the past months. You CAN'T let this go to waste!' A voice in her head said.

She sighed and squeezed her pamphlet. Jaemin thought for a while. 'I trained for... like eternity.' All her training days flashed in her mind. 'I bet I even trained more than an average trainee....' She squeezed her eyes shut. 'I can do this.'

“Hello?” A girl with braces waved her hands in front of Jaemin's face.

“Oh.. huh?”

“You're next.” The girl pointed towards the room and left.

Jaemin's eyes widened. “Just going through that door might change my future,” she whispered to herself.

'Go Jaemin! Hwaiting!'

She could imagine her brothers saying that.. in cheerleader outfits. She snickered at the thought and pushed open the doors to the audition room with determination and confidence. The guard at the left stood emotionless.

“Name, age, specialty.” He repeated in a robotic tone.

Jaemin swallowed all the air that had built up in . “Hwang Jaemin, 15, dancing and singing.”

Soo Man nodded and flipped a page on his clipboard. “Sister of Hwang Chansung, Lee Hongki, and our beloved Lee Sungmin?” He smiled approvingly and rested folded in hands with elbows propped on the table. “Let's see what you got.” As he smiled, wrinkles creased on the corners of his eyes. Jaemin was to sing when Sungmin walked in from the other door.

“I'm sorry I'm late.” He said as he bowed. He smiled at Jaemin while she glared.

'What is he doing here? He said he had a concert over at Taiwan!' She sighed and started singing again.
after the audition;
Soo Man smiled and handed her a blue paper. “Come back in a week.” Jaemin but her bottom lip and took the piece of paper. SM gave her an assuring smile. Jaemin nodded and left the room as another person entered for their audition.

Outside, Sungmin ruffled her hair. Many fan girls and trainees stared in jealousy. “Be a good girl, neh?” He pinched her cheek.

“Yah!” Jaemin pouted.

“I'm sure you made it.” Sungmin smiled and looked at the time. “I got to go. See you at home.”

“Fine, fine.” Jaemin folded the piece of paper up and stuffed it in her jeans pocket. Some fan girls and trainees were whispering on and on about how Jaemin is super lucky and how she will definitely get in because of her brothers. Jaemin sighed. 'These people will never understand all the hard work and effort I had put in.' She walked along the hall, on a blueberry lollipop that Sungmin had gave her just to pinch her cheeks.


She heard someone say. She looked in front of her. She blinked a few times, trying to separate fantasy from reality. She poked him.

“Hey!” He laughed.

'He seems real...' She blinked again and looked up to see Taemin of SHINee. 'Oh. My. Prince....'

[A|N: First Amy Note! I wanted to say 'Oh. My. G-Dragon.. Haha You know how I am with Ji Yong... But I didn't think Jaemin Dongsaeng and Naomi Unnie would approve so yeah xD * shrugs *]

Jaemin stuck the lollipop back in , trying to shut it. But she continued poking. Taemin laughed and almost fell onto the cold, tiled floor.

“H-h-hey.. can you stop that?” He was laughing uncontrollably while gasping for air.

“Oh uhm..” Jaemin hid her hand behind her back. “I'm sorry.” She bowed and helped him up. 'His hands are so..smooth.. and warm...'

Taemin stopped laughing and finally got a hold of himself. “Are you new.. I never saw you here before..”

Jaemin nodded. “I guess you can say that. My name is J—”

“Hey Jae! Oppas came to pick you up!” Jaemin turned and saw Hongki and Chansung.. with food.

“See ya later...” Jaemin waved at Taemin and ran to her Oppas and took the food.

“Y-yeah..” Taemin stared at the floor sadly and went back to his hyungs.
Jaemin walked out of SM with a full belly... maybe too full. “Why aren't you guys with your groups.. working?” She asked while she entered the van. Jaebeom started the car and Jaemin panicked and shrieked. “Why did you get pink grandpa to drive?!?!”

“Yah! I'm not a grandpa! I can drive you know!”

Chansung scratched the back of his head. “Sorry... Jaebeom hyung was the only one available to drive..”

Jaemin sighed and covered . “I think I'm going to be sick.” She said as the van moved out of the parking lot.

“Same here...” Hongki took out one plastic bag and one paper bag. Chansung sat in the back, munching on his yummy-docious food. The aroma of food just made Jaemin and Hongki even more nauseous.

“Will you stop eating?!?” They both shouted at Chansung.

Chansung rolled his eyes. “Fine.” And stuffed his food in the plastic bag. “It will be for later.” He his sauce covered fingers.
The van stopped and everyone got out. Jaebeom took the keys out and stuffed it in his pants pocket. They had stopped in front of the carnival Jaemin had wanted to go to ever since it opened. She never had a chance to go because it was closing today. She stared at the carnival, the lollipop almost dropped out of .

“Omo.....' She stuck the lollipop back into and ran towards the entrance and pass the gate door.

Hongki smiled at the lady in the ticket place. “Four admission tickets please.” The lady blushed and handed him the tickets. “Thank you.” Chansung pushed Hongki in. While Jaebum, the shorty, slowly followed the trio.
“Ooh! I want one!” Jaemin jumped up and down and pointed at the blue cotton candy.

Chansung took a bag and paid the man. “Do you need bluer lips?”

Jaemin smacked his arm and took the blue cotton candy. “Be quiet.” She popped open the bag and started eating away. Jaebeom, Chansung and Hongki started pulling Jaemin's hood while she ate her cotton candy.

“Let's go over there!”

“No! There”

“Those places .. how about....” Jaebum whispered the rest to Hongki and Chansung only. They nodded in agreement. They gave the person by the door their tickets and entered the dark house. Ghosts howled and there were evil laughter.

Jaemin's eyes widened and dropped her treat. “LET ME OUTTT!” She screamed and banged on the locked entrance door.

Hongki and Chansung scratched their heads. “Oh yeah.. she's afraid...”
Jaemin hugged her knees and bawled. “I want mommy.” She rocked back and forth on her bed. Her brothers were downstairs. Sungmin lectured Chansung and Hongki.

“How can you think of yourselves only?!?” Sungmin stood there, hands on hips, watching Chansung and Hongki do eighty push-ups.

“We're sorry!” They both said together. Chansung fell flat on the floor, exhausted and sweaty. Hongki fell on top of Chansung.

Sungmin stared at his brothers. “You must buy whatever Jaemin wants to cheer her up, araso?” The tired people nodded. Sungmin yawned. “I'm going to sleep.”

“What about us?” They cried.

Sungmin turned back around. “Go shower.” He held his nose and walked up the stairs.
Jaemin woke up in the same position, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. The phone rang. She was now home alone. She sniffed and answered with her stuffy voice. “Hello?”

“Is this Hwang Jaemin?” The voice was awfully familiar.

“Neh. Who is this?”

“Lee Soo Man!” He cleared his throat. “I want you to come to SM today at exactly nine o' clock AM.”

“Okay..” Jaemin sniffled.

“Are you sick?”

“Nope..” She looked at the clock. “Well bye... See you at nine.” She sniffled again. SM had already hung up. Jaemin hurried to get out of her pajamas because she had exactly eighteen minutes to get ready and to get to the company. She looked around for her cellphone. “Where could it be?”
She walked in as the doors automatically opened. Jaemin walked up to the secretary in the front desk. “Uhmmm...” She poked her fingers.

“Hwang Jaemin? Appointment at nine?” The secretary pointed towards the hall with all the portraits.

Jaemin nodded and muttered a quiet “Thanks.” and walked towards the only door in the hall.

“Come in.” A voice said. Jaemin walked in to see SM seated in front of his computer. “Why hello, Jaemin.” They shook hands. “This is going to be quick. I want a simple answer.” He smiled. “Would you like to be one of SM's trainees?”

Jaemin has 'surprise' written all over her face. This was earlier than expected. “Yes!” She replied without hesitation.

SM chuckled and nodded. “You can start today. I already talked with all your brothers.” He handed her a paper with a map and room number. “You will meet two other trainees in which you are to work with.” Jaemin took the paper and stared at it. “Go on. You don't want to be late for practice.” SM shooed her out of his office.
Jaemin stood in front of the practice room with a lollipop in . 'Go in.. or don't go in... Go in.. or don't go in...' She felt like she had two mini versions of herself on her shoulders, arguing back and forth. Before she could make her decision, the door opened. In front of her stood, probably, one of the skinniest girls in the world.

“H-hi.” Jaemin waved, still on her candy.

“Hey! You must be Jaemin! Nice to meet you!” The girl shook Jaemin's hand with a strong grip. “I'm Eun Lee and that's Ae Young.” She pointed towards the girl who sat on the bench, reading a comic.

“Glad to be working with you.” Ae Young looked up from her book and gave Jaemin a meek smile.

“Neh.” Jaemin bowed. “Nice to meet and work with you.”

[ A|N: Amy note numbaa two! (: I have to speed things up a little.. or it will become too long of a oneshot! :3]
Six Months Later;
“It has been confirmed that SM, who had just released female dance group f (x) a few months ago, is now going to release another girl group to battle in this year's girl group madness. This group will consist of three members, Hwang Jaemin, Kang Eun Lee, and Choi Ae Young.” The reporter flipped to the next page. “They will be named 'Lolli'. SM states it is named 'Lolli' because of their leader, Hwang Jaemin, and her love for lollipops.” She scanned the next few lines. “We will now have Lisa talk about each individual member.”

The lady next to her started talking. “Leader, Hwang Jaemin, is currently fifteen years old. She has only trained for six months, which is really little since the minimum is one year. Wait until you hear this. Jaemin is the younger sister of 2PM's Chansung, Super Junior's Sungmin, and FT Island's Hongki. More will be revealed on the next episode of KPOP News.”

Jaemin turned off the TV and buried her face in her stuff turtle. Tomorrow was the official date of their debut and guess what? 'Omo.. we will be singing along with SHINee...' She nibbled on her popcorn while watching TV. It's currently twelve AM and she couldn't sleep. Chansung and Sungmin was busily snoring while Hongki make the bed squeak by rolling around.

Jaemin reached far to the left, searching for the remote but instead grabbed something wrapped in plastic. Her eyes were glues to the screen but she opened the package and took out something that felt like candy. She took one out and chewed it.

“BLECH!” She spitted the cherry licorice into the trash can.

“Minnie.. are you okay?” Chansung peeked out from his bedroom. His eyes widened. “You're eating my popcorn and licorice?” He then scratched his head. “When did you like licorice?”

Jaemin quickly drank from her bottle and gurgled. “It tasted like medicine! Pa-tooey.” She spat the licorice tasting water into the can. “I'm going to sleep.” She yawned and headed to her room. Chansung shrugged and sat in Jaemin's spot, eating the leftover popcorn.
Everyone waited behind the entrances to the stage. SHINee and Lolli talked to each other while the staff members got everything ready. Stylists made quick adjustments to their hair and makeup. Until the PD called, “PLACES!”

The audience was huge because they all wanted to watch Lolli's debut stage and also the Noonas rooted for SHINee. The music started. Lolli and SHINee sang and danced when they were supposed to. Their bodies moved to the rhythm and their voices followed the melody. Minho and Ae Young rapped together and the rest danced in perfect harmony. Their managers watched with pride in the backroom. Sometimes the audience would shout out words and sing with them. They each waved their glow stick.
Their performance had ended and the MCs talked backstage.

“Well that was the best debut stage I've seen so far!” Yuri smiled.

“Neh. Lolli's debut might even be more of a hit than 2NE1's Fire! I'm not just saying this because they are my dongsaengs.” Tiffany nodded.

“Up next, we have 2NE1's 'I Don't Care' Eh eh eh!” Yuri motioned her hand towards the stage.
At the end of the concert there were some jealous Taemin fan girls saying how Jaemin just debuted faster and got into SM because of her brothers. They bashed her cyworld and other things. Jaemin the TV. KPOP News was on again.

“This was just in. Hwang Jaemin's cyworld and things are being bashed by antis. All antis are saying how she got in because of her brothers. Is this true? It –”

Jaemin turned off the TV. She sighed and went back into her room. 'The rumor has started again.' She rolled her eyes. Lolli had gotten many awards but is now being pulled down by antis. Her lips were in a tight line. She logged onto her computer and searched for the latest KPOP gossip. A idol has to get updated on these type of things, you know. She read the headline: 'Hwang Jaemin, The Female Taemin?!?!' Jaemin blinked at the screen. Now that was news that she would like to hear on KPOP News.

“Jay?” Hongki knocked on his sister's door. “What are you doing?”

Jaemin closed the laptop. “Nothing.. just checking some mail.” She smiled and pushed Hongki. “Now you get some sleep!” Hongki nodded and went back to his room.
Another six months had passed. Jaemin had been with SM for a year. Her group members, Ae Young and Eun Lee, left for one month worth of vacation and SM decided to focus on f (x) for the time being. Jaemin was left on solo activities. She had written her own songs, made up her own dances, and is now making appearances in a drama with Taemin. Oh and, she had gotten on good terms with Choi Minho of SHINee. All three of them worked together and hardly took any breaks.

Jaemin stretched her arms as soon as she finished her performance. The rumors had died down but they still exist. Either way, she still had as much loving fans as before. Each day, after each performance, she would get a bouquet of flowers or a small gift. It felt nice to get so much love from her fans. Someone covered her eyes.

“Guess who.” It was the same warm and caring voice.

“Turtle, I know it is you~” Jaemin took his hands off and spun her chair around to face him. “Hello.” She smiled and hugged her fan-given teddy bear.

Taemin pouted his adorable pout. “You always get more gifts than me and hyungs combined.”

Jaemin stuck her tongue out. “It's because I'm special!” They pinched each others' cheeks. They continued doting on each other while Minho secretly watched from outside.

'Why do I feel so.. jealous?' Minho walked away from the door in deep thought.

“Jaemin... I li –” The rest was cut off, either because Minho walked away or something happened. He didn't bother to think about it.
filming their drama;
The director spoke through the speaker. “Okay. We will now film the scene where Jaemin and Taemin confess their love.”

The drama they are filming is sort of a remake of 'Boys Over Flowers' except with their own little twist. Taemin and Minho are brothers who won't let anything or anyone get in their brotherly relationship. But Jaemin comes along and they both fell in love with her at first sight. Jaemin only likes Taemin and Minho watches them from afar in jealousy.

Jaemin and Taemin took their places. Taemin took hold of Jaemin's hand and looked her deep in the eye. “I li –... No. I love you. I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart.” He gave her hands a light squeeze.

Jaemin could feel her heart flutter just at the thought of his confessing to her.. in real life. She pecked him on the lips unintentionally. Her eyes widened. She was about to mouth, 'I'm sorry.' to the director but instead, the director stood up and clapped.

“We will end it here today.” He smiled.

Minho gawked at what Jaemin did. He would've never have the guts to do that if he was in her shoes. He then realized that he admired Jaemin all along.. not like her. He sighed in relief knowing that he wouldn't have to fight with his dongsaeng just because of a girl.
Taemin walked next to Jaemin after the shoot. He stopped in his tracks, Jaemin turned around. “Anything wrong?”

“N-no.” Taemin continued walking. “About earlier.... the kiss....”

Jaemin's face turned bright red. “What about it..?”

“Well.....” He stood in front of Jaemin with hands in his pockets. “I.....” Now it was his turn to get red. Suddenly Minho comes out of nowhere and pushes Taemin to Jaemin, causing Taemin to kiss her. Taemin was shocked. “Hyung!” He turned around to see Minho running.

Jaemin had her hands behind her back, shifting her weight from foot to foot. “Soo......” She stared at the ground.

Taemin lifted her head up and kissed her again. “I think I'm in love with you...”

“I don't think.” Jaemin smiled. “I KNOW I'm in love with you.. ever since the beginning.” She pecked him on the lips again. 'My turtle...' She held his hand and the red-faced couple continued walking.

“This is what I called a happy ending.” Jonghyun said from behind a red-bricked building. Key and Onew's heads appeared from above his.

“My baby is growing up so fast.” Key wiped his tears away and blew his nose on Onew's hair.

“Yah!” Onew smacked his head.

“Shhh!” The trio ducked back behind the building when Taemin turned around.

“My baby...” Key sniffled.

“Oh shut up.” Onew and Jonghyun rolled their eyes as they handed the 'crying blond' some tissues.
OH MY G-DRAGON!! I FINISHED! Jaeminnie Dongsaeng, you gotta be proud of your unnie o3o!
I finished in two days! Muahaha ! It took me my whole day :3 ♥
Okay enough blabbering from your unnie!
I have no idea if my future oneshots will be long.. depends on your plot (;
→ amy/ sept2,2OO9/ 9:13PM

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