The warning

Don't date him!

Rosa rubbed her bleary eyes and shuffled to the bathroom. ''Was last night just a dream?'' she mused while brushing her teeth. ''That was a bizarre dream. That girl looked exactly like me, except with prettier hair. Ughh, whatever, I don't care. I have a date with Jungkook tonight.''

The mere thought of the date made her grin from ear to ear. She had a dinner planned with Jungkook and even had the same class as him this morning. Her heart raced at the thought of him. His mere presence always had this effect on her. She showered and took her time deciding on her outfit for the day. She stood in front of the mirror, pleased with her blouse choice, and was about to apply her lipstick when she heard a familiar voice.

"Don't even bother wearing that," Marissa said, perched on the edge of the bed.

Rosa screamed, "Who are you?" while reaching for her pepper spray.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Marissa said calmly.

"Wait, did I see you last night?" Rosa asked.

"Yes, we met last night, but I couldn't introduce myself properly. You fainted, and I had to ring the bell to your house," Marissa said. "Anyway, don't bother with that guy. He's not the right one for you."

Rosa was taken aback. "Why not? I have liked him for three years."

"He's only asking you out as part of a dare. You've been in the same class for three years, and he never paid you any attention until now," Marissa explained. "Trust me, he's going to break your heart. I can see your past and future."

"How can I trust you?" Rosa asked skeptically.

"I'm from an alternate reality, and I care about you. If you get hurt, I'll feel the pain too," Marissa replied.

"How do I trust you?" Rosa asked

"Well, you can wait till he breaks up with you after the dare ends to trust me."

"Okay then, if you’re not going to me a valid reason to trust you, I won’t. I can’t trust a random stranger who pops out of nowhere and tells me who to date and who not to date."

"Don’t regret this in the future. I’ve warned you." Marissa said

"Why do u care anyway?" Rosa asked

"Because, when you are heartbroken, I am going to feel the pain too because I am you from an alternate reality. Even though we live in different world, it’s still going to affect me."

"Wow, if you’re heartbroken, do I feel it too?"

"Maybe, you won’t know coz I’ve never been heartbroken"


"Enough with the questions. Now listen to me, I don’t have that many days in this earth. I’ll be here only for a month. I’ll tell you what to do and what to not do when you’re with Jungkook."


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