Feels like a dream

Don't date him!

The bitter cold pierced through her skin, as snowflakes drifted down from the darkening sky. Walking home from her friend’s house, she hugged her winter coat tightly around her, finding solace in the warmth it provided. Pausing at the red traffic light, a big smile spread across her face as she relished the memory of Jungkook asking her out - a long-time crush she had.

As the light turned green, she continued down the street, eagerly anticipating reaching her home just two blocks away. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of her, causing her to freeze in her tracks. Removing her glasses to wipe them clean, she couldn’t believe what she saw next - her own reflection.

“Hey Rosa, I’m Marissa. I am you from an alternate reality and I came here to warn you about something”

Stunned and unsure of what to make of it, Rosa touched Marissa’s shoulder, questioning whether this was all a figment of her imagination.

“OH MY GOD, this is real?” “No, no, this can’t be happening. I must have gone crazy from studying too much”

Overwhelmed by the bizarre encounter, Rosa frantically ran towards her house, only to have her backpack yanked backward. “There’s no running away from me Rosa. The faster you accept this, the better it is”


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