2 different kisses


My heals clicked agents the fragile glass floor as I walked across it. I held Key’s shaking hand as we walked through the fancy building to where my mom was standing with some of my odd friends and their parents. My mom stopped talking when she finally saw me.


“Minji~” she said with water in her eyes giving me a hug. I hugged her back then went back to key where he held my hip. “Hello” she said holding out her hand to Key.


“Hello” he said shaking hit politely. “My name is Key, I take it your Minji’s mother” he asked.


“I am” she smiled with her eyes, “you must be her boyfriend”. Key nodded.


“Ah, what an odd name for a handsome young boy” one of my friends mom said. He turned to her and almost gave her the dirtiest look before I stopped it.


“It’s not his real name….it is more like a nickname” I said. She nodded. We sat down at one of the tables when Ae-cha spoke up.


“So Key, what is your job?” Ae-cha asked.


“I’m a singer” Key tells the group of people.


“What kind of music?” mom questioned. This was getting risky…


“Kpop, I’m in a group called SHINee” he said. My mom looked at me weird. I wasn’t allowed to listen to pop, so she was probly wondering how I meet him. I wasn’t about to tell her that I meet a guy on the subway, who took me into his apartment, and I’m currently living with 5 boys.


“Ah, Key…. Shall we dance?” I asked. He nodded his head a little confused. I was glad to get away from my mom. We started dancing in the back of the dance floor so we could have a little more privacy.


“So where’s your dad?” Key asked.


“He’s not coming. I never see him” I tell him truthfully. “He cares more about work then me”. Key bites his bottom lip, and then kisses me, gently. 


“You are always more important than work for Me.” he said, kissing me again and again.



As the night road on, my mom kept asking Key questions and pestering me to come back home. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jonghyun hiding.


“I’ll be back, I’m going to the washroom” I told Key. He nodded, and then I left him. “What are you doing here Jonghyun?” I asked when I was by him.


“Are you really dating Key now?” he asked, “are you really dating my best friend when you know I love you?” My breath got heavy, I started to feel guilty, and slightly embarrassed at my actions.


“I’m sorry Jonghyun” I said lowering my eyes, not able to look at him. He sighed and walked out of the ballroom into the large hall, which was filled with marble and was very classy, it suited him well. I followed him.


“You hurt me Minji, I’ve done so much for you and yet you can’t even tell me you love me?” Jonghyun said a little angrily.


“I do love you Jonghyun…..” I said flatly, “but I don’t know if I love you more than Key. He treats me right and knows exactly what to say.”


“Please make up your mind, you can’t love us both” he said rolling his eyes. Jonghyun came closer to me and held me chin in his fingers. “Just remember, I love you” he said, in a deep earthy tone sending chills down my back. Then he kissed my lips slowly and gently, taking my breath away. He stopped the kiss and released my chin. He looked into my lost eyes and smiled. “I’ll talk to you later” he said, kissing my forehead then walked away. Jonghyun was that one romantic guy that could take my breath away, and Key couldn’t have done that yet.



I wore a navy blue dress with yellow ts, and nice heals. I walked into the kitchen were Key was still cooking Japanese pancakes.


“Good morning beautiful” Key said cheerfully.


“Good morning” I replied, “would you like some help with the cooking?” I asked.


“Sure, would you mind cutting some of the vegetables for me?” he suggested. I nodded getting the vegies out of the fridge. I started to wash them when arms came around me and started to help me wash the carrot. I moved my head to see key smiling. He kissed my ear as he backed hugged me. Taemin and Minho came in and sat down.


“What a cute couple” Taemin sang. I blushed embarrassed, as key released me to get back to his own cooking. Within time Jonghyun came in too, with Onew following behind him.


“ah, how do I cut this?” I asked myself. Key instantly came over to my aid, and showed me how to cut it. He put his arm around me when he cut it.


The Japanese pancakes were done. I set them on the table and sat beside Key. Small chit chat floated around the table as we ate.


“Tomorrow we have no shows we need to go on.” Onew announced.


“Shall we go on a date tomorrow then?” Key asked quietly. I nodded cutting a piece of my pancake and feed it to Key. I heard Onew sigh loudly, and Taemin’s chair move slightly. I looked up, most of those boys looked acward and slightly jealous for Key, but Jonghyun, gave Key a firm look. Though I knew none of these boys loved me but Key and Jonghyun, I couldn’t help wonder what Minho thought of me now. I didn’t like him, and I know he doesn’t love me, or even likes me, but that one time….what happened.


“Nonna what kind of guy is your ideal type?” Taemin asked, trying to stop this acward silence. It didn’t take long for me to think about it.


“a man with strong features, and can take my breath away.” I told him. I instantly bit my lip. Jonghyun’s lips turned into a smirk, but he tried to hid it with his hand. He knew he took my breath away that night of the ball, and he knew clearly that he had strong features.  Goodness, I’m in one tight of a love triangle aren’t I? 



Well the story is getting more interesting now! i've started watching We Got Married the Eunjung and Jang Woo couple, so there are going to be some simaleratys to it. i'm sorry that this took so long to upload..... in all honestly i forgot about it -.-'

ok liston pep. i don't know how to spell and i don't care if you have trubles reading it. don't tell me about it. it makes me angry and i know that i can't spell and have bad grammer. don't like it? tough, don't read the story, to bad though it's a good one. i also do not wish to have someone edit it. i have someone to do it after i am finnished.

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i'll be wrighting a sequal! wait for August!!


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write a sequal!!!!!!! what happens to jjong??????
what happens to jjong??????? it can't end yet!!
NOOOO IT CANT END YET!!!! what happens 2 jjong??? KYAAAAA!!!! this is gonna kill me...
this story is amazing!!!
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #5
I like the story, but maybe slow it down just a tiny bit XD