the phone calls from mom


After about a 20 minute walk, Jonghyun leads me into a fairly modern brown apartment building, with red futures on the walls. We step into an elevator and he pushes the button to go to the 10th floor.


“Um….” He says acwardly breaking the silence, “I forgot to mention… I live with my 4 other band members” he stutters a little like this is not new to him. I nod as I watch the floors go past threw the small crack in the elevator door. “When you meet them don’t go crazy” Jonghyun adds.


“Why would I do that?” I said looking at him weird. He just bits his lower lip and avoids my gaze. The elevator finally stops and we get out. I instantly hear some music and some voices….singing, from one of the rooms.  Jonghyun leads me to that door and I wondered what kind of person he was to live with such loud people. He turns the key and walks in.


“I’m back!” he calls out in the apartment. I follow him in taking my shoes off. When were fully in the room I see a perfectly clean room. A young boy is dancing to some music and singing alone with only a few parts of the song and same with very fashion sensitive guy with blonde hair. A tall one with long dark hair is playing video games with a guy that looked older than me cheering him on. The younger boy stops dancing suddenly and looks to the other who turns off the music. The other two look his way and follow his gaze to me.  Jonghyun coughs loudly more acwardly than ever. I heard a crash the screams come out of the video game the older ones were playing.


“Who’s this Hyung?” the one who was watching the other guy danced said.


“This is Minji Shin.  She’s a runaway I found on the subway on my way back from the academy” he says. I bow lowly. “Would you guys mind if she stays the night?” he asks. The oldest looking one looked to everyone. Then stood up and walked over to me.


“If you and find a place to sleep in here you can” he says then smiles. “My names is Jinki, but please call me Onew” he says. I smile and bow. “This is our makane Taemin” Onew points to the boy who was dancing. “The guy beside him is Kibum” he points.


“Call me Key please” Kibum says. Taemin gives out a little giggle to Key’s over exaggeration. I bow to the both of them.


“And finally this is Minho” he points out to the tall guy playing video games. He bows shyly in his seat looking at me. I bow back rather acwardly.


“I’m going to go change now” Jonghyun tells the silent group and leaves me alone with a group of boys I don’t know. Onew goes and sits with Taemin and Key and they start playing the same song again. I watch Minho turn off his video game and come up to me.


“Hello” I say in a small voice, noticing his tall height.


“Hello” he says back in a small voice take takes my bag with one hand. He was strong too! He puts it by the couch.


“Don’t mind him. He’s normally this quite when he’s around new people” Key says. I nodded walking over to them. 


“Have you all eaten yet?” I ask. Onew shakes his head.


“Key’s a little preoccupied right now” Onew laughs a little.


“YEA!” key yells at Onew. “I’ll get to it. And no I am not making chicken”. I perched my lips and look into the fairly good house kitchen.


“If you want I can start making dinner for you guys” I spoke out, Walking into the kitchen. Taemin looked at me surprised.


“You don’t have to” Taemin said quickly, in a rather cute voice.


“I want to” I say looking at Key, “I mean it’s the least I can do for you letting me stay here tonight” I reason. Key nodded,


“Go head” he pointed to the kitchen behind him.


“Let me get changed” I say walking to my bag, and taking out an outfit. I asked where the washroom was and they pointed out the direction. I put on my black leggings and a jean skirt with a white top and a rainbow sweeter. I tied my pointy tail up and walked into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge for what food they had. There wasn’t a lot to behold in there but I found some vegetables and some grilling beef. I started to grill the meat when I saw Key come in and roll up his sleeves of his gray sweeter. I note he was wearing glasses suddenly. “Do you normally wear glasses?” I asked him. He shook his head and laughed.


“Ha-ha no. these are just frames” he says sticking his fingers through the frames where the glass would have been. “Shall I cut the vegi’s for you?” he asks.


“Sure” I replied now focusing on the meat. After 30 minutes of cooking and getting to know Key better the dinner we prepared was done and it looked good. I set out the food for the 5 boys. “Do you mind if I play some music?” I ask. They nodded so I the radio. As we ate we listened to songs that Key and Taemin danced to. Then one song came on, I had never heard it before, like most of the music but apparently all these boys knew it. They sang alone with it perfectly and even danced to some parts in perfect timing. “Wow!” I clapped.


“That was SHINee’s Lucifer!” the radio girl sang.


“Wow this SHINee group is real good” I say to myself. The boys just giggle to themselves.


“By any chance Minji….do you know who we are?” Taemin asked. I shook my head.


“I just meet you guys today. How would I know who you guys are?” I smiled picking up the dishes and bringing in the dishes. Suddenly my cell phone rang. I put the dishes down and picked up my phone. I put my fingers to shush the boys well I said hello.


“Hunny when you are coming home?” a voice asked. It was my mom. I leand ageist the kitchen island as the boys watched my panic stricken face.


“Ah mom…. I was planning on sleeping over at Ae-cha’s house tonight” I lied. Jonghyun came up to the island to listen to my conversation better.


“I just called Ae-cha’s mother. She said you didn’t show up at their house.” Mom said suspiciously.


“I….um….” I didn’t want to tell her I was running away from home so she would release to cops to come find me. It didn’t help I forgot to block her off my phone.  Jonghyun looked at me, almost asking what he could do. I was amazed how understand he was truthfully. Then he opened his mouth with a plain that blew me away.


“Yobo~ who are you on the phone with~” Jonghyun said suddenly in the cutest voice ever. I gasped and hit his shoulder.


“Who was that? Who are you with?” my mom said. Then Jonghyun took my phone and closed it, so I could no longer talk to my mom.


“What…..was that?!” Taemin said standing up.


“Nothing” Jonghyun said handing me my phone back and walking into his room again.




Night time came quickly as I got dressed  into my p.js witch were heart shaped cherries, long sleeves, and the night gown went to the middle of my thighs with a little ribbon tied into a bow with little puff balls on the end. I was told the couch would be the best place for me to sleep since they only had 5 beds and 3 rooms. Taemin and key, Jonghyun and Minho shared a room well Onew got one to himself for some weird reason. Jonghyun told me that his room was right next to the couch so if I needed him I should just knock on the door. I got comfortable as I possibly could and slowly fell asleep. Suddenly around one in the morning my phone went off, very loudly. I checked it, it was my mom. I dismissed the call before it started ringing again. It went on like that for 2 hours. Within time, Jonghyun came out with a very sleepy look on his eyes.  He picked up the phone and looked at the caller. He looked at me with pity.


“Rich kid problems” he sighed, picking it up sitting beside me. “Hello?” he said.


“YES, hello, is Minji there?” I heard my mom’s voice in a panic.


“She’s sleeping you old bag. Its %#^& 3am in the morning.” He grumbled.


“I am knoligable on that time sir. Tell me were my daughter is” mom said panic.


“She’s on my couch. Will you stop calling her? She doesn’t want you around.” Jonghyun said clearly annoyed. I was grateful for him right now. He had the courage to say the stuff I couldn’t.


“Who are you?” my mom said.


“I’m her boyfriend don’t call again or I will contact the police” he said hanging up. A little shocked at what he told my mom I moved so Jonghyun could sit on the couch.


“Why did you tell my mom your my boyfriend when I’m only staying here for one night?!” I asked a little scared.


“Because I want you to say” he said climbing over me and lying down on the couch, holding me.


“So does that mean I can live here for a while?” I ask. He started to play with the pom poms on my night gown.


“Yes” he whispered in my ear, before falling asleep on the couch with me.





hello! thank you for readding this chapter! if your wondering Minji has never heard kpop before because her mom wouldn't alow her too. well what do you think? do you think Jonghuyn is already falling for Minji?! coment below and tell me your thoughts~


want to know what Minji's doing in real life? folow her on twitter! :!/Peachypie_Minji

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i'll be wrighting a sequal! wait for August!!


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write a sequal!!!!!!! what happens to jjong??????
what happens to jjong??????? it can't end yet!!
NOOOO IT CANT END YET!!!! what happens 2 jjong??? KYAAAAA!!!! this is gonna kill me...
this story is amazing!!!
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #5
I like the story, but maybe slow it down just a tiny bit XD