Accidentally On Purpose


I wake up to some rustling.


“Where am I?” I ask myself letting my eyes get use to the light. I suddenly remember that I ran away from home, and was sleeping on a couch of 5 guys’ apartments. It’s funny where life brings you. I go to stand up but a warm arm is around me. I turn to see Jonghyun still sleeping. I try and slip away when Key comes up to me. He sighs loudly.


“YEA, Jonghyun! Wake up!” he yells hitting a pot close to his ear. Jonghyun jumps up and release me. “Sorry about that Minji…..He’s a skin ship king” Key says pulling me into the kitchen. There were some waffles with fresh fruit and syrup on the table. I sit down as Key wanted me to do. As I started eating another boy came and joined us. Taemin who looked tired little boy, which must have put a spark in Key’s head. “How old are you Minji?” he asked.


“I’m 21” I tell him a little acwardly. Taemin looks up to me.


“Can I call you Nonna then?” Taemin asks.


“Sure…. But how old are you? All of you?” I say looking back at Key.


“I’m 18” Taemin says.


“I and Minho are 20, Jonghyun is also 21, and Onew is 22” Key adds.  I nod slowly eating my waffle. I wondered if I was older then Jonghyun or not. Once I was finished eating I thought I would go for a run. I liked to exercise in the morning. But now that I couldn’t go back to my school I had tons of free time. I grabbed my clothes and walked to the washroom…. Someone was taking a shower….


“Key where can I change?” I asked.


“In Minho’s room or mine” he called from the kitchen. I picked the close room to where I was and walked in. that was my big mistake, apparently I had walked into Minho and Jonghyun’s bedroom, and Jonghyun was getting dressed. Opps…. I quickly shut the door. I hid my eyes embarrassed. Then the door opened again, this time Jonghyun was half dressed.


 “You can come in” he said. I nodded following him in. why was I so nervous? It’s not like I saw him without pants on, just didn’t have a shirt on like right now…. “Is there something you need?” he asked sitting on a bed. The room was filled with fitness equipment, sports posters, personal pictures, and trophys….lots of trophys. 


“Umm…” I was overwhelmed by the trophys, “I was wondering when your birthday was” I lied still holding onto the clothes, sitting on the other bed witch must have been Minho’s.


“April 8th, Easter this year” he said, “why”.


“I wanted to know how much older you are from me. I’m also 21 my birthday is May 16th” I told him. So he was older than me barely. A small pause came over the room, making it fairly acwardly since remembering last night. He got up and picked up a weight. I couldn’t help but take a small glance to see if he had any abs. and to my luck there was, but I tried not to look at them. I looked at his shoulders instead.


“On the 22ed were going to be gone” Jonghyun said speaking up, “were going to be gone early and come back late” he said. I nodded. “Do you need this room to change in or something?” Jonghyun asked looking at my p.js. I nodded again slowly. He put down the weight and walked back to his bed where a shirt layer starched out. He put it on covering his abs once again. “Have fun” he said, leaving. I get dressed in a bright blue leggings and a light weight black quarter sleeved shirt. I put my hair into high pig tails and leave the room.


“I’m going out for a run” I call out to key.


“oh me, Taemin, Jonghyun, and Onew are heading off to work soon, so if we’re not here when you get back just wait for Minho” Key tells me then I was off. Hopefully I would remember what apartment was there’s.  I found a path just down the street and started running down it. The fresh air felt nice on my face as I ran. There was a lake on one side of me and a Feld and some trees on the other side. I turned around and started running backwards for a while. Then I hit something, someone in fact. I looked up to see Minho. His arms were around me since I had just bumped into him. He slowly let go.


“Going for a run?” I ask him. He nodded. “Would you like to run together?” I asked again. I got the same response but with a shrug. We started running in the direction I was heading. I could tell he had been exercising to from the sweat marks on his gray shirt. “You don’t talk a lot” I said as we ran beside each other.


“I don’t have a lot to say” he said in a deep tone voice. It made me shutter a bit.


“Well Minho just try saying something to me.” I smile in his direction.


“Why did you run away from your home?” he asked. I sighed. So as we ran for a long distance I told him my story about my mom, and how I meet Jonghyun. We had finally stopped running and started heading back to his dorm. I probly smelt really gross.


 “I’m sorry I’m probly not the best looking person right now” I hough as we walk into the dorm. Minho walks to the fridge and throws me a water bottle.


“I know Jonghyun thinks you’re attractive” he smiles. Wait…what? I undo the cap and take a large swig of water.


“I’ll take a shower first” I say grabbing a ruffled gold skirt, black leggings and a black and white strip shirt. I take my time taking a shower making sure to use lots of soap. I had forgotten to pack shampoo so I used one of the shampoo bottles I had found at a dollar store.


After my shower and I made sure Minho was in the shower I went into the kitchen to make some food for us. This time they had food. I made some egg rolls and some rice. As I was cooking I heard someone play the guitar. I enjoyed it as I finished preparing the food. When I walked into the living room I saw that Minho was the one playing the music…. But then who else would it have been? Minho instantly stopped playing when he noticed me.


“I-I brought some food” I stuttered for no good reason. He smiled and noted for me to sit. “You’re really good” I told him.


“Thanks” he mumbled. For some reason the atmosphere got more comfortable. “No one thinks I can play the guitar as good as I can sing though” he tells me.


“Hm… well I think you’re a mighty fine singer and a great guitar player” I told him. I saw a smile grow on his face for the first time. Then something happened, unexpected, and suddenly. The chemical in between male and female, boy and girl, man and woman, started to flow in between us. My heart started to pound my breathes started getting shorter and my eyes could only see Minho. I watched as Minho’s eyes glazed over my lips, back up to my eyes, then back down. Was…Minho felling the same way about me right now? Then his face started to lean in closer to mine. I closed my eyes doing the same. I could fell his breath on my lips and I could hear his heart pound loudly. I grasped my hands tightly on the end on my skirt. Then for the sliptest second, we kissed. It had only lasted 0.001 milliseconds and our lips and barely touched, that it almost didn’t count. The door had burst open with the other boys with snacks and drinks. Minho had moved away extremely quickly. I grabbed an egg roll and shoved it into his mouth quickly. He turned his head away from me as Jonghyun looked at us curiously. My face was a little pink from the situation that had just played out. I turned to Minho one last time. He was knocking his head with his hand.


“Who wants to play the truth game tonight?!~” Taemin sang. Not the game I wanted to play after kissing Minho….. That is if you could call that a kiss…




The sun went down and candles were lit around the apartment. We sat in a circle. I made sure I didn’t sit next to Minho. On one side of me was Jonghyun and on the other was Taemin beside Jonghyun was Key and then Minho then Onew. We had made a rule, if you didn’t anwer the question you would have to kiss the other person.


“Shall I start?” Minho asked. We nodded out heads. “Taemin are you as indecent as people say you are?” Minho asked Taemin. Taemin stuttered a little,


“n-no” he confessed then turned his head onto Jonghyun. “Do you like waffles?” Taemin asked. Jonghyun rose his eye brows.


“Really?” Jonghyun said rolling his eyes. Taemin nodded his head violently. Jonghyun lets out a sigh leaning back. His fingers touched mine but he didn’t move away. “Yes, I like waffles but do not ask me about the other breakfast food.” He said. Jonghyun was now holding my hand a little, which was kind of interesting.  Jonghyun turned to look at Onew. “What do you like better Luna or chicken?” he asked.


“And I say chicken?” he smiled. “Key on a level from 1 to 10 how shallow are you?” Onew asked.


“4” Key said confidently. That made the boys ring out, joking that he was probly lying. Key turned his head to me…. great. “Do you like any one of us?” he asked. My eyes widened at I looked to Minho and to Jonghyun who had a little curiosity in his eye. Minho shook his head, telling me not to answer it. I gulped hard shaking my head,


“I…..can’t answer….” I said under my breath. I felt Jonghyun’s hand cringe on top on mine.


“Oh~ you know what that means!” Onew said giggling a little. I now had to kiss Key…. I leand into Key. Just to kiss his cheek, when I was suddenly pushed. My lips ended up on his. Everyone gasped, Jonghyun’s hand came off mine, and I closed my eyes. Our lips quickly molded together, as I felt his hand hide our lips for a little privacy. His lips felt nice, warm and sweet, but it didn’t fell right. A short time passed and the kiss broke. I heard Jonghyun storm up and Minho cough loudly. Onew had hid Taemin’s eyes. What was going on? My head started to spin. Key looked at me surprised as well, with his hand still where he held my face, lips still perched a little. I got up and looked at the closing door of Minho and Jonghyun room. By any chance…. Did Jonghyun hate that me and Key kissed?!



want to know what Minji's doing in real life? folow her on twitter! :!/Peachypie_Minji

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i'll be wrighting a sequal! wait for August!!


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write a sequal!!!!!!! what happens to jjong??????
what happens to jjong??????? it can't end yet!!
NOOOO IT CANT END YET!!!! what happens 2 jjong??? KYAAAAA!!!! this is gonna kill me...
this story is amazing!!!
asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdf #5
I like the story, but maybe slow it down just a tiny bit XD