Chapter - 27

Nectar of Pain

Taeyeon’s POV


I woke up with a headache the next day. I was in an unfamiliar room as I checked the surroundings, and I remembered I was in Yuri’s guest room. The housing contract with Tiffany ended as I decided to stay alone in a studio apartment at university. I don’t think I can stay with her anymore. That eyes smile misleading us.


I checked the clock as it’s already afternoon. Where’s Yuri? I got out of the room as I was looking for Yuri. The house is so quiet, like there’s no one in the house.




I was knocking on her door but there was no one. Where did she go? I felt so thirsty as my throat was dry. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle as I drank in one shot. I must drink a lot last night. My body is still hot.


“Did I do anything stupid last night?”


I mumbled as I sat on the kitchen counter bar.


“No worries. I won’t kiss you this time.”


Tiffany’s face showed up in my memory. OMG. I messed up again. I should have apologized to her but instead I yelled at her?


At that time, I heard the door punch and Yuri came in.


“Hey, you wake up?”


She greeted me with a smile. She looked so happy. Then I remembered something in my memory. I went out for some air last night when I saw Yuri and Jessica fighting. It’s more like Yuri is begging Jessica to stay. Wait, I saw Yuri and Minho first. I was near the car parking lot, smoking behind the tree when I saw them.


“Where did you go?”


I asked. I remembered she looked very sad last night after fighting with Jessica in the parking lot.


“I had breakfast with Sica”


She said with a smile. She’s smiling ear to ear.


“Are you okay with her now? I saw you guys fought last night at the parking lot.”


I asked curiously.


“You did? I think she was moody last night. I couldn’t sleep well so I woke up early and ran to her place. She didn’t sleep too. I saw her coming out from the balcony and we made up. I apologized to her.”


She said with a smile as she sat beside me. Are you that happy, huh? How can she run for 2 hours when she isn’t sure Jessica will be up or not?


“You ran? It’s 2-hour distance. Why did you apologize?”


I asked her back. Did she finally know what Jessica was mad about? I saw Jessica coming out from apartment as she saw Minho and Yuri’s hugging. They didn’t see me since I was hiding behind the tree.


“Because I made her upset.”


Yuri answered. I can see she is clueless.


“Why is she upset?”


I asked again. She was thinking for awhile. I can clearly see she doesn’t know why Jessica was upset.


“Um…she asked me that question too. Do you know why she is upset? I think she is just moody that night. And I asked her a lot of questions when she didn’t feel like answering?”


I sighed. She is really clueless.


“But you know we had that conversation in the evening when I picked her up from bookstore. She asked me what she is to me. I don’t know why she suddenly asked me that questions.”


Jessica is trying to cross the line?


“What did you answer?”


I asked back curiously.


“I answered honestly. She is very important person to me.”




I asked. What kind of important are you talking about?


“Yes Yes…how did you know? She asked me that back. How can you guys ask me same question? I don’t know. But I am so happy. I haven’t slept the whole night. I gonna sleep for awhile. You know…I am so happy.”


She said actively as she even poked my head and headed back to her room. She is just really clueless.


I sighed after she went into her room. I don’t know who to pity and empathize with anymore. I talked with Minho last night and I can see he is still into Yuri. He said he never unlove her. And Jessica, she loves Yuri a lot too. Actually, they love each other a lot. Everyone can see their relationship is more than friends, but Yuri is just clueless about that. And Tiffany? How come she is in love with Yuri? She dated a lot of guys and finally she is in love with Yuri? I am not sure if she just likes her or is she really into her. She expresses herself a lot more than Jessica. Yuri seems to be happy with all her aegyo and attention she got from Tiffany. She cares about Tiffany too since Tiffany came from a broken family.


Honestly, I crushed Yuri back then until I met Minah. But she never looks at me that way. All her attention goes to Jessica and always sticks beside her. That’s why I was jealous of Jessica a lot. Now that I empathize to her since Yuri is always that clueless.


“Yuri, why are you so popular?”


I mumbled as I stood on the couch lazily checking my phone. I don’t know how many hours I spent scrolling on my phone until I heard the doorbell.


“Hey stop ringing. Yuri’s sleeping”


I mumbled as I ran to the door quickly and checked the camera. I saw Tiffany’s face. I don’t know why I checked myself a little bit before I opened the door.


“Yuri’s home?”


She asked about Yuri as soon as she saw me. I am her friend too. Not just friends, we were roommates. I felt irritated. Should she greet me first at least?


“She’s sleeping. She hasn’t slept the whole night. Why are you here?”


I asked back.


“She didn’t seem well last night. So, I bought lunch for her. I am worried.”


Her words made me more irritated. I wasn’t feeling well too. For months, she doesn’t care about me? Then I saw her lips and remembered the kiss. Her lips were so soft. What am I thinking? It’s just a mistake.


“She’s okay now. She made up with Sica. So happy and fell asleep.”


I said as I walked back to the couch. She followed me to the living room after she left the food on the dining table.


“Are you still feeling hangover?”


She asked me as she took out hangover medicine from her bag and placed it in front of me.


“Thank you”


I said as I drank it quickly without complaining anything. I really need that.


“Is she okay? She looks really sad last night.”


She started to ask about Yuri. She looked really worried. Tiffany usually expresses herself a lot and does not hide anything.


“She is. She went to Jessica’s house in the early morning. They made up.”


I answered back. Since she arrived, she didn’t ask anything about me except she gave me hangover medicine.


“I am jealous.”


She pouted.


“Is that her ex? Minho? He is handsome and perfect. He seems to love Yuri a lot too. They look good together. But Yuri left him because of Jessica?”


Tiffany kept talking. I didn’t want to comment anything, so I just kept quiet scrolling my phone.


“Are they getting back together? Jessica is upset because of that? Even though Yuri was staying with us, she kept checking Jessica from far. Sica is really lucky.”


She wouldn’t stop talking.


“Do you really like Yuri? You know how much she loves Sica, right? Don’t mess up.”


I felt a little bit irritated and half curious. I also want to tell Tiffany not to mess up with us. She’s been dating a lot of guys in front of my eyes. I don’t believe she is in love with Yuri.


At that time, Yuri came out from bedroom as our conversation cut off.


“Yuree, how are you feeling? I was worried about you. I also bought your favorite teokkbuki and other Korean food. You haven’t eaten anything, right? Let’s eat together.”


She said very energetically as she pulled Yuri from arm and let her sit on the dining table. Tiffany preparing food for her. I don’t feel good about all the situation.

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taeknight09 #1
williammozart #2
Chapter 27: I hope you will update this story again. I will be looking forward.
Chapter 22: Jessica will get very jealous if she come to know .
Chapter 21: So they were both each other comfort and now they drunk kiss
Chapter 20: Tiffany is heartbroken . And she dosent know why Taeyeon is acting like that .
Chapter 19: Aww Yulsic is sailing . They are cute
Chapter 18: I hope they can both come to terms with their own feelings . They should be together :)
Chapter 17: Yulsic should just be and get together . Don't let Jessica unleashed her ice
Chapter 16: Omg this is so sweet . Hopefully they can officially be together soon