God of Cookery Road

I'm Married to B1A4??

Hi~~ Hambarorojjang here~~ :)

First of all, I wanted to say that I had to change the eye color, because if I let it as blue, normally it would cause a huge commotion. Second, I want to thank to my beautiful~ first 6 subscribers and to my first comment writer!! Thank you so much for your support~~ :D I'm really happy you're all enjoying the story :)

Narrator's P.O.V:

"Give me your other hand!!" You shrieked. "No! You won't be able to pull me! Just let me go!" Tears started to form in your eyes. "I won't let you go! Don't do this to me!" You yelled. "________, LET ME GO! DO YOU WANT TO DIE TOO?!" Your vision became blurry. "At least I'll die with you!" "_______..." Tears slipped on his cheeks. "Let me go." He whispered. His hand started to slip. "No! No, no, no!!" You tried pulling him up. "I love you." He said. He slipped completely from your grasp and he started falling down. "NO! Jae Hwa! JAE HWA!!"

"JAE HWA!!" You jumped in your bed, startled, looking at your surroundings. Once you realised you were in your room, your breaths became more even and you became calmer. You took a look at your phone. *2:15pm?! I forgot to put my alarm clock on again!*. "Urgh!" You face-palmed yourself. You started thinking about your nightmare. The same nightmare you have been having for 2 years. Before you could start crying again, you jumped out of your bed. You touched your medallion, glanced at it once, and headed to the bathroom. You looked at the mirror. As usual, your eyes were red and puffy and you had red marks in your arms.

You took a warm shower, put on something comfortable and went downstairs. Your mother was in the flower shop, your dad was working, and your sisters too, since it was Monday, so you had the house all to yourself. You sighed and started making some scrambled eggs to eat. As you put the eggs on the table, the doorbell rang. *Hm? Who is it at this hour?*

You opened the door to find Jong Ho with two cups of coffee in his hands. "Oh? What are you doing here?" "What a great way to greet someone. I even brought you coffee." He pouted. You rolled your eyes. "Come in." Your started walking towards the kitchen and Jong Ho put down the coffees on the table. "Don't you have classes today?" "I was supposed to have one today, but it seems the teacher caught the flu, so, no classes." He smiled. Before you could start eating, he caught your wrist. You looked up with furrowed eyebrows. He gazed intently at your arm, more specifically, your red marks. "You still have the same nightmare?" You softened at his concern. "Yeah, unfortunately." You sighed heavily and smiled lightly. "Don't worry. It will pass one day." He looked at you with a slight frown. *I have an idea!* He brightened. As you were taking the fork to your mouth, he slapped your hand, causing your food to fly all over the table.

"Hey! What gives?" You growled lightly. "Do you want to eat out?" He gave his signature breathtaking smile. You just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "But I already made-" "Upupup. I'm older, you do as I tell you. Now, go dress something to go out." He said as he forcefully made you stand up. "Aish! Be more gentle." You yanked your arm. "Sorry, sorry." He smiled sheepishly. "Please~. For me~!" He pouted. "Fine, fine. Sheesh! And stop pouting, you're starting to get to old to do that." You said started walking upstairs. "Stop pouting, nha nha nha.." He said in a high-pitched voice, mocking you. You stuck your tongue out for him.

When you were ready, you two headed to the car and you remembered something. "Oh! My sunglasses!" You said turning back. "You still wear those?" You stopped walking. "Do you want people looking at me like I'm some sort of rare animal?" "They won't." You raised an eyebrow. "Mmmhmm. Don't tell me that I didn't say so later." You still went to get them. When you two were in the car, you turned to him. "Where are we going, anyway?" "To a local restaurant." He smiled lightly. "Ok." .

You the radio, and a familiar song was playing. You started singing along. "I pray no tears in your dreams~~. I know you'll fly high in your life~" Jong Ho looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "You know that song?" "Hm? Yeah, I like this group. They have good voices." You smiled. "Your voice is better. You could be a singer." He smiled proudly. You chuckled. "Yeah, right." .

You arrived at the restaurant and you put your sunglasses on. You went in and sat at a nearby table. The waitress, that seemed to be in her 70's, brought the menu. "Aigoo~. Such a cute couple." Jong Ho blushed lightly and you giggled. "We're just friends." You smiled kindly. Jong Ho felt disappointed. "Oh? Why not you look cute together." She chuckled. "Agasshi, why won't you take your sunglasses off?" You stiffened a little. "I'm... sensitive to the sun." You blurted quickly. "Well, when you're ready to order, please call me." You nodded. You choose what to eat and ordered it. When you were about to start eating, you saw cameras coming in. *What the?* You furrowed your eyebrows. You looked at Jong Ho, but he just shrugged his shoulders. You sighed and started eating. You heard some commotion coming from the door, but you didn't pay attention. Someone tapped you gently in the shoulder. You looked up and saw familiar faces. You recognized them from God of Cookery Road, a show you watch frequently. "Annyeonghaseyo." They said bowing. You and Jong Ho got up and bowed back. "Annyeonghaseyo." "We're from God of Cookery Road, if you don't know." You nodded. "We wanted to ask if it was okay to ask you some questions in the show." You looked and Jong Ho. He nodded. "Sure." You smiled kindly. "Great. You seem to be such a beautiful girl, why won't you take your sunglasses off?" You stiffened again. "I'd rather not t-" Before you could say anything else, they were called. "I'm sorry. Please, do collaborate with us." They bowed and left. You were left gaping lightly. You shrugged and sat down. *God of Cookery Road, hm? That means some star must be coming here.*

After some minutes, you heard the MCs and the guests coming in. The voices were familiar, but you couldn't point out who it was. You turned around, and to your surprise, all of the B1A4 members were there. *Omo! It's them. Wow! They look more handsome liv-... Yah! Park ______! What the heck are you thinking? You weren't like this before! Why are you fangirling now?* You slapped your cheeks lightly to push those thoughts away. Jong Ho looked at you curiously. "Are you ok?" "Hm? Yeah." You smiled lightly.

The MCs approached you. "Oh! We have such handsome people here!" The female MC said. "Annyeonghaseyo." You and Jong Ho bowed lightly. You glanced at B1A4 and smiled kindly. *So beautiful!* All the boys thought.They seemed to blush lightly, except one distant looking boy, that you identified as being Jin Young.

"Are you a regular costumer?" The MC asked. "We come here often." You answered in your soft voice. "How's the food?" You put two thumbs up and smiled cutely at the camera. "Daebak." "Aigoo~ So cute. Why won't you take your sunglasses off? They are so big for your petite face." You stiffened, yet again. "I-I'd rather not." "Oh. Come on. Are you afraid?" Jin Young intervened. You looked at him gaping. "Jong Ho..." You whispered. He just nodded. You sighed. "Ok... I'll take them off." You lowered your head and took them off. Since you didn't move, the MC taped you gently. "Agasshi?" You looked up. Everyone, as expected, gasped. You rolled your eyes. "I told you so." You muttered towards Jong Ho.

"Omo! You've such beautiful eyes!" One of the MCs said. The boys were at a loss of words. Even Jin Young was stunned by your beauty. "Do you know B1A4?" One MC suddenly asked. The boys were eager to know your answer. "Yes." You smiled. They were overjoyed. "Are you their fan?" "You could say I'm a fan of their music." You shyly said. "Oh? Then how about singing a song?" You blinked. Jong Ho smiled and nodded. "Hm... ok."

You started singing 'Only One'. Your angel-like voice could be heard clearly. *She... has a perfect voice.* The boys were stunned, to say the least. When you finished singing, everyone clapped. You bowed shyly. "Wow! You're so good~!" The MCs complimented. Gong Chan was clapping fervently. B1A4 was amused and curious about you.

"Well, enjoy the rest of your lunch." You and Jong Ho bowed. The staff and B1A4 left unwillingly.

"See? It wasn't that bad. Although I didn't like those guys stares." Jong Ho frowned slightly. "Oh, don't be jealous." You chuckled. "And don't say 'those guys', they have names." He's frown deepened. "Why are you defending them?"

You frowned lightly. *Honestly, I don't know... I mean, I don't even know them...* "I'm not." You sighed. "You should notice that there are other people around you that love you." He muttered. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Who?" Jong Ho became slightly irritated at your denseness. "You're always like this. You only have 'him' in your head! He's been gone for two years, ______!" You looked at him shocked. 'He' was a tabu topic when you were around. Your eyes became teary and Jong Ho clamped a hand in his mouth. "______, I'm sorry. I-" "Go away." You said sternly. "But I-" "Go." You looked away. He stared at you enraged.

"Fine." He said between gritted teeth. He slammed money on the table (even though, neither of you ate anything) and stormed off. You stood there, tears threatening to leave your eyes. You could cope with Jong Ho's temper sometimes, but enough is enough!

Everyone looked your way. Embarassed, you made your way to the restaurant's toilet. You stopped walking by the toilet door, and started crying quietly.

Baro's P.O.V:

I was still thinking about that girl when the shooting began. We were ina private room so that the shoot would go well. We started smoothly. We talked a little and promoted our CD.

"So, Baro-sshi-" The MC was interrupted by a loud 'slam' that came from the front of the restaurant. I had a bad feeling. "Hum... let's take a 5 minutes break." The producer announced. We got up and I headed to the toilet. I stopped when I heard soft sobs. I tried approaching the source of the noise without getting noticed, but I accidentally bumped in a chair, causing it to fall.

Narrator's P.O.V:

You heard something fall. Startled, you looked up. You saw Baro scratching his head and smiling sheepishly. His smile fell when he saw your tears. "Are you ok?" He approached you, searching your face. You started blushing. *YAH! Park _____! You were crying right now! Why are you suddenly feeling all giddy?!* "I-I'm fine." You wiped your tears. Baro smiled lightly, causing your heart to flutter. *Am I sick? What's this flip-floppy thing?*

"I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm-" "Cha Sun Woo-sshi." You smiled shyly. "Oh, so you do know us." He smirked. You blushed. "You're the only k-pop group I know." You admitted timidly. Baro didn't know why, but he felt overjoyed to know that. "Hey... have you had lunch yet?" He suddenly blurted. You blinked at him. "W-Well... no..." He brightened. "Then do you want to eat with us?" Your eyes widened. "Aren't you shooting?" "You can eat behind the cameras." He smiled. "Well..." His smile fell slightly. "It's ok if you don't want to." You looked at him. "No, no! I'll go!" You blurted quickly. He grinned."Where's your friend?" Your face saddened. Since you didn't say anything, he grabbed your hand. "Let's go.". *His hand is so warm...* You blushed.

When you arrived at the room, everyone looked at you two. You quickly took your hand back. *Oh! It's the pretty girl!* Gong Chan hopped excited in his seat. "Hum... she didn't have lunch yet... is it possible for her to eat here, behind the cameras?" He asked the producer. The producer looked at you, and you looked down, timidly. He smiled. "Ok." You looked at him. "Really?" You asked innocently. He nodded. You beamed at him. Baro looked at you, smiling. *Keep smiling like that.*

After the shoot was over, B1A4 came to you. Gong Chan put an arm around you. He was a lot taller than you imagined. "You're so cute. What's your name?" He pinched your nose. You backed away lightly. Baro took away his arm. "Yah! Can't you see your scaring her?" Gong Chan pouted. "I'm not scary." You chuckled.

"I'm Park ______. Nice to meet you." You smiled kindly.

"I'm Jin Young. The leader." He smiled charmingly. Chills ran up and down your spine. *Why do I feel... he's not being himself?* You furrowed your eyebrows.

"I'm CNU. Nice to meet you." He smiled sweetly. You blushed lightly.

"I'm Sandeul." He gave you a bright smile. "I'm Gong Chan! The cute maknae~!" He said enthusiastically.

"And I guess you already know me." Baro smiled. "Yes, Baro-sshi." He frowned slightly. "You know... you can call me oppa." You blinked at him. "Baro...oppa." You said shyly. You hadn't called anyone oppa for 2 years. But it felt good and right. "Baro Oppa." You said more confidently, this time. He smiled. "Me too, me too!" Gong Chan jumped up and down. You blushed. "Gong Chan Oppa." You looked at the others. "CNU Oppa." "Sandeul Oppa." "Jin Young Oppa." You smiled sweetly. They all beamed, even Jin Young smiled, happy.

"Hey, little girl." You turned around and saw the producer waving his hand. You pointed at yourself. He nodded. "Come here." You looked at B1A4. They nodded, encouraging you. You went towards the producer, and B1A4 followed you.

"Yes?" You smiled innocently. He made a pause befor talking.

"... What if I asked you to join the entertainment business?" He smiled. Your eyes widened.



So? What do you guys think? Too boring? Too cliche?

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funny4ains #1
omg who is it????

jinyoung acting cool is really funny. =)) but he's cool!
Uhhh! Update soon ^^
ahhhhh!!! update soon!!!
wah update soon >w< its great :3
OMG. Who is ittt? UPDATE SOON~
yuxuan #6
update soon
Chynna #7
UPDATE! :)))
Who is he?!!
rukiyo #9
Who's the guy!? :O
Update soon! :D
yuxuan #10
Update soon