A Normal Day

I'm Married to B1A4??

Narrator's P.O.V:


Your eyes fluttered open to the familiar tune.


You turned your alarm clock off. You looked at your phone to check the time. It was now 11:45am. You sat groggily in your bed, waiting for your eyes to adjust to the light that entered in your room through the sligthly open curtains.

"________! Are you awake?" A familiar voice called from downstairs. You opened your door. "Yes, Umma. I'm coming.".You made your way to the bathroom to wash your face. Looking at the mirror, you could see that your eyes were slightly red and puffy. You had cried yourself to sleep again. You could see the red marks in your arms, which meant you had the same nightmare again. *Yah! Park _____! Pull yourself together!* You sighed at the failed attempt to cheer yourself up.

When you turned to the stairs you lightly bumped into someone. You looked up to see Cho Hee. "Good morning, Unnie." You slightly smiled. "Oh, you're up already? You could have slept more. You should rest, ______." She smiled warmly and ruffled your hair. "... I heard you crying again..." She whispered, looking at you with a concerned gaze. "Did anyone else hear?" You whispered back. "... I don't think so. Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright. Besides, I promised Na Young I would go out with her, since today is Saturday and she doesn't have classes." You lightly sighed. *Aigoo, this girl...* Your sister wasn't convinced, but she let it go. "... Alright. Breakfast is on the table." She said before closing the door to her room, that was right next to yours.

As you entered the kitchen and delicious smell was filling the air. Your mother was cooking lunch, since she only opened the flower shop in the afternoon on Saturdays. "Good morning, Umma." You smiled sweetly. She turned to look at you and smiled tenderly. "Good morning, ______. Breakfast?"

"Yes, please." You sat on the table *Good. I think no one else heard.* You sighed. As you started munching the food, Eun Jung entered the kitchen. "Good morning." She said tiredly. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Did you come home at late hours again?"

"I had work." She sighed. "Did you sleep well?" Eun Jung looked at you worried. You softened at your family concern towards you. "Yeah, don't worry." You lied. She frowned slightly, doubtful. "Well... if you say so...".

"Does Appa have work today?" You asked your mom. "Hum... I think he has a business meeting in the afternoon." She said after a while. "If he's still sleeping, wake him up, ok honey?" She asked kindly. "Sure do." And with that, you went upstairs, after taking a last bite from your breakfast.

You knocked lightly on the door of your parent's room. "Appa, are you awake?" You poked your head inside. "Yes. I'm just shaving, I'll be down in a minute." A deep voice sounded from the bathroom, that was adjacent to the room. "Ok. Breakfast is on the table." You said as you left.

You went into your room and started getting ready to go out. You pulled out a simple sweater and a pair of jeans, since it was still a bit cold, even though it was already Mid-June. You went to the bathroom to brush your hair. You loved your hair. It was silky and naturally wavy. You thought about your biological parents. *I wish I had known them better.* You sighed. As you got out of the bathroom, your phone vibrated. You looked at it and saw that you had a new message.

To: Baby _____ <3

From: Nana <3 (Na Young)

Hi cutie pie~~

I'm waiting by the fountain!

Don't take too long ;)

Kiss Kiss >3<

You smiled. You loved Na Young. She had always defended you. You remembered how you two met. Kids would bully you in Elementary school because you were half-portuguese. They were going to dump water on you after school, but she came out of nowhere, kicked the bucket and the water went flying back to them. You stood there blinking and gaping. The kids ran away. She turned to you with a huge grin. "I'm Cha Na Young. Nice to meet you. Wanna be friends with me?" She asked. You were taken aback. No one had ever approached you to become friends, only to mock you. "I-I'm Park ______. N-Nice to m-meet you." You stammered, nervous. She looked at you curiously. She peered at your face. You looked at the floor shyly. "You know what? You're really pretty." She beamed at you. You looked at her stunned, but a big smile formed in your lips. "Thank you." You smiled warmly, no longer shy or nervous.

You smiled at the memory. Cho Hee poked her head inside the room. "Do you want a ride?" You looked at her. "Are you sure? Aren't you going to be late for work?" She smiled. "No, it's ok." You thougth about it for a second. "Ok then."

You two made your way to the garage. "Are you going out, _______?" You turned around and saw your dad. You smiled. "Yeah, I promised Na Young." He looked at you concerned. "Are you sure you're alright with going out?" "Yeah. Don't worry. I'm... progressing." You smiled lightly. "Ok. Be careful. Work hard, Cho Hee." "Ok." She said. You entered the car, your sister started the engine and off you go.

As you arrived the meeting place, you received another message.

To: Pabo ______

From: Jonggie :3 (Jong Ho)


Just got out of a class.

Are you awake?

You pouted. "What's wrong?" "Hm? Oh, nothing Unnie." You smiled. You started texting and sent a message.

To: Jonggie :3

From: Pabo _____

Yah! Why haven't you changed my name yet?

Anyway, yes I'm awake.

How did the class go?

A minute later you felt your phone vibrate. "Who is it?" "Jong Ho." She mouthed 'Aaah'.

To: ______ :)

From: Jonggie :3

There, happy?

It went well :)

Na Young said you two were going out.

Too bad I have classes, I'd go with you two TT.TT

You chuckled lightly. Your sister looked at you. *Well, at least she's able to go out and enjoy herself.* She smiled warmly. You sent another message.

To: Jonggie :3

From: ______ :)

Yes, very :)

Make sure to rest.

Yes, I'm going out.

And that's too bad. Oh well, I will eat lots for you. Merong~

ehehe ;)

See you later :)

Since he didn't respond, you assumed he was in class again. You sighed. *How I wish I could go to college. But... I don't have courage.* You frowned slightly.

"We're here." Cho Hee announced. She parked the car, and before you got out of it, you put your sunglasses on, since you didn't like that other people would stare at you as if you were part of a circus show, because of your caramel eyes. "Ok, now, be careful and enjoy yourself, araso?" "Ne~" You smiled. "Call me if you need anything." You nodded. You closed the car door, and waved until the car disappeared out of your sight.

"___________~~!!" You spun around and saw Na Young waving frantically. You face-palmed. *Aish, this girl.*

She hugged you. "Hey." You smiled. "Ready to go?" You nodded.

You spent almost the whole day with Na Young. You went to the cinema, had lunch in a local restaurant and went shopping.

At the end of the afternoon, you two sat down at a park. "So, how's it to finally be among the living?" You looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "What?" "I'm saying this because you finally don't look like a zombie." She chuckled. "Oh. Well, I have your support, my family's support and Jong Ho's support...so, I think I can live." You smiled. "That's my girl." She ruffled your hair.

After that you both went to your respective houses. As you were arriving home, sitting in the bus, you saw a billboard with familiar faces. *I wonder... how they're...Yah! Park ______! How can you be thinking about that now?* You slapped your cheeks lightly.

You arrived home just in time for dinner. "Oh. You came just in time, sweety." Your mom said smiling. "I'm just going to change into something comfortable." You went upstairs to change.

"How was your day?" You saw your dad coming out of the office he had at home. "It was good. At least, I was able to laugh and smile." You beamed. "Good." He smiled warmly. He went downstairs.

You changed and went down too.

"Where are Cho Hee Unnie and Eun Jung Unnie?" "They are still working." Your mom sighed. "Jagiya~, don't worry so much. They enjoy their work." "I know, I know... but they should rest more, yeobo." You smiled warmly.

"Let's eat, Umma." You smiled. "Araso." You ate dinner and went upstairs since you were tired from the long day.

You're phone vibrated. You checked the ID caller.

"Yeoboseyo? Jong Ho?"

"Yah! How many times have I told you to calm me oppa?" You heard him sigh.

"For more than 10 years." You chuckled.

"Aish! You evil girl. Araso, araso. Sorry I didn't message you back, but I had classes."

"It's ok. I was thinking about something. How about we lunch together tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me. I don't have classes tomorrow."

"Ok, then pick me up by 11am."

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Jonggie~" You grinned.


Before he could say anything else, you hung up. You chuckled.

You lied in your bed. You looked at the ceiling and sighed. You put your hand over your chest and felt a cold object. Looking at it, you smiled warmly. The medallion he gave you was still hanging in your chest. You gazed affectionately at it. It was a heart shape medallion in pure silver, with lots of ornaments. He gave it to you on your 4th anniversary.

With sorrowful thoughts and tears in your eyes, you fell asleep.

Sooo... how was it? Was it boring? I promise it will become more interesting in the next chapter~~ :)

Give me some feedback ;)

I'll try to update as soon as possible :)

Bye yeom~~

-Hambarorojjang :3

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funny4ains #1
omg who is it????

jinyoung acting cool is really funny. =)) but he's cool!
Uhhh! Update soon ^^
ahhhhh!!! update soon!!!
wah update soon >w< its great :3
OMG. Who is ittt? UPDATE SOON~
yuxuan #6
update soon
Chynna #7
UPDATE! :)))
Who is he?!!
rukiyo #9
Who's the guy!? :O
Update soon! :D
yuxuan #10
Update soon