a bitter fact

always just you
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problems are not a new thing in my life, I will solve them one day but actually you are the problem which I prefer to not solve it anytime, I prefer to have you as a endless and unsolved problem in my life.. you are my sweet problem.......    

"if I'm not wrong and being a good face reader and.. a mind reader too,you are angry and at the same time a little jealous with something or better with someone..perhaps." woo bin said with a small light smill on his face while was drinking his coffee and leaning on the door, he was in SoRa's room.

" I think you haven't any problem in your life because always I see you that absurd smile is on your lips.. and about I'm angry, you are right and if you don't want that I dragged you out now please let me think.. okay?" SoRa said with an angry voice  and glared at him before walked towards her desk and sit behind it.

" don't blame yourself because of something which you weren't in it.. I mean you were not there and you didn't know that incident will happen.. don't worry about him he is okay now." he put his cup on the beside table and walked towards her desk and sit right in front of here, he crossed his arms his gaze never left her, after that happens in a port everything changed for her even they were successful in their plan but she was not in a good mood because of what happened for Minho.

"that stupids... I told them to not do anything which is risky, I told them not make a scene there but what was the result, the person who my father trusted so much is injured now and Im the reason of that... I want to kill all of them." she massaged her temples and breathing deeply over and over to stopped herself from getting more angry and frustrated.

"that stupids which you say are smuggler, gun is one of their outfits, carrying it is undeniably one part of their life and you think they will not use of it and instead of it they will talk!? you are living with the biggest smuggler in Seoul and how you didn't know about it?"sora rolled her eyes at him and looked away, woo bin sighed silently and leaned forward and put his elbows on his thigh and intertwined his fingers together.

" look... I know you are angry and a little adrift but accept it that this plan should have a victim to be successful, what is important now is our half rid plan that we should complete it, I'm sure he will be okay sooner or later and will come back.. okay? "he looked her with a serious gaze,SoRa looked him for a moment before nodded her head weakly.

" I should go and visit him,he must bear lots of pain because of his injuries and I don't want that he think that I didn't care about him... will you come with me?" woo bin lean back on his chair and look at her for a moment before smiling teasingly that make SoRa look back at him confused.

" do you love him? " her eyes widened slightly and her lips parted to answer but anything didn't came out from , she just didn't know what should she say, ofcurse she love him but didn't want to anyone know about it, if her father find out about it, one of them will be definitely killed.

"okay... I will go alone if you didn't want to come, it's better you stay here and be careful about our plan.. right?" woo bin just shook his head and laughed silently at her, she tried to avoid his question, Sora looked him sneaky and tried to pretend that she didn't hear his question,as she picked up her bag and with out say another thing she leaved him in her room.


Lee min ho was standing in front of a tall mirror in his room after he taked his shower and was looking at his right side which was injured almost two weeks ago, the small scratch was only remain on his skin after these two weeks, he sighed deeply before walk away from the mirror towards his bed to wear his shirt which was laeid on it, just when he put on his shirt the door of his room knocked. 

"I think you should explain somethings to your boss Mr. Lee" ill woo said just when Minho open the door and passed the phone to him. 

"Choi jin hyuk?"he mouthed and looked him confused he must find about what happened to him thanks to the person who was standing in front of him, ill woo smile lightly and just nodded his head. 

" sooner end the call I should go back somewhere.. thanks to you I have still some works till now. " he said with a glare before closed the door,Minho pull a phone away from his mouth to cleared his throat before bring back the phone on his ear. 

" how is your injury? " he sighed silently and pressed his lips to a thin line and closed his eyes for a moment before answered him, he must be angry of him because of this wrong movement. 

"it's... it's okay, I'm so sorry I know I shouldn't do this risk full movements but.. I have no way, I know everything I say now is just a excuse and will not sanctify me from what happen.." the silence behind the phone was make him more anxious. 

"this time no.." his eyes widened when he heard him what does it mean. 

" even I can't acclaimed your movement but this time fortunately is different, we could find a trace of two rob consignments in different dates, police find out some traces which can help to find a clue." 

"two rob consignments?" as he could remember there was just one consignment which was absent 10 month ago but what does he mean of rob consignments. 

"two weeks ago we received two reports from two different regions which they found out about two rob consignment that it seems both of them were carrying the same drugs, one of them is about 10 months ago and the other one two weeks ago and it seems that the business of this drug had a high advance in these weeks again. " his eyes widened when he heard about the same thing from his superior, the same thing which he heard from park dong min when he went to his house 2 month ago so it means that there is or there are someone behind all of these but who? 

" could you found something about person or persons who are behind these?" 

"we are trying our best to find something but still there is no sign of anything, if you find something tell me and don't do any risk like this time, it was miracle that you are okay now, don't repeat it again.. Arassow?" Minho cleared his throat as his hand slowly traveled to his side which was injured and touched it. 

" deh.. I will not do anything which make this mission in danger from now.. I'm sorry again. "


" seriously if I wasn't there, I'm sure he will not be here now, he is just sometimes too stubborn and stupid, believe me I'm his best friend for 12 years.. " ill woo said teasingly while was sitting on the kitchen counter and drinking water,shin hye laughed slightly at him and shook her head but suddenly something crossed her mind,she looked at him for a moment and hesitant for asking a question which was make her mind busy,she breathed deeply and dared herself to ask what she wanted. 

"can.... I ask a question?" ill woo looked back at her while was pouring his glass with water again,he smiled at her and nodded his head. 

"of course, you can ask anything you want." shin hye took another deep breath and try to act calm. 

"did he have a girlfriend or... Love in all these years?" ill woo held her gaze for a while before putting his glass on the kitchen counter slowly and looked at her again,her heart was beating so fast in her chest. 

"about girlfriend unfortunately no.. he hadn't from the time I was with him after that incident he was just working hard to find just a trace of the person who killed his family, but.." shin hye looked at him again and gluped hard but what? 

"about love, I have a little doubt it... when we were in university we had a superior, she was a capable girl and as I knew and what I feel she loved him a lot and they were close and i think if that incident didn't happen they were be in relationship now.. you know."her heart ached from what she heard from him,lier.. he is a lier. 

" does.. " just when she wanted to ask him another question the sound of the room door caught their attention. 

" I can't just understand why you should be here like a parasite and don't let me breath... I'm completely cured and it means that I don't need you my best friend." Minho said while was walking towards a kitchen and smiling ear to ear when he saw the person who he wanted to see a lot was standing in the kitchen behind the kitchen counter.

"yes.... you are completely cured and again you can back to the bastered you were... congratulations." he smiled lightly and just nodded his head, all his attention was the person who was in the kitchen, shin hye didn't dare herself to looked him and was pretending to be in her world after what ill woo told her she, she get all frustrated, but she gasped silently when he put both of his hands beside her on the kitchen counter and caged her from behind,she could feel his warmness and his scent clearly, she closed her eyes and tried to make herself calm down. ill woo who was confused with what he see now blinked several moments, he just couldn't believe what he saw now, now he was sure that something is between them definitely. 

"shin hye sshi, do you have a... boyfriend?" both of them hold back with his question, shin hye could feel that a body which was behind her tensed up from this question. 

"no.. I haven't." shin hye said confidentially and try act calmly but just when she was about to leave, the hands which was caged her from behind getting tighter, she could sense that his sharp breathes was fanning her neck now. 

"I think you should leave my best friend... because there are still some defective tasks which you didn't complete them still..." Minho said with a serious tone to the person who was sitting in front of him he leaned closer and looked murdery to his best friend this time. 

" and if tomorrow when I want to come back to that mansion, if there will be some defective tasks that are related to me... I will make you sure that you will regret from saving me that night... Arassow?" ill woo's smile faded slowly and gluped hard before avoiding his eyes from him and looked to his watch, his eyes widened when he saw the time, he cleared his throat and looked to him again. 

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dreamcatcher27 #1
I wish you Will update authornim.. I need to read the new story' of minshin ... Can't wait .. hope u always healthy and happy..
dreamcatcher27 #2
Please update authornim
dreamcatcher27 #3
No, so far your story' is really good.. may be you just have to share this story' in other social media so PPL who love minshin can read this ...
Jeep fighting, please don't stop to make a good story' for our minshin..

Today my heart is broken, read the news about Shin Hye eonni with his BF, I hope it's just a rumor😭

Please don't stop to write about our minshin..
apinyaYC #4
Chapter 7: It's okay.. this story is so good.. but I can't wait next chapter kkk.. thank you so much writer-nim (灬º‿º灬)♡
dreamcatcher27 #5
Chapter 7: It's okay .. your story' is so good thats why we are not patient to know the whole story' kkkk.. thanks fro update authornim...
dreamcatcher27 #6
Still waiting for your update 🥺
apinyaYC #7
Writer-nim when will you update new chapter..I can't wait..
White1999 #8
Chapter 6: freinds next chapter will be update tomorrow..
dreamcatcher27 #9
I have not open this website for anlong time, I thought it must be some new chapters, but when open this ff ITS still none... Please update authornim 🙏
apinyaYC #10
Chapter 6: Omg..I want yo cry(╥﹏╥) They both deserve happiness.. please don't made them part away.. you're the best writer-nim... thank you so much.. can't wait next chapter (*˘︶˘*).。*♡