
always just you
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why I should promise to keep you away from troubles and unhappiness, I didn't even know you, I even  stick in my troubles, was I conscious when l promised him or not...really why?  

"come in" just when minho came in to the park kang jung room the first thing that caught his attention was a trembling body which was sitting on the couch beside park kang jung desk, her head was low but he could feel that she is crying silently, he took a breath before walked towards park kang jung desk and stand in front of his desk he bowed at him but his eyes was still peck at the girl who was sitting not far away from him.

"if you weren't the person who I trust him, now you were not alive now do you know it?..who is this girl and why bring her here instead of my money.. I hope you have a acceptable reason for this." minho took a glance at shin-hye before he looked back at park kang jung again.

" you are right, but since he didn't find that consignments and beside it you told me to not come back with money.. I have no way to bring something which incite him to find them, and she was the best thing which I could find... biane" shin-hye breath was ragged in and looked at him with teary eyes, how bastered is he, how could they victim someone like this when she even has no any hand in his father faults.

"as she is here, she should do something till his dear father come and save her from here, bring her to the maid rooms and give her maids uniform, from tomorrow she should work beside the other maids." park kang jung said while was lighting his smoke with his golden lighter and looked to his peoples as he signaled them to bring her out.

Shinhye got startled when two strangers come to her and pulled her up from her sit and walked towards the door as she was passed away from minho her teary eyes never left him, their eyes locked at each other he could see the hate and fear in that big eyes at the same time, he cursed himself inside to do such these bulls move, he tear his look from her when park kang jung called him.

"I hope you told that bastered that if he don't bring those consignments and golds till another 6 months.." he paused as he poked his smoke and continued, and looked seriously to his eyes.

"he can't see her daughter anyway, not here... not in this world." Minho's eyes widened slightly as he hear him, he clenched his jaw and fisted his fingers, how much he want to punched this bastered face when he talk about people's life like this,but he know he can't risked anyway because this mission is so more important than his revenge. he just nodded his head before he bowed again and leave the room, he bring his phone out and dialed a number. 

"we should talk"


Park dong min put down his glasses as he buried his face to his palms when he heard that minho told him about what park kang jung told him just hours ago. 

"I'm here not because I promise you to protect your daughter, I'm here because he told me to warn you, you should find that damn consignments and save your daughter, you know him better than me, he might be serious but he is a crazy bastered at the same time. " park dong min looked helplessly at minho and just nodded his head before looked back at him, he know that he couldn't trust this person anymore, who can trust a smuggler, a criminal but he has no way, he is the only person who seems Tobe better than the others of them at least he felt like that about him. 

"wait a minute here" minho looked confusely at him as park dong min stand from his sit and walked towards a small cabinet of the coffee table and bring out a small and old box from it, he put the box in front of him and sit again in front of him. 

"what is it?" minho looked still confused at him, what could it be?, park dong min sighed before open the box and bring out a necklace which was a small half metal haert lead on it and it looked old too. 

"I know I can't trust you but... but please bring this to shin hye, I was about to give her this and told her about this but everything failed when that consignments lose and my mind forgot about it, can you bring this to her, this necklace was for her mother, her biological mother " Minho looked amazed and confused at the same time, so it means that he isn't her biological father, when he use the word of biological mother, but why he should told him these things to him, he looked back at park dong min who was still holding the necklace in to his palms and looked painfully at it. 

"why you told me this things, you can bring it to her by yourself when you bring back that things to him, and at the same time your daughter is hate me so much, that I'm sure she will be going to kill me if he found a gun with out any time to think" he couldn't still forget about her looks in the office room today,it was full of hate and revenge,park dong min smiled weakly at his words and pull back the necklace in to the box before passed to him and looked meaningfully at him. 

"shin-hye might be a stubborn and silent girl but she is so kind, I can't bring this necklace to her because I'm sure just after I bring back that consignment to him he will be kill me sure and even if he doesn't kill me, I'm sure shin-hye doesn't want to live with a lier father like me, I know you are a stranger and one of them but something inside me tell me that you are different with them, I don't know. " he was right he will be definitely killed by him sooner or later and how he can trust him when he didn't know anything about him and just trust him by his feeling, it so absurd to him. 

" kanda" minho stand from his sit with out reply him and picked up the box from the table and put in to his coat pocket and walked towards a door and opened it but before he could left he looked back at park

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dreamcatcher27 #1
I wish you Will update authornim.. I need to read the new story' of minshin ... Can't wait .. hope u always healthy and happy..
dreamcatcher27 #2
Please update authornim
dreamcatcher27 #3
No, so far your story' is really good.. may be you just have to share this story' in other social media so PPL who love minshin can read this ...
Jeep fighting, please don't stop to make a good story' for our minshin..

Today my heart is broken, read the news about Shin Hye eonni with his BF, I hope it's just a rumor😭

Please don't stop to write about our minshin..
apinyaYC #4
Chapter 7: It's okay.. this story is so good.. but I can't wait next chapter kkk.. thank you so much writer-nim (灬º‿º灬)♡
dreamcatcher27 #5
Chapter 7: It's okay .. your story' is so good thats why we are not patient to know the whole story' kkkk.. thanks fro update authornim...
dreamcatcher27 #6
Still waiting for your update 🥺
apinyaYC #7
Writer-nim when will you update new chapter..I can't wait..
White1999 #8
Chapter 6: freinds next chapter will be update tomorrow..
dreamcatcher27 #9
I have not open this website for anlong time, I thought it must be some new chapters, but when open this ff ITS still none... Please update authornim 🙏
apinyaYC #10
Chapter 6: Omg..I want yo cry(╥﹏╥) They both deserve happiness.. please don't made them part away.. you're the best writer-nim... thank you so much.. can't wait next chapter (*˘︶˘*).。*♡