Chapter 4

Attenuate {Hiatus}

"______!" ______ heard  Chung-Hee yell after her.

"You aren't supposed to leave someone, especially if they paid for a date." He said when he finally caught up to her. She stopped then turned to him, her eyes obviously showing her rage.

"This wasn't a date." She said bitterly, then started walking again. He smiled," Sure, "  He followed her. When they were half-way to her house, _______ sensed him. She groaned, "Don't you have a house of your own." She asked. He held up two fingers, "Date Rule #2: You must walk her home, so date could end smoothly." He informed her. She gritted her teeth.

"Again, this was not a date."  She explained, jabbing her finger at every syllable. She turned around, then headed the direction of her house. He still followed.

"Even if it wasn't a date, I wouldn't want you wandering the streets alone."  ______ stopped abruptly, as Chung-Hee spoke. She didn't know why, but she felt her heart warm up. Was he really going to break the ice shield that covered her heart for so long? She shrugged off the feeling.

      When they arrived at her house, Chung-Hee eye's widened. _____ noticed.

"Beauty, isn't she." She said, referring to her beat up house, she called home. Chung-hee was still frozen. What do expect from a guy who spent his whole life in a mansion, surrounded be gold.

 " I should be going in now." She said as she fished her key from her bag. She inserted it into the lock, just as she was about to go inside, Chung-Hee grabbed her arm.

"What, not even a good-night kiss?" Chung-Hee pouted as he saw her smile.

"You're funny." She remarked then went inside. But before closing the door, she called out

"Chung-Hee." He, who was still on the front step, turned around. "Yep."

"T-thanks." She stuttered. It felt like her first time saying this. What--in previously happened in her life-- could she be thankful for.                                                                                                               Thanks mom, dad for leaving me                                                                                                                        Thanks Uncle, for also leaving, so I could get dropped at an orphanage.                                           And of course

Thanks you so much Dae Hyun, for being such an excellent parent by abusing. Thanks for making my life hell. Thank you, so dear much, for making me want to kill myself.

"Anytime, _____-shi." He smiled. She felt that feeling again. That warm, soft feeling that made her comfortable. She noticed what was happening. So she shot back,

"Yah! Don't think this changes anything. I still hate you!"  He chuckled, "I know. Sweet dreams, ______-shi." He started walking the opposite direction. She couldn't help but to smile, as she closed the front door. 

"Aha! Now you decided to come!" ______ heard the booming voice of Dae-Hyun. By the slurry-nest of his voice, she could tell he was drunk. Her smile quickly turned into a frown.

"You shouldn't be out so late." He said as he pushed her against a wall.  He flashed a smile, in her words a ugly one. Even though they only revealed perfect sets of pearly white teeth. ______ could smell the aroma as he breathed. Beer and drugs.


"Aw, why? Did I miss the party," She said innocently, then smirked. 

"Ha! A smart-. Just like your mother." ______ froze. Anything that had to do with her parents she just wanted to break-down. 

"Like you know my mother." She spat.

"Oh." He laughed."Trust me. I knew her, knew her well, too. " He smirked. She felt her blood boil. All she wanted to do was punch him, which was impossible, due to the fact that he had her arms pinned. Good thing her legs were still available. She powerfully kneed him in his shin. He groaned, then smirked down at her. 

"Smart choice, child. Smart." He punched her.  After that, ______ didn't know what was happening anymore. Punch after kick. Kick after punch. Every thing was blurry, everything ached. When he thought he was done, when she was motion less, he spitted on her, as if she was just a piece of trash. 


_____ groaned. Her body ached. She still couldn't believe that she went through the whole school day like this. Her legs were tired, her arms were on fire. When she was walking, she saw Chung-Hee. She felt her heart jump. Why, she never knew. She turned another direction.

But it was too late, Chung-Hee spotted her. He ran toward _____ then touched her arm. She squeezed her eyes shut at the  pain. He noticed her uneasiness, so he put his hands up in a 'i-surrender' gesture, thinking that every touch could hurt her. " You okay?" he asked.

"Like ice cream with a cherry on top." She muttered. She walked to the nearest bench. She was worn out and exhausted. When Chung-Hee sat down next to her, she immediately laid her head on his lap. He stiffened at this sudden action. He soon relaxed then brushed some hair out of her face.

"What's up." She sighed

"Just not feeling well." _____ said. She tried to sit back up.

"Do you need like medicine or something." He asked.

"I'll kiss you right now if you have an aspirin." She closed her eyes as the sun rays beamed through the trees.

"Seriously?" She rolled her eyes.

"The question is do you have it or not."

"It's at my house." He got up.

"Fantastic. More walking." _____ muttered sarcastically. She struggled to get up. Chung -Hee held out his hand. She hesitated but soon took it. She felt an electric shock as their hands touched. She ignored it, then got up, hoping not to collapsed. As they walked, he didn't feel comfortable watching her wobble, their hand still interlocked. "Want me to hold your bag." She laughed.

"Even that can't help me right now." 

"How 'bout a piggy back ride." He asked. Her eyes lit up.

"Piggy Back." He nodded. She had flash backs of when she was a child, climbing on her daddy's back, pretending she was on an airplane.

"You in or what." Chung-Hee asked, waking her up from her daze.

"Yep" She said as she climbed on his back. If a single hand touch made her feel an electric shock, hoping on to his back felt like a thunder storm.


TEE HEE ^_____^

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leeteukisyoung #2
jinyoung is kawaii
Hey new readeer... What?! No! Keep updating!!!
Woah he's late. I wish his manager won't get him out of school -.-
awwwww "chunghee" is so cute and sweet! :3<br />
<br />
update soooon! ^^
creatingfaith #6
cute moments with 'chung hee' ;D<br />
keep up the great work! =]<br />
update soon! ^^