Dreams Costs


They said that in order to live a life, you have to have a dream.

They said dreams can take you far. They said it can leave your mark.

It can do everything for you - even live, as long as you're willing to do everything for it.

I do want to live.

I do have a dream.

Yet why does it feel like my dream is taking my life away from me.


A reader-perspective on dreams, sacrifice, growth, and friendship. This story is all about your journey in realizing your dreams to become a music producer. It was all fun and great at first but somehow what you grew up loving turns its back on you.


This story came out from a personal challenge of mine. It started out from a prompt to a short story to this. The story is not bound to be perfect and it's not written to completely reflect reality. Everybody dreams. Everybody sacrifices. May you find the things that you are looking for or just enjoy the ride, really. 

Thank you.


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