You Don't Understand

Just Let Me Love You

After the incident five days ago, the three never left his side (stricter than before). They would only separate when they have somewhere to be (and they made it harder for Baekhyun to even have his own privacy whenever they're in the toilet).

"Vending machine, you go first."

"I can wait."

"But their waiting?"

"Baek, don't pull those lame excuses on me", Yoongi glared at him. 

Alright, fine, he admits it's better with them guarding him against those two monsters for the past five days, but sometimes he wished they wouldn't think of him as someone who can't be independent of themselves. 

He sighed. No use fighting with an angry kitten.

"What are you gonna buy? I'll pay for it."

Baekhyun pointed at the hello panda pack and Yoongi pressed on the numbers of it. 

Just then an arm suddenly snatched him from the unaware boy, causing him to yelp in fright. He looked up, only to see an angry face from Park Chanyeol.

Right... I keep avoiding him too...

His mom suddenly called, saying they have extended their stay for work. Mrs. Byun shouted how mad she was to the company for extending it. They promised it will only be for a month, but now she has to stay for at least 2 months. Baekhyun chuckled at his furious mother. But what can she do, it's the boss's order.

And in the house, he would only eat and smile at the dinner table.

As if his days are all fantastic. 

"You are to tell me everything. And when I said, everything, I mean everything."


Baekhyun had his head down. Chanyeol had his eyes on a glare, scaring him.  He tried not to cry, but tears were already streaming on his cheeks. Being the fast kid that he is, he quickly wiped them off, sniffing his now runny nose. 

"What happened?"

Baekhyun lightly looked up to meet the other's eyes, only to break the eye contact from how icy those orbs are at the moment. He gulped. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He didn't want to worry him even further.

But I guess you gotta tell him what worries you.

"Baek, you don't have to pretend to be almighty all the time. Honestly, you look even pathetic for just accepting every blow they give."

Baekhyun winced at those words, yet he let him continued. 

"Have you ever saw yourself? You look like utter , I can tell behind those fake smiles of yours every day. Why the are you even avoiding me for? Did I do something wrong? Did we even fight? How the heck am I supposed to know when you wouldn't even spare me a glance. Two weeks, Baek, two ing weeks. Tell me what the hell did I do wrong, then maybe I can change it for you."

The latter began to tremble, his fist shaking on his side as he tried to dry those tears forming in his eyes. 

"If you can't do it, then let people help you, not throw them away. I know you never asked for help, but it's plain stupid to do everything on your own when you know for a fact that you can't ing do it."

Baek, you don't understand how ing painful to see you getting pushed by those ing bastards. 

And you wouldn't even let me near you, and that ing hurts.

He wants to say it. He wants those words out of his mouth, but he doesn't know. He doesn't know why he couldn't take it out. 

Yet he questions again, what is stopping him from doing so?

Is it the fact that he likes him? 


Baekhyun mumbled something incoherently, something Chanyeol didn't understand (and the first time the taller had heard him speak). But after so, he sprinted out of the door, leaving a shocked and baffled Chanyeol behind. He ran after him, but the halls were empty within a minute. Taking his phone out, he cursed that break time is almost ending. 

Brushing his hair off his eyes, he sighed exasperatedly. 

Where the hell would he ran off to?


After his quick run from the giant, Baekhyun laid himself in one of the infirmary's beds, covering himself with the provided blanket. He sniffed, tears continued to stream on his delicate skin as he recalled everything that had happened with him and Chanyeol. 

Everything hurts, his words were venomous arrows... Nonetheless, they were true.

I'm pathetic in everyone's eyes.

And as he let his heavy lids completely shut, he remembered the words he asked earlier.

"Why are you like this?"



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751 streak #1
Chapter 26: Finally got caught up, I’m really enjoying this story. It’s an interesting plot and characters. I can’t wait to see how Baek’s relationship with Channie develops, as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, he has to go through so much pain, I hate his bullies, hurting someone who has done nothing wrong. I’m afraid the bullies have something terrible up their sleeve.
Chapter 25: 😮😮
Chapter 24: Wait.... what? Ah a cliffhanger. I'm excited to know Baek's answer
springmiya #5
Chapter 23: well can't say i didn't except him to stay that
springmiya #6
Chapter 8: so cute
springmiya #7
Chapter 6: cute
springmiya #8
i look forward to reading it
Chapter 18: Awww poor Baek
_chanchan #10
Chapter 16: Can’t wait for the next update!! :)