I got the idea of writing this part from my dream J



          School ended and students were packing their things to leave. Hoon lifted his bag on a shoulder.


“Saeran, are you okay?” he tapped Saeran on her shoulder. She was packing up her things weakly and nodded.


“You sure?” he held her hand. “Because you body felt hot” he touched her forehead. “You have fever” She gave him a blank expression and wore her bag.


“See you tomorrow” she wanted to walk but toppled. Luckily Hoon caught her on time. “I’ll walk you home, then. I don’t want you to faint on your way home” They walked through the hallway, holding hands.


“Saeran!” Rico approached. “What happen to her?” she asked Hoon. “She had fever so I’m accompanying her home. Can you help me telling her brother about her?” “Sure. Thank you for taking care of her” He smiled. “Okay. I’m going now. Bye” She went to Zico and Zack.


“Let’s go” Hoon and Saeran started to walk to Saeran’s house. Thunder and storm began to clap. “We better hurry before it rain” he voiced. Saeran just nod.”Not so fast you two” a familiar guy stood in front of them, stopping them from past. “You should give Saeran to us if you want to go” C.A.P voiced. Teen Top was behind him.


*What the hell! I must get her out from here. But how? I promised her not to fight with them once* Hoon looked around, trying to make an escape plan.


“Stupid! You will never get out from here. There are only two of you. You can’t go against us” *Please don’t make him fight* she hoped.


“Get her” CAP nudged Ricky on his elbow. He stepped forward and tried to get Saeran. Hoon put his hand out to protect her. “Get lost!” he pushed Hoon to the side. Chunji pulled Hoon by his collar and punched him on the face. L. Joe joined too. Ricky slung his hand to her neck.


“Let go off me!” she struggled to get herself off. He held her tightly. “Stop moving or I’ll kill you” he whispered to her ears. Cold shiver ran down her spine. It started to rain.


“Not going to fight back? That’s weird” L. Joe kicked Hoon on his stomach. Niel too joined them. Changjo had used his power on Hoon and he can’t move.


“This is for the other day” he grabbed a pipe from nearby dump place and hit him hard with it. Saeran gasped. Hoon groaned in pain. Changjo just smirked.


“Let’s go. We got the girl now” CAP told them. Chunji, L. Joe, Niel and Changjo stopped. “I wish I can kill you today. By the way, congrats on losing your girlfriend again” L. Joe jeered.


            They about to get out from there when Hoon suddenly got up and punched Ricky. He let go off Saeran. Hoon pulled her into his embrace.


“You’re getting more unwell” “That’s okay. You should worry about yourself. You’re injured badly” she told Hoon. He smiled and turned to Teen Top.


“I knew you can’t get her from me. Nobody can” Bruises and cuts covered his body. He toppled down with Saeran. The Teen Top boys kicked both of them. Hoon closed his eyes slowly. “Hoon!” she called. She hugged him to prevent him from getting kick. Her head began to feel dizzy.


*Please don’t faint now!* “Stop it, please. I’m begging you” she whispered. Her eyes began to close slowly. She saw someone in the same uniform as Hoon thrashed Teen Top. There were about 6 to 7 of them.


“Saeran!” Minwoo called her. “Hoon, wake up!” she heard Dongho voice calling Hoon. She shut her eyes.




            Saeran opened her eyes. Light shone into her eyes.


“You woke up? I’m so worry of you” Minwoo was beside her. “Oppa” she smiled. “You’re in the hospital” She looked around and looked at him, wanting to ask something.


“Hoon is here too and he’s alright. He’s in the upper level. I can take you to visit him later if you want” She let out a sigh of relieve. “You sure know what I’m thinking of” she felt something on her right hand.


“What’s with my hand?” “The doctor said that you can’t make heavy work with your right hand for the time being” She remembered that her hand had been kicked by Teen Top when she wants to protect Hoon.


            Kiseop came into the room in a rush.


“Hyung, Saeran. Hoon is up” he told. “He did? Let’s go see him then” he helped Saeran to get up and they went to the upper level with escalator. They entered the room.


“Saeran! I’m worried of you” Dongho greeted her. “Sorry for making you worry. I’m alright now” “You’re lucky we saw Teen Top with both of you” Eli got up from sitting on a chair beside Hoon’s bed and directed her to sit at his place.


“You mean that’s all of you?” He nodded and helped Saeran to sit. “Thank you. But what I don’t understand is, why are you there too, oppa?” she looked at Minwoo. Everybody too.


“Oh that. Rico told me that you had fever so I follow you. I’m worried of you. But then I saw Hoon is with you, I walk home. I felt uneasy then walked to the direction of you house and saw Teen Top kicking you”  


“Let both of them talk” Soohyun whispered to AJ. He nodded and tapped Kevin in front of him. He nodded to the door. The three of them exited the room. The rest of UKISS followed.


“Talk with him” Minwoo mouthed to Saeran before went out. She turned to Hoon.


“Hi” He silent. “It’s relieved to know that you’re alright. I’m worried of you” He gave her a cold shoulder.


“Are you mad at me for making you promised not to fight?” He didn’t answer. She sighed quietly. “It’s okay if you didn’t answer me but look at me at least” He didn’t want to. “Okay then. See you later” She got up and walked out from the room.


*I guess he really does mad at me* she thought. *I just doesn’t believe that I didn’t protect you and keep that stupid promise in a time like that* Hoon thought still looking out.



It has been 3 days since Saeran got out from the hospital. She propped her elbow on her desk, looking outside of the classroom. She sighed.


“Hi” Hyungsik sat in front of her. “Hi” “Isn’t Hoon out yet?” “No. He will maybe after 2 days. His legs need more treatment than I need”


“He must be missing you” She sighed. “Why?” “I guess he’s mad at me” “Mad?” She nodded and told about the promise that they made.


“If you think you’re guilty, ask for forgiveness. Go visit him” “How can I visit him if he is mad at me?” He silent for a while.


“You’re right” She sighed a bit. Hyungsik silent again.


“Since you don’t visit him, why not send something for him?” “Send?” “Yes. Ask someone to send it to him for you. Make something for him yourself”


“But what can I do?” A bulb lighted up on her head.


“I can cook for him” “You know how to cook?” “Of course. I always help my mom in the kitchen” “And is it delicious?” “Of course” “Okay… Make it nice, okay?” She nodded. “Thank you, Hyungsik”


The next day, Saeran rushed out from her classroom as soon as the last bell of the day rang.


“Dongho-ah!” she called. Dongho turned to her and waved. He went to her.


“What is it?” “You want to visit Hoon right?” He nodded. “Can you send this to him?” She held a paper bag to him. “Give to him? Why don’t you give this to him yourself?” “I scared he is still mad at me” “Okay. I will give this to him” “Thank you, Dongho” He smiled and walked away.


“Saeran” Rico called her from the back. “Are your hands okay?” she cheeked on her hand. “I’m fine. It’s just a bit” she smiled. “I’m sorry for not visiting you in the hospital. I wanted but I can’t” “It’s okay” Saeran saw a steel whistle that Rico wears on her neck.


“What’s this?” she looked at it. It had rusted a bit. “I’ve been wearing this since I was little. My father said that this will help me to protect myself from danger. He told me if someone wants to do something bad to me, just blow this whistle”


“But I didn’t blow it. I just knock that thing to the stranger face” Saeran laughed. “Thank you for reminding me about this” she handed it to her.


“I think you need it more than I need” “But this is yours” “Please have it. I want you to be safe” Saeran looked at the whistle. “Thanks. I’ll take good care of it”



AJ who sat near the window of Hoon’s room looked at him. “Dongho is coming” he said. His fox ear can be seen. Hoon looked at the door. “Hi” Dongho came in. “Hi” Hoon replied.


“Stop using your sharp ear “ Dongho told AJ. He just stuck out his tongue and his fox ear disappeared.


“Here” Dongho putted the paper bag that Saeran gave on a desk in front of Hoon. “What is this?” he asked. “Saeran made this for you” Hoon looked outside.


“Are you mad at her?” “No” “Then why didn’t you talk to her nor send her a message?” “I just can’t believe that I keep that stupid promise at a time that. Saeran could have been kidnap by Teen Top” Dongho just silent.


“She worries about you” AJ voiced. Hoon looked at him. “I notice she didn’t even eat. Maybe she has been thinking about you” “She didn’t eat?” He nodded. Hoon looked outside back.


“If you love her, you should stop feeling guilty” AJ told Hoon. He looked at the paper bag that Saeran gave. “She made this? But her hand hurt” He stopped for a while and opened the paper bag. Saeran cooked a set of lunch box. On top of the rice she made a heart shape with seaweed. Hoon smiled a bit. He grabbed a pair of chopstick and started to eat. Dongho and AJ smiled at Hoon eating again since he rarely eat recently.


*It’s delicious* Hoon thought and finished it. After ate, he searched for his phone. Dongho and AJ were watching TV.


“What are you looking for?” Dongho asked. “My phone. Did you see it?” He nodded and took the phone on the side desk near him and gave it to him. Hoon took it and searched for Saeran name in the contact list.


“What’s the rush?” “I want to call Saeran” “Don’t call her” AJ voiced. His eyes were still on TV. “Why?” “Her phone had dropped into a drain at school” Hoon sighed and putted his phone a side. He looked outside again.


*She must be really worried of me. I’m such a stupid*

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Chapter 31: Loved the story also i think you should add supernatural as one of the tags. Oh and also I cried so much during the sad parts:'(
Chapter 31: so fun!!!!!
gvnluvkpop #3
Chapter 31: woah.. I love ur story..! it's super cool.. although I don't want it come to an end.. seriously.. believe it or not, I cried in chapter 30.. man ur story is awesome! =)
KenzieHollingsworth #4
Chapter 28: Damn that was awesome! Please update if u can
I'm uploading my story back because of there's many grammar and spelling error.
--venissa #6
keke c:
update soon! ^^;;