“Hi!” Dongho greeted Saeran from behind. “Dongho, you startled me” “Sorry” he smiled.


“Looks like you look for someone” “Yeah. I’m looking for-“ Rico leaped over to Saeran from behind. “Yah! I’m almost fall” “Hehe. Didn’t mean to”


“Dongho?” Rico asked. “Yes. What’s with him?” “Why are you here?” “Why? Can’t I?” it’s time for Dongho to ask. “You supposed to be in your group, right?” “Why? Can’t I walk with her?”


“Of course you can but” Rico pointed at the shrieking girls behind them. “Those girls won’t stop making noises as they saw you” Dongho smiled and winked at the girls and they ‘died’ with Dongho killer smile.


“Wow! They really love you” Saeran praised. “Who wouldn’t fall for his aegyo face?” Rico teased. “Are you envy of me?” he elbowed Rico. “Envy? Oh, please. Why do I have to fell like that?”


“Because you not cute” “YAH! Dongho!” Dongho stuck out his tongue and ran to his class before Rico could kill him.


“I will get him after this” “You seem like really close with him” Saeran said. “Not really close. He sat two desks away from me. We’re in the same group in Math class” “Oh. That didn’t surprise me”


“By the way. Why do you ask?” “I thought you two were couple” “Couple?” she burst into laughter.


          The school bell rang and students went into their classes. That’s why it named Miracle ELITE Academy. The students don’t have many discipline problems and it basically a school that mixed non vampires and vampires.


“Wel, see you later” they waved to each other. Saeran headed to her place. Mrs. Seo started the lesson.


“Today, I want to give you some question to chew on” she said facing the whole class. “Teacher, you mean we have to eat that paper, huh?” asked Jaehoon in the first row. He stays in India for years and forgot about the idioms. The whole class laughed at him.


“Why? I’m just asking” “It means I want to give you some questions to think not to eat” Mrs. Seo poked his head. “Hehe. I’m sorry, teacher”


“I want you to partner up” Students cheered. “But I will decide who your partner is” “Teacher. Don’t be like this” the students started to whine.


“Stop whining about!” Mrs. Seo started the ‘partnering’ session.


“Soo Mi with Tae Woon” “Byunghee with Ji Yeop” “Kwanghaeng with Jungwoo” “Hyemi with Eunji”


“Saeran with Hoon” They looked at each other with ‘what?!’ expression. “But teacher-“ they opened their mouth to protest. “No excuses” Their shoulder flatted. Saeran and Hoon glared at each other.


“Sit with your partner” Mrs. Seo instructed. Saeran sighed and turned her chair facing Hoon.


“Why do I have to partner up with this witch?” Hoon leaned back. “Shut up!” Saeran replied. Mrs. Seo handed the question papers to the whole class.


“You can’t open the book but you can discuss with your partner. You have 30 minutes to answer it. You can start now” she ordered. Students began to answer the questions.


“It’s A” No. It’s B,  stupid” Like always, Hoon and Saeran began to argue. But they controlled their voice.


“Hoon, Saeran. Don’t make too much noise. You’re disturbing your friends” Mrs. Seo reproved them. “But how can-“ Saeran whispered to Hoon.


“I’m a fox, remember?” Mrs. Seo rubbed her fox ear on her head. “I’m sorry” Saeran replied and continue to answer the questions with Hoon.


          40 minutes had passed.


“Hyemi and Eunji got the highest mark. They got 57/ 60” Mrs. Seo announced followed by applauses.


“I told you it’s not C” Hoon told Saeran. “If we answer B like I said, we can get the highest score”. Saeran faced Hoon again.


“Fine. Mr. smart pant. I’m the only one who’s always wrong “
she voiced her frustration.


          The class had physics lesson later in the lab.


“Since you just finished your exam, I will give you sometimes to enjoy yourselves” Mr. Kang stood in front of the class.


“Yeah!” “Thanks teacher”


“But I don’t want you to make noise. I will give you some task” The class started to whine.


“But you don’t have to worry. It will be an enjoying task if you do it correctly. Trust me” he paused and walked around the class.


“I will divide you into group of three. Since three students sit in a desk, it’ll be easier right?” “But sir” Hoon raised his hand.


“Only I and Hyungsik sit here. That’s mean our team needs one more member” Mr. Kang looked at the right row. Saeran and Eunji sat at the back.


“Girls, one of you have to join this group” “I’ll join their group” Eunji moved to the front row. She sat next to Hyemi and Jiyeon. *Eunji, you so cruel L* Saeran showed her sad face to Eunji.


“I’m sorry but Hyungsik is in that group. You know that he likes me, right? People will think that I like him too” Eunji whispered to Saeran with her hand plead for mercy. Saeran shoulders flatted. “That’s mean you have to join them” said Mr. Kang. She sighed and sat beside Hoon since he sat in the center. Hyungsik was on his right.


“Why do I have to be in your group?” Saeran snouted and propped her elbow on the desk. “Tsk” was the only word that came out of Hoon mouth.


“I want you to make a water rocket” “Huh?” the whole class tilted their heads.


“I’m going to tell you how this thing works. This rocket flies with water. You know water pressure. I’ll show you after this” Mr. Kang booted up the screen at the front of the class and showed a video of water rocket launching. He explained about the making of water rocket to the class.


“We’re gonna need an empty plastic bottle for the body. You can take it in the cupboard. Other material and apparatus had been ready over there” he pointed to side of the class. Students grabbed the things needed and discussed.


          The bell rang, indicated that recess came.


“I’ll relieve your class after recess so you can continue your work after this” Mr. Kang announced. “Thank you, teacher” students greeted and went for recess.


“Teacher, can we do it now?” Hoon asked. “I don’t want to go to the cafeteria” “But I want” Saeran gave Hoon a glare.


“But she want to go for recess” Mr. Kang voiced looking at them. “Just ignore her” Hoon told Mr. Kang and stuck out his tongue to Saeran. “Okay. If that’s what you want, you can continue doing it here. I’ll be in the staff room” Mr. Kang walked out. “Thanks, teacher”


“But Hoon, I have to complete some work in the library” Hyungsik told. “You’re a librarian. I forgot. It’s okay. I can do it with Saeran” “Seriously? Thanks” Hyungsik walked away.


“Let’s continue our work” Hoon walked to the desk. Saeran just sighed and followed. *He looks very interested with this water rocket project*


“First, we need to sketch the shape of the fin. We are going to attach it to the rocket body. The fins enable the rocket to fly and stay balance” Hoon busy looking for a blank page in his notebook. “Here” Saeran handed a piece of blank paper to him. He started to sketch some fins shapes.    


“I’ve tried to do this water rocket with Dongwoo. It’s for his school project but I helped. We use this design and it works. We can use this design because it’s not so big and not so small” Hoon explained.



“I’ll do the fins. How many fins did we need?” she asked. Hoon paused at the question and examined the 1.5 liter empty soda bottle. “Four” “Four? You sure?” “Positively” “Okay then” “I’ll make the nose cone. You can ask me anything if you want” “Em”


          Saeran drew the shape of the fins on a mounting board. There was a knock on the door but she ignored it. Hoon looked up.


“Witch! Your friend come” he voiced. Saeran looked at the door and waved. “Hi, Rico!” she went to Rico.


“I’m sorry but I can’t go with you now” “It’s okay” Rico nodded. “That guy just can’t wait to do the water rocket” “It’s fine. I can go there alone” “Don’t worry. I can accompany her” Dongho stood behind Rico.


“Really?” He nodded. “Well, let’s go before the sandwiches finish” he pulled Rico’s hand.


“See you later. And thanks, Dongho” Saeran waved. Rico waved with smile. Saeran got back to work.


“Hoon, can you pass me the cutter?”. Hoon waved his hand in the air and the cutter floated. It moved into Saeran’s hand. “Thanks”


          Saeran pressed her hand on the mounting board and her right hand holding the sharp cutter. She pressed the cutter hardly to the mounting board and cut the mounting board. Then she winced. The sharp cutter left a deep cut on her left thumb. Saeran took out her handkerchief and pressed it to her injured thumb.


“Are you done with the-“ Hoon turned to face Saeran at the back row. He saw drops of blood on her desk and ran to her. He grabbed her hand. Blood flowed right to her arm.


“It hurts” Saeran voiced in pain. She shivered badly because loosing blood. “It’s okay. I’ll help you” Hoon took Saeran’s handkerchief, It was drenched with blood. He pulled Saeran to the sink nearby and washed the severe wound.


“I don’t know where the aid kit was so I can only do this” Hoon took out his handkerchief and wrapped it around her thumb. “Your hand. It’s cold” Saeran nodded. He blew warm breath to her hand. Without Hoon knowing, Saeran blushed. “T-thanks”


“You should rest for a while” he advised and cleaned the mess. Saeran stared at his softened face. *I can’t possible like him right?* she shook her thought away.


“Are you done?” Mr. Kang asked the whole class after 2 hours of making the water rocket. Mr. Kang brought the students to the school field.


          A set of water rocket launcher was set up there. Mr. Kang showed the class how to fly the water rocket.


“First, fill up the water rocket body with 1/3 of water. After placed the nozzle to the holder, you have to pump air into the rocket until you can’t pump anymore”


“If you release the lock, the rocket will fly. The compressed air in the rocket makes the water expelled from the nozzle and allows the rocket to fly. Get it?”


“In the real competition, a certain target was set. The nearer the rocket to the target, the bigger mark you can get. But our today will compete on whose rocket fly the farthest”


          Hoon and Saeran were the seventh out of 10 partners to test their rocket. Saeran inserted the nozzle to the holder.


“Hyungsik, pump it” Hyungsik obeyed Hoon order. Sweats drenched his forehead. “Do you need any help?” she asked. “No. I want to do it since I didn’t help much in making this water rocket” he pumped until the rocket was full with air and backed off. Hoon kneeled near the launcher. Saeran was beside him, busy looking at the rocket.


“3, 2, 1!” Hoon released the lock and the rocket flew. Water expelled from the rocket splashed on Saeran and Hoon.


“What the” Hoon complained. Automatically, Saeran’s hand was on his hair. His eyes widened in surprise.


“I’m sorry” Saeran pulled her hand back, embarrassed. *What am I doing?!* She sat at the spectators’ seats, joining the others that had finished.


*What’s wrong with me?* she shook her head. “Hey” Hoon sat beside her. There was no sound for a while.


“Our rocket was in second place so far” Hoon said. “Second place? I hope no one can beat us” Saeran replied. “Hi” Hyungsik sat beside her. “Hi” Saeran turned to him. Hoon stole glances on Saeran.


*She looks like someone but I don’t remember*


          Saeran walked with Rico through the hallway heading to the school gate.


“What’s wrong with your hand?” Rico held onto Saeran left hand. “I accidentally cut it” “Whose handkerchief is this?” “Hoon” “Hoon? It’s nice of him to help you. But why he suddenly being nice with you?” Saeran shrugged.


“Talking about UKISS again?” Zack and Zico appeared behind them. “You always had your ears on us”


“I want to ask you something. Did you hear about it?” Zack asked. “About what?”


“We going to have a new student” “How do you know about it?” Rico asked. “I bumped into him just now and I ask him. He said that he will transfer to this school as soon as the registration process finished. Mrs. Seo said that he will be in the same class as you, Saeran” All eyes were on Saeran.


“Same class as me?” “He said that he doesn’t have any power. Maybe he’s from the same world as you” *Who could he be?*


“What’s up, guys” Dongho walked to them. “Hi” Saeran waved. “What’s this?” Dongho held onto Saeran left hand with serious look. “I accidentally hurt myself”


          Dongho took off the handkerchief on her left hand.


“This belongs to Hoon, right?” he asked. Saeran nodded. “You better give it back to him soon. This handkerchief means a lot to him” He held Saeran left hand firmly with his right hand. His hand glow and Saeran’s wound slowly getting better. Saeran was totally surprised. Only scar left there.


“There you go” “Thanks” “Make sure you give this to him really soon” “Why?” “You have to ask him yourself if you want to know”


          The next morning, Saeran was wearing her school shoes.


“Honey, hurry up! You’ll be late” Mrs. Kim voiced. “Don’t worry. Our boss is not in today” her husband replied. Mr. Kim putted on his shoes.


“Wait!” Mrs. Kim corrected his tie and her daughter hairs. “Like father like daughter. Both always didn’t look tidy” Mr. Kim and Saeran grinned.


“I’m off now” Saeran hugged and kissed her parent. She turned the door knob. Minwoo was waiting for her outside.


“Good morning, oppa” “Good morning” he bowed to Mr. and Mrs. Kim. “Good morning” they replied.


“I’m going to school with Saeran from now on” “It’s nice of you” “Nice? He just doesn’t want to be chase by her girl fans. Everyone knows he will thrash who ever disturb him with me” Saeran giggled.


“Stop making fun of me. I just worried that Teen-“ Saeran shut Minwoo’s mouth with her hand and shook her head.


“Teen what?” Mr. Kim asked. “Nothing. We’re going now. Bye” Saeran waved and pulled Minwoo. He waved and followed her.


“Why didn’t you tell them about Teen Top?” Minwoo asked after they were a bit far from Saeran’s house. “They will worry about me if they know about Teen Top” “Okay. I get it”


          As soon as they stepped in the school compound, they saw Boyfriend.


“Hi, Saeran!” Jeongmin hugged Saeran. “Hi, Jeongmin oppa” she was surprised.


“Yah! Why are you hugging her?” Minwoo pulled Jeongmin. “She’s my sister too” Jeongmin pouted. Minwoo gave him a sharp glare.


“Okay. Relax” he let go off Saeran. “I’m going to class now. See you later” Saeran waved. She was about to go when Hyunseong grabbed by her wrist. Saeran turned.


“We want you to have this” he placed a bracelet with butterfly design on it gently on her palm. “What’s this?” she looked at the bracelet. A smile formed on her lips.



“Thanks oppas” “Your welcome” they replied. “Bye” she waved and left.


“Does she know we put some of our power in there?” Youngmin asked Minwoo. He shook his head as reply.


          Saeran wore the bracelet.


“Saeran!” she searched for the call. “Hi!” she waved to Dongho. UKISS was with him.


“You two couple?” Kiseop asked, round eyes. “No. Just friend” Dongho slugged his arm to Saeran. She gulped. Dongho saw Hoon looked at the other direction.


*Looks like someone jealous here* he smirked. His thought disturbed by Kiseop sneeze.


“Sorry” he voiced. Cat ears popped out from his head. “Kiseop-ah, are you okay?” Soohyun asked.


“I’m just feeling unwell recently” “You should see the doc” “I don’t want to” he waved his hand and coughed. “You’re turning into your true form” “I know. I’ll be okay” he walked away.


“I’m going too. Bye” Saeran waved to Dongho and ran to her class.


          It was 9 in the morning. Saeran’s class was in the gym for the physical education lesson.


“I want you to form a circle” Mr. Im commanded. Students rushed into circle.


“Form 2 group” Students counted ‘1, 2’ among themselves. “Group 1 please stand in the circle” The class began to relies what are they going to play today.


“Start!” Group 2 threw balls at Group 1 members. Less than 15 minutes, Group 1 members lost. They sighed and whined as they lost.


“Group 2, get in the circle” Saeran and Hoon were in that group. “Start!” The attacking session began. Saeran and Hoon often hit each other but didn’t fight.


          After 30 minutes of playing, only Saeran and Hoon still survive. They panted in tiredness.


“Kid, my class almost over so count to 10. If both of them still survive, they win the game” Mr. Im voiced. Hoon and Saeran smirked at each other.


“10, 9, 8, 7” Hoon pulled Saeran as she was about to be hit by the ball. “6, 5, 4” Hoon stopped suddenly when he was NEARLY going to hit the ball.


“3, 2, 1!” Both of them won the game. Saeran jumped with glee. Hoon shouted in relief. They high fived each other.


          School bell rang and the class was over.


“Your hand. Is it okay now?” Hoon asked while holding onto her left hand. Saeran nodded. “Dongho cure it” Saeran suddenly remembered something.


“Here. Thank you” she handed Hoon’s handkerchief back. “You’re welcome” he grabbed it. “Bye” she ran to change her clothes and left Hoon alone in the gym.


*Now I remembered who she resembles with. Hyeri* Hoon thought looking at his handkerchief. That’s right. Hyeri gave the handkerchief to him on his birthday.


          Saeran threw her exhausted body on the sofa in front of the TV in her house.


“How’s your day?” Mrs. Kim asked. “Great” she sat up. “If you want to make dinner, call me. I’m going to rest in my room” she walked up to her room.


“Mom, can I go out for a while?” Saeran asked her mother who was reading novel book in the living room.


“Okay” “Thank you. I’ll be home before 9. Bye mom, dad” She didn’t dare to go to the town but instead she headed to the nearest playground.


“Hyeri” she paused her steps when she heard Hoon’s voice at the silent playground. Saeran hid behind the entrance wall of the playground.


“It had been 3 years since you left me. I miss you, Hyeri” Hoon talked to himself at the swing. “I miss your laughter, your smiles and everything” “But I will remember and do what you said before you die. I’ll forget you and I’ll tried not to love you”


*Who is Hyeri?* Saeran went back home.

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Chapter 31: Loved the story also i think you should add supernatural as one of the tags. Oh and also I cried so much during the sad parts:'(
Chapter 31: so fun!!!!!
gvnluvkpop #3
Chapter 31: woah.. I love ur story..! it's super cool.. although I don't want it come to an end.. seriously.. believe it or not, I cried in chapter 30.. man ur story is awesome! =)
KenzieHollingsworth #4
Chapter 28: Damn that was awesome! Please update if u can
I'm uploading my story back because of there's many grammar and spelling error.
--venissa #6
keke c:
update soon! ^^;;