Yoseob is...

Will you be my "Fake" Girlfriend?


Yoseob was texting me in the car,

YoseobCuteMonster: Baby ah~ 

IUCuteMonster: Hi!! I found out where i'm going!!

YoseobCuteMonster: Chincha? Where?

IUCuteMonster: Seoul!!! :D

YoseobCuteMonster: YAY!!!!!!

IUCuteMonster: celebration!!!

YoseobCuteMonster: So where are you going to live?

IUCuteMonster: I don't know, I gotta go

I turned off the phone and looked out the window, Seoul was really crowded. I bit my lip and the limo stopped in front of a dorm. I got out and breathed in the air. I followed my dad from behind. We went inside the dorm, and there were 5 boys waiting for us.

"Anneyeong Haseyo we are MBLAQ imnida" said the group.

"I am G.O"


"Lee Joon"

"Seung Ho"

"Thunder" Woah, he was soo cute!! Wait what am I thinking I like Yoseob more! 

"WOAHH SHE'S CUTE" Mir yelled. Lee Joon elbowed him in the stomach and Mir just stayed quiet. 

"Anneyeong Haseyo my name Lee Guk Shin and this is my wife Lee Soo Ah" the 5 boys bowed at them and looked at me.

"Oh and this is my daughter Lee Ji Eun"

"Anneyeong Haseyo, my name is Lee Ji Eun but you can call me IU" I bowed.

"ANNEYEONG HASEYO!!! MY NAME IS MIR AND I AM THE CUTEST IN THIS GROUP!!" Mir yelled. Then Mir got another elbow on the stomach, but this time it was from G.O. Just then I got another text message.

YoseobCuteMonster: IU!! I am bored please talk to me!!

IUCuteMonster: Your so funny! Not right now i'll talk to you later we have to interview this group

YoseobCuteMonster: Awww, well bye IU SARANGHE!!

I giggled at his comment and texted him back,

IUCuteMonster: Saranghe yoseob :]

I turned off my phone and saw that everyone was looking at me, I bowed.


"ok so I will be living only like 3 blocks from here if you need anything here is my phone number"

"Okay bye manager!!"

"Marshmallow~ you're gonna have to stay mommy and daddy has to go to a meeting" My mom said.

"Fine" They left and I turned and face them, they were grinning at me like they were gonna me or something.

"Uhh, i'm innocent!" I raised both my hands up They were chuckling at how cute I was. Then my stomach grumbled, I blushed like a smashed tomato.

"Mianhe" I covered my stomach.

"It's ok, do you wanna go eat?" Lee Joon said.

"Okay" We left and my limo was there.

"WOAHH!!" Mir yelled. "ITS SOO COOL" I chuckled. I got another text message.

YoseobCuteMonster: are you finished??

IUCuteMonster:  No.. I'm going to a restaurant with MBLAQ

YoseobCuteMonster: Okay, can't wait to meet you again!! :D

IUCuteMonster: Bye!!

YoseobCuteMonster: Bye!!

I turned off my phone and I saw Mir looking at my phone. I hid the phone.

"wae?" I said.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No? Why?" He sounded relieved. the group was staring at me crazy. I sqiggled in my seat, seeming uncomfortable.

"Here sit on my lap" Mir patted his lap.

"no thanks" I blushed. I took a sip of my drink and just looked out of the window, I saw a sign

I gasped, YOSEOB?!?!

"YOSEOB!!" They were all looking at me.

"So your a yoseob fan" G.O said.

"No no! He's my best friend!!"

"Wah?" they all said.

"I knew him since I was a baby!! Why didn't he tell me he was famous!!"

"I don't know" Lee Joon said. I took out my phone and texted Yoseob.



IUCuteMonster: Yoseob you're part of b2st right?

YoseobCuteMonster: Iu..

IUCuteMonster: Why didn't you tell me?!?!

YoseobCuteMonster: I didn't want you to act crazy

IUCuteMonster: Yoseob!! I'm your best friend you should've told me!!

YoseobCuteMonster: Sorry.. I just well don't want you to treat me like a crazy fan

IUCuteMonster: I wouldn't if you told me earlier :P well I gotta go eat.

I turned off the phone and sighed, we were finally there, the butler opened the door and I got out. It was the famous restaurant.

"Woahh!! This is so big!! Your rich" Mir said.

"Kaja!" I pulled Lee Joon's hand following the members.

"I wanna be pulled too!!" Mir pouted. I giggled making him smile.

"Table of 6 please" The waiter brought us to a huge table and we were looking what to eat. I heard screaming when the door opened, I looked up and OMG!!

"y-y-yoseob?" I stuttered. The guy with black hair looked at me and smiled, he ran up to my table all jumpy.



He pulled me out of my seat and hugged me tight.

"Oh I miss you!!" I felt eyes looking at us.

"Uh.. Yoseob I can't breath" He let go kissing my cheek. I smiled,

"I finally get to see you again!!"

"Yahh Yoseob your attracting attention" I slapped him on the shoulder lightly. "I gotta get back to the group" I left him and went back to my seat. All eyes were at me...

"I don't have a chance" Mir pouted.

"Yaaa he's just my bestfriend"

"sure... kissing cheeks" Lee Joon said.

"Not helping"

"I'm not helping"

"Yaa i'm the manager's daughter"

"I'm helping now..."

"let's just eat" I ordered the fancy lobster for us. I waited until I got a phone call. It was dad.


"lee ji eun where are you? We came back"

"were at the diner"

"okay sweetie we'll wait until you go home" The waiter came back and gave us the lobster. I tried to crack the lobster but it was to hard.


"here let me do that" Thunder said. He cracked the lobster in one try.

"Kansamnida" I took the lobster and ate it, there was a peice of lobster flesh on my chin. 

"there's something right there" thunder pointed at my chin.


"right here" he wiped it of with a napkin. And I blushed.

"Kansamnida again" After we finished the lobster I said goodbye to the waiter, and we left. I snapped my fingers and my limo was here. 

"Let's go!"

"Wait!!" Said a voice. I turned back and it was Yoseob.


"Here, when I moved I made this when we were little kids I forgot to give you this" It was a carved bracelet, that said I love you.

"Waaa, k-k-kansamnida" I took the bracelet and hugged him. I said goodbye to him and went inside the limo.

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happydino #1
plz update soon..
when will you update this fanfic?? dying to know the ending of this... update soon pls!! :D
I luf u guys so much :)
hello! i'm new to this fanfic and i'm loving it already ..hahaha.. love Thunder and IU couple...i wish it will be them together....
and please update soon :)
pimmyz #5
Yoseob!!! Don't get in the way of thunu!!!
minaohmina #8
Woah they are falling for eachother fast !!! And so many thunder and iu moments !!! Gahh my night is perfect !! Haha . Update soon ! I love your story.
No more chapters :(((
Thunder is so cute<333