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“HEY Baekhyun hyung, Big Boss informed us that you told him to tighten the security around your house. Is there anything happen at the mansion?” That was Sehun first question the moment he and D.O spot Baekhyun walking in the company towards the elevator. Unable to lie, Baekhyun nodded without saying anything. Sehun and D.O look at each other for a second before turning to Baekhyun again. The older between the three sighed heavily.


“Actually, there’s nothing serious happen. It just, the usual black van that I told you guys, is coming more frequently and I just take the precaution because I can’t always be in the mansion 24/7. You know how this mission is getting complicated and hard with every day passed. I don’t even know what’s the deal at the first place but here I am, being a spouse for someone who doesn’t even care for me.” Baekhyun unconsciously let out his feeling leaving Sehun and D.O gaping in dumbfounded. Sure, they want Baekhyun to tell his problem to them but not at this unexpected place and time like this. It was silent and awkward for a while. D.O being the first to gain back his conscious, cleared his throat trying to gain the attention.


“We don’t know the real story either, Baek but, let me be frank, okay? Within these 3 months you married Chanyeol, you completely turn into someone else. Look, me and Sehun know that you’re different when it’s on duty or not but now, things are getting worse. Especially, you. Being ing submissive and accepting. That’s so not you. The real you are, despite being quiet during off duty, you still have your sassy and stubborn side in you. Except now, you totally changed to be a very weak person. You have to tell us, Baek. If Chanyeol did something that make you became like this.” D.O plead at the end of his sentence. Sehun on the other hand, just silent with all the drama in front of him although anyone who close with him know that he practically analysing the whole situation. Baekhyun still didn’t say anything worrying the both other agents.


“Baekhyun hyung, what’s wrong? What’s with this silent and creepiness?” Sehun voice chirped finally in curious yet concern. Still, Baekhyun didn’t say anything as he just walks forward. His eyes focus intently on something in front of him that Sehun and D.O both turning their head to where Baekhyun is looking. That’s when Baekhyun speak up.


“Cover Chanyeol for me. Don’t make him realized that I’m not in the office. Make sure… you guys come up with a reasonable excuse. I won’t be long.” With that being said, Baekhyun stride away in calm yet fast pace towards somewhere. Sehun and D.O glance at each other again and nodded together before walking away to go to their respective work section. While Baekhyun, he quickly turns on his IPhone and calling for someone.


“Hello, Agent Light here. Get your team ready now and bring them to EXODUS CORPORATION. Immediately.” That was his only order before he go even deeper towards his previous direction. It’s just where a toilet should be since it’s at the corner of the big company but Baekhyun know it’s a perfect place to do something awful that other people won’t know. Getting in the seclude space, Baekhyun’s hand was fast to lock the door and he got what he expected. His target is in there, with his ugly mocking smirk. Standing in front of him in glory and a gun clasp securely in his hand.


“This is what we called ‘public place’. Don’t you know about it or you pretend to not know about it because you’re just so stupid?” The sentence coming out teasingly yet coldly from Baekhyun. His both hands crossed comfortably on his chest.


“Wow! None other than Agent Light himself! Nice to meet you, little agent! Where’s your other squad?” The big guy questioned with an evil smile. Baekhyun glared at him deeply giving a late reply.


“That’s none of your business. Now, let’s make this easy, er. I just want you get the hell out from here and don’t make any ruckus. We both don’t want our identity to leak, isn’t it? So –…”


“Well, agent. You’re the one who disturbing my job at the first place. If you just let me do my work and didn’t appear in that ing Park’s heir life, thing won’t be like this.” The man said with rage as he moves forward to punch Baekhyun straight on the face. The move was unexpected that Baekhyun found himself crouching down, holding onto his bleeding lips. Baekhyun face turn horror. No, he can’t make a scene here. This is so wrong. Things will be out of control and most importantly, Chanyeol might know everything. His identity with D.O and Sehun will be in danger. He’s thinking about just running away but then, another move was made by the big man and Baekhyun didn’t have much choice except to fight back. The agent skilfully swing his leg up to give a high kick right at the man chest make him stumble down. Baekhyun then was fast enough to grab the man hair and leave a lot of punch in his face. When he deems it’s enough to make the man weak, Baekhyun let out his gun from his hidden case on his leg to shoot onto the guy but Sehun’s and D.O’s voice stop him.


“Baekhyun, no! There’s a CCTV in the male washroom! I just found it out! Chanyeol put it here to make sure his worker didn’t do anything crazy in here!” D.O yell make Baekhyun froze in his place. He turns around with his head down to avoid the camera only to see his two friends already wear a hoody to hide themselves. D.O shoved a black hoodie for himself.


“Here. Wear this.” The doe-eyed guy said and smile gratefully when Baekhyun followed his words. While Sehun grab the big man on his hair and glaring down at him. Without thinking any further, he left a last hard punch on the thug and inject him with something. Baekhyun and D.O watched his moves tentatively. The maknae shrugged.


“It’s just a mild sleep substance. He’ll be unconscious for at least 4 to 5 hours.” He explained getting a silent nod from the two hyung. Baekhyun hummed a little.


“I deem it’s enough until the squad arrive.” He said coldly keeping his gun back in his leg. D.O didn’t say anything but Baekhyun know that his friend is itching to say something. He slung an arm around the owl-like guy shoulder with a smirk.


“Just say what you want to say, Kyung. Since when you’re being careful like this?” His last sentence came out in a mocking way that make D.O pretending want to puke. Sehun and Baekhyun both smirk.


“Excuse you! I will never be careful with you… but… if ever, me and Sehun didn’t arrive at the right time, you will really kill this ?” D.O voice keep slowing down with every words he spluttered.


“Hey, let’s go now. The squad almost arrived and this place will surely crowd by the time they bring this piece of out. I bet Chanyeol will also be here since this is his company.” Baekhyun pretend to check his wristwatch as he pulls the hoodie forward to hide his face carefully. Baekhyun and D.O sighed heavily. It’s really hard to make Baekhyun talk if the puppy guy doesn’t want to.









WHILE in his office, Chanyeol watched the CCTV clip in the male washroom intently. His eyes locked onto the three black hoodie guy as they cornered the trespasser as the tallest one inject him with something.


“S.S.I.K.” He said lowly. Trying the sound with his own lips. S.S.I.K. That’s what written behind each of the hoodie. Chanyeol frowned when the smaller one among the three keeping his gun in his leg.




Chanyeol look up once he heard his door being knock. Eyes focused back to the clip as he muttered a very short and low ‘come in’.


“Mr. Park, there’s someone who want to see you right now.” Irene soft voice invaded Chanyeol’s eardrum as he really looks up this time. He saw a glimpse of an unknown man behind his secretary, yet, he didn’t say anything.


“Who is it?” He still dares to ask. And this time, Irene move aside to give Chanyeol a clear look at his uninvited guest.


“The Big Boss of S.S.I.K. It’s stand for Seoul Secret Investigator & Killer.” S.S.I.K again. Chanyeol eyes moves to the clip previously and the man in front of him repeatedly in a slow motion. The young Chairman nodded curtly.


“Let him in.” Irene nodded at the short order as she let Mr. Kwon enter the spacious office. The older guy takes a sit right in front of Chanyeol without waiting any invitation make Chanyeol smirk. Irene was about to warn the uninvited guest about his rude behaviour but Chanyeol just ushered her out. With that, the two guy were left alone in the big yet suffocated room. Mr. Kwon didn’t say anything as he slid a card on the mahogany table towards Chanyeol. The tall guy took it flipping it coolly and smirk again.


“Are you silently telling me that I won’t know your name forever, Sir? You introduce yourself as a Big Boss in front of my secretary and now, on your business card, there’s only Big Boss written on it?” Chanyeol questioned nonchalantly as he put the business card aside.


“Three of my super best agent are here working for you, Chairman Park. They are disguising for quite a long time already. I can’t say for how long because knowing you, there will be a big risk for me since you’ll dig in who are they.” Mr. Kwon start without giving any introduction still keeping his straight face. Chanyeol didn’t say anything as he silently let Mr. Kwon continue his words.


“Light, Stone and Wind. That’s the only clue I can give you about the agent identity. The rest? Let just say, I won’t like it if ever you found out about it.”


“Three, huh? What’s the deal with it? I don’t think I have to know about it either.” Chanyeol shrugged at his last sentence make Mr. Kwon chuckled mockingly.


“Are you sure you don’t have to know about it, Mr. Park? Because, I’m giving you a chance to know who’s your protector.” At that, Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrow in confusion. Protector? His protector?


“Enlighten me then, BIG BOSS.” The taller gritted coldly bolding the ‘Big Boss’ word. Mr. Kwon smirk knowingly with a hint of mocking in it.


“Park Chanyeol, you are really oblivious about your surroundings, aren’t you? I wonder how you can be a Chairman with this cute oblivious attitude you have.” Again, Mr. Kwon chuckle but this time, there’s a softness in it. Ch

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Chapter 10: Juice!!!! Excited for the next chapter.
Chapter 8: Dude shouldn't Baekhyun get the medical treatment right now, he took 3 bullets, man and that to on his back.
Chapter 7: Wtf is wrong with the family, man!!! They didn't even leave the Mom from their wrath.
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 10: Can we expect some mind blowing spicy times next??🙏
Exo450853 #5
When will you update???🙃
Beau1996 1382 streak #6
Chapter 9: What's happening ?? Is Baek gonna make it out of there??
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Chapter 8: My poor baekhyunni😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #9
Chapter 8: Chanyeol got to see Devil Light in action - ending was very sad 😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #10
Chapter 7: Talk about a crazy family!! Not that I want the Parks to get hurt but Mrs Park kind of deserves upset for siding with those girls 😡