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“I’M sorry but they already move forward faster than we expected. I just got the news yesterday and that’s why I called you straight after that. Two of our agents are killed last night while Agent Stone, as you know, is badly injured. Agent Wind is good fortunately but he still got some bruise here and there.” Baekhyun totally ignored Jungkook’s voice beside him as he emotionlessly walks towards S.S.I.K private hospital. It’s located somewhere around the local hospital but their Big Boss bet out a lot of cash to make sure there’s a spot for only S.S.I.K agent without the public knowing it’s exist in the local hospital.


“Agent Light, I hope –…”


“Shut the up if you don’t want me to kill you, Jeon ing Jungkook.” That got Jungkook to close his mouth immediately. Trust him, no one would want to deal the angry and fume Byun Baekhyun. The Devil Light. Quietly, Jungkook let himself tailing behind Baekhyun. He obediently follows what the older agent want. Not to utter a single word.


“When did the ambush start?” Jungkook flinched when Baekhyun suddenly turn his head to glare at him. The younger lost all his words make Baekhyun sighed.


“Come on, boy. Are you being a stupid passive cat right now? Just because I said I’ll kill you? Then, what if your enemy said the exact same thing to you? You’ll give up on your mission and left your client to deal with the thug alone? What happen to the boy that order me so easily yesterday night?” Jungkook gulped at the sentence. Baekhyun was right. He can’t just be scare with that one threat. He’s an agent for God sake!


“I’m sorry, hyung. I’m still learning.” The boy apologized softly with a slight bow. Baekhyun smiled secretly. The younger reminded him during his early day learning the flow to be a great agent.


“Whatever. Answer my question. When did the ambush start?”


“Sharp at 10.30 pm yesterday. Agent Wind and Agent Stone were barely done with their daily routine going through the place that Big Boss said had a high potential to be their hideout. They were heading to your mansion when the ambush start. Those black suit men arrived with a cliché black van and just let out random shot right in front of the place. It’s just luck that there’s two other agent having their night out gathering. The two of them helped Agent Wind and Agent Stone.” Baekhyun nodded with every Jungkook explanation. It’s not what he wants since it’s not a complete narration but he can get it from Sehun and D.O later.


“Anyway Baekhyun hyung, based on what you wear, I can see that you don’t intend going to EXODUS CORPORATION today?” Jungkook suddenly asked as his eyes rake up and down looking at Baekhyun outfit. The latter just wearing a simple casual outfit. A ripped black skinny jean, simple red t-shirt written ‘SPY’ with a black oversized hoodie and black cap written ‘I’M COOL’ in white. The awning is at the front to hide his face. He also wearing a simple dark blue sneaker.


“Hmm… I’m not going there today. I need to settle a lot of things here and at the headquarter. I’ll just inform Mr. Park about my absence today. He can make something of it. You can go now, Jungkook. I have something to discuss with Agent Stone and Wind for a while.” Baekhyun declared sternly although his voice is soft. The younger of the two nodded obediently leaving Baekhyun alone at the hallway. Right when Jungkook is gone, the agent turns back to his cute demeanour.


“Now! Where is Kyunggie room? Oh! Here it is! A07!” He beamed happily opening the door without even bother to knock. Smiling happily, he knows it right when he saw both his best friend in the ward.


“Sehun! D.O! Are the both of you alright?” He asked worriedly tackling the two in his tight bone crushing hug. Instead of being annoyed with the sudden hug, D.O and Sehun smiled affectionately at their puppy.


“We’re just fine, Baekhyunnie. There’s nothing wrong with us. It’s you. Didn’t you go to the company today? Why bother to visit us?” D.O concerned voice got Baekhyun chuckled.


“It supposed to be me being a concern Omma here, Kyunggie! You’re the one who got shot! And Sehun, you got pretty bad mark here. At your chin.” Baekhyun hand was fast to caress Sehun’s chin that was scarred right under his lips. Sehun smiled getting up to leave a peck on his beloved hyung forehead.


“I’m just fine, puppy hyung. It’s just a scar.” He said to reassure the older. Baekhyun pout and was about to retort when his Samsung buzzed in his skinny pocket. He flashes a sorry face to Sehun and D.O who just nodded with a small smile.


“It might be more important, Baek.” D.O said with a chuckle and Baekhyun reluctantly slide the screen to answer it. He took a deep breath to greet but another voice already beat him.


“Dad is in hospital. We’re now at Seoul University Hospital.” Chanyeol deep and curt voice bring 1001 feels in Baekhyun. First, their father is in hospital. Right after his friends got warded. Well, only D.O. Two, he’s admitted at Seoul University Hospital. Chanyeol now exactly at the same place as him. Just at the different section. He tried not to be panic but still, there’s nothing could come out from him. His reaction makes both his best friends worry.


“Hey, Baekhyun.” The said man froze. Softly. For the first time ever, Chanyeol called out his name softly. Without any hint of hatred in it. His silent metre is increasing. He wants to keep silent to wait if Chanyeol still want to call his name softly but deem it will be selfish considering Mr. Park is not in a good state. Baekhyun cleared his throat carefully.


“I –I’m sorry. T –Text me… the section –… I mean, where the doctor put him. I –I’ll be there shortly.” With that, the call was cut and Baekhyun turn around only to see Sehun and D.O look at him expectantly. There’s no cute and puppy face on Baekhyun anymore and they know it’s serious.


“Mr. Park is here. Hospitalized. No one need to tell me what’s wrong but I know. It seems like they have start targeting the Park’s family openly.”









BAEKHYUN was quite collected when he arrived at the 25th floor of the hospital since Chanyeol said all of them were there. By ‘them’, it’s not just Chanyeol and Madam Park. Kai, Irene and Helena is also there. His footsteps becoming more slow and timid the nearer he got to those people. He’s awkward. Mr. Park is not there for him to go to and now he was left alone. At the sound of the other footsteps, all attention diverted to him.


“Speak of the devil.” Helena sudden words sure make Baekhyun curious. So, they talked about him? What is it about? Baekhyun try to compose himself by acting calm and quiet as always. His hand slowly makes its way to take off his black cap. Little did he know; his movement just now make someone else froze for a second. Froze in awe.


“Where did you go? You’re not at the office today.” Chanyeol deep voice echoed coldly as he stares intently into Baekhyun’s light brown orbs.


“I –…”


“Where else? He must be going to throw the evidence! Since he’s the one who planned all of this!” Madam Park exclaimed with her high pitch voice successfully cutting Baekhyun. Hearing that, Baekhyun smirk secretly. He’s not stupid to read the situation but he just kept silent about it.


“I have some other things to handle. My friends want me to help them with their work. Sorry for not telling you beforehand. It happens so suddenly.” It’s not blindly a lie at the first place. Baekhyun really did have some other things to handle. He also met Sehun and D.O. Madam Park suddenly huffed in disbelief.


“See? I told you! Some other things to handle? Do you think we’re that stupid? Lied to us right on our face?” The woman accused absentmindedly. Helena slowly caress Madam Park to make her calm.


“It’s okay, Aunty. Uncle will be fine. His injuries is not that serious. You can’t just accuse Baekhyun blindly. He really might have other work.” Baekhyun scoffed silently.


“This is getting interesting. You guys are really great at framing me. These two devils here are already hating me and you used them. Great. Just great.” He whispered coldly. The smaller thought no one would have heard it but Chanyeol heard it. Chanyeol heard everything he said.


“Chanyeol, you need to stop these two women. I’m sick of hearing it. Their voice makes me want to puke.” Kai shamelessly said as he glares at both Madam Park and Helena openly. Baekhyun want to laugh but he need to respect their situation right now. Helena and Madam Park gaped face are priceless! Irene also seems to control her façade.


“What happen to Dad? How can he be here?” Baekhyun still dare to keep his pretending attitude. His voice is careful and quiet. He hopes for Chanyeol to answer himself but it was Kai who answered it.


“We don’t know much but one of the workers told us that Mr. Park currently having his daily golf routine when a black van sudden drive through the golf court and just like that, three or four gunshots were heard. The club was a chaos when we arrived.” Kai explained as simple as he can.


“We found something with him when the nurses bring him to the OR. He got some serious injuries on his shoulder and chest. It’s a luck that the bullet didn’t go straight to his chest but he still loses lot of blood.” Irene continue getting a nod from Kai as she passed something to Baekhyun.


“That’s yours, you ! You are the reason my husband is in here!” Madam Park roared again when Baekhyun took the thing in his hand and shock fill the smaller face make Madam Park and Helena smirk in triumph.


“Look at his reaction! I told you, Chanyeol! Your father is really a blind person for letting a like him to be part of our family!” Madam Park huffed as a matter of fact. Baekhyun still didn’t say anything as he stares at the thing in his hand for a long time. His IPhone 6 that he used for work matter. The smartphone reeked of blood smell although it was kept in a see through plastic bag. Mr. Park blood surrounded the phone. Baekhyun continue to inspect the phone until something caught his attention.


“I admit, it’s true. This phone is mine, but –…”


“There’s no more ‘but’, Byun Baekhyun! It’s already clear!’” Helena cut the guy still smirking proudly. Now, Baekhyun really want to punch that plastic face.


“Irene-sshi, did police want this phone?” Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrow. Why Baekhyun suddenly asking about the phone? Irene look at Chanyeol for a brief moment before shaking her head.


“They can’t find anything suspicious in it. You can keep it but, Chanyeol want to give it to S.S.I.K for more precise investigation.” Baekhyun snapped his head towards Chanyeol and was about to say something when someone approached them.


“I came to take something from Park Chanyeol. What is it?” Baekhyun turn around. For everyone else, he’s just one of S.S.I.K secret agent based on his black S.S.I.K hoodie but Baekhyun know him. Taeyong. Another young S.S.I.K agent. Chanyeol took the plastic bag from Baek

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Chapter 10: Juice!!!! Excited for the next chapter.
Chapter 8: Dude shouldn't Baekhyun get the medical treatment right now, he took 3 bullets, man and that to on his back.
Chapter 7: Wtf is wrong with the family, man!!! They didn't even leave the Mom from their wrath.
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 10: Can we expect some mind blowing spicy times next??🙏
Exo450853 #5
When will you update???🙃
Beau1996 1382 streak #6
Chapter 9: What's happening ?? Is Baek gonna make it out of there??
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Chapter 8: My poor baekhyunni😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #9
Chapter 8: Chanyeol got to see Devil Light in action - ending was very sad 😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #10
Chapter 7: Talk about a crazy family!! Not that I want the Parks to get hurt but Mrs Park kind of deserves upset for siding with those girls 😡