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THE sound of the loud ringing from his alarm clock bringing Baekhyun up from his deep slumber as he stretches himself to relax his tensing limbs. Looking around the room, a soft sigh escaped his lips.


“He already go first. How can he even get up so early every day? Didn’t he tired from working all day?” He pouts at the mention of the person that flashed in his mind literally every day lately. Still with the cute pout on his face, Baekhyun slowly get out from his comforted nest on the bed to get ready for his another new solemn day. He glanced at the wall clock and sigh again.


“It’s just 8.00 am. Why did he need to get to work so early? Such a freaking workaholic husband! At least wake me up and I can give you a goodbye kiss. I want to be a good spouse for you.” He mumbled sulkily. Well, don’t blame Baekhyun who still can’t get over with his feeling yet.


“Young Master Baekhyun, are you already up? Mr. and Mrs. Park are waiting to have a breakfast with you.” The soft voice from one of the maid make Baekhyun completely get up from the bed. He huffs with a small pout knowing that he had to go down alone again.


“I’m awake. You can tell them to eat first. I’ll be down in another 15 or 20 minutes. Thank you for informing me.” The petite guy hollered a little loud so that the maid could hear him. When there’s no other sound outside, Baekhyun assumed the maid already walk away.


“Ugh! How I hate every day is just the same! It’s so boring!” He blurted out of sudden before starting his morning routine. In the middle of his eyeliner time, Baekhyun jumped a little when his Samsung Galaxy S8 suddenly ringing crazily on the nightstand.


“Who have the gut to call me at this kind of time? Don’t they know that busy people like me have something to do in front of the mirror right now?” Baekhyun blabbered mindlessly as he lazily walks towards the nightstand to take his smartphone and slide the screen to answer it. Without even care to check the caller ID.


“Hello, who’s this?” He greets nonchalantly.


“Agent Light, didn’t I tell you to not used your private work number in your everyday phone? I told you to buy another phone, didn’t I? Why you still using your everyday phone?” Hearing the hard voice from the other line, Baekhyun gulped. Seems like his morning isn’t the best either based on his Big Boss tone. He grinned awkwardly although he knows Mr. Kwon can’t see it from the other line.


“Yeah, I’m sorry, Big Boss. I’m forgetting thing very quickly nowadays. You know, a lot of stress in these days. There’s a lot of works I need to handle at the office. Things are getting hard there.” He reasoned lamely still grinning innocently. His other hand was fast to line the eyeliner on his eyes.


“Don’t give me your stupid excuse, Byun. I reminded you to get a new phone since last month but you always have your excuses. Just admit it. You’re too engrossed in your life with the Park’s heir that make you careless with my order.” At the sentence, Baekhyun didn’t say anything to reply because indeed, his boss is right. He guessed it right. Baekhyun is too dwell in his marriage problem that he found himself forgetting the real reason he even married at the first place.


“Big Boss, I’m sorry for being too careless. It’s my fault and I admit it. And for that, I promise you that I will certainly buy a new phone right after I got out to work. I’ll keep that in my mind. Perfectly, Big Boss.” On the other line, Mr. Kwon suddenly felt guilty for pushing the small agent. He understands every bit of problem Baekhyun had, yet, he still going a little too hard on him. Okay, maybe not little. The older sighed.


“Okay, then. Just… make sure you don’t forget it this time, Baekhyun. It’s dangerous for you and for us. I don’t want any secret to leak before it’s time. I don’t want you, Sehun and D.O to be in danger also. If ever your identity revealed, things won’t be safe. Heck, it might be even more intense and complicated. I… I had to admit that I never want anything happen to the three of you. The three of you already got my soft spot and I don’t want to lose you guys.” The fatherly words got Baekhyun to smile. He chuckled a little.


“You just love the three of us a little too much, Big Boss.” Baekhyun chuckled again after saying those sentence. Unable to suppress his happiness, Mr. Kwon also can’t help but to laugh softly at the teasing words. He smiled softly after calming himself.


“Whatever you say, Agent Light. Anyway, I want to remind you for the last time. Don’t forget about the phone again. We don’t want anything bad to happen. This mission is not the same as the other. Park Chanyeol can never know who you really are.”


“Yes, Big Boss. I’ll take your words seriously this time.” Baekhyun voice turn serious too as he nodded firmly. Mr. Kwon hum in satisfaction before he cut the call. Leaving Baekhyun to sighed heavily.


“I wonder how long this will be going on with me have to pretend even from the beginning. Park Chanyeol is not someone that I can easily fool. He’s not just a mere young Chairman for nothing.” He mumbled slowly to no one.












“YAH, Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun! Wait up!” Baekhyun turn around only to meet with D.O who trying to catch up with him frantically and behind him is Sehun who calmly walk towards them with his usual dark and cold aura. Baekhyun smiled remembering the exact same scene he had 3 months ago where he chases the two and his smile widening remembering the same event that led to where he is right now.


“Hey, D.O! Hey, little Sehunnie!” His greeting becoming happier with each day passed worrying both D.O and Sehun because they thought that Chanyeol might gave Baekhyun happy pill every day. They also know that Baekhyun hiding something from them but they can’t really do anything about it because Baekhyun refuse to tell them what his problem is. But, they are happy that Baekhyun didn’t let the problem eat him inside.


“Another happy and overexcited greeting, Baek. And, it’s getting happier with every seconds and days passes! Seriously, what exactly happen? Did Chanyeol gave you something to make you happy every day? We’re your best friend for sake, so tell us!” D.O burst out only to make Baekhyun chuckled as he pats the other shoulder softly while Sehun smiled secretly before quickly back to his poker face.


“Nothing, D.O. I’m just being myself as usual! And, yeah… maybe… just maybe Chanyeol gave me something to make me happy every day! Who knows? Anyway, I’m sorry that I can’t catch up with you guys a lot these days. We only get to meet when we do our JOB. My work here though. It’s getting piled up.” Baekhyun reassured his best friend with his best eye-smile that D.O rolled his eyes. While Sehun snorted feeling somehow irritated when his favourite hyung have to endure everything alone without even thinking to tell him.


“Cut the crap, Baek hyung. I know how you’ve been very different ever since you married to that big-ear giant. You became quiet and all when you alone. I don’t know what’s your problem because you seem happy every day but make sure it didn’t affect your mission because we need to freaking protect him.” Call Sehun selfish but he can’t help to just let out those words because of his frustrated mind with Baekhyun. The said person just smiles sadly.


“Hyung know, Sehun-ah. Don’t worry, okay? You know how am I when it’s a mission we talk about.” Baekhyun try to act normal make Sehun and D.O cringe with how fake it look. Baekhyun laugh at their funny face. Giving a knowing look to each other, D.O and Sehun just sigh.


“I guess it’s just a waste of time we coming here. The both of us thought about talking to you, but, you seem to have a lot of… work. So, yeah. We’ll be going first.” D.O said slowly eyeing the document in Baekhyun’s hand that make the older grinned.


“I’m sorry, guys. Let just talk on some other time, okay? The time where I don’t have any work. Chanyeol is torturing me with all these works.” He pouts at the end of his sentence make D.O and Sehun suddenly pitied him.


“It’s okay, Baekhyun. Just take your time. We understand you. See you later, Baek hyung. Oh, don’t forget to eat, okay? You are getting skinnier every day.” With that, Sehun and D.O walk away leaving Baekhyun alone standing at the middle of his department trying to search when all of this had gone wrong. Their entire mission. His fake grin also disappeared. Slowly going back to his seat, Baekhyun reminisce back to the time at his and the Park’s heir wedding.







Baekhyun remembered how the Father asked him if he’s agree to marry with the Park’s heir that he never met face to face and how the Park’s heir say ‘yes’ determinedly as if they are a couple that was mad in love. But, no. It was wrong. All wrong. The reason he never gets to meet the Park’s heir before their wedding is all point back to the young heir.


“I’m sorry, Baekhyun dear. This is all my fault. My son is the one who requested this stupid thing. Since, I’m the one who arrange the marriage so he takes advantage of it saying he will ditch this entire marriage if I don’t agree with this. I don’t know why he came up with such idea not to meet you until your wedding day.” Mr. Park continuously apologize for his son behaviour that Baekhyun feel guilty inside. It was his son doing but why his father is the one who take the blame? It’s not fair. Baekhyun thought sadly. Somehow he got the rough image of how the Park’s heir is. His picture didn’t seem so friendly that Baekhyun thought it’s maybe a photoshoot for some business magazine but once again Baekhyun is wrong. He’s yet have much more to learn about the young CEO.


“Mr. Park, you don’t have to –…”


“Dad. It’s Dad for you, my dear. You will be my son in any minute and I promise your Big Boss that I’ll take a very good care of you. I’m a man who hold his promise and with that, you have me to back you up whenever you’re in trouble.” Baekhyun is sure if he’s an emotional person, he will tear up the moment Mr. Park already acknowledge him as his son. The younger smiled gratefully.


“Thanks… Dad. Thank you for promising to take care of me.” Mr. Park smiled back gathering Baekhyun small frame in his arm like a fragile doll.


“Now that I realized it, Baekhyun honey. You never introduce me to your family ever since the first day I met you. Where are they? Do they know about your job?” Baekhyun’s body froze with the sudden unexpected question. They already part away and Mr. Park curious eyes bore into Baekhyun’s shiny brown one.


“I… They… err… I don’t know if –…”


“Hey Baekhyun, it’s okay. If you still don’t want to tell me then it’s fine. Tell me when you are ready, okay? Now, let’s go. Everyone is waiting for us outside. Your future husband also there waiting for you.” Baekhyun blushed at the mention ‘future husband’ make Mr. Park chuckled at the cuteness. The two then walk side by side towards the altar where Chanyeol already waiting for his husband-to-be. Although he’s amazed and dazed by the beautifulness of his bride but Chanyeol didn’t show it. With his fluffy pink candy hair, Baekhyun really look like an angel falling from the sky with the peach-coloured flower crown on his head. His w

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Chapter 10: Juice!!!! Excited for the next chapter.
Chapter 8: Dude shouldn't Baekhyun get the medical treatment right now, he took 3 bullets, man and that to on his back.
Chapter 7: Wtf is wrong with the family, man!!! They didn't even leave the Mom from their wrath.
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 10: Can we expect some mind blowing spicy times next??🙏
Exo450853 #5
When will you update???🙃
Beau1996 1382 streak #6
Chapter 9: What's happening ?? Is Baek gonna make it out of there??
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Chapter 8: My poor baekhyunni😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #9
Chapter 8: Chanyeol got to see Devil Light in action - ending was very sad 😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #10
Chapter 7: Talk about a crazy family!! Not that I want the Parks to get hurt but Mrs Park kind of deserves upset for siding with those girls 😡