The Lycan Princess
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I paced back and forth inside my prison nervously. Two days left before my fight with Donghae. Apha's all over the world started coming yesterday to witness our fight and it adds to my anxiety.


If I wanted to run couldn't because of lots of alpha's around and I'm scared for Jisoo safety. She hasn't come to visit me for four days now. Only Jinwan and Bobby were allowed to come and they told me that Jisoo was kept in Donghae's place but told me not to worry about her because Donghae didn't do any harm to her. She was only not allowed to come out.


I am free of wolfsbanes for five days, and because of that, all my wounds are healed now. My skin is now smooth and I gain a bit of weight.  

Donghae allowed me to train and Bobby was the one who trains me but only in my cell. I'm just thankful they transferred me to a bigger cell to have enough space for me to train.  Within five days  I learn a lot from Bobby and I make sure I remember everything he thought me.

Bobby is skillful in different self-defense maybe because he was an alpha before. He taught me everything he knows in a short time and I tried to learn all of it fast for myself. 

After I trained with him for five hours, every day. I repeat what he taught me after on my own and I only sleep for three to four hours so that I could learn fast. And I'm glad that I learn fast as if I've been doing it for a long time.

Every morning I do stretching that what Bobby told me so that as soon as when he comes we will start the training. 

Jinwan told me earlier that he started searching the Jaejoong place and the only place he doesn't search is their bedroom. He said that he heard one time the Luna talk about this magical necklace she has with the other Luna and I'm hoping that the necklace she was talking about is my necklace.

I snapped my eyes to the door when I hear the sound of the keys and the door was pushed open and Donghae stepped inside. This is the first time he came here since he told Jaejoong that he will fight with me.

"Wow!!! Look at you. Without wolfsbanes, in your system, your true beauty comes out and it will all mine." He said and stole a kiss on my cheek but I quickly landed a slapped on his face.  He burst into laughter, but a second after grabbed me in his arms and tried to kiss me on my lips buy I quickly kneed him on his stomach and kick him. 

He staggered few steps away from surprise but quickly schooled his expression and laugh again clapping his hand.

"Very well. Our fight sure going to be fun. Try to regain all your strength my little mate because I wouldn't go easy on you for disrespecting me as your alpha and I'll make sure to make you kneel in front of me after our fight."

"It won't happen. I'll die first before I'll kneel in front of you." I said glaring at him.

"We will see about it, my little mate." He said and left my prison. I slumped down on my mattress and quickly wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks. 


I took a deep breath and started to train on my own. It's already ten in the evening but I need to train so that I could master everything that Bobby taught me. 


It was around two when I stopped and took a few hours of rest before Bobby will come to train me. 




I quickly sat up when I heard the sound keys outside my prison. I'm always alert a slight noise woke me up in slumber.

"Bobby and Jinwan stepped inside and Bobby is carrying a tray of food for me. I smiled at them and Bobby planted a kiss on the crown of my head while Jinwan hugs me then lean on my ear.

"I found your necklace." He whispered. My eyes widen and I look at Bobby and he nodded.

"Where?" I whispered back.

"The Luna wearing it. It is a teardrop shape crystal-like right and inside there's a fire burning?" Jinwan asked. I nodded my head vigorously. 

"I saw it Yesterd

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 15: happiness at last! dara had waited a long time for this ...
of course we waited a long time to see her (with her mate) have happy days!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Thank you for new update
372 streak #2
Chapter 15: Thank you for update! Happiness fit Dara! She deserves it so much!
xe2d2205 #3
Chapter 14: Thank god!
Finally!All the suffering of Dara is over! but it took so long, for a moment I thought it would never end!
and all the scum is dead!
I want to read the happy chapter as much as all the chapters that pass through suffering!
dara fully deserved it! right?
Can you tell us about happiness?
can you do that ?
Thank you for new update
372 streak #4
Chapter 14: Thank you for update! Finally! They meet! Jiyong saved Dara! Yeay!
krungy_21 #5
Chapter 13: this time I wish jiyong can set dara free out of danger,dara been in along pain,let dara feel the happiness even for a while hehehhe
xe2d2205 #6
Chapter 13: ahh Dara at least got to the necklace, I can't believe you did that!

It took so long!

but she still couldn't escape the clutches of the evil Donghae!

Does everything have to be this hard? Can't you get a little easier on them?

I mean, Dara has been lonely and in pain for so long I never understood why you no longer set her free!

Even if Dara can go to her mate the war will not stop right? this girl's life is filled with struggling to live! no peace, no calm day, no day without pain!

Now if you give a future for Dara to wake up in peace

and I relax too! You can do this right?

Thank you for new update!
bernie20 #7
Chapter 13: Thank u so much for the update...
Finally after the long wait, they will see each other and fight together ❤️
372 streak #8
Chapter 13: Thank you for update! Finally! Dara found the necklace! Jiyong will come for her now! Can't wait!
I hope I can read the Book 1 again soon
372 streak #10
Chapter 12: Thank you for update! Hope Dara will get the necklace and run..also hoping it will make Jiyong come to rescue!