Meeting them... and new friends

I'm in love with my twin brother


Bold = English
Italics = Thoughts

--Kaylee POV
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out.
“Ah, hyung” I said picking up.
“Jae, oudiyah? (where are you?)” Seunghyun hyung asked.
“I’m at the shoe store by the entrance” I said, looking at some shoes.
“Araso (got it) I’ll be there soon” he said, hanging up.
“Anyeong, may I help you with anything today?” I looked over to the voice and saw a pretty saleslady looking at me.
“Um, do you have these and these in a size 7?” I asked, handing her the shoes.
“Just let me go into the back and check for you, please take a seat”
I nodded as she stepped into the back room to look for the shoe sizes.
“Jae~” I heard someone call my name.
I turned my head in the direction of the voice and smiled.
“Hyung, anyeong” I waved.
He sat down next to me and ruffled my hair.
“Ah, hyung~” I whined, “You’re messing up my hair” I said, fixing my hair.
He chuckled and continued to ruffle my hair.
“Um excuse me, here are the sizes you wanted” the saleslady smiled, putting the two boxes down.
She looked at Seunghyun and both the smiles on their faces fell.
Seunghyun cleared his throat and looked into the other direction.
“I’m Hyori, if you need anything else, just ask” she said.
I nodded and she left to help some other customers.
“Hyung-ah, what do you think?” I asked, putting the left Nike shoe and the right Supra shoe on.
“Oh, good choices. Do you want them?” he ask, looking at both shoes.
I smiled and nodded, “Araso (okay/understood) I’ll buy them for you”
“Hyung, you don’t have to, I have my own money~” I said, taking out my wallet from the front pocket on my jacket.
“That’s so cute” he said, taking my wallet, “But I’m still paying” he said, putting my wallet into his pocket.
“Ah, hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuung~” I whined, trying to get my wallet back.
“Ani (no), just think of this as a Christmas present from me” he smiled.
“Sigh, fine” I said, giving in, “But I get to buy you a Christmas present too”
“Mmm” he nodded.
I took off the shoes and out them back into their boxes.
Seunghyun took both the boxes and brought them over to the counter.
“That’ll be 204,370.15 won please” the cashier said, looking at the monitor.
“Hyung, that’s a lot, let me pay half at least” I said, holding his arm back before he handed the cashier the money.
“Jaldae (never) I’m paying, end of story” he said, handing the cashier the money.
“You’re very lucky to have someone like him in your life miss. Just cherish and thank him” the cashier said, smiling.
“Nae, kamsamnida (yes, thank you)” I said, bowing slightly.
“Jae, kaja~ time to meet my friends” Seunghyun hyung said, taking the bag from the cashier.
I nodded and followed him out of the store.
--End of Kaylee POV

--Seunghyun POV
“Hyung, can I ask you a question?” Jaehwa asked, linking her arm through mine.
“Go for it kiddo”
“Do you know that lady in the shoe store…?” Jaehwa asked cautiously.
“I did, but I don’t anymore” I said, smiling softly at her.
“How.. Is that..?” Jae said, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“Yo Choi Seunghyun” I heard someone call my name.
“I’ll explain later when it’s just you and me Jae” she nodded and smiled.
“Yah, hyung~ long time no see”
“Youngbae, this is my little sister” I said, pointing over to Jae.
“Anyeonghasaeyo, Jaehwa imnida (hello, I‘m Jaehwa)” she said, slightly bowing.
“Dong Youngbae imnida, pangapsimnida (I’m Dong Youngbae, nice to meet you)”
“Wow, Youngbae-ah, I’ve never seen you act so formal” I said, putting “formal” in air quotes.
“Ah, hyung~ Don’t embarrass me in front of your pretty sister” he whined “cutely”.
“Hyung, I see you’ve taken great consideration into choosing friends” Jaehwa chuckled, shaking her head.
“Hyung? Did you just call Seunghyun hyung ‘hyung‘?” Youngbae asked, clearly confused.
“She also calls older girls noona, she’s like my little brother in a girl’s body” I sighed.
“Ah, hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuung~ Hwakshilhae? (for real?) *sigh” she pouted and crossed her arms.
“Don’t worry Jaehwa-ah, Seunghyun hyung is just a big meanie, majieyo? (right?)” Youngbae said, wrapping an arm over Jae’s shoulder.
“Masimnida (that’s right)” Jae said, nodding cutely.
“Yah Bae, hands off my sister bro” I said, swatting his arm off Jaehwa’s shoulder.
Jaehwa laughed, “Neomoo-okyeo (so funny)”
“Ah, Youngbae-ah, where’s the rest of the guys?” I asked, ruffling Jaehwa’s hair.
“Ah, they should be around here somewhere” Youngbae said, looking around.
“Yah Bae, oudibuseyo? (where are you looking?)” I heard a voice behind me.
“Kwon Jiyong, is that how you greet your hyung?” I asked, turning around.
“SEUNGHYUN HYUNG?” Jiyong said, shocked.
“The one and only” I said.
A/N; Just imagine Youngbae as Seunghyun xP
“Hyung, it’s been such a long time. How have you been?” Jiyong asked.
“Ah, I’ve been well, you?” I asked, patting his shoulder.
“I’ve been good, jeosarameunnugu? (who’s that?)” he asked, pointing to Jaehwa, who was talking to Youngbae.
“Jae, come here” I said, motioning her over.
“Anyeonghasaeyo, Jaehwa imnida (hello, I‘m Jaehwa)” She said and bowed slightly.
“Woah~ Keyopda~ (so cute)” Jiyong said, pinching her cheeks lightly.
“Hyung, what is he doing?” Jae asked, a little startled.
“Hyung?” Jiyong asked, still lightly pinching Jae’s cheeks.
“Hyung says that Jaehwa’s like his little brother, but in a girl’s body” Youngbae said butting in.
“Huhl, Jiyong-ssi, chamkhunmanyo (just a second)” Jaehwa said, turning towards Youngbae. He smiled and nodded.
(Huhl; it’s a term Koreans use when their dumbfounded, it’s like a mix of “oh my gosh” and “what the hell?”)
Jae turned and looked glared at Youngbae.
“Youngbae-ah, joogeoseo (you’re dead)” she said, chasing him down.
Jiyong and I watched Jaehwa jump onto Youngbae’s back.
We both laughed at their childishness and shook our heads.
--End of Seunghyun POV

--Kaylee POV
“Youngbae-ah, joogeoseo (you’re dead)” I said, chasing him down.
I caught up to him and jumped onto his back.
“Caught you” I giggled, as he held onto my legs.
“Haha, yes you did. Jaehwa-ah, call me hyung, arachi? (understood?)”
“Okey dokey” I said, as he carried my back to Seunghyun hyung and Jiyong.
“Seungii hyung, did you see that? I caught Youngbae hyung” I said, jumping off Youngbae’s back.
“Good job kiddo” he said, ruffling my hair.
--End of Kaylee POV

--Jiyong POV
“Seungii hyung, did you see that? I caught Youngbae hyung” Jaehwa said cutely, jumping off Youngbae’s back.
“Good job kiddo” Seunghyun hyung said, ruffling her hair.
“Yo Bae, Ji, there you guys are” I turned around and saw Seungri and Daesung walking towards us.
“SEUNGHYUN HYUNG!?” Daesung said, running up to us and engulfing Seunghyun in a hug.
“I’VE MISSED YOU !!” Daesung smiled happily.
“Yah, Daesung-ah, you don’t need to yell, I’m right here” Seunghyun said, patting his head.
“Hyung, who’s this?” he asked, pointing over to Jaehwa.
“Nae, anyeonghasaeyo, chonun Jaehwa imnida (hello, my name is Jaehwa)” she said, slightly bowing.
“She’s Seunghyun hyung’s little sister” I said, throwing my arm over her shoulder.
“I’m Lee Seungri. Jaehwa-ssi, how old are you?” Seungri asked.
“I’m 19” she smiled.
Oh my gosh, she has such a beautiful smile I thought to myself, taking me arm off her shoulder.
“Call me oppa, arachi? (okay?)” he said, smiling.
“Ah, see, I don’t call guys that, I don’t call girls unnie either” she said, rubbing the nape of her neck in embarrassment.
“Oh, chincha? (really?) Then call me hyung” he said, holding her shoulders and smiling.
“Na doo, Kang Daesung imnida (me too, I‘m Kang Daesung)” Daesung said, patting her head.
“Nae (yes/okay)” she nodded cutely.
“Hyung, napaegopa (I’m hungry)” she said, poking Seunghyun in the arm.
“Araso (okay) what do you want to eat?” he asked.
“COTTON CANDY !!” she said, jumping around cutely.
“How about hyung gets you a burger to eat first, then I’ll get you cotton candy, arachi? (understood?)”
“Arasooooooooooooo (okay)” she said.
“I’m pretty hungry too, let’s go grab a bite to eat” I said, patting my stomach.
“Okay, kaja (let’s go)” Seunghyun said.
We all walked to the food court and sat down at a table.
“Okay, I’m going to buy myself and Jae a burger, anyone else want?” Seunghyun asked.
“Me please” I said, smiling.
“Arachi (okay), just Ji then?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Seungri said, “Me and Daesung hyung are going to look around”
“I’m gonna grab some sushi” Youngbae said, pointing over to the sushi place.
“Okay, then Jiyong, you stay here with Jaehwa then” Seunghyun said, putting down the bag he was holding.
“Nae (yes/okay)” I said, nodding.
Jaehwa took the bag from the seat next to her and patted it, motioning me to sit down.
I sat down next to her and she placed the bag on the table.
“What’s in the bag Jaehwa-ssi?” I asked, pointing at the bag.
She opened it to show two shoe boxes.
She opened each one and I looked at them.
“Yeppohji? (aren’t they pretty?)” she smiled, “And you can drop the formalities, we’re friends now, right?”
“Ah, nae, yeppohda (yeah, they’re pretty) Jae~ and call me hyung now, arachi? (okay?)”
She nodded cutely and smiled.
I smiled and winked at her causing her to giggle and blush.
A/N; Imagine that as Jiyong xP
“Ah, hyung~ whoaseo~ (you’re here)” Jaehwa said, waving at Seunghyun.
He put the tray of food down on the table and took a seat across from Jaehwa.
He took the bag from the table and put it underneath the table.
“Pamohgo (eat) they’re all the same, except this one doesn’t have tomatoes and onions” he said, motioning towards the food.
He gave Jaehwa the burger without tomatoes and onions and she smiled.
“Komapda hyung~ (thank you)” she said, opening the wrapping around the burger.
Youngbae walked back to out table with his sushi, along with Seungri and Daesung, who also got sushi.
Jaehwa took a bite into her burger and smiled.
“Otdaeyo? (how is it?)” Seunghyun asked, looking at Jae.
Jaehwa finished chewing and swallowed, “Masheetda hyung-ah (it’s yummy)” she said cutely, smiling that amazing smile of hers.
“Good, eat up” he said, biting into his burger.
“Jaehwa, you have a little something here” I said, pointing to her face.
“Here?” she asked, pointing somewhere else.
“Ani, yeogee (no, here)” I said, pointing to it again.
“Oudi? (where?)” she asked.
“Here, let me get it for you” I said, wiping away the sauce from the side of her lip with my finger.
“Gomawoh Jiyong hyung (thank you)” she said, smiling innocently.
“Watch over the little one, I’ll be right back and you better keep a close eye on her, or else” Seunghyun said, standing up and throwing his trash out.
“Ah, hyung~” Jae whined, “I’m not a baby~”
“Araso, araso (okay, okay)” he said, ruffling her hair, “Just be good, I’ll be back soon” she nodded and fixed her hair.
--End of Jiyong POV

Sorry for such the long wait x-x
Kaylee/Jaehwa's met Seunghyun's friends, as well as Hyori and Junyoung
It seems that you guys are uninterested in the story TT-TT
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I will update sooner if I get at 2 or 3 new comments~


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Chapter 1: I freaked out because my name is Kaylee! O__O!!
nanacho #2
Chapter 13: cute story~ but, its just ending like this? I hope you can update it again author-nim ╥.╥
even tho I just found this story (which is too late to comment --') but Im reeeaaallly curious abt Daniel/Kaylee story now ><
please update!!! >< :'( don't end it yet! =_=
Chapter 13: I can't believe it TT^TT
I just started to read the fic and suddenly find that is finished...
Please autor-nim, start writing again? PLEEEEEASE???
Chapter 4: even though i just started reading this story, i really love this story <3
JJLovesKPop #6
AWWWW I Just Started Reading this And I REALLY Liked it! *Pouts*
kyungsoo97 #7
Wait when is she going to tell them she has a boyfriend!!(Daniel) Anyways Update Soon!
daniel TT^TT
DancingQueenHyoyeon #9
update please