Old Wounds

I'm in love with my twin brother

Bold = English
Italics = Thoughts

--Kaylee POV
I buried my head into that I thought was my pillow, when I felt something touch my .
My eyes shot open and I was staring at Daniel’s chest.
I closed my eyes again and lightly grabbed Daniel’s shirt.
I felt Daniel wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer into him.
I opened my eyes again and looked up at him.
His eyes were still closed and he smiled.
Daniel wakey, wakey~” I said, poking him in the stomach.
“Mmmm” mumbled, cuddling closer to me and burying his face into the crook of my neck.
“Daniel, that tickles” I giggled, feeling his breathe tickle my neck.
He kissed my neck and I shivered.
“Yah” I said, hitting his arm, that was wrapped around my waist, lightly.
He kissed my neck again, lightly biting me in the process.
DANIEL !!” I yelled quietly, making sure not to wake anyone in the house.
“Mian (sorry), you’re just so fun to tease” he said, climbing out of bed.
I pouted, “You’re the worst”
“Love you too” he winked, walking off to the bathroom.
I sighed and shook my head. I climbed out of his bed and walked out to my room.
“Ah, hyung. Good morning” I said, when I saw Seunghyun step out of his room.
“Good morning baby girl” he said, kissing my forehead, “Wash up and come down for breakfast, arachi? (okay?/understood?)”
“Nae (okay/yes) hyung” I said, before walking into my room.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face.
I quickly grabbed a loose fitting cardigan before going downstairs.
“Good morning noona, hyung, umma and appa” I greeted everyone as I stepped in the kitchen.
“Where’s Daniel dear?” umma asked, passing me some toast.
“Right here umma” Daniel said, stepping into the kitchen.
Umma nodded and sat down at the table with appa, who was reading the newspaper.
I finished off my toast and washed the crumbs off my hands.
“Seunghyun hyung, do you want to go to the mall with me?” I asked.
“Uh, sure. I was going to meet up with some friends at the mall today, I’ll introduce you to them then” he smiled.
I nodded, “I’m going to go get changed then” I said, heading to my room.
I pulled on this outfit and went over to Seunghyun’s room.
“Knock, knock” I said, knocking on this door.
“Come in” he yelled from inside.
I opened the door and saw him dressed and ready to go.
“Ready to go kiddo?” he asked, looking over at me.
"Mhmm" I nodded.
“Ja, kaja (okay, let’s go)” he said, walking over to me.
I followed him to the front door and appa threw him the car keys.
Seunghyun looked at appa, “Have fun, try not to stay out too late” appa said.
“Thanks ajusshi, bye now, we’ll be back soon” Seunghyun said.
“Bye~” I said in a sing-songy way, following Seunghyun out the front door.
--End of Kaylee POV

--Seunghyun POV
*fast-forward to mall*
“Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve been here” Jaehwa said when we stepped into the mall.
“Na doo (me too)” I smiled.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. T.O.P” I turned in the direction the voice was coming in and saw someone I didn’t want to see.
Baby girl, I want you to walk away right now and go some where, I’ll call you when I’m done with this bastard” I said, staring at the guy walking towards me.
Jaehwa just walked away, not showing she knew me.
“What do you want Moon?” I said coldly.
“Did you know that pretty girl?” he asked.
“Who?” I smirked.
“Doesn’t matter, how have you been TOP?” he asked, “nicely”.
“Fine” I said in monotone.
“Now, now TOP, is this how you talk to all your friends?”
“Does it matter?” I snapped.
“Hmm, you’re killing the mood dear TOP”
“Yah Junyoung, how about you leave me alone?” I said.
“Araso (okay/understood), oh and by the way, Hyori says hi” he said before walking off.
I clenched my fists and breathed in and out slowly.
I pulled out my phone and dialled Jaehwa’s number.
“Ah, hyung” she said picking up.
“Jae, oudiyah? (where are you)” I asked.
--End of Seunghyun POV

Hmm... what history do Seunghyun and Hyori have together?
And why does Seunghyun dislike Moon Junyoung so much?
Please comment and stay tuned for the next chapter =)

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Chapter 1: I freaked out because my name is Kaylee! O__O!!
nanacho #2
Chapter 13: cute story~ but, its just ending like this? I hope you can update it again author-nim ╥.╥
even tho I just found this story (which is too late to comment --') but Im reeeaaallly curious abt Daniel/Kaylee story now ><
please update!!! >< :'( don't end it yet! =_=
Chapter 13: I can't believe it TT^TT
I just started to read the fic and suddenly find that is finished...
Please autor-nim, start writing again? PLEEEEEASE???
Chapter 4: even though i just started reading this story, i really love this story <3
JJLovesKPop #6
AWWWW I Just Started Reading this And I REALLY Liked it! *Pouts*
kyungsoo97 #7
Wait when is she going to tell them she has a boyfriend!!(Daniel) Anyways Update Soon!
daniel TT^TT
DancingQueenHyoyeon #9
update please