Smile For Me Again
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Irene wake up like usual the tomorrow morning. Actually she doesn't get enough sleep and managed to sleep for only about 3 to 4 hours last night. She keep turning around on her bed until she fell asleep and she doensn't even remember when she fell asleep. The last thing she remembered was it was 2.30am on the digital watch on her phone screen. She prepare their breakfast and pack some food for them to bring and eat during their long ride. It is 9am on the dot when they leaving their apartment. 

Irene noticed that Seulgi has been grinning at her since she saw her and her big suitcase when they still at their apartment and that smile still remain on the idol face until they in the elevator. She know what make her smiling like that.

"Don't tease me. I haven't go for a trip for years. I don't know what to pack", the older pouting. She know Seulgi will gonna for her luggage. 

Ding. The elevator stop at the carpark of the building. Irene quickly pull her suitcase walk pass by Seulgi and walk out from the elevator, Seulgi follow suit. Light chuckles ecsaped Seulgi's lips

"I didn't say anything. It's okay. This should be fine". They walking approaching Seulgi's car.  The idol unlock her car and open the trunk to put her backpack. After that she reach for Irene's suitcase and help her putting in inside the trunk. 

"And, stop pouting, you look so cute when do that", the younger bluntly said after she close the trunk. Irene blushing when she hear that. 

Seulgi smirk, "Lets go Princess". 

The taller go to passenger seat side to open the door for Irene. Irene slip inside the car. Seulgi carefully close the door and jog to the driver side.

 Irene hide her red face from Seulgi's vision when the idol enter the car by throwing her attention to the outside. They start their ride after everything set. 


Irene keeps yawning since minutes ago. She feel so sleepy. She know her sleepless night last night had finally kick her now. She feel so sleepy but she doesn't want to sleep because she want to accompany Seulgi for the whole ride.

"Are you sleepy?", Seulgi asked from driver seat.

"A bit. I can't sleep last night", Irene weakly replied and she yawn again.

"Nervous?", the idol teasingly asked.

"No. I just can't fall asleep"

"Just sleep. I will wake you up when we arrive"

"It's okay. I want to keep you company"

"It's okay. I'm not sleepy", Seulgi softly said, give her assurance that she not sleepy and will drive safely.

"I will stay awake", Irene said, trying to hold her yawn. 

Seulgi smile. "Okay then". She turn on the radio to help them stay awake.

Irene throw her attention back to outside. Still trying to supress her heavy eyes.


Seulgi has been driving for almost 2 hours when she realized Irene doesn't say anything since she said she will keep her company earlier before. The idol took a glace at the older at the passanger seat besides her and she saw Irene already in her deep slumber. slightly ajar and her body lean onto the car door. Small smile curved at the corner of her lips at the cute sight before her. 

"Who was the one saying that she will stay awake to keep me company earlier?".

Irene sleeping position really look uncomfortable. Seulgi sure she the older neck will definitely sore when she wake up based on her sleeping position. 

Seulgi looks for space to stop her car for a while to adjust the older seat but there is no space to stop. They are in the middle of the highway. Thankfully the nearest stop area is only 5 KM away from where they currently now. Seulgi  proceed her driving until they arrive at the stop area.

Seulgi pull over when she arrive at the stop area. She unbuckle her seatbelt and turn around to Irene who still sleep soundly. She carefully adjusting Irene's seat without waking her up. After that, she take few minutes rest before she steps out from her car to get some hot drink to keep her fresh and energetic. She go to the nearest cafe which not too far from her car and get her drink while her eyes still laid on her car because Irene still sleeping inside her car. She back to her car with 2 cups of hot drink in her hands. 1 cup of hot coffee for her and 1 cup of hot chocolate for Irene.

Irene still sleeping. She didn't even make an inch of movement even when Seulgi accidently close the car door slightly louder than usual. The idol bring her coffee cup towards her lips and slightly blow it to cool down the hot coffee before taking a sip of it. She stares at Irene who look so cute when sleeping. She still not getting use with the older new appearance.

The old Irene was cute even with her bare face, but the new Irene is cuter with her light make up and red lips. Seulgi's eyes landed on her red lips. That lips so temptating and alluring. Seulgi brush off her thinking and pull out her phone from her pocket with her right hand while her left hand still holding the coffee cup. She takes Irene's sleeping beauty picture for her collection. Cute. After that she finish her coffee and continue their ride after she took about 15 minutes short rest.


Irene slowly open her sleepy eyes when she hear someone called her name. She rubbing her eyes to get better view. She noticed Seulgi's car had stop moving and parked at the outside of a building. 

"Are we there yet?", she sit up and look around.

"We are in Daegu now. Let eat first. We haven't had our lunch yet", Seulgi said besides her. "Lets eat here. This restaurant famous". 

The idol unbuckle her seatbelt and kill the engine. She steps out from her car after she adjusting cap on her head. She turn to passanger side and saw Irene still in the car. The older look at her reflection on the mirror and fixing her messy hair due to her sleeping position. Then she steps out from the car and both girl walk side by side entering the restaurant after Seulgi lock her car. 

Seulgi lead the way when they inside the restaurant. She look for secluded table for more privacy. Irene take her seat across the idol. Seulgi rise her and and call for a waiter. A waitress come with menu after few seconds. She passed it to Seulgi and Irene.

"What do you want to eat, Irene?", the younger asked. 

Irene going through the menu but she can't decide which menu she want to have today. Its been years since she get to have taste of Daegu cuisine. 

"I will have something like you", she replied.

"Umm.. then, please give me Dongindong Jjim galbi, Nonmegi Maeuntang and Napjak Mandu", Seulgi said without even look at the menu. Irene's mouth agape when the idol order so much for their lunch. The waitress jotdown everything ordered and leave their table after that.

Seulgi saw Irene's reaction earlier. She pull the older chin up to close her slightly ajar mouth.

"I'm starving Princess. It was 4 hours drive. I need to recharge my energy. I'm telling you, they got the best Dongindong Jjim Galbi and Napjak Mandu in Daegu", she stated and showing her thumbs up. 

Irene chuckles lightly. Her eyes wondering around the restaurant. She had never been to this restaurant before. Maybe this is a new restaurant but Seulgi know about this. She must be a regular here. She noticed the restaurant filled with local and visitors. So this restaurant must be famous like Seulgi said. She can hear some customers talking in Daegu dialect and this bring back memories. This feel like home. This is her hometown indeed. 

It's feel good be back, she said in her small mind.

"I need to go to washroom. Do you wanna come along?", the idol said.

Irene shake her head.

"Are you okay being alone?"

 "Yes", Irene replied give Seulgi assurance.

"Okay. I'll be quick. Just scream my name loudly if anything, okay?", Seulgi playfully said and leave their table. Irene saw Seulgi walking to the back of the restaurant where the washroom located. 


Seulgi turn off the water tap after she wash her hands and pull out tissue to wipe dry her hand. She look at her reflection on the mirror and walk out from the washroom. The idol doesn't straightly walking back to their table after that. She carefully entering the restaurant kitchen instead. Her eyes looking for something wildly. She look for someone to be precise. She smirk after she spotted the one that she look for.

Tiptoeing on her feet, she appoarching that 'someone' carefully. Mischevious smirk curve on her lips. She covering that person eyes with both her palms when she finally stand behind the person. She remain silence and wait for that person to say something or shout at her for doing that unnecessary action in the kitchen but that person next word slightly disappoint her. 

"You are here. When you arrived?", that person said. She detached Seulgi's palm from her eyes and turn around to face Seulgi.

"How do you know it was me?", Seulgi said. Her suprise attack failed miserablely. 

"Seungwan told me yesterday that you'll be back today"

"Seungwan and her big mouth", the idol pouted. Her bestfriend ruined her suprise.

"Think you can suprise me?", the person by playing with her eyebrows. Mocking her failed plan.

"I know I can't. I missed you mom", Seulgi hug the older woman in front her. It was her mother.

"Took you long enough to visit me, huh?"

 "I'm sorry I was so busy", Seulgi said and tightened her hug. She really missed her mother. She haven't see her since her debut so it's been 5 months since her last visit. 

"Yeah right", Mrs, Kang hit her daughter shoulder lightly with her hand.

Seulgi release her hug and grin. "Come and join me mom. I bring someone with me". Seulgi's mother's eyebrow rised questioning.

"Just come with me and let your worker cook for us". She helps taking off the apron from her mother. Her mother tell her cook that she will be outside. Seulgi pull her mother out from the kitchen. 


Irene divert her attention from her phone and lifted her head towards Seulgi's voice when the idol called her. Irene immediately rose up from her seat when she saw unfamiliar middle age woman stand beside Seulgi. 

"Irene, meet my mother", Seulgi said and pointing at her mother with her hand politely. Introducing her mother to the older.

"And Mom, this is Irene. My friend", she added and pointing at Irene. She turn to Irene and smile after that. 

Her mother?

Irene bend and give her 90 degree bow to Seulgi mother. She straightened her back and introducing herself politely. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, nice to meet you. I am Irene. I am also Seulgi-ssi manager", she said, trying to hide her nervousness. She smile shyly. Seulgi grin because she know Irene is nervous.  

"What a pretty girl we got here", Mrs. Kang said softly holding Irene's shoulder gently before turn to Seulgi and back to Irene again. "Please sit. Don't be so formal", she added.

They take their seat. Seulgi sit besides her mother while Irene sit across them. It's awkward since this is their first meeting. Irene feel so awkward and nervous because Seulgi mother is in front of her now. Smile didn't leave her lips. She fidgeting with her hands below the table.  

"This is my mom's restaurant. Her food is the best in the town", Seulgi proudly said break the silence.

"Don't exaggerating" , Seulgi's mother said. 

Irene smile shyly.

"When will the food out? I'm starving", the younger pouting and show her face to her mother. 

"Ish, you shouldn't drag me here and let me cook for your instead", her mother hissed. 

"Omma, I just miss you. We haven't meet for months", Seulgi hug side her mother playfully.

Irene's heart warmed when she see Seulgi and her mother interaction. This remind her of her own mother. She missed her. Their relationship must be like them too if her mother still alive. 

Seulgi took a glance at Irene. "Why Irene? Are you starving too?", she asked when Irene looks like she spacing out.

"Hmm? A little", Irene replied after Seulgi's voice broke her thought.

"You must be hungry. It was a long journey. Wait here for awhile. I will check on them", Mrs. Kang said softly and smile at Irene. She leave their table after that and walk towards the restaurant kitchen.


"Please come in", Seulgi said after she push to open the main door. She enter the house and Irene follow suit. Seulgi close the door behind her. Kang family house is a two storey house with normal size suitable for 3 family members. Not too small and not too huge but cozy and comfortable to stay in.  It decorates with brown and cream furniture. A not-too

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I have the draft but I can't connect all the point to make it 1 chapter 🥲


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Where are you now😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim🥺
Chapter 23: Both r stupid .
Looking forward for next chapter authornim 🤩
missyJung #4
Chapter 23: I miss this
Chapter 23: After series of push and pull, denial and jealousy, after TWENTY THREE chapters, they finally kissed. Phew... that’s a whole roller coaster ride ~
Killshot05 #6
Chapter 23: They finally KISSED!!!
raej02 #7
Even the foreword sounds interesting
arizanazi97 #8
Chapter 23: Authornim!!! Welcome back!!!

Seulgi, you are indeed a fool. What a fool.
God please, just this once. Let Irene feel that happiness
Chapter 1: I didn't know you write too. I've read the first chapter and it's very interesting ☺️ Gotta read it after my exam tomorrow. Fighting authornim 🧡❤️