Smile For Me Again
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Irene plopped her tiny body on the couch. She leaning back and rest her head on the headrest. She stares at the high white ceiling. Seulgi's apartment feel so empty now. It's so quiet. Irene is alone in the house right now. Seulgi had leave the house since 30 minutes ago to meet Jisoo. She had promised Jisoo to hangout with her today. The younger had invited her to join them but Irene decline it politely because she still not comfortable to social with others and she don't know how to social with a woman like Jisoo. Jisoo is so pretty, taller than her and so confident, she feel so small when she sit in one table with her and Seulgi. And Seulgi always give her attention more to the model. She always talk to her and Irene always keep her silence. Maybe they have much to catch up and to talk to. So Irene just let them be. So she will decline everytime Seulgi invite her to join them because she doesn't want to face that situation again because it's hurt her and Seulgi never force her to come with them too.

Seulgi and Jisoo hangout more often lately. They will meet up 3 to 4 times a week or everytime the idol free from her schedule. Irene realise Seulgi now spend less time with her and they feel apart. Did she made the wrong decision when she rejected the idol? She had been asking this question to herself frequently. She like Seulgi, she is her friend. She is her friend who always by her side whenever she need someone with her. She can't imagine if one day Seulgi will leave her and choose Jisoo over her. Can she stand it? She hugging her knees tightly. She bury her face in her arm while thinking about the possibility.

Meanwhile, Seulgi pull over her car at the front of Jisoo's family house. It is always Seulgi who will fetch Jisoo at her home everytime they hangout. She unclip the seat belt and fish out her phone from her pocket. She dialed for Jisoo's number. The younger answer after few rings.

Seulgi : Hello, I'm here.
Jisoo : Hi. Give me another 5 minutes. And Seulgi, I have favor to ask. 
Seulgi : Favor?
Jisoo : The thing is.....

After another 5 minutes, Jisoo walk out from her house with a girl behind her. Seulgi steps out from her car to greet Jisoo and the other girl. Jisoo and the other girl stop in front of Seulgi.

"Here she is", Jisoo said while pointing at the other girl who has similar height with her.

Seulgi smile and wave at the girl "Hi, so you are my fan?", she asked with her sweet voice. 

The other girl nodding excitedly. She smile so bright. She still can't believe she can see Seulgi so up close and the idol talk to her. 

"What is your name?"

"She's Kim Jennie", Jisoo answer for her while she crossed her arm on her chest. 

The girl spun to her right side. "Yah Kim Jisoo, why you tell her? I wanna tell Seulgi eonni myself". She angrily said.

"Kim?", Seulgi mumble trying to figure out the situation.

"She's my cousin", Jisoo said unemotionally. "Yah Kim Jennie, you never call me Eonni but you call Seulgi that?", she yelled at Jennie.

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Because she's my eonni". 

"What the..", Jisoo rolled her eyes. She pissed. 

"Cool girl. No need to fight here", Seulgi chuckles awkwardly. Trying to calm down the heat between the Kim.

"So, can I call you Jennie?", Seulgi asked.

"Sure", she said with glitter in her eyes. 

Seulgi smile. 

Jisoo scoff looking at the other Kim. "Lets go Seulgi". She take her steps to Seulgi's car.

Jennie pull Jisoo's handbag strap to stop her. "Where are you going? Can I join?", she showing her puppy like eyes to Seulgi. 

"No you can't", Jisoo replied and she rip Jennie's grip from her handbag. 

Jennie's face turn gloomy and Seulgi saw that. 

"You know what, lets join us if you have nothing to do now", Seulgi offer.

Jisoo's eyes widened when she hear Seulgi's line. "Seulgi no". While Jennie's eyes glitter when she heard that.

"Oh come on Jisoo. It's always two of us. The more the merrier. Come join us Jennie"

"Yeah! Can you wait for me Eonni? I'm gonna change my clothes real quick"

"Sure, go now. I give you 10 minutes. Is that okay?", Seulgi said. Jisoo still pissed.

Jennie nod and run to the inside of their house. 

"You will regret it for inviting her. She's really a loud kid you know", Jisoo said indifferently. 

Seulgi giggles. "You are a loud kid too Jisoo". 

"Yah", the model give a playful punch on Seulgi's shoulder and she pouted. 

Seulgi keep teasing the model for her pouting face and Jisoo's anger slowly fade because of Seulgi's tease. Jennie come exactly after 10 minutes and Seulgi drive away to their hangout destination. 


Irene just finished having her dinner. She only cook bibimbap for her because she doesn't have much appetite and she think Seulgi will not be back until dinner time end. So she decided to just make a simple dinner. 

She watching TV to fill her emptiness although she found nothing interested on TV right now. Her body feel so sore because of her activities today. She make herself busy today to avoid thinking about Seulgi and Jisoo. She doing laundry, iron all her clothes and she clean the whole house. 

She feel so lonely now. The old Irene used to loneliness since 7 years ago and it didn't bother her when she's alone in an empty house. But everything changed after she meet Seulgi. She will feel lonely when the younger is not being around. Especially when Seulgi is not home because she's with Jisoo. She really bother by Jisoo since she know Jisoo used to have crush on Seulgi and Jisoo is a clingy type. Her eyes never missed the model demeanor towards Seulgi when they hangout last day. She always link her arm with Seulgi like she own the idol. And the idol didn't even bother to rip her arm from Jisoo when she know Irene is still there with them. Is she jealous? No! She's not jealous. She just didn't like it. 

Irene sigh. She pick up her phone on the tea table. Empty. No message or missed call from the younger. She had left the house since morning and until now Irene didn't receive anything from the younger. 

"Are they having so much fun? She didn't even text me today", she muttered. 


"So, where should we go after this?", Seulgi ask the Kim.

The trio walking out from the cinema. They just finished watching movie which chose by Kim Jennie. 

Jennie and Jisoo had argued earlier about which movie they should watch. Jisoo want to watch romantic movie while Jennie more prefer to watch action movie. Seulgi didn't say anything and just let the duo make the decision. After arguing for a while, they decided to play Gwi Bwi Bo and the winner will choose. Bad luck on Jisoo today, Jennie end up being the winner and she get to choose their movie for today.

"That movie worse. Too much blood", Jisoo comment while her arm ready to take Seulgi arm and link them together.

"Well, much better than your choice", Jennie counterattack.

Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"And, I've been observing this since this morning---", Jennie said and pause. Both older turn to her.

"Why you always link your arm with Seulgi eonni's. She's not yours?", she continue.

Jisoo flustered. "Why? You didn't like it?", she asked Seulgi who flustered by the sudden question too. 

"I didn't say anything", she awkwardly said.

"So you like it?", Jisoo asked again.

"I didn't say that too".

"Yah Kim Jisoo, just let her go. She don't like it", Jennie said.

"I don't want. I'm comfortable like this", Jisoo said and yank Seulgi walking with her leaving the Kim Jennie.

Seulgi turn around and call for Jennie "Jennie ya, lets go". 

Jennie jog to catch up the older.

The trio decided to have their dinner first before they decide where they plan to go after that.


It's past 10pm and Seulgi still haven't back yet. Irene become restless. She has been waiting for Seulgi's call since hours ago. She contemplated whether she need to call the younger or not. She stares at her phone screen. After few minutes, still no call from Seulgi. Irene sigh. She reach for her beer can and take a sip of it. This is her 3rd can for tonight. 

She can't take it anymore. She unlock her phone and search for Seulgi's number. She wait for few ringing until it reach voicemail. The younger didn't pick up. She try again. But the result still the same. Seulgi didn't pick up. Irene put down her phone and gulp down the remaining liquid in her 3rd can and reach her 4th can before she unclapped it and drink it in hurried. 

"Stupid Seulgi", she mumble.

Meanwhile the trio are in the middle of having fun at an arcade. It's been a while since Seulgi visit an arcade and they came here after their dinner. And of course it was Jennie's idea coming here. The arcade so noisy and filled with teenagers and couple.  Seulgi watching Jisoo and Jennie as they are having intense match on fighting game. Both Kim's are so noisy when they play because they're so excited and full of fighting spirit. Seulgi laughing when Jisoo pouted because she loss the match. After that Jisoo drag Seulgi to play dancing game with her. Because Seulgi didn't play anything since they arrived at the arcade. 

Seulgi showing off her talent when she play the dancing game. Jennie take this chance to record her idol dancing on the dancing game. Seulgi is really good while Jisoo missed her steps for many times. Jennie laughing so hard when she saw Jisoo mistake and Jisoo replied her by sticking out her tongue. They really look like kid. Seulgi win with her perfect point. 

"Wow, that was exhausting", Seulgi said while catching up her breath.

"You are so good eonni", Jennie said and high five with Seulgi. 

"Thanks", Seulgi replied. 

Seulgi straightened her back. She glance around and she notice some visitor had leave the arcade. She pull out her phone to check on the time. When she unlock her phone, she saw 2 missed call record from Irene. And it was 1 hour ago. She didn't hear the call because she forgot to unsilent her phone after their movie end. She walk out from the arcade. She dialed for Irene's number. She wait for another rings but the older didn't pick up. 

"Maybe she asleep. It's that late already", she said and slip the phone inside her pocket again. She walk inside the arcade back. Jisoo is talking with Jennie. She approach the Kim.

"Ladies, I think we should head back now. Its that late already", Seulgi suggest.

"Okay", the Kim agreed. 

"Lets come here again during my break eonni", Jennie said when they walking out from the arcade. 

"There's no another time for you", Jisoo said. 

Jennie squint her eyes to Jisoo. "I'm not talking to you".

Seulgi shake her head to right and left as she watching the Kims bickering since this morning. "Lets do that. Contact me when you having your next break".

"Assa, you're the best".

Seulgi send the Kims back to their house. Jennie say her 'Thank you' to Seulgi because she invited her to join them and said she's the luckiest fan among her fans. Seulgi leave Jisoo's house after she bid her goodbye. 


Seulgi quickly steps out from the elevator when she arrived at her house floor level. She hope Irene already asleep as she didn't receive any call from Irene since she tried to call her about 1 hour ago. Furthermore it's already passed Irene sleeping time. She take out a bunch of keys inside her pocket and carefully slip it inside the key hole. She silently push to open the door and steps inside her apartment. She doesn't want to wake Irene. Silent. It's confirm that Irene already asleep. She quietly close the door behind her and walk towards her room. She stop walking when she pass by the white couch in her living room. She suprised because she found Irene is sleeping there.

She approach the older. The tea table full with empty cans. Irene is a lightdrinker from Seulgi's observation for these months. 

"Did she drink all this?", she muttered. 

She kneel down besides Irene. The older had rest her head on her arm which she laid on the table. Her face covered with her hairs. Seulgi take few strands of her hairs and tuck it behind her ear. Irene's face so red from too much drinking. The younger bring her hand and touch Irene's face. She caressing it gently. She stares at Irene's face with her soft eyes. 

"Irene", she call softly. Trying to wake the older. But no response from the older. Irene must be too drunk to wake up. Seulgi decided to lift Irene to her room. She scoot closer to the older and she gently lift up Irene's head. Irene whines but her eyes still close. The idol take Irene's hand and she wrap it around her neck. Then she bring her right hand to Irene's waist while her left hand at Irene's leg. She take a deep breath and when she's ready, she lift Irene in bridal style. Thankfully Irene is so light and Seulgi has much muscle on her arm so its easy to lift the older. 

Irene must feel disturbed because she whines once again and slightly open her sleepy eyes.  

"Seulgi?", she mumbles.

Seulgi looking down when she hear Irene called her. She lock eyes with Irene's sleepy eyes. She suprised when Irene tightened her arm on the idol's neck and she now nuzzles her face on Seulgi's neck. Seulgi trying to keep her balance because the older moving too much. This position really can't help Seulgi because Irene's vanilla scent envading her nose. Irene smell so good. 

Seulgi carefully walking towards Irene's room. She lean her body to the wall for support before she twirl the doorknob and slowly push to open the door. She push the door with her body and walk inside. She bend and put Irene down on the bed slowly. When she try to free her neck from Irene's arm, she can feel Irene tightened her grip around the younger neck. Irene doesn't want to release her arm. 

"Irene, I need to go", she utter softly. 

The older slowly open her eyes again. She yank Seulgi's neck closer to her causing Seulgi fall besides her and her face few inchs from Irene's. 

Irene staring into the idol's eyes with her unreadable stares. Seulgi slowly bring her hand to Irene's cheek and caressing it gently. Irene didn't protest. 


Drunken Irene is cute, although Seulgi didn't know why she drink too much tonight. She will ask her tomorrow. She just want to enjoy the moment for now. 

Irene blink slowly before she slowly said "I missed you".

Seulgi a little suprised by the sudden confession. Never expect that from the older but people said drunken talk is always the most honest one. But she know Irene will gonna forget it tomorrow after she sober, so she didn't reply and still caressing the older cheek. 

"Why you so late?", the older asked. Slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I was with Jisoo", she stop caressing the older cheek. 


Seulgi nod. Irene didn't reply and stay silent. She looking down. 

"I need to go now Irene. You need to sleep too. You---"

Irene cut off Seulgi's word by pulling her hand away from Seulgi's neck harshly. She turn her back to Seulgi. 

"Go! Go to your Jisoo".

Seulgi taken aback by Irene's behaviour. Irene is confusing

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I have the draft but I can't connect all the point to make it 1 chapter 🥲


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Where are you now😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
update please author nim🥺
Chapter 23: Both r stupid .
Looking forward for next chapter authornim 🤩
missyJung #4
Chapter 23: I miss this
Chapter 23: After series of push and pull, denial and jealousy, after TWENTY THREE chapters, they finally kissed. Phew... that’s a whole roller coaster ride ~
Killshot05 #6
Chapter 23: They finally KISSED!!!
raej02 #7
Even the foreword sounds interesting
arizanazi97 #8
Chapter 23: Authornim!!! Welcome back!!!

Seulgi, you are indeed a fool. What a fool.
God please, just this once. Let Irene feel that happiness
Chapter 1: I didn't know you write too. I've read the first chapter and it's very interesting ☺️ Gotta read it after my exam tomorrow. Fighting authornim 🧡❤️