Digital Bounce

What Winter Brings


So after finally deciding on a place to eat they all somehow managed to fit into Toma’s van and drive to go get some Hu Hot.  Mika was pretty confident that they would love it.  Toma drove with Jiyong in the front, Daesung and Youngbae in the pilot seats, and then Seungri along with Mika and Seunghyun in back.  You could tell Mika was enjoying being “stuck” in the middle of the two.  She had been put there because Seungri was still a little upset from him being beaten by Seunghyun quite a few times in Soul Calibur.

A while later Mika started to get worried.  Toma never really had the best sense of direction.  There was one time where they got lost on their way from the hotel to the convention, even though it was only ten minutes away.  “Hey Toma?”  Mika said trying to get her friends attention away from Jiyong and Daesung goofing around.

“Yeah?”  Toma said trying her best to get the two quiet.

“Um, I don’t think it should take this long to get there.  I mean maybe we should have printed off some directions?”  She knew using the word directions was  a death sentence with Toma behind the wheel, but she couldn’t help that her friend need a GPS just to even get to her own house from school.  Although she had been making improvements lately, but not by much.

“Really?  I don’t need directions!  I have got, um, my brain!  Yeah, who needs a map when you have your memory?”  Toma said a little nervous that someone had caught on.

“Um, yeah.  I really do think that we should stop and ask for directions,” now everyone was quiet.  They understood enough English to the point of that they were lost.

“Again Mika, I don’t need directions.  And I have a feeling that if we pull over it’s going to be like the scary movies.”

Everyone went quiet.  Of course Mika kind of wanted to laugh, she knew her friend was just messing around.  She just didn’t want to admit she was wrong.  That’s the way it always was whenever anybody let Toma drive.  Mika would have offered to drive but she didn’t have her license yet.

Finally Mika broke the silence, “Listen, maybe if we have someone else drive and I could give directions maybe we can actually eat.”

“Ugh, fine!  Since you’re nagging me!”  Toma paused for a second.  She always wanted to do this.  She pulled over and yelled, “Chinese fire drill!”  Then she jumped out of the car and everyone switched seats.  Now Mika was in Jiyong’s spot, and Youngbae was driving-for God knows what reason!  Toma was now in Mika’s spot with Jiyong and Daesung on either side.  Which meant that Seungri and Seunghyun were in the pilot seats behind Mika and Youngbae.

“OK!  Now I’m the DJ!”  And with that Mika pulled down the mirror which held a bunch of CD’s.  Finding the one she had made Toma for when she got her first car, she pulled the Papa Roach CD that was already in there and put in the K-pop CD.  Flipping to number four, she began to play Better Together by Se7en, while the rest of the group began to talk about stuff that really had nothing to do with anything.

With Mika’s directions and Youngbae’s amazing driving skills they managed to get there safely.  It took a while to figure out where they were but Toma actually proved to be useful with her smartphone to figure out where they had managed to end up due to Toma’s genius.  When they got there they had gotten a table right away due to a slower day at the restaurant.

Soon they browsed over the choices.  With a few explanations of what things were, they had decided on what they were going to eat that night.  Mika was going to have Yakisoba along with beef, pork, cabbage, baby corn, and snow peas.  Toma’s choice was a little less with Yakisoba noodles, chicken, pork, and krab.  Jiyong had about the same thing, while Seungri had Pad Thai noodles, shrimp with carrots and baby corn.  Daesung and Youngbae chose the same exact thing.  The Chinese noodles, with chicken, krab, zucchini, and water chestnut.

Finally Seunghyun had made up his mind on what he was going to have.  Yakisoba too, mahi mahi, mushrooms, baby corn, and the ever loathed spinach.  After everyone had sit down to eat, they had begun to continue whatever they had begun to talk about in the car.  Just about halfway through the meal another person made their way inside the restaurant.  He looked oddly familiar too.

Mika was the only one who noticed the guy walk in at first.  Eventually she recognized him, so she started to do the dance to Digital Bounce.  Seunghyun, who was sitting next to her, just kind of gave her this look.  Then realized that Dong-wook was here too!  After realizing this he began to do the dance with her.  Half of the reason because his friend was here, the other half was just so she wouldn’t look that crazy.

“Mika?”  Toma asked across from the table, just now realizing that her friend was dancing in her seat along with Seunghyun.

“Hm?”  Mika said not taking her attention off of Dong-wook.  He still hadn’t notice that the group that was sitting a few yards away, two of which were dancing.

“Um, what are you two doing?”  At this point the whole table’s attention had been drawn to the two “strangers” at the other side of the table.  Soon the group had joined in the dancing, of course it took a little while but eventually Toma joined in.  Then she got a bright idea.  Toma got up and took her iPod out of her pocket, and then disappeared into the back.  Soon after that she came back out and got everyone up in a line.

Hands up everybody hey
Digital bounce
Digital sound
Digital X
Welcome to digital world

I eumakeun 7volution I another round
Ni gaseume seumyeondeuneun galnal gateun sound
I like that I like that I like that that that

Nae gwetgaye deuryeo oneun supersonic wave
Nae nunape pyeolchyeo jineun 3D paradise
Wanna get wanna get wanna get get get

Everybody put your hands up
Get get get your hands up

Digital Bounce began to play, Toma started to dance right away because she expecting it to happen.  The rest of the group had no clue, but they soon caught on.  Eventually they had a flash mob going on in the middle of the almost empty restaurant.  This time they got Dong-wook’s attention.  Right away he recognized the group, except he didn’t know who Toma and Mika were.

After the song had ended Toma went to go get her iPod back and pay the manager for letting them do that, while the rest of the group sat down.  But just as quickly as he sat down, Seunghyun got back up and walked over to Dong-wook.  They talked for a little while, laughed, and then they got up and walked back over to the table.

“Hi,” Dong-wook said sitting down next to Mika.

“Annyeong!”  Mika said way too enthusiastically.  Not knowing how to reply he just blinked and sat down.  A few seconds later Toma returned and sat down in between Jiyong and Daesung.  She saw that Dong-wook had sat down in between Mika and Seunghyun, but didn’t give it too much thought.

She just said, “Konichiwa,” and went back to talking with Jiyong, Daesung, and Seungri.

Continuing to eat Dong-wook spoke to Mika again, “So you speak Korean?”

“Uh, not a lot.  Just mainly some greetings among other things,” she said not even bothering to finishing eating.  “Toma has taught me a little Japanese, but not much.”

“Oh, so she’s Toma?”  Dong-wook said looking across the table and the smiley young woman across from him.  Looking back at Mika he continued, “Which would made the beautiful young woman next to me Mika.”

Of course he was hoping to get a reaction out of her, which of course she fell for it.  Blushing and looking away slightly she noticed him and Seunghyun smile a bit.  At which point Seunghyun spoke up, “Yeah, we wouldn’t have known you were here if she hadn’t started dancing.”

“Oh really?”  Dong-wook looked at a still bright faced Mika.  “Well, I’m certainly honored that you noticed me.  And obviously you’re a fan since you noticed me.”

“Hey Dong-wook!  Think fast!”  And in that instant Jiyong threw a pair of chopsticks at Dong-wook.  Not realizing fast enough that they were flying right at his face, they hit him smack in the middle of his forehead.  Everyone laughed including Dong-wook after he realized what had happened.

“Honestly,” Mika said getting back to what they were doing before Jiyong and Toma acted childish, “I only watched it because Seunghyun was in the video, but then I saw your awesome dance moves.”

“Oh well I’m honored that you felt that way,” he said winking at her.  Now it became obvious that he was trying to come on to her.  Feeling a bit uncomfortable Seunghyun jumped into the conversation that he had been watching from afar.

“So what are you doing here too?  I thought you were on a different route than us,” he asked his friend.

“Oh I got switched last minute and I didn’t get a chance to tell you.  Although I didn’t exactly expect to see you here,” he laughed and patted his friend on the shoulder.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here!”  Mika said getting up and wrapping her arm around both of them.  Sitting back down all three talked while Jiyong and Seungri started to throw noodles at each other, while Toma tried to dodge them.  She now kind of regretted sitting in between the two.  Although it did prove to be fun.  Eventually she joined in and began to throw them not only at Jiyong and Seungri, but Daesung too!

Laughing and enjoying herself a bit too much Toma completely ignored the fact that Youngbae got up and walked away.  Finally looking around she noticed that someone was missing.  Kicking her friend under the table she nodded towards where he sat.  Making up an excuse to get up Mika walked out after him leaving Seunghyun and Dong-wook alone with the others who were still throwing food at each other.
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