Up Late

What Winter Brings

Walking outside Youngbae felt neglected by the rest of the group.  He stood in the cold and watched his breath fade away as he sighed.  Not hearing Mika walk outside he just continued to look up at the sky.  It seemed so different than the sky at home.  Much clearer, and much prettier.  Yet it was the same sky.  How could that be?  He thought as Mika continued to walk up to him.

“What’s up?  Why are you out here?”  Mika said buttoning up her coat.

“Mika!”  He said turning around surprised that someone had noticed him leave.  Turning back to the sky he replied, “Oh, not much.  Just taking a break from the craziness inside.”

“Yeah, I understand.  Toma has always been a little too immature for her own good, but I’m surprised she’s already that comfortable around you to show her true personality around you guys.”

“Really?”  He said looking over a Mika, whose ears and cheeks had already turned red from the cold wind blowing.  Figuring that they should go back in before she caught a cold he tried to speak up, “Mika, I think we should-,” but he trailed off.

“What Youngbae?”  Mika said looking over at the flustered pop star, although for her it was rather hard to tell.  She never was really good at telling whether or not someone liked her.  Plus his face was as red as hers from the cold so she couldn’t see that he was blushing.  Youngbae had never really been great with girls.  So this seemed to prove a challenge for him.  Even though it was just telling her that maybe they should go back inside.

“Oh, um.  It’s nothing really,” he said turning away.

“Well, do you want to go back inside now?  It’s kind of cold out here.  Maybe tomorrow we can have a snowball fight!  Then we can hangout outside!”  Mika said jumping up a little at the thought of having a snowball fight with Big Bang and Se7en.

“Yeah, I was just about to suggest that,” he said following her back inside.  But waited a bit so that way it didn’t look like that they had been outside together.  He didn’t want anybody to think anything of them both being gone at the same time.

Walking back to the table Mika saw that the scene hadn’t changed much other than the fact that the group was just finishing picking up the noodles that had fell on the floor.  Getting back into her seat next to Dong-wook she noticed that Seunghyun had taken Youngbae’s spot.  Trying to ignore that fact she continued to talk with the two while waiting for Youngbae to come back.

“So where did you go Mika?”  Seunghyun asked noticing that he face was a little red and that her coat had been buttoned up.

“Oh, just outside for a second.  I needed to go get something from the van,” Mika said avoiding eye contact with either of the two.  Just then Youngbae walked in and sat down next to Daesung.

“What did you have to go get?”  Toma asked joining in and not realizing what situation she was putting her friend in.

“Oh, nothing!”  Mika said a little jumpy.  “Just my iPod so that way I could show Seunghyun and Dong-wook something.”

“Ah!  You going to show them that one thing?”  Toma said realizing what she had just done.

“Yeah!  That one thing!  But I don’t remember if I put it on my iPod or not,” Mika said lying through her teeth.  Pulling her iPod out she tried to turn it on, but it wouldn’t.  Fate had it planned that her iPod just so happened to die before they came to the restaurant.  “Oh darn!  It’s dead.  Well that’s a shame.  I’ll just have to show you guys some other time then.”  She said breathing a slight sigh of relief.

Continuing their meal the group didn’t stop talking the entire time.  This time Youngbae actually felt included because he started to talk with Daesung.  When everyone had finished and the conversations had stopped Dong-wook spoke up.

“You know what guys.  It’s been such a great evening and I feel like I should pay,” he said pulling out his wallet.

“You don’t have to do that,” Mika interjected.

“Oh no I want to!”  He said smiling at her.

“Well I’m not going to object to a free meal!”  Toma said leaning back in her chair.

“Toma!  Don’t be rude!”

“Oh please, it’s no trouble at all!”  Dong-wook said pulling out almost the exact amount and told the manager to keep the extra, which just so happened to be fifty dollars.

Walking outside Toma got in back with Jiyong and Seungri while Dong-wook walked Mika back to the van.  But before they walked out the door Seunghyun caught up with them so as not to leave Mika alone with him.  “So where are you staying tonight?”  Seugnhyun asked.

“Well I have a hotel reserved for a couple days.  After that I don’t know what,” Dong-wook said opening the passenger side door for Mika.

“Oh well you can come stay with us after that!”  Mika said jumping up and down.  This of course made things a little worse for Seunghyun.  Not knowing how to tell her and his friend no made things all the worse.

As everyone got back to the house alive, they decided to start out with planning on who was going to sleep where.  Let alone how Toma was going to sneak two of them into her house.  “OK so how are we going to make this happen?”  Toma asked pulling aside Mika as everyone else walked inside.

“Um, well how about the back door?”  Mika suggested.

“Well maybe.  But still, I just have a bad feeling about this.  Maybe we should all just stay at your house tonight and we can figure this out tomorrow,” Toma replied a little skeptical of her friends whole plan.

“Fine!  I think we can fit all of us in the basement.”

Walking downstairs the group had already figured out how to work the Xbox and were playing Soul Calibur again.  Seungri really wanted his rematch with Seunghyun after his defeat.  Getting a brilliant idea Mika walked up behind Seunghyun and put her arms around him to start doing combo moves that no one had figured out yet.  Getting all flustered Seunghyun just froze.  Which of course helped Seungri in his victory against Seunghyun.

Celebrating his victory he asked if they had anything else he could beat him at-which of course everyone knew wasn’t going to happen.  But before anything else could happen Seunghyun got up and moved over next to Jiyong who was sharing a seat with Toma.  Mika just went and put in Need for Speed: Most Wanted and sat down next to Seungri and Daesung.  Continuing to play against the two Mika kept looking over at Seunghyun who refused to look at her.

Losing to Seungri Mika got up and handed Toma the controller so that she could beat both of them.  Looking over at Seunghyun Mika just walked back to her room so that she could get it ready for everyone to sleep in that night.  Then Youngbae walked in to see if he could do anything to help Mika.

“Need any help,” he said while leaning in the doorway so as to look cool for Mika.  He didn’t want her to notice the shake in his voice either so with that he just kind of looked far off into the distance of the paneling next to him.

“Yeah that’s be great,” Mika said trying to stuff everything into her closet.  Picking up a stack of books she walked over to him, “Here, can you put that on the shelf way up there?”  She said pointing to a shelf that was obviously way out of her reach.

“Sure,” Youngbae said puffing his chest out a bit on the fact that Mika actually needed his help.  Trying to stretch out as far as he could so as to make himself look taller he put the books on the very top shelf like she had asked.

Giggling a little at how silly Youngbae had made himself look she went back to trying to push everything into a spot in the already crowded closet.  “So anything else you need done?”  He asked noticing that she had laughed at him.  Blushing he looked away towards the small table that Mika used as her night stand.  Noticing a slight shine he walked over there ignoring what Mika was saying.  On closer examination it turned out that the shine was coming from a couple bracelets that she had made herself.  One said Big Bang, and the other 2NE1.

“Mika?  What’s this?”  He said picking up the bracelets and showing them to Mika.

“!  Don’t look at those!”  Mika said trying to grab them away from Youngbae.

Putting them up in the air he teased Mika for a bit before he laughed and told her, “Oh don’t worry about it!  I think it’s cute.”

“Please just don’t mention those to the others.  And please don’t show them off either!  I was trying to make sure that those were put away first but I completely forgot about them,” Mika said still jumping for the bracelets.

“I promise I won’t,” He said lowering them a bit so that way if she jumped one more time she could grab them away.  Actually getting them this time she stuffed them into her pockets and went back to cleaning with Youngbae.

“Man!  How come you’re so good Toma?  That’s the third time you’ve beat us!”  Daesung laid back and complained about him landing third place yet again.  Seungri joined him in a self pitty party as Seunghyun and Jiyong joined Toma in laughing at the other two.  Feeling a little tired, considering it was about one in the morning, Toma handed the controller back to Seunghyun and laid her head on Jiyong’s shoulder.  Jiyong didn’t freeze one bit and put his head on hers and wrapped his arm around her.

Daesung sat up and put the controller up on the table and noticed Jiyong and Toma sitting there.  Immediately he laid back down not knowing how to react.  He to his side to face away from them and saw Seungri looking that way to.  Then Mika came back out of her bedroom with Youngbae.

“OK, so Seunghyun and Seungri are going to sleep in my room with Youngbae and I.  So you guys can sleep out here.  Just figure out where you guys are going to sleep.  And if you watch any movies on Netflix, keep it down.”  Mika said helping Seungri up from the floor.

Seunghyun and Youngbae walked back without them and left Seungri and Mika out there.  Saying good night everyone went their separate ways.  Figuring that she should fix the floor so that Jiyong and Daesung could sleep on the floor, Toma got up and went to go get the extra futon from Mika.  Nothing really happened while she was gone.  They just sat there in awkward silence waiting for her to come back.

But just before she came back Daesung broke the silence, “So what do you think?”

“Hm?  Of what?”  Jiyong replied looking at Daesung who was still laying on the floor.

Sitting up he looked Jiyong right in the eyes and replied, “Toma of course!”  But before Jiyong could reply Toma walked back in with some blankets, pillows, and the futon.  Getting up to help her, Jiyong pretended not to hear his friend’s question.  Somehow he just had this feeling that he felt the same way.

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