
What Winter Brings


It was the first snow of the winter and the two young girls had gone outside to play and build a snowman.  It had snowed at least three inches and it was extremely cold; although no cared about that.  Perfect for building a snowman.  While the shorter one ran inside to get some gloves the slightly taller one stayed outside and pushed around the base of the snowman.  Finally having the right sized base she began to work on the middle while her friend brought out the gloves that she had taken so long to find.

“Hey Toma!  I found them!”  The other girl came running towards her friend whose hands were probably freezing off by now.

“Mika!  What took you so long?  I’m almost done with the snowman,” Toma replied taking the gloves which were obviously way too big for her due to the fact that they were Mika’s brothers.  Brushing her long black hair out of the way Mika laughed and started to work on the head of the snowman.  Just as they finished they saw a few guys passing by pushing their car.  It was really cold out and Toma and Mika felt bad for just standing there.

“Hey!  You guys need some help?”  Mika said running towards the five guys.

“Mika wait!”  Toma said walking briskly after her friend while trying not to get snow in her already soaked red converse shoes.  Cursing herself she finally caught up to Mika who had already began to help the guys push the car when one of their phones rang.

“Yoboseyo?”  The tallest one answered.  Continuing to push the car her continued his conversation in Korean.

“Mika?  You do realize who they are right?”  Toma said whispering to Mika so the others couldn’t hear.

“I KNOW!”  Mika whispered back kind of loudly, “Although I doubt they’ll know that we know unless we tell them.”

All of a sudden they stopped pushing the car, and they all turned towards Mika and Toma, “Thank you,” one said in engrish.

“Oh it was no big deal really,” Mika said right away obviously happy.

“Um, nihongowohanasemasuka?(Do you speak Japanese?),” Toma asked obviously knowing the answer was yes.  All of them could speak Japanese and some English.

“Yes, we do speak Japanese.  Why?  Can you?”  Another replied in Japanese while fixing his hat that about fell off while he was pushing the car.

“Yeah a little,” Toma said glad that actually paying attention in Japanese class finally paid off.

“What are they saying Tom Tom?”  Mika asked using her friend’s nickname, “You know I can’t speak Japanese!”

“Oh, I just asked if they could, and they said yeah.  Then they asked if I could,” Toma replied and then began to speak in Japanese again.  The others laughed and so did Toma while Mika just sat by and started to feel a little left out.  Realizing that she had excluded her friend she let the rest of the group know that Mika was a little upset.

“Ah, sorry.  We don’t know much English,” the one with the hat said trying to cheer her up.

The tallest spoke again, “I’m Seunghyun and this is Youngbae, Jiyong, Daesung, and Seungri.”

Looking at each other Mika and Toma tried to decide whether or not to tell them that they knew who they were.  Deciding that it was for the best Mika spoke up, “Yeah, we know who you are.  I mean at first we didn’t know when we went to go help, but after we saw your faces we knew.”

Standing there a little shocked they all just kind of looked at each other.  After a little awkward silence Jiyong spoke up, “We need to have our car fixed.  Do you know anyone?”

“Yeah!”  Mika said jumping right at the chance, “My dad is a mechanic.  He could probably help out!”

“Really?  That’s great!”  Jiyong replied.  Then Seunghyun spoke up, but only it was in Korean.  Toma figured it was so that her and Mika wouldn’t know what they were saying.  Eventually they spoke in English again.

“Listen, we need a place to stay and we aren’t even close to where we were supposed to be.  See we were on our way to Chicago but our flight had to land here because of extremely bad whether there.  We don’t have anywhere to stay.  Would it be possible for us to-,” Even before Youngbae could finish Mika jumped in.

“Yes!  Yes you can stay here.  It’s winter break so I’m home for now, and Toma lives just a couple houses away so she could probably have a couple people there!”



Taking Mika over to the side Toma whispered back a little worried, “But shouldn’t we get permission first?  I mean it’s not like your dad is just going to say yes to this, and my parents!  They’ll probably kill me!  I mean come on!  I like this idea and all but we’re bring home guys that are like, what?  At least four years older than us!  Not to mention that there’s like five of them!”

“What are you so worried about?  I mean come on!  Who gets the chance like this to hang out with Big Bang!  Please Toma?  I mean my parents....eh, well I don’t know about them, but come on!  Your parents are rarely ever home!  They’ll never notice.  Plus when they are home you guys can just sneak over here and hang out at my house!”

Of course, Mika had a solution for everything!  Some way or another, if she wanted something that badly she would find a way to go on with her plans.  Finally giving in the group pushed the car a little bit further and then all went inside for a cup of hot tea.

Mika’s basement was big but it was kind of crowded with everyone down there.  Toma helped Mika pull out her futon so that everyone could have a place to sit.  Two big chairs, a futon on the ground, and a small chair that had been taken over by all of Toma’s stuff since she had stayed the weekend and probably was going to stay even longer.

Sitting there the group felt a little awkward but it wasn’t bad.  At least they could openly talk without revealing that they were famous.  Toma could tell the Mika was happy beyond belief, and continued to talk with Daesung in Japanese while the rest tried to communicate with Mika.  Eventually they had come up with the idea to play video games, mainly Soul Calibur V since Mika just got it.  Thinking about it Mika had each of the guys create a character to face each other in CPU vs. CPU.  It was pretty intense, but as usual Toma’s character never lost once.

The rankings went Toma, Seunghyun, Seungri, Youngbae, Mika, Jiyong, and Daesung.  The only thing that changed when they actually went to fight each other was that Youngbae and Seungri switched places.  After having a little fun everyone was a little hungry, after a little debate they decided to have Toma drive them all out to eat.

“So where do we want to go is the next step.  Fast food, restaurant, any ideas?”  Toma asked digging through her backpack trying to find her keys and wallet.

“Um, well maybe we could go to like a Chinese restaurant or maybe if you guys want to go get something really quick maybe Jimmy Johns.  Oh! I know, if we do fast food we should do B-Bops!  I mean that’s the greatest fast food around now isn’t it Mika?”  Toma said looking at Mika who had already found her wallet.

“That’s great!  But since they’re the guests we should have them decide where they want to go eat.  Even if we don’t go tonight they’re probably going to be here awhile is what my dad said.”

“Wait, you already talked to your dad?”

“Yeah I called him like an hour ago.  Well he called me and asked if everything was alright, and I asked him about our situation.  After a little negotiation he said yes,” Mika said looking slightly guilty.

“Why?  Mika, what was the deal?”  Toma said finally pulling out her keys and wallet.

“Um, well.  You’re going to have to take two of them if they’re to stay here,” Mika said now not even looking at Toma.

“What!?  I haven’t even talked to my parents about it!”  Toma said not too surprised, but a little upset.  Taking Mika back to her room, which also happened to be in the basement, so that the guys didn’t hear them arguing.  Although Toma was pretty sure that they could still hear them somewhat.

“Again, you’re parents aren’t home all that often.  You’re dad is on a business meeting right now, and you’re mom doesn’t get home till late at night.  Then she doesn’t get up till around ten right?  I mean come on!  You can just have them stay at your house for a bit and then come right back over!  It’s not like you live in a different town or something!”

“Mika, come on!  I can keep secrets, but this is going to be hard.  If we’re going to do this, you got to help with the preparations then alright?”  Toma said knowing very well that this was going to take a lot to do.  Even to keep it going for two days it would take a lot.  Knowing schedules, making sure Toma’s sister didn’t tell, even though she was at their grandma’s house for a few days longer.  Also to make sure that Toma’s dad wasn’t going to come back early.

“Toma, I promise.  I will help in anyway I can if you can just keep a couple at your house for a while.  At least until my dad “fixes” their car.”

“Please don’t tell me your dad is “going to take his time”.”

“Uh, maybe.  I dropped hints but I don’t know if he got them, or if he is actually going to try and fix it.  Who knows what’s wrong,” Mika said trying to get Toma to leave the room so they can go decide where to eat.

“Alright, I’ll go along with it for now.  But if I get caught it’s on your head alright Mika?”

“Yeah!  I promise now let’s go and then while they do something we can go snoop out stuff.  Whatever you ask,” Mika said nearly jumping for joy.  But just before they left the room Mika grabbed Toma by the wrist, “Oh, Toma.  Thank you.”

“You’re fine.  I would have probably got dragged in anyway.  I mean I hang out with you,” Toma said playfully pushing Mika.

“Hey!  What do you mean by that?”

“Oh nothing, now come on.  I bet they’re starving by now.”
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