[drabble] my 13 hyungs - Birthday Cake

[drabble] my 13 hyungs


Ryeowook woke up early to bake a cake. He gathered everything he needed and busied himself whisking and mixing. Shindong was surprised to see him up so early, it was only 5am and Ryeowook was almost done frosting the cake.


“why bake at such an early hour?”


Shindong asked and Ryeowook smiled at him.


“it’s a special day.”


Shindong watched Ryeowook finish up the frosting and move to the decoration. His smile faded as he points the piping bag on the cake surface.


“It’s Henry’s birthday isn’t it.”


Shindong blurted out and Ryeowook placed down the piping bag on the table, wiping his tears with the palm of his hands.


“I know that he’s here in Seoul”


Shindong was surprised since all 13 of them made a promise not to tell Ryeowook about this until he hasn’t recovered yet.


“I want you to give this to him.. and don’t tell the others that I did this or the fact that I knew that Henry is here.”


Ryeowook calmly said as he wrote the words: Henry, Happy birthday.


Ryeowook cleaned up and boxed the cake.


“please don’t tell Henry I did this..”


Shindong nodded and changed his clothes before heading out of the dorm. Moments later, Henry opened the door to find Shindong with a box.


“I do not intend to stay long, but here, Happy birthday. Ryeowook baked that but didn't want to tell you.. but I feel that you ought to know.”


Shindong left Henry confused. Henry opened the box to reveal the cake perfect and just as he wished it was: just like the cake they both bake on Henry’s first birthday in Korea..

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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 13: sequel author

this is so beautiful

the members shouldve known why henry left and all
omo~ thank you so much for reading and liking my story!
and thanks for leaving a comment~ i appreciate it!
This made me tear up. It's was so beautiful! I love it~! :D
thanks all! glad you liked my story
SUJU <3 <3 <3
Fantastic story, love it so mucchhhh~~~
salty_sugar_puff #6
awsome suju are awsome <3
that was a fast comment^^ Thanks for reading this~
EstefaniaSirens #8
Asdfghjkl;!!!!! Henwook all the way !!!