Ch 6

My Five Year Old Prince

It has been weeks ever since Sandeul apologized and the two really became friends. He brings snacks or shares his lunch with Hyeri nowadays and they even eat together, not only that, since they were neighbors Sandeul even waits for her and they walk together on the way home.

Hyeri’s best friends are suspecting that maybe Sandeul and her have a special relationship other than being good friends due to their sudden closeness.

Sandeul’s fan girls were not pleased at the close relationship of the both of them. Hyeri and Sandeul’s good friendship need to stop right now. That is why they planned a special surprise just for Hyeri.

As soon as the bell rang, everyone stood up. Sandeul looked at Hyeri as if asking if they would go home together. Hyeri was about to respond when a close dongsaeng of hers came into the classroom.

“Hyeri eonnie! I need your help!” she said.

“What is it Doyeon ah?" Hyeri asked.

"I think I dropped my phone earlier at the janitor's closet! Can you come with me to look for it?" she asked.

"Sure. Just wait for me there outside in a second alright?" Hyeri said and Doyeon nodded.

Hyeri walked to Sandeul's locker where he was waiting for her. "Sandeul ah, I can't go home together with you right now, a dongsaeng asked me to help her with something. Sorry." Hyeri explained and apologized.

“It’s alright Hyeri ah. No big deal. You don’t need to apologize.” Sandeul smiled.

“Thanks for understanding.” Hyeri said.

“I’ll just see you tomorrow then.” Sandeul said and left.

Hyeri approached Doyeon who seemed very tense. “Doyeon ah, don’t worry I’m sure we’ll be able to find your phone in no time.” Hyeri assured her.

“If you only knew.” Doyeon murmured.

“What?” Hyeri asked.

“Aniyo! It’s nothing.” Doyeon shook her head.

“Come one lets start to look for it then!” Hyeri suggested.

Hyeri and Doyeon went to her classroom first to check and it was not there, they even checked the ladies bathroom and sadly it wasn’t there as well. The last place to look for it was the janitor’s closet.

Hyeri went in first and before she could even turn around the door was shut, which made her jump in surprise.

She tried to open the door but it was locked, she tried calling Doyeon. “Doyeon ah! Are you there?” Hyeri kept tapping the door and calling her dongsaeng’s name but there was no reply.

She decided to just look for Doyeon’s phone first before calling out for help again.

It was very hot inside the closet, but still Hyeri searched for Doyeon’s phone, she finally found in the floor beside the mops, when suddenly the door opened. “I found it Doyeon ah!” Hyeri said. When she turned around though, it was not Doyeon that she saw but Sandeul’s fangirls, there were five of them standing in front of Hyeri with a bucket of ice cold water and splashed it onto her.

Hyeri shivered in cold but she did not mind it and still managed to face them.

“Where is Doyeon and what do you guys want from me?” Hyeri asked she was now soaking wet.

“Don’t act like you don’t know .” One of them said.

“I actually don’t” Hyeri murmured good thing the fangirls didn’t hear it clearly.

“What is your relationship with our oppa?” another one of them asked.

“W-what? You thought- we are just friends.” Hyeri defended.

“Liar.” She said and slapped Hyeri’s cheek, which left a red mark on her face.

“What the hell is your problem? I’m not lying! I swear!” Hyeri defended.

“Well, there’s one way to find out. Don’t be friends and don’t ever go near Sandeul oppa again, or else it’s not just the five of us that you have to deal with.” They warned Hyeri and pushed her so hard that she fell into the ground.

Hyeri didn’t know what to say. It was her first time experiencing this kind of bullying and she didn’t want to happen again.

While she was sitting there by the janitor’s closet door, she heard someone crying. Hyeri looked up and found Doyeon in a corner of the corridor, she was sobbing. Doyeon looked at Hyeri and apologized. “Sorry eonnie ah, it was all my fault. I didn’t want you to get hurt, but they threatened me eonnie! I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I did this to you.” Doyeon continued on crying.

Hyeri stood up and approached Doyeon. “Don’t worry, I don’t blame you. Let’s just forget this ever happened alright?” Hyeri told Doyeon and handed Doyeon her mobile phone back to her.


Hyeri felt heavy on her way back home, she kept on sneezing because of the cold wind blowing against her skin.

The words “Don’t be friends and don’t ever go near Sandeul oppa again.” Is still stuck into her mind until she reached home.

Her mom looked really worried for her after seeing her in the doorstep.

“Hyeri ah! What happened to you?” her mom asked.

“I accidentally pulled down a pail of ice cold water in the janitor’s closet mom.” Hyeri lied, which her mom didn’t buy at first.

“I’m really such a klutz mom. I am sorry.” Hyeri apologized.

Her mom shook her head in disbelief. “It’s alright honey, go and get changed quickly. I’ll cook you some broth to make you feel a but warmer.” Her mom commanded.


Author's Note:

Happy Holidays everyone ^^

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Chapter 6: Author-nim update soon!!
I'm so in love with this story <3
dumdumb79 #2
Please update!!!! ♥
Im on team sandeul♥♥^.^
Just found this story, it's so cute T-T
Chapter 2: yay update!! thank you for the update! <3
haha cute chappie!!