Ch 3

My Five Year Old Prince


I woke up in our school clinic’s small bed rather than at my own home.

“Weren’t I supposed to be at the playground?”

“What happened to me?” I asked as I tried to sit up.

“According to your classmates, you fainted during the last round of the dodge ball game. The ball must have hit your head hard.” The nurse explained.

“Oh,” I said remembering.

“The principal said that you could be dismissed early. You should go home and take some rest.” The nurse suggested.

“Thanks, I probably should. Can I call my mom?” I asked.

“I already did. She said she’s on her way to get you.” The nurse informed.

Suddenly, my mom appeared on the doorway looking pretty worried.

“”Hyeri ah! Are you alright?” mom asked.

“Yes mom, I’m fine. Just feeling a little dizzy.” I told her.

“Come on lets get you home.” Mom said and brought me to the school parking lot.

Our house was a two-story house with a decent front lawn and a back yard, the house basically looked the same as the other houses in our street.

“Looks like we have someone new in the neighborhood.” She said while pulling up the car in the garage.

I looked at the huge truck parked outside the street. The new movers live three houses away from us.

There are people going in and out of the house to get the things inside.

“Aren’t you going to go and visit them?” I asked mom.

“Later honey, I’m sure they are still busy moving things in to the house.” She said while opening the door.

Whenever there’s someone new around our street my mom has this tradition to bring them food and welcome them.

Mom told me to have some rest while she cooks food for me. She headed to the kitchen and started cooking, while I head upstairs to my room, changed my uniform into my comfortable jammies and slept.

After four long hours of sleep my head and body felt like it was back to normal again.

I head downstairs and found mom sitting on the cushion watching TV and she saw me got down.

“Honey you’re awake? You must be hungry, I cooked your favorite macaroni soup and lasagna. “ She said while her eyes are glued to the TV again.

“Didn’t you go to office today?” I asked her while taking a bite of my lasagna.

“When the nurse called the office today I was worried that’s why I took the day off as well.” She said.

After eating, while I was washing the plates I used, I doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Mom said as she slowly stood up and head to the door. I took a peek at the person.

When she opened it, my new classmate Sandeul appeared, he was standing there wearing shirt and jeans.

“Sandeul? What’s he doing here?”

“Anneyong haseyo Mrs. Kwon. I’m Lee Sandeul, Hyeri’s classmate. May I know if she’s feeling better now?” he asked.

“Yes, she is. That is nice of you to ask.” Mom said.

“ Do you want to talk to her?” Mom asked.

“That would be great maam.” He replied.

“Hyeri ah! A classmate of yours wants to talk to you!” my mom called out.

“Would you want to come in?” mom offered.

“Thanks Mrs. Kwon, but its alright I’ll just stay outside.” He kindly said.

I walked towards the door while mom head back in and watched TV.

“Sandeul? What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Well, you fainted earlier. I live just around the neighborhood and so I decided to pay you a visit.”  He explained while rubbing the back of his neck.

“You’re the one who just moved in?” I asked.

“Yup, that’s us.” He said.

“Our team won earlier you know. After you fainted.” He informed.

“That’s great then.” I said.

“Oh, yeah. These are for you.” He said and handed me a box of cookies.

“Wow, thanks!” I said in surprise.

“My mom told me to give it to my new friend, if I ever got to meet one.” He explained.

“Tell your mom your friend says thanks.” I said.

“I will. Okay then, see you tomorrow?” he said.

“ Yeah, see you.” I replied and waited for him to walk away from our house before I shut the door.

“Who’s that? Boyfriend?” Mom asked.

“Mom! Of course not! He’s a transfer student whom I happen to be friends with.” I explained.

“I see.” She said.

“He’s a nice kid.” She added.

“Sure he is.” I replied.

“Good looking too.” She added.

“Nice try, bye mom.” I said and head upstairs to my room.

I opened my laptop and found plenty of messages from my classmates.


*30 New Messages


I opened messages from Naeun first.


Gossip_naeun: Hyeri ah! Are you alright? Call me okay?

Itsmehyeri: “Yes, I’m breathing. No need to panic.” I typed.

Gossip_naeun: “That’s good then. J” she replied.

Gossip_naeun: “OMG. Check this out. I totally saw that new guy Sandeul at the school register earlier! And guess what? He was asking for your address Hyeri ah!” Naeun messaged.

I quickly typed a reply.


Itsmehyeri: Oh that. He just got here minutes ago.


Then suddenly two replies popped up from my messenger.


Bobobomi89: “Naeun told me about Sandeul. I’m so jealous!!!” Bomi sent.


Ugh, news travels really fast these days.


Then I opened Naeun’s reply.


Gossip_naeun: OMG!!!!! I’m telling you!!! That guy totally likes you!!!! ><


Itsmehyeri: Keep calm Naeun. You’re flooding me with exclamations here. That’s not true and you know it.


Then suddenly an unknown username Jungjinjin popped up with a message.


Jungjinjin :  Hey Hyeri. This is Jinyoung your classmate.

Itsmehyeri: “Hello Jinyoung! J I typed.

Jungjinjin: I saw you faint earlier at PE class. Just checking if you’re alright or not.


I quickly typed a reply ignoring Bomi and Naeun’s messages for a while.


Itsmehyeri: Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for worrying.


Then I added Jinyoung to my contact list as well.


Jungjinjin: I’m sorry if I hit you with the ball like that. It’s my fault, if I didn’t to that, you wouldn’t have fainted.


So, he’s guilty.


Itsmehyeri: It’s alright. Accidents happen. :)

Jungjinjin: I hope you’re not mad. Thanks for the add btw. :)


Jungjinjin is now your friend.


Itsmehyeri: Of course I’m not mad.

Jungjinjin: So I guess I’ll see you around tomorrow?

Itsmehyeri: yeah.


Jungjinjin has signed off.




Then I opened Bomi and Naeun’s messages.


Bobobomi89: I think what @gossip_naeun said was totally true.

Gossip_naeun: See? @itsmehyeri?

Itsmehyeri: “Bye guys I’m logging off now.” I typed.

Gossip_naeun: fine be that way.

Bobobomi89: Tell me all the deets tomorrow!

Itsmehyeri: There’s nothing to tell you guys.


Itsmehyeri has signed off.

Itsmehyeri has signed in.


Itsmehyeri: Oh by the way Jinyoung just messaged me.

Bobobomi89: WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? ><

Bobobomi89: T_T


Gossip_naeun: How I wish I was the one who fainted. Lol.

Bobobomi89: Me too!!

Itsmehyeri: hahaha. Fainting during the first day of class would not be cool @bobobomi89 @gossip_naeun

Gossip_naeun: she’s right. NOT.

Itsmehyeri: bye guys. See you tom.


Itsmehyeri has signed off.


“I bet those girls are going to strangle me tomorrow.”

I turned my laptop off and head back to bed again.



Author's Note:

hello guys! ^^


im so happy im crying tears of joy now! T_T

sorry it took me really long to update this again :)

well i'm back! to make it up to you guys i made it extra long

hope you like it!! Pls. comment on what you think okay?

i enjoy reading ur comments :3

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Chapter 6: Author-nim update soon!!
I'm so in love with this story <3
dumdumb79 #2
Please update!!!! ♥
Im on team sandeul♥♥^.^
Just found this story, it's so cute T-T
Chapter 2: yay update!! thank you for the update! <3
haha cute chappie!!