For You Now

I walked a bit away to avoid others who kept on talking as I got called. Just as I pressed the phone on my ear, I heard Baekhyun's voice. His voice sounded weak and I could feel the fear in it just by hearing him say: "Help—" 

I was confused and in shock I wasn't able to say anything. I looked at the others in the room and they noticed my concern as I stared at them speechless like that.

"B- Baekhyun, what?" I spoke, to explain others that there was something wrong with him and to get an answer from my boyfriend. I heard another voice, which didn't belong to him and in that moment I immediately speaker so everyone could hear the phone call.

"Who do you think will help you? Scream as much as you want, nobody will come get you," spoke man's, rough voice.

I needed a moment to process what I just heard. Others were thinking hard what it might be.

"Who the is—" I screamed, but suddenly got a push from Junmyeon. He hit my chest hard and pulled the phone out of my hand. He muted the microphone and looked at me seriously while the conversation on the other side was still going on. 

Everyone was confused and quiet and Junmyeon was the first one to speak... Well more like to yell: "YOU ARE AN IDIOT CHANYEOL!!" he bursted out. "If this is for real and someone really has Baekhyun then you shouldn't scream on the phone, because if that person finds out he's going to hurt Baekhyun even more! Use your brain! Do you even have one?" 

I felt offended by his words. I wasn't stupid, but in that moment I also wasn't able to think clearly. "What am I supposed to do?" I started defending myself. "That is my Baekhyun! God knows what is happening!!" 

"You probably knew more if you stopped screaming like a stupid child and listened to what is happening!" He pushed phone back in my hands, which were shaking a bit. 

I swallowed and focused on the conversation going on there. 

"Shut up and get your f*ing hand away from me!" I heard Baekhyun's screams which sent shivers all over my body. 

"Ups, someone is rough and sensitive!" man's voice spoke. "You are still loud, but your fighting... Huh... You are still bad, I thought that Park learned you better..." I got sick as I heard my name mentioned. I stopped listening and handed my phone to Kyungsoo who had been listening to the conversation right next to me all the time. I still could hear the man talking about how others say my trainings are torturing and that I hadn't been able to learn Baekhyun self defense well enough. I was trying to keep myself calm, but I was slowly coming to an edge of my patience. "!!" I screamed and kicked in the wall. "Where the is he?!" I hit the wall with my fist this time. "What the is happening!?" I hit the wall again and again and again until I felt two people pulling me away. 

"Calm down!" Yixing told me and grabbed my hands tightly so I wasn't able to hit again. Sehun was also holding me with one hand, while still holding a half full bottle of beer. 

I did my best to do as Yixing had told me to, but just as he released me from his hands I felt another vawe of anger. "!" I screamed again, pulled the bottle out of Sehun's hand and threw it against the floor making it break into small pieces.

"Chan!" Sehun said. "That was mine and it was completely unnecessary!"

I took a deep breath and tried thinking straight. "Wasn't Baekhyun with Minseok? That small Kim?"

"Yeah..." Kyungsoo said.

"Call him! Call Minseok!" I said roughly. Kyungsoo didn't hesitate. He gave my phone to Jongin, pulled his out of his pocket and called before giving his phone to me. Minseok answered right away.

"What's up?" Minseok said calmly from the other side.

"Where is Baekhyun?!" I asked directly.

"Oh, major Park...? He went around the town. He isn't here right now, but he will come soon. I can tell him you called when he returns...." Minseok spoke calmly. 

"Listen to me now! Find him! ing find him! Get him back! NOW!" I growled. I was loosing control over myself.

"I don't know where exactly he is... I will call him," Minseok said.

"DON'T ING CALL HIM! FIND HIM I SAID! DON'T SCREW EVERYTHING!" I yelled. I was holding Kyungsoo's phone so tightly to the point it could have broken under the force. 

"I don't get it. Why that panick?!" Minseok reminded calm.

"BECAUSE YOU JUST LEFT MY BOYFRIEND ALONE, WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" I yelled and ended the phone call before growling in anger again.

"Quiet!" Kyungsoo suddenly said and I noticed his worried expression. "Jongin... did you also hear that?" they both were looking at my phone worried. 

"?" Jongin spoke and for some time the room was warped into a complete silence. 

"What did you say?" I asked calmly. I didn't want to overreact again. It was serious and it was no time for breaking walls with fists, even though that seemed the best way to get the anger out of myself without killing anyone. 

"..." Kyungsoo confirmed it. "It is when someone forces another person in ual activity—" 

"I KNOW WHAT IT IS!" I got upset again. ? My Baekhyun? A victum of someting like that? I always knew Baekhyun had some struggled before coming here and meeting me, but never had I thought, it would have been something like this. I was angry he had never told me about it, like it was something unimportant.

"Poor boy," Sehun said like he was already desperated. "This is bad!"

"He should have told us," Jongin said.

"This is too much. It's too bad. Come here," Sehun said and pulled Jongin in a hug. They were acting silly and cried in each others shoulders like its the last thing they can do. They both were obviously a bit drunk. I was effected by an alcohol as well, but at least I was thinking about the ways to get Baekhyun out of that situation, before anything bad happened to him.

Luckily Kyungsoo was the one to end that scene. He parted them and then held Jongin by his forearm. He made him look at him and then he said roughly. "You are a ing a capitan and solider on a military university! I thought you are better than this! Act like a man!" he said and then he rised his left hand. In no time Jongin had a slap taped on his face. He held his face after getting slapped by Kyungsoo slapped him and blinked a few times realising what had just happened. "I still love you," Kyungsoo said and then turned to Sehun. For some moments he checked him from toes to the top of his head and then he spoke to him. "A general!? Who made you, huh?!" he said and in the next moment Sehun and Jongin were both seated in the corner of the room, holding their faces and rubbing their cheeks as Kyungsoo slapped them. 

I heard Baekhyun's voice still speaking from the other side. I was just standing there in silence, getting more and more hopeless. "I'm done!" I said just as I heard Baekhyun saying a name. 

"No Woosuk. That what you did was forced and heartless. You never really marked me. Chanyeol's marks are made with love-" I heard Baekhyun say.

My jaw fell down and I just gasped at his words. "Woosuk? I know this guy!" I said and tried to think of a time when I met him.

"Of course you know him! He is the new trainer," Junmyeon reminded. He was shocked himself, but reminded more calm that I was.

"The one replacing Zitao?" I asked and got a not from Junmyeon. "I hated him from the begining!" I thightened my fists and suddenly connected everything together. Woo, which Baekhyun mentioned a few times to me was Woosuk. I wanted to beat myself up for being that stupid. I could have known that before. I could've done something to prevent that. "That b*tch will get to my Baekhyun before me—" 

"—What was that now?" Junmyeon asked. 

"Desperate lover speech," Kyungsoo said. 

"But, didn't you already have with Baekhyun? Just last night? I lost my bet!" Jongin said. 

"It was a scam..." Kyungsoo said. "You can get your money back." 

"Can we focus on the actual problem again! I will kill that Woosuk again, and that Minseok is right after him! Don't let me start about—" 

Before I could say anything more, Yixing came to the room. I didn't even notice he left because of my madness.

He had hands full of things, cables and also a big computer. He placed it in the middle of the bed and once it was ready, he started working. "I think I can get his location," he said quickly. He took my phone carefuly, so he didn't end the phone and attached it to the cable that came out of the computer.

"How do you know this?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I was taking lessons for becoming a cop while I was training for a major with Chanyeol. Finding location of a phone was part of it," he explained.

"And how many times did you try it?" Kyungsoo asked while Yixing started to type on the keyboard and opened at least 20 pages on the computer.

"Once—" he answered. "But I didn't get the right location..." he added.

"And you think you will help this time?!" I got mad again.

"It's the most we can do for now!" he got mad back.

"Just work on it," Junmyeon reminded and made me back away.

The phone call from Baekhyun still didn't end. The guy and Baekhyun kept talking, making me go more furious and worried with each word.

I remembered how Baekhyun kept talking about him whenever he was drunk or hallucinating.... Till now I belived Woo was dead, but now it appears to be here as Woosuk, endangering Baekhyun. I wished I kept Baekhyun with myself. I wished I could protect him, but I failed many times, not just once, and in that moment it came to a very bad situation. 

For some time all I could do was to walk around the room and wait. I kept muttering and cursing quietly as I was getting more and more worried. Sehun and Junmyeon were trying to help me, meanwhile Jongin and Kyungsoo were with Yixing, asking him how he did certain things to get the location. 

"You know it won't help, if you need whole day to find him..." I said, pulling my hair hopelessly. 

"Sorry, man, but right now I am helping the most..." Yixing said. He kept typing things and sliding the mouse from one side to the other.

The atmosphere in the room was tense. We all were worried, confused. Junmyeon gave the idea to prepare ourselves to find Baekhyun, so I left the room. I just hoped I came back at the right time and hoped that Baekhyun would be strong for a few more moments. We were losing time. 

I quickly put on an uniform which would make me look more mature when I would be there outside, looking for a right place. I went to find the equipment... Weapon. 

I was dealing with a man that had Baehyun. I needed something more than just fists. 

I saw all possible weapon on the shelves, but took nothing. It was for trainings, so I didn't like it. My eyes travelled to the very end of the place. There was an entrance to another room. Smaller one. I took my keys and unlocked the door, which opened my way to an actual weapon. My eyes travelled around the shelves and I decided to take a gun — I wasn't going to let a man like that to live. The gun was not big, so I easily hid it in my belt. I also took some extra charges just in case I needed them and then left. 

Just as I came to the main hallway of the dorms and turned to face the door off Baekhyun and Kyungsoo's room, I heard Yixing. "I GOT IT!" Yixing called.

I actually broke into the room, my nerves rising at the thought of finding Baekhyun soon. 

"I am not sure…" he said and pointed at the map of the town on his computer. "They should be here around," he said breathlessly. There were a few streets coloured with red marker.

"You can't get more accurate locatioin?! It's too much to check," I got mad again.

"It's the most I can do! Just hope it's right," Yixing said unsure

"Call the actual cops. They better help. We are going there," I said, like ordering it, ignoring the anger inside me.

As everyone was again gathered in the room, prepared to go, Junmyeon spoke up. "I will go with my car," he said. "Sehun and Yixing go with your own cars, Chanyeol you take Kyungsoo and Jongin with them. We will hear each other through the phone." 

"Why do I take this kids?!" I protested.

"Cause I am not letting them use cars we have at campus..." Junmyeon shrugged. "And by the way, they are same age as your boyfriend!" 

"They can go with you!" I argued. 

"No. Pack your things and lets go," he said and turned away. I just rolled with my eyes and then hurried to my car with Jongin adn Kyungsoo behind me.

In just a few minutes we all were packed in the car, like we were ready to go in the war. I was actually planning on killing certain person out there. 

Kyungsoo and Jongin looked excited when they entred my car, but I gnored it.

"Drive! Don't wait. Go!" Kyungsoo looked more than excited, but worried at the same time. He wasn't belted and sat on my side. Jongin stood in the back, not thinking about sitting down.

"Go!" Jongin said loudly, however it sounded like he was a kid, playing in his parents' car.

I was sure I went over all limits, as I speed up the car. I went faster than ever before, even though I was a bit drunk. I was focused on the road, but from time to time In I just wanted to drive over Woosuk with a car....

"Where do I have to go?!" I almost yelled as I didn't know the exact way.

"Just drive on without stopping. You are near," Kyungsoo said.

I obeyed and speed up on the road.

In no time Kyungsoo spoke again. "HERE! IT'S HERE!" he yelled and pinted at the street in front of us.

I roughly stepped on the break, like I was about to crash into something soon.

"You could say it before!" I said breathlessly, looking at Kyungsoo furiously.

"Sorry..." Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes.

I stepped out of the car and Jongin and Kyungsoo did the same. In front of us was a short, narrow, but pretty much open street that ended with the crossroad. "We should split... This is just a part of what Yixing found. We should cover as much as possible... Others went to the other parts... Junmyeon went for Minseok too... That is good, because it will be easier for me to kill him..." 

"It's a lot to do. How are we supossed to do this in time?!" Jongin squeaked. 

"You are a ing capitan and you don't know how to make a check-over over 5 houses?!" I said madly. 

"I never tried!" Jongin argued back.

"I will make sure you get expelled right after we get back to the campus!" I yelled at him. I lost my control and almost went to beat Jongin up, but Kyungsoo stopped me.

"You really have to do this?! Now?!" Kyungsoo parted me and Jongin each on one side of the road. "Chanyeol, you have a boyfriend to save! But you still want to spend the time beating up someone who isn't even responsible for it?! Think man!" 

I hesitated a bit, but then gave him a slight nod. I focused on the main problem. "Search the houses. I think its okay just to see the owner. Once you met them try moving to the next house as soon as possible. We can't spent too long..." I said and on that Kyungsoo sighed and rolled with his eyes.

"You say so? Like you didn't spend time a second ago," he said. I shot him a mad look and then headed to the houses.

"Do as I said!" I got mad. 

"YES, SIR!" They both replied, which made me even more mad, but calm as well, because we all were finally doing something.

The street was calm and quiet. I was checking houses on and on, not stopping. I decided that explaining why I was disturbing was too long, so I usually just apologised and went on.

I was loosing hopes of finding Baekhyun here. Some houses even didn't have owners, stood there quietly and deserted. I was just about to move to another house when I heard screams coming from the next house.

My heart beat raced quicker than ever. I didn't wait, but speed up to the house, reaching its front door in just seconds.

The house was pretty much new, in white colour. It wasn't too big, but also not the smallest here... I almost jumped to the front door, because of my nerves and then I hesitated. 

I waited for any sound again, but it was like the house was deserted. I thought I just heard wrong... I decided to just knock on the door to make sure who was inside, but screams interupted me again. It was faded and weak, but it gave me the sign to really break in. I was pretty much sure it was Baekhyun shouting back, but his voice disappeard as soon as it came.

I backed a bit away from the doors and then I kicked at them. Nothing changed, so I used more force again and again until the lower part cracked. The doors still stood. I kicked one more time, hit in the with my shoulder and and this time the doors fell down to the ground with a loud bang. It lay flat inside the house, making my way in.

It made a lot of noise, but it didn't seem like anyone noticed it. Well fo course they did, but it just warned them that I was about to come. 

I stepped into a hallway, which was actually empty, but with doors leading to other side rooms. There was also a staircase leading up. My heart was beating so fast by now that I was sure I was going to get a panick attack. I carefully checked the rooms in the hallway, but all were empty.

I moved around pretty fast, but still carefully, because I was afraid of seeing Baekhyun, who was probably already abused by that time. 

There weren't many rooms. Living room with dining table, connected to kitchen and then there was a yard outside. Also a bathroom and toilet, pantry and some other rooms. All was empty. There was just few signs that anyone actually lived here. Ther were clothes hanging off on the hooks in the hallway and I also found a glass on the table, obviously used just a bit ago.

Just as I left the last room on the first floor I heard something from the upstairs again. It alarmed me more than ever. There were whimpers and cries.

I ran up the staircase until I came to another, shorter hallway on the second floor. Just as I took a look at it, I found what I was looking for.

On the end of the hallway, facing me was a open room and inside I saw a big bed in white sheets. 

It would have been a nice bedroom, if there wasn't Baekhyun struggling on it. 

He had his arms tied on his back and also his legs pinned together. There was no shirt on him, but just his pants in which he left today. I just hoped I didn't come to late. It looked I came on time, but everything was still bad. Baekhyun's hair were messy and fell in all possible ways, his eyes teary and red. His cheeks had a painful red colour, but he still looked pale, like he was sick. There was also a piece of cloth, tied around his mouth, making him unable to break a word.

I ran to him immediately, forgetting about all the danger. I just wanted him to be safe again. I just wanted him to be with me. 

Just as Baekhyun noticed me aproaching him I saw more tears leave his eyes, sliding down on his cheek. He crounched on the bed, reacting to my presence, but in the moment he was mostly unable to move at all. 

"Baekhyun!" I breathed out. My hands were trembling as I was enough close to him. I couldn't help, but fall on my knees as I was just in front of him. 

I started working on the cloth around his mouth first. I seized to it and untied it, making him free from it in just a moment. I leaned down to his lips right away, kissing him gently, feeling the sweetes and warmth of him. The kiss wasn't longer than a second adn I moved on to his hands right away, standing up again.

"C-Chan-" he cried weakly, trying to move again. 

"Shh- it's okay," I said quietly, almost whispering to him. I bent over Baekhyun to get a better hold of his hands as I tried to untie them.

"N-No- Chanyeol-!" Baekhyun whined.

I got confused at his words, but got the explanation soon.

I just managed to untie his hands as something hit my back. I yelled as the pain spread all over my body, taking all air from my lungs. The hit made me fall over Baekhyun and almost burrying him under my weight. I was lying over Baekhyun, helping myself to stand up again, but I felt literally no air inside me. I took some moments to catch my breath again, after the hit in my back. 

Baekhyun was sobbing under me, calling my name. His hands were freed now and I could feel them on my body, one on my shoulder, digging his fingers into my muscles and the other one on my chest, protecting himself from my weight. 

I pushed myself a bit up, before I got hit again. This time I actually fell over Baekhyun. My head burried into the white sheets, my body lying on Baekhyun's and my legs handing off the bed, touching the floor.

Baekhyun cried again under me, he was begging for this to stop. 

I managed to look back and see who and what hit me. I expected Woosuk to be the one doing it. It was him standing just a bit away from me and Baekhyun. He was holding a wooden chair in his hands, with which he obviously hit me. It hurt as hell and after that I had trouble breathing. 

Woosuk was looking at me with his serious and furious eyes, however he had a kind of a smirk on his face, showing his satisfaction as he saw me weak like that. "Look who came," he said in amused tune. "Park Chanyeol. Major Park Chanyeol!" he said and then took his way closer, leaving the chair behind.

I was still fighting with pain from the hit and still struggled with breathing, but I was still very much present of what was happening. I didn't do a move, because I was waiting for the right time to attack back. However I had nothing to do until there was my back aching and from the hit I literally didn't feel my legs anymore. 

"Get off my boy," he said, and then I felt his hand on my upper part of the uniform, pulling me away. He was stronger than I expected, because in just a few moments I was not on the bed anymore. He pulled me away and I couldn't help, but leave Baekhyun on the bed. 

Just as I was off the bed, I couldn't feel my legs supporting me. They were shaking and weak. I felt shivers over them, sent from my back and in no time I was on the floor, facing up at Woosuk looking down at me.

Baekhyun whined as I fell, cursing quietly and weakly, moving towards me.

"You aren't a man as I thought you would be," Woosuk commented. 

" off," I cursed.

"Ohh, sorry to offend you, but I expected more from you," he said and moved a bit away, giving me place.

I moved around on my stomach. I placed my hands on the floor, pushing myself up until I was on my feet. I still felt pretty much weak, but at the same time I was coming back to myself. 

"That's better," he said and crossed his arms in front of him. He moved closer to Baekhyun, who moved away from him.

"Get away from him!" I growled as he aproached him.

"Why? I didn't end with him yet. You intrupted in the wrong moment," he rolled with his eyes. "Because of you he is back to himself again," he complained. 

Baekhyun looked nothing like himself in the moment, but with what he said, he probably meant the effect of the drugs he gave to Baekhyun. He was supposed to be pretty much numb right now. 

"You got nothing to end! It is over Woosuk. I got you and there are others outside. They know what you did. Give up, you can't do anythingnow!" I said madly, but Woosuk just laughed at it.

"You got me? Where are the others? I can't see them. You think you can hold me yourself? You wouldn't be able to hold a glass of water right now," he laughed.

"You . You think I will be done in just two hits with chair?! Well, you are wrong!" I said and on that I ran in his direction. I clenched my right fist and it flew all the way in Woosuk's direction. 

Woosuk knew martial arts and I expected him to act before I actually hurt him. He moved away and I missed the hit, but I acted again very soon. 

I hit his stomach with my other fist, making him back away a bit. He took a moment and then acted again.

He caught my wrist and before I could hit him again, pulled me around so I showed him my back. Once I was facing him backwards, he kicked in my legs, making me fall on my knees.

"You aren't really in form today..." Woosuk commented. He took his way around me and faced me. This time I was actually kneeling in front of him, my hands fell down to the floor and I had my head lowered.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to come that fast. You even got the time to put on a uniform! How did you even know where to go?" Woosuk asked, looking down at me.

"The phone call you ing idiot," I said bitterly.

"Phone call? Baekhyun called you?" he asked and glared at Baekhyun for a moment. "You are a bad boy and I like it a lot to some point."

"Don't speak to him like that!" I warned him, but I got hit by him again. 

"Don't dare to move!" Woosuk took his way towards Baekhyun, leaving me alone on my knees. He came right next to Baekhyun and then slid his hand on Baekhyun's body. Baekhyun snapped his hand away immedately and backed away as much as possible. His legs obviously weren't working. He wasn't able to escape it. 

"Don't touch him!" I growled and stood up once again.

"Why? What can you do about it?" he laughed and then sized towards Baekhyun again.

He didn't touch him, but just teased and watched my reaction. I felt anger rising inside me and I berely held myself back. 

I remembered something. Just in the back of my belt I still had my gun.



Let's kill Woosuk now!

What do you think will happen now? Will others come too and fight Woosuk together?

Sorry for late updates, we are busy with school. We will probably upload on weekends now! WAIT FOR IT!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!