For You Now

I stayed alone as Baekhyun had left my gym. I didn't like the fact that he wanted to go to the town, however, I understood that he wanted to do something for me, even though I didn't need nor wanted anything more than his presence, which was now absent. 

I leaned to the door in the same moment as someone opened them. I jumped away and looked who it was. 

"Were you standing right in front of that door?" Sehun asked. "It wasn't my intention to hit you today..." 

"I survived," I said. 

"Well whatever," he said and looked at me. "You have been seriously working out? Today?" 

I rolled with my eyes and walked away to relax a bit. "Yeah, I have been. Do you have problem with that?" 

"Yeah, I have!" he said. "Junmyeon gave me a job to bring you out of here. It is your day! Here catch that!" 

He suddenly brought something out of the pockets of his uniform and threw it to me. I widened my eyes in shock and reacted as soon as he warned me. I caught the bottle of Soju in my hands and pressed it to my body to make sure it wouldn't slip out of my hands and break on the floor of my gym. "What the , Sehun?!" I cursed as he brought another bottle and opened it. "What if it broke?!" 

"It is Soju," Sehun said and stepped closer to me. "You would never let it break, especially not here, because I know how you care about this place. Also I know that you have good and fast reflexes. I also warned you before throwing it and you are obviously holding it tightly, so there is no problem in that. It is your day and you should relax a bit! Happy birthday by the way!" He said at the end and drank a bit from his bottle. 

"You bought this for me?" 

"Yeah," Sehun said and smiled. "I know exactly what you like." 

"And you are sure, that you didn't find this under your bed and decided to give me that?" 

"No, but I also lied about me buying that," he laughed. "It was actually Junmyeon. I told you that he gave me this job and this is a weapon which I should use to bring you out to join others. We want to celebrate, because you are already half the way to fifty!" 

"Okay, I am going, but just because I have nothing else to do!" I said and walked out of my gym. Sehun followed me and put his hand over my shoulders, like we were literally on the way to hang out somewhere together — we'll that was somehow true. "Where exactly are we going?" 

"The front yard," Sehun said where I could already see Yixing and Junmyeon waiting fro me. "That's what friends are for." He drank more, like he was about to have a big party and wanted to get drunk. Sehun's birthdays were usually like that, not mine. On his he had already been drunk in the morning and then he had spent the rest joking with everyone else who was also drunk.

"You guys really have to force me in this?" I asked as soon as we came to others. 

"Chanyeol, I am proud that you are getting older," Junmyeon said and brought out a small Deadpool fighure, which was probebly the smallest I had ever had. He smiled to me. "That is because I know your collection is more or less destroyed now!" 

"I can't belive you all went so cheap on me," I said and shot everyone a mad look, but I wasn't really mad. 

"The big ones are expensive as hell," Junmyeon complained. "I can't belive you had a while shelf of them. I have money, but I guess I pay you enough!" he shook his head. I really had had a big collection of Marvel figures, until Baekhyun had destroyed most of it. I was thinking about buying new, but it really was expensive and I had to be careful with money.

"Move y'all. I spent to most for Chanyeol," Yixing spoke. He gave me a black pack, that had something writen on it. I opened it and inide found a black big tube. 

"What's this?"I glared at Yixing.

"Hair dye," he said proudly. 

"Why that?" I got confused.

"Because I don't like this silver hair. I miss your black ones like you had them before. What is the reason you went silver again? Bet with Sehun? Do you even rember it or was it too far away in the past?" he asked. 

It was true that I had first changed my hair colour because of Sehun. It had happened soon after I had gotten a job at the campus, and Sehun had bet that I had been going to loose my patience over the students in less than a week. He had been right and I had to try on different colour. I had really liked how I looked with silver so I had decided to keep it. 

"Pff- I like my hair colour," I shrugged. 

"Common, it's a birthday present. Dye your hair for me. At least try?" he said. I hesitated a bit, but then nodded and accepted his gift. 

I took a sip from my can of Soju and then my attention fell on the wrapped pack next to Junmyeon. "What's this for?" I asked Junmyeon.

He handed it to me right away. "It's from your father... I got it not long ago, by a postman," he explained. 

"I know what it is already," I pointed out. "It's another uniform," I said and then started working on the pack. I pulled off all the wraps and then opened the box. 

Inside was a nicely folded blue and black uniform, with gold decorations and medals on shoulders and pockets. I got his used uniforms every year. Each uniform from one year of his life in the University. I had a lot of them already, but I kept most of them at home, outside the campus. I never wore them, but always tried them on to take a picture and show it to my father. 

"Yes, it's his uniform," I said seriously. "Well at least he remembers that I am still alive somewhere here." 

"Chanyeol, don't think like that about him," Junmyeon put his hand on my shoulders. "He is proud of you and he really loves you. You have to know that he is very busy man and this is something you can't change. I got a chance to speak to him just recently and he said he would like to see you again. Would you try it on?" 

"Let's go to my room," I nodded. My father had always been very strict and serious. He had often been away from home for his job, so he hadn't really spend much time with me. However, every time he was around, he gave me inspiration and told me to be strong. He was the main reason why I had started trainings at so young age and I felt happy that he finally wanted to see me. I felt how things between us might change. I just wanted him to be proud of me and my work. 

"Sure!" Yixing said, took the package with my father's uniform and already walked away.

Me, Sehun and Junmyeon followed him, but I stopped on the middle of the yard. I noticed two of Baekhyun's friends walking not far away from me. "I will come after you!" I said and walked away from my friends.

"Where are you going?" Junmyeon asked me.

"I just need to check something," I was already walking further away from them and slowly approaching Kyungsoo and Jongin. I was glad they let me go without asking or arguing too much. It didn't take me long to come enough close to the pair of students. "YOU TWO!" I called, which made Kyungsoo literally jump, meanwhile Jongin just looked at me confused.

"Yelling at us was so unnecessary!" Kyungsoo complained and he was actually right. I hadn't needed to be so loud to get their attention, I somehow just wanted to look strong in front of them.

"You should call me sir here!" I warned him.

"Well, sir major Park, that was still unnecessary!" he repeated.

"Did Baekhyun already leave?" I asked directly.

"To the town?" Jongin asked that time. "Yeah, he left some time ago. Minseok went with him, so you don't really need to worry if that is the problem. I guess Baekhyun can survive without you next to him."

"I just wanted to know..." I said.

"I wish I could relate to you, but I unfortunately can't," Kyungsoo smiled and I wasn't really sure if that was meant in a good or bad way. It was probably bad, since it was coming from Kyungsoo's mouth, and he didn't really like me.

"I will just ignore that..." I said and turned away to leave them and join my friends.

"Wait!" he suddenly stopped me.

I turned around again and faced him. I was confused, because I didn't really know what he wanted from me. "What?" I asked.

"You promised me Lay's once. I still want them!" he said and I remembered the day when this had happened.

"Seriously?" I sighed.

"You promised!" he got mad.

I looked up to the sky and the closed my eyes, because I was highly annoyed in that moment.I took a deep breath to calm down. I didn't want too much stress on my birthday. I looked at Jongin and then at Kyungsoo. "Actually..." I said and smirked. "I want them too! Follow me!" I gave up.

Both of them looked at each other confused and then at me even more shocked. "Are you serious,sir?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Chanyeol," I told him. I didn't really want him to call me on a formal way. It had seemed right before, but now when I was about to literally give them packs of chips I didn't want them to call me anything else than Cahnyeol.

"But a minute ago–"

"–Is it so hard to go with Chanyeol?" I asked.

"No!" Kyungsoo said. "But can we at least use Park? You also use surnames often and we are kinda used on it..."

"Fine," I gave up. "Follow me if you want to get your Lay's."

I took them to my gym and they followed me in as I opened the door. "Wah, Baekhyun wasn't lying!" Kyungsoo said as I walked to the vending machine and got some packs of chips out of it with some other kinds of snacks.

"Stop looking around!" I ordered them. "You are privileged enough to know where this place is! Thank to Baekhyun later! Now hold that, because I am not carrying that!" I gave them the snacks and kept just some for myself, but they didn't leave. "What?" I asked.

"Well..." Kyungsoo started. "We know that it is your birthday – happy birthday by the way – and you know, since you and our best friends are quite seriously together and he isn't here, we could give you some company..."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"I think Baekhyun doesn't like that we aren't really doing well with eachother. You know... We dont like you, you literally seem to hate us, so I guess we could make Baekhyun happy by trying to change some things about that..."

I liked that idea. Literally. I loved it, even though it came out of Kyungsoo's mind. I looked at them both and took some more time to think about it. It couldn't be that hard, since they were Baekhyun's best friends and I loved him. I could do that and it might make Baekhyun trust me more. I needed him to trust me. "Okay!" I said. "I guess that could work"

"Happy birthday from my side as well!" Jongin smiled and I returned him the smile awkwardly.

"By the way, if you two just want to use me on that way, I will break you both into small pieces!"

"Uh! Someone is rough!" Kyungsoo whined. "Lets keep this on not violent level. Okay!"

I didn't argue with them anymore. I really wanted to change some things. I really wanted to get Baekhyun's trust. I allowed them to follow me to my room. I was non stop telling myself that that was stupid, however, I still thought it was the right move.

"I'm here!" I announced as I came to my room and saw that Yixing, Sehun and Junmyeon were already comfortable there. I was just hoping nothing would get damaged, because I had many valuable things in my room, which I really didn't want to end on the same way as my Marvel collection.

"Oh, Chan brought more company!" Sehun said and took a sip from his bottle, which was probably already the second one. "Kyungsoo and Jongin, right?" he asked. "I want to eat that snacks too by the way!"

Kyungsoo and Jongin joined others and I also took my place on my bed next to Yixing. Jongin gave Sehun one pack of Lay's and we just waited in silence for some time, until Sehun reminded me that I had promised to try on my fathers uniform. I stood up and took the package, which I had gotten from my father. "When will he realise that I have my own uniform," I shook my head and laughed a bit as I opened it.

"Oh!" Kyungsoo whined. "That is cool! Try it right now!"

"Don't push me into it!" I hissed. "I will do it, just wait!" I walked away to my bathroom with the uniform in one hand, while I pulled my shirt for training over my head. I heard how Kyungsoo quietly commented that Baekhyun was lucky, but I ignored it and closed the door. I knew that I had a nice body. There was no doubt and Baekhyun liked it as well, which was enough for me.

The uniform I got was the same as mine, but with more decorations and father's old madals on it. Father was obviously smaller than me at my age, since the sleaves were a bit short for me as I got it on me. I walked out an noticed that Junmyeon took a photo of me with his phone right away. "Your father will like that!" he said. "I think it's really cool that he gives it on. I would love to get this kind of things fom parents. No actually I want to have kids and do the same!" Junmyeon commented.

"You need a wife first!" Sehun said. "You at relationships. Even more than I do!"

"Can we focus on how y that actually looks on Park?" Kyungsoo pointed out.

"It's not that I don't like it. It just seems a bit strange. I don't use them anyway," I shrugged. "And it is too small... Like alwways! I think, I am getting bigger every year!" I said. "My father probably never expected me to grow bigger than him..." 

"You know..." Kyungsoo commented again. "By looking at you like that I can understand what Baekhyun sees on you. Don't worry, Jongin, you will always be my only one!"

"It's so weird to see that you three literally aren't single any more," Junmyeon said.

"You also aren't alone. You got me," Sehun commented.

"And me!" Lay added.

"But I don't love you!" Junmyoen replied right away and with his eyes. "Well, I do, but not like a boyfriend stuff... That is different!"  .

"You disappointed me!" Sehun said and strated eating snacks faster, showing how very hurt he was , even though it was obvously a joke.

"Thanks, but I am to bussy with my work. I don't have time for dating," he explained.

"You just don't want them, that's all. If you were too bussy, you wouldn't be playing Call of Duty with us everynight," I laughed and hit his shoulder.  

"I won't deny this," Junmyeon shrugged with his shoulders.

"You all are lifeles. You all better get someone fast," Kyungsoo sighed. "It's not hard! Even Baekhyun has more life than you grown up men, and he was literally lifeless before coming to thic campus and meeting me!" 

"Chanyeol, you had anyone before Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Like you care," I shot him in reply.

"Just asking..." he shrugged.

"I had a girlfriend," I answered on his question "And girls were fainting in front of me to get attention," I added and laughed, but then went serious.

"What happened?" he asked. "Baekhyun mentioned us a bit about that, but even he doesn't know much... Did you break up with her?"

"She is dead," I pulled out of myself and saw that Junmyeon got worried about me. He knew what I had been throught because of that, so I understood why he was worried. I clenched my teeth and did my best to stay calm. It was hard to think about it, but now when I had Baekhyun it was easier. I was only worrying that my relationship with Baekhyun might end on the same way.

"What happened?" Jongin asked and suddenly looked interested in the conversation.

"You really don't want to know. I would rather fight you , than tell you something so personal!" I showed him my fists.

"I want to know too," Kyungsoo shrugged and everyone else agreed with him.

"Ahhh, it will destroy my mood," I complained and didn't want to share my story.

"Don't worry. We will chill it up!" Kyungsoo said and then waited for me to start. If I ever envied Baekhyun, it would be because of his friends. Especially Kyungsoo, who was kind and supportive, while he liked to joke and stand for himself. He was also smart and experienced. I had never thought my opinion about him could have changed so quickly. I really hadn't liked Kyungsoo a lot before, but now when I got a chance to talk to him casually like that, I could understand him more and I could understand why was he Baekhyun's best friend.  

"Well... it has been a while, since I dated her. I was here in the campus already, training to become a soldier and then continue to become a higher rang, meanwhile she was going to the high shoool in the town. She was just ending it actually. We had our ups and downs, but we stood by each other's side. It was all fine, until I found out that she was cheating on me..." I spoke and on that Kyungsoo gasped.

"Damn, I thought guys are bad, but girls are even worse," he complained. "I will never date a girl anymore. They all cheat for uglier guys!" he added.

"Common, Soo. Let him speak," Jongin rolled with his eyes. "And watch that you stay loyal to me!"

"Well, I told her that I knew what she had done and I broke up with her, even though she was begging me to forgive her. Eventually she stopped and went with that other guy. I had trouble accepting the truth, but I got over the break up soon. I went back to normal and lived my life, but she wasn't really able to do it. I thought she would be happy with the other one, but with days she just looked sadder and more and more broken. She lost weight, got paler, tired and I barely saw her smile. Well I actually also barely saw her.  Everytime she went home she looked at the ground, looked weaker by the second, like she was fading away. One day she came to me and asked me if I could forgive her. She wanted to start again with me, but I was still mad and told her to disappear from my life," I took a moment to calm myself down, because I felt my hands trembling a bit. "Well... I felt bad for her later that night. Like, I saw how she changed and I thought that I was a bit rough. I wanted to give her another chance, because I actually still loved her. I went to her home, but nobody responded as I called. I waited in front of the door, waiting for her to come. In a while I realised that side doors were opened and I went in. I called her name at that moment again, but in that moment I heard noise.... like something fell... I knew her house already and took my way to her room..." I felt my voice crack and I had to take a moment more to get my breath. 

"Ssh, Chan," I felt how Kyungsoo caressed my back.

I took a deep breath. I hated to think about my past, but I came this far with telling my story already. I had to end what I started. I revealed this story to only a few people and somehow I wished more people knew it. I wasn't able to hold it by myself anymore. "...Just as I came to her room..." I continued. "...I found her–" I cracked again. I felt tears in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I had to be strong with it. "–Dead... She was dead," I ended. "She killed herself. Her body was hanging off in the mid of her room. If I had come just a few moments before, she wouldn't have been dead now. Just as I took her in my hands, I felt regret. I knew she wasn't fine and it was literally obvious that she was about to do suicide soon, but I didn't help. I told her to disappear from my life and she did," I breathed out of myself. 

Silence fell. Everyone had their eyes lowered, not making a move, not even flinching. Junmyeon already knew that story. Most of my anxiety and stress was coming because of that experience. I felt guilty for everything that had happened that night and I wasn't able to get over it even after so many years.

"That was the problem with my and Baek's doll prank..." Kyungsoo sighed.

"Yours?" Junmyeon suddenly asked. "So you were involved as well?"

"Forget about it!" I said. I was shocked myself that Kyungsoo helped, but I was in no mood to blame him now. "It doesn't matter who did that. It happened long ago and I am okay." 

"Sorry, Chanyeol," Kyungsoo said at last and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks man," I managed a weak smile. "That experience was the main reason why I never got into a relationship for so long. At first I was afraid to start it with Baekhyun," I laughed to change the mood a bit.

"Why?" Jongin asked.

"Well first of all, I didn't even know that I actually liked him. I didn't want to believe that I had feelings for him, because we started literally like an enemies. I was also worried, because I didn't know how Baekhyun felt about me..."

"Believe me, he was also secretly whipped for you to the point where even he didn't know!" Kyungsoo confirmed.

"Yeah, I don't need to know that. Another reason was also my age and the fact that I am his trainer, but that doesn't worry me anymore, since Junmyeon understands me and I guess I am still not fired for dating a student."

"I'm a good boss!" Junmyeon smiled. "But watch what you are doing, because I won't always be so tolerant!"

"Yeah, that doesn't make me too worried," I said confidently. "You can clearly see that students are starting to like me more! Right?!" I looked at Jongin and Kyungsoo.

"Like a person yes," Jongin said. "But like a major and trainer... Not really. I prefer general Kim! And Zhang also understands where are the limits, meanwhile you... Well, I can't really say that for you." he clenched his teeth looking at me seriously.

Yixing, Sehun and Junmyeon started quietly laughing on Jongin's reply. "You shouldn't have asked that," Yixing said while laughing. "I am so sorry, Chan!"

"I thought we were supposed to get along well..." I said.

Jongin smiled. "I just said the truth. If you want to get an answer that you are the best trainer, then ask Baekhyun, since he is the only one getting good private trainings with you..."

"This is so unfair!" I said and crossed my arms.

"Dont worry," Sehun said. "You still can change that. You have the skills, but your patience is just awful."

"True–" Kyungsoo agreed, but in that moment I got a call from Baekhyun. I stood up and walked away immediately as I saw his name. Kyungsoo asked me who was calling me, but I just answered the call without telling him, since it was more than obvious.




40th chapter! Waaahh its getting so long now!

Chanyeol's story is revealed! How do you like it? -Not that big deal, I say. Baekhyun got a worse one...-

I guess you guys could guess what Chanyeol's past was, but still... Anyone who was super duper shocked? Anyone cried? What are your feeling about it?

Why is Baekhyun calling now, huh?

Comment, subscribe, upvote! Thank you all!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!