For You Now

I came to Baekhyun's room. I came here, because it was the first place on which I could thought of, when trying to find where Baekhyun would escape. I hadn't been expecting him to literally run away, so I hadn't done anything to actually follow him or run after him, however, I didn't want him to just leave me like that.

"Come in!" spoke the voice as I knocked on the doors quietly, but it wasn't Baekhyun. 

I slowly opened the door and revealed myself. 

Inside I found Baekhyun's roommate Kyungsoo and Jongin, the captain of Baekhyun's unit. I wasn't really sure which one of them I hated more. They both annoyed me. Jongin had been among the people on a list I didn't really like since the day one, Kyungsoo came to it not long time ago, but he was definetly on the top of it. 

They both just glared at me, Kyungsoo's jaw lowered, while Jongin kept his laughter inside. "What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo spoke with his rough voice. I always felt like Kyungsoo didn't like me the most, but at the same time I thought we could make a good team together - of course if he wouldn't annoy me. 

I cleared my throat and awkwardly rubbed the back of my nect.

"I am looking for Baekhyun..." I said.

Kyungsoo and Jongin exchanged looks and now they both were keeping their laughter inside. I was confused for a second, but it was obvious that they were like thing because of my and Baekhyun's relationship. 

"He isn't here," Kyungsoo answered immediately.

"Obviously..." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Do you know where he is?" 

"Yes, we know... But we aren't telling you," Kyungsoo said seriously now, like he was trying to imitate the way I spoke and acted. If I was honest, he was actually doing quite well in that role, but he still wasn't as good as I was when I was sharing around my strict, serious and solemn vibe. Not even close. 

"Oh, you want to play with me like that?" I stepped closer, making him move a bit away. "It is not that hard, you know! I am not in good terms with you two and it isn't good for you, because I am the major here. I guess you already got that until now. So... you just have to tell me where is Baekhyun, and I will leave you nad your pretty boyfriend alone." 

"Awww, someone is needy here," Jongin laughed out. 

"I'm not needy!" I almost screamed that out, but I did my best to keep my temper. I knew that I could loose it very quickly, I had had problems with that since forever, but I didn't want to act like that around Baekhyun's friends, even though I didn't like them. 

"Ah, come on, man!" Jongin said and walked to me, putting his hands on my shoulders, like we were friends. I looked at him with my eyes widely opened, and I didn't even flinch as he spoke on. "You really don't need to pretend like that."

"You will call me sir!​​​​​​" I said. I was furious for real. "Jongin you will lose your position if you say anything like this again!" I shot him a mad look, making him keep his mouth shut for some time.

"But sir—" 

"—Kim, I was already fed up with your 'but sir​​​​​' since the first training we had!" 

"Well you are basically not training me anymore, and I don't think you will be able to convince general Kim that I am a bad captain, since I am one of his favourites as much as I know," Jongin giggled.

"Do you know how many favourites general Kim has?" I elevated my eyebrows. 

"Who cares, now look from the other side. Do you think Baekhyun would be happy to know, that you did something bad to his best friend?" 

"Don't involve Baekhyun in this," I said. 

Both Jongin and Kyungsoo looked at me a bit unsure and I knew that I shouldn't have said that. "But, sir..." Jongin said again and I tried my best to keep my temper. " came here to find out where Baekhyun is. It makes him involved from the start so—" 

"—Shut up, Kim!" I had enough of him. I walked to him and pushed him against the wall, pressing my forearm to his neck. "Tell me where I can find him. You both are spending my time!" 

"Wow wow wow wow!" Kyungsoo pulled me away from Jongin. "Don't touch my boyfriend like that!" he said and looked at me with his big eyes, literally making me a bit afraid of his look and temper. "You have your own boyfriend to touch and I hope you aren't treating my best friend like that!" 

"I am not," I took a deep breath and did my best to calm down. At this point I really wanted to have that Jongdae's pills. I just wanted to calm down. I wasn't mad before, but Baekhyun's friends really weren't giving me peace. 

"Well, I think the best way would be to make a deal!" Kyungsoo announced. 

I thought about it for a moment, but I really didn't like that idea. Making a deal with him didn't sound right, because I didn't trust him at all. 

"It is just a deal," Kyungsoo leaned to the wall. "We aren't so different at all. I guess the main difference is that you are old—" 

"—I am also smarter, more experienced and much much taller​​​​​​!" I added trying to ignore him mentioning my age. 

"I can only agree with the last one, but let's put that to the side. Don't you think Baekhyun would be proud to hear that we are cooperating just well?"

"Okay what do you want?" 

"Hmmmm... I will tell you where he went, if you pay. I am not doing it for free!" He said and kept his smile hidden behind his serious expression.

I sighed and looked away. I wanted to beat him so much in that moment. Make him beg for mercy and forgiveness. "You think I am going to pay you? Where did you get that suddenly? It is not fair deal at all" I shot him a mad look.

"Business," Kyungsoo shrugged with his .

"No way. I am not doing it," I backed away.

"Okay then," Kyungsoo smiled with his heart shaped smile and then looked at Jongin. "Good luck with looking for him without our help. You've just lost your best source of infor—" 

"—Fine! How much?" 

"10.000won!(approximately 10$)" Kyungsoo said.

My eyes widened in a moment a she said that. "Are you crazy?!" 

"I don't accept anything less," He said.

I sighed and started looking around my pockets to find if there was something I had with myself in that moment. "I only have like 5.000," I spoke as I found all that I have. 

Kyungsoo took it from my hands and thought about it. "Okay, it is okay for now, but you still owe me. However, I think it would be enough if you just gave me some packs of Lay's chips. I heard you gave it Baekhyun once."

"He told you that?" I asked. I had only let Baekhyun in my gym once and even then regretted it, since he had almost destroyed my favourite dumbbells. I didn't know he had gone around, telling his friends how I had fed him up with Lay's after training. 

"Baekhyun tells us everything. It is the kind of relationship when you completely trust someone, I don't think you can relate to it completely..." 

I didn't reply on that. I trusted Baekhyun completely, even though I knew there were certain things that he kept hidden from me. He didn't like talking about his past and I could understand that, because it must have been hard for him. I also didn't tell him about all of my struggles, anxiety and things that had caused it. I didn't want the past to stand between us, I just wanted him, even if everything that had been written about him was true. 

"Packs of Lay's?" I asked, just to make sure I heard it right. "You want that? Deal. I will get it for you, but after I see Baekhyun," I said.

"Fine. Don't disappoint me!" Kyungsoo said proudly. "I will give you VIP information for this," he added. "Not long ago he came by me on a hallway, when he was running away from you God knows why—" 

"—Nothing serious—" 

"—Do you want to hear everything or not?" Kyungsoo interrupted me, before I could explain what was the reason for Baekhyun's running. "Well, he took me in this room and got a bit angry because Jongin ate most of his chocolate—" 

"—You were eating it too, and I asked if he minded!" Jongin protested right away. 

I clenched my teeth and interrupted their argue. "That chocolate was supposed to be mine!" I said. 

"I don't care," Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes. "It was good by the way. You can buy it for me instead of Lay's. Now about Baekhyun and his location. He went out and is probably wandering around on hallways, because that is what he usually does when he isn't here and has nothing else to do." 

"I paid so much, just for that."

"I told you everything in details!" he said. "Do you want more?"

"No, I heard enough! You two are horrible!" I walked away and closed the door behind myself before they could say anything else to me. 

I took a deep breath and did my best to calm down. I truly needed to ask Baekhyun why was he friend with them, because it was making literally no sense to me. 

I passed the hallways, looking for anybody. Everything was more or less silent. From time to time I heard students talking to each other about random stuff. I heard two telling each other to pretend they didn't see me, to avoid getting my attention and I liked the fact that they were afraid of me on that kind of a way.

I went on and soon heard a familiar voice. "It is your fault anyway," I heard Baekhyun's voice. He was mad, but kept his voice silent.

I stepped further on. He was just behind the corner and even though I still couldn't see him I could hear. 

"Oh, Baek, let's forget that. It is also your fault, so don't speak against me." I suddenly heard Woosuk's voice. I didn't know that Baekhyun was talking to him. I didn't expect, because I thought he didn't really like the new trainer. 

"I can say just anything as long as—" Baekhyun stopped speaking as he noticed that I was there. His eyes widened in shock. "Ch- major Park, what are you doing here?" he asked. 

"I just came by," I said and acted professionally and serious, since we weren't completely alone. "And I have to admit that this is right on time! Byun, I need to talk to you a bit."

"Right now?" Baekhyun pointed at himself confused. 

"It is just a few things about the trainings," I said and gave him a small smile, telling him that I wasn't actually serious about it. "I will meet you at my office in some minutes." I hoped he still knew what I meant with my office​​​​​​, since he was the one who actually knew that it actually didn't exist. "Right now I would like to talk to him." I added and looked at the other one. 

"Me?" Woosuk pointed at himself. 

I looked at him and smiled widely, showing him all of my teeth.

"Okay," he agreed. 

"Great," I clapped. "Byun, you can go to the office. I will come right away!" 

"Yes, sir," He nodded and walked away. 

I waited for him to be enough far, before giving my attention to the other Byun. I looked at him and just stared at him for a moment. "It seems like you are already getting more comfortable around students," I said. 

"What makes you think so?" he asked. 

"Nothing," I shook with my head. "I was just wondering how come you talk to students like Byun Baekhyun so casually? It seems like you are slowly getting used on students and this place."

"That before?" he rised his eyebrows. "Ah, he is one of the students I don't get to see at my classes, so I wanted to speak to him to get to know about his work. Well that is actually completely your fault and I don't mind, but I guess you can relate when it comes to situations like that. And I don't think you should worry about my business with other students. I heard that you aren't really known as the most understanding major here. You can't control your bad temper, can you?"

I pushed him to the wall, pressing his shoulders with a big force to prevent him from moving. "I am known to be one of the best here around, I train great, hard and seriously like it is supposed to be. I am a very misunderstood person," I said. "Students usually don't like hard trainings, but a strict discipline matters here. And I can control my temper just fine!" 

"I doubt," he said. "You are holding me against the wall roughly, threatening me for no good reason." 

I moved my hands away and made a step back. I really didn't like Woosuk. He was like Jongin and Kyungsoo, but older version. He was giving me a bad feeling and I didn't like how was he talking to Baekhyun. He called him Baek​​​​​​, which didn't really stand right to me. Maybe they got to know each other better... Maybe they had met before... Well whatever it was, I didn't like it. 

"You don't need to worry about Byun Baekhyun and his trainings. As long as he is working with me, he is not someone you should care about." 

"I actually don't care, but you seem to be very protective—" 

I clenched my teeth and did my best to stay serious. I didn't want him to know anything about my relationship. It wasn't important and this guy wasn't someone I wanted to know about it. "—I am paid to train him."

"I also get money for it," Woosuk replied. 

"I know and that is why you should understand. I should go now. I got some work to do and I guess general Kim isn't letting you rest as well. As I said, strict discipline matters here!" 

"You are telling me that?" Woosuk walked away. "I think it would be better for you to stand away from me. You don't want me to fight you. It wouldn't be the best idea. Now leave me!" 

I watched as he walked away. I clenched my teeth and leaned to the wall to calm down a bit. I took a beep breath and then went to my room. I really hoped Baekhyun got what I meant with my office. There was no way he would've forgotten that. 

I opened the doors of my room and looked, if he was inside. I saw him sitting on a chair in front of my synthesiser. He had my headhones on, while tapping on the keyboard with his fingers. 

I quietly walked to him and gently touched his neck with my fingertips, leaned down kissed him softly there to get his attention. He turned around and put the headphones down, so they stayed around his neck, blocking the opportunity I had to repeat my move. "You can play?" I whispered. 

"A little," he answered and looked back to the keyboard. I sat next to him and unplugged the headphones so we both could hear the music as I started playing. 

"Wah," Baekhyun gasped. "You are good." 

"I know," I smirked. "You said you play a little... Did you have lessons for it? 

"When I was younger. I stopped, because of everything that followed. I wasn't really in shape for doing it on." 

I knew what he was talking about, but he didn't know that I had that information. I stopped playing to hear him better. "What happened?" I asked and hoped to get an answer. 

He looked at me and I saw that he was a bit worried. "Nothing like that," he lied. 

"You can tell me. It can't be hard if it is nothing like that." 

Baekhyun shook his head. I was disappointed. He didn't trust me completely, even though I was the one who could help him with that. I needed him to tell me, because I couldn't just say that I already knew. 

"I have another question for you," I said. "You were talking to Woosuk before. What did he want from you?" 

"Nothing like that," he answered. 

I got mad now. "You can't answer with nothing like that all the time! Baekhyun, you are hiding something from me, aren't you?" 

"You also don't tell me everything. " 

"We are talking about you now. I tell you everything you ask me. I know there is something you don't want to tell me." 


"First of all. Woosuk. Do you know him? Have you two met before? I just don't really get it, because I don't think he is a complete stranger to you..." 

"I haven't met him before," Baekhyun answered. "What did you hear from our conversation?" 

"I heard like a sentence or two, nothing more. I've just came by at that time. Something was your fault, but it seemed like you know him better than you say you do. That is why I asked." 

"You wouldn't need to. It doesn't matter at all. It took you a while to find me but at that time I really didn't expect you to appear out of nowhere?"

"Your two annoying buddies didn't let me know where you went." I said. "Can I get a permission from you to snap their necks?" 

"The hell, Chanyeol, NO!" 

"Ah, do you really need them?" 


I rolled with my eyes. 

"They are great friends. Funny and supportive!" He told me before I could say anything else. 


"They are," he insisted. 

I pressed my lips together. "Okay then. I hope you change your mind soon. By the way, I was thinking about going to the town on the end of this week and it would be nice if you also came." 

"What exactly do you have in mind?" 

"Hanging out. Club, disco, whatever. Friends and alcohol actually.... it will be fun."

"Ah, I get it," he said. 

"Did you expect something more romantic?" I asked and leaned closer to him. 

"Actually yes," he laughed. 

"Next time," I said. "I will take you on a date, and I promise it will be romantic. The most romantic moment in your life, but I already made a deal with Sehun." 

"So I can bring my friends as well?" 

I clenched my teeth, because even thought about it already made me annoyed. "Fine!" I said. "I'm a good and patient guy." 

"Of course you are," he said, but it was obvious he didn't truly mean it, which was understandable, since patience wasn't a thing for me.

"I'd I prove you that I can get along with them, will you spend more time with me? You know I somehow envy them. They can be around you all the time and I am the one who has to go away." 

"You are jealous?" 

"Yes," I said. "Not that I am afraid of losing you, I don't think you could be able to change me, with anybody else. I am just too good. But they are taking you from me a lot and it is hard to be around you when they are around." 

"You should get used on it," he told me. "Would you play on?" 

"You can try it with me," I suggested him and put my hands on the keyboard of my synthesiser. "I can learn you. That is actually all I do." 




Another chapter uploaded!

How do you like it? 

What do you think of Woosuk? Anyone knows what happened between Woosuk and Baekhyun already? Don't worry if you all are confused! Everything will be explained later!

I will try to upload soon again!

However... Spoilers.... I have written 45th and 46th chapter yesterday and cried all the time. Get ready guys!

Yes, the story isn't ending yet!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!