R&I ♡ Masterlist

Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! (apply open!) [Please check Episode Guide regularly! (^^,)]
Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! 
by ell_amylia
episode guide
Behind The Scene
 staff members & couples
BOy (group) ♡ girl (group)
username ♡ alias ♡ status


First and foremost, thank you for showing interest about my story!
Your review will be up as soon as possible!
ACCEPTED means you're ready to go with none or minor amendments and your teaser will be up!
KIV means you have to make a few major amendments .
Your apps will never be rejected.

And I was planning to write the PILOT EPISODE as soon as I get my first three apps, although I will still choose 5 main couples after the dateline. The dateline haven't been set, though! Worry not!
donghyun (mayhem) ♡ rina (pandora)
xxmonstaarixx  ♡ ari ♡ accepted!

First, let me say I looooooveee you so much for a few things. 
1) Thank you for being my first applicant and work so hard on the application! brb, i'm crying over the amount of time and hard work you had spent to create such a perfectly detailed apps to send to me!
2) Oh my Donghae! My first bias ever in KPOP!
Moving on, u_u.
Donghyun is such a weird gentleman, but I love him anyways, paired with the same badass Rina, I swear they would be the badass couple ever. lol. I don't mean badass in a bad way though. Honestly, I've always imagine Donghae as an innocent man, someone who can be read through even when he tried to act in front of camera. And it is such an interesting idea on how you make Donghyun as Donghyun, not as how people actually potray Donghae. I don't know much about Hyoeun, though I know quite a few facts about Stellar back then. There were just too many new groups emerging now that make me slowly move on from the senior and disbanded groups.  
I think you have listed out everything perfectly as of now and I'm so happy to receive your apps since I'm already losing hope of people applying on my fics, T_T....
I adore their love story so much, it's very straightforward and simple of how friends turned to lovers without much complications. Their group members third wheeling them would be so funny, though. Hahaha.
Just a quick clarification, though. Rina is only with YNB until 2018 and shes currently with P Nation, right? Cause in the app, you stated that Rina was with YNB from 2012 - present.
Other than that, I'm happy to annouce that you're ACCEPTED!

Just a quick question, and you just need to answer this on the comment section of your app (blogpost):
Why do you want to join Romantic & Idol?
kangmin (orion) ♡ seoju (dream)
ichoca ♡ ocha ♡ accepted!

First, thank you so much for your interest on this sory and thank you as well for applying!
Secondly, let me ask you something, did you secretly stalk me or something? How did you know these two are my biases for their respective group? >_<
Are you sure you're not my real life friend or something? How did you know I'm secretly shipping this two? ^_~
And SEOHYUN!! My ultimate bias of all the girlgroup!! I can cryyyyy!
Moving on, u_u.
I love how Kangmin had been protecting Seoju since she was a trainee, and their love story and personality is totally opposite which is very interesting. Kangmin being realistic and Seoju being fan-lover is totally understandable! Of course the guy didn't really care, and the girl would get so much hates. T_T
Both Seoju and DREAM's background is interesting as well! I love how Seoju hate hamburger because she couldn't afford it. And really, I don't mind how you are going about with the group as long as you're happy about it. And I love their re-debut background!
There are just a few things I would like to address:
1) Will Seoju use honorifics with Kangmin? SInce you stated that it's a habit she has?
2) I'm guessing the members only know about the couple after they get recruited on the TV show? Since you requested a scene were Seoju officially introduce Kangmin to her members?
3) And about the boys talk, I don't think I'd include that since it's a dating show. Therefore, unless the group interacted with the couple, they won't actually have air time on their own, unless they are planning something for the couple.
Other than that, I'm happy to annouce that you're ACCEPTED!

Just a quick question, and you just need to answer this on the comment section of your app (blogpost):
Why do you want to join Romantic & Idol?
jun (dynamite) ♡ stella (melody)
undeniablepoint ♡ lex ♡ accepted!

First and foremost, thank you so much for your interest on this sory and thank you as well for applying!
Congratulations for being my third applicants! I can't wait to start the PILOT Episode right now! XD
You know what, I totally loves Stella and Jun. I love to imagine how Stella is warm and soft like an older sister, yet she is the younger one in their relationship. (I miss Wendy. So glad she's recovering well...)
For me, Jun is a kid at heart. Hahaha, just like how Min Yoongi is.
(e/n: can help but to include this. hahaha)
Their relationship is very lovable. Admitting to the public after dating for 3 years as an active idol is totally something big! 
But I so love how they both actually produce and perform each other's songs. It's very romantic! ^^
Everything is very much perfect and I appreciate you spending time making a very great character just to give them to me. Sobsss... T_T
Anyways, about the theme song? I actually plan for each couple to have their own theme song and for the show to have their own theme song sung by the couples as well. Not sure yet how I'm going to do that, but probably would ask you to suggest songs for me later when we arrived at the episode!
And something that I would like to confirmed is about Stella's Korean name. Its Shin Sunhwa or Shin Sunhwan? Since Jun called her Sunhwannie and Hwannie?
But other than that, I'm totally happy with your app (thank you so much for giving them to me...T_T),
so you're ACCEPTED!

Just a quick question, and you just need to answer this on the comment section of your app (blogpost):
Why do you want to join Romantic & Idol?
character name

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character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
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Chapter 11: I love the fact that the hosts and the couples are related in some way
I ship the hosts so much, they're the literal definition of goals HAHA (reminds me of my failed love life but we're not gonna talk abt that)
Really liking the pilot episode, and i can't imagine the coming episodes and how there's gonna be more fluff and cute couple interaction >.<
might apply again but it depends on my school schedule (It's really hectic rn but i'm gonna have a 3 week break soon so...)
Chapter 11: even the hosts are filled with such good chemistry!
it's nice to see them all interacting freely in front of the camera :3
i'm still in doing the apply so do wait for it o w o
Chapter 11: the couples are all goals <333 i can see all of their dynamics in this teaser alone OMG. also Jina and Jungmin???? I ship them sooo much they are so cute interacting with the couples i am gonna sob *^* ;;;;;;;!!
this is great pilot episode and i can totally tell there is gonna be more sweet and fluffy meetings HAHHA cant wait for the next ones!! >,<
Chapter 10: AAAAAA the teaser is so cute??? ADORABLE i cant wait to see their dates!
also that jun and stella pic????!!? I AM SOBBING #BLESS
i cant help but grin ear to ear with the teasers lmao <333
14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Sorry to hear about your computer problem! I hope you will feel better to know I finally thought of a couple though!
it about your computer but i know it'll all work out in the end! we'll still be waiting! take your time on the stories cause whatever result that is im sure we're all gonna enjoy it nonetheless <3
Chapter 1: okies! don't worry okay? losing your work is one hell of a stress so don't rush yer self
Chapter 1: Oh dear, were you able to fix your computer?
I know the feeling of a broken down computer and losing everything stored in the computer >.< (went on a year hiatus bc of the stupid computer)
Don't worry and take your time!! No rush :))