R&I ♡ Pilot Episode 01

Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! (apply open!) [Please check Episode Guide regularly! (^^,)]
Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! 
by elle_amylia
staff members & couples
pilot episode 01
Studio 1, KoreanMedia Building, Gangnam, Seoul
8.00 am

"Good morning everybody!" A cheery voice appeared. "I am the Choi twin mother, Park Jina."

"Good morning!" Another deep voice replied as they both chuckled. "I am Park Jina's husband, Choi Jungmin."
"I'm so excited to see the couple! It will bring back memories of our old days, right yeobo?" Jina smiled excitedly at the camera.

"They are so lucky they get to date publicly and even get recruited in this kind of show." Jungmin pouted in jealousy while Jina chuckled while slapping his shoulder.

"I agree, yeobo. I remember crying when we got busted back then." Jina giggled again.

"That was a great memory, yeobo! We're now already married with twins." Jungmin chimed in. "Let's hope the couple of this show will end up happily like us, won't it be nice?"
"Now that you say that, why don't we go and meet the couples?" Jina asked.

"Yeah, we should!" Jungmin agreed. "Let's go!"

Starship Entertainment
8.30 am

"Hello everyone! I am here today in front of Starship Entertainment. Let's meet our first couple!" Jina waved and walked inside the company building. "Let's see who are we going to meet..." She trailed off and opened the door to ameeting room where two guys were backfacing the door while talking about something.
"Hello?" Jina walked in and the two guys turned around and bowed at her.

"Oh, Donghyun-ah!" Jina happily waved at him while Donghyun smiled politely at both her and the camera. "Please introduce yourself first."

"Hello everyone, it's Mayhem's Donghae. Nice to meet you." Donghyun waved to the camera. "Nice to meet you too, sunbae-nim."  
"Are you here by yourself?" Jina looked around.

"Yes, for now." Donghyun replied.

"Then, shall we proceed with the interview first?" Jina suggested and Donghyun agreed and they transferred to another place for the interview.
"Before we start, can you intodruce yourself for those who might not know you yet." Jina started the interview.

"Hello everyone." Donghae waved slightly toeards the camera.. "I am Mayhem's vocalist, Donghyun."

"So, Donghyun. Why did you decide to join this show?" Jina asked.

"Do I answer like what we planned or do I answer honestly?"  Donghyun laughed.

"However you want to." Jina laughed while PD Ahn glared at the two jplayfuully.

"I think we both will have the same answer. We wanted to show off our love and date comfortably. like normal people, even though we're idols. Moreover, we've been dating for quite long, but we haven't had the chance to go out and enjoy things we like together that much. And just to show off to the others who are still secretly dating. Come out, it will be alright." Donghyun explained.

"What do you think about ​​​​​​the fans? Do you think you will lose or gain more fan?" Jina asked according to the script.

"Honestly? I don't care. I hope people will continue enjoyed Mayhem's music and keep supporting us as we are. I don't mind losing fans. Loyal fans will stay anyways." Donghyun nodded.
"Yes, that's the confidence we need!" Jina laughed. "How did you first knoe each other if you don't mind me asking?"
"Of course I don't mind! It was in the script anyways!" Donghyun laughed as well before clearing his throat and smiled calmly as he continued to answer the question. "We meet the first time in ISAC 2012, then again in 2014. But I seriously thought of dating her in 2015.We decided to get together two years later after I was discharged from the military." 
"She said yes?" Jina .
"Come on, noona! We're dating for 3 years. Of course she said yes!" Donghyun frowned playfully at her, making the crew laughed.

"I'm just playing of course." Jina commneted. "So, you've received the text from our writer about the mission, right? The surprise date plan for your partner?"
"Yes, I did. I've thought long and hard about it and I prepared something we both love and I'm sure she'll like it.." Donghyun replied confidently.

"We'll keep it as a secret, so stay tune if you want to know!" Jina smiled to the camera. 

"Does she have the same mission?" Donghyun suddenly asked.

"Stay tune to know more!" Jina and Donghyun just laughed it out.

J Hair Salon & Spa
8.30 am

"Hello everyone! Today we are in front of J Hair Salon & Spa, one of the famous hair salon for idols. Let's go inside and meet her!" Jungmin waved to the camera and walked inside the building.

"I actually know this person really well. She was a trainee when I debuted more than 10 years ago. Hopefully she didn't forget me or I'll be damn embarrased." Jungmin chuckled brightly as he walked inside slowly, revealing a shilloutte getting ready in the salon. 

The owner of the shilloutte turned around and jumped down the schair and bowed down lightly towards them.

"Hello, oppa!"  She waved excitedly at Jungmin.

"Hello, Rina!" Jungmin waved back and they exchanged a quick hug. "I was so nervous that you won't remmeber me anymore.
"How can i not remember you! You were a hot icon back then. And you take care of the younger trainee very well." Rina pointed out.

"Well, last time we are not allowed to spend a lot of times together to break rumors, so since I was in a boygroup and you are a female trainee, we didn't get to see each other that much. SO I was slightly afraid that you don't remmeber me." Jungmin told her.

"How can I forget you! I should be honored to have you remember me since I was only a trainee back then." Rina commented before smirking mischievously. "I should have pretend to not know you, oppa?"

"Should we do it again?" Jungmin suggested. 
"No, it's a waste of camera space. Let's just continue, oppa." Rina straightforwardsly answered, and Jungmin laughed out loud. 

"Sure." Jungmin agreed and they transferred to a new location.
"So, can you briefly introduce yourself to the viewers?" Jungmin suggetsed.

"Hello everyone." Rina bowed lightly to the cameras. "I am Pandora's vocal, Rina. And if you're a fan you probably know about me, but if you're not, maybe it's time to search my name on Naver?" 
"Wow, such a cool promotion." Jungmin gave her a clap, and Rina just smirked playfully. "Moving on, how long ahve you been dating?" 

"This is our third year." Rina replied.
"Still going strong I see." Jungmin commented and Rina just shrugged with a giggled. "Hopefully will be going strong forever."
"Like you and Jina sunbaenim, hopefully." Rina agreed. "The twins are so cute."
"You should comes around sometimes with Donghyun. You can play with them to your hearts content." Jungmin suggested.

"That was just your trap to get us to babysit your twins while you go have fun with your wife, isn't it?" Rina gave him a side glare and Jungmin cackled out loud. 
"Why not? It's gonna be a great experience." Jungmin winked teasingly and they both laughed again. "Anyways, you received your mission for today, right?" 
"Yes! I can't wait to go!" Rina replied excitedly. "What about my bab-... I mean my boyfriend. Did he get any mission as well?" Rina asked.

"Are you really asking, or are you doing this for the sake of the show?" Jungmin question teasingly.

"No, seriously. He told me that PD Ahn never tolerate spoilers so he didn't want to know my mission nor reveal his mission." Rina answered.

"Well, he's right though!" Jungmin eyed Hyojin who signalled him a killing sign as he grinned sheepishly. "Why don't we go and see what's the mission?"
 He snapped his fingers.
S Cafe
10.00 am

Rina walked in the cafe and walked over to the seat where Donghyun was sitting while fiddling with his phone. "He looked up and stood up as Rina walked over and they happily hugged each other lightly before sitting down. 

"I ordered your favorite mango smoothies, with extra pearl." Donghyun told her as the waiter walked in with their drinks.

"Woah, such a show off this guy." Rina rolled her eyes and they both laughed. "So, what are we doing?" Rina asked.

"Did you received the mission?" Donghyun asked.

"Yeah." Rina nodded. "I asked you last night and you said no spoilers and I kinda hurt." Rina pouted and Donghyun chuckled.

"Sorry jagiya. Actually I don't know what to do. Luckily someone helped me with the planning...." Donghyun was cut off as his phone voibrated. "Speak of the devil..." He mumbled.

"Woah... Woohyuk oppa did?" Rina chuckled as Donghyun answered the phone.

"How's it's going?" Woohyuk asked from the phone, a little bit too bright.

"I haven't even start. Can you stop calling and texting me? I have girlfriend." Donghyun told him off.

"Hey, that was hurtf-..." Donghyun hung up before Woohyuk managed to finished his sentences and the staff laughed out.

"He's a bit clingy as usual." Donghyun commented offhandedly.

"I'm more than used to it." Rina commneted wryly, making the staffs laughed again.
"I got a mission to plan a date for your partner." Donghyun told her after everyone calmed down.
"I got the same mission." Rina replied. "What is your plan? You're wearing simple tee and jeans today while I'm dolling up."
"You even do your hair." Donghyun pointed out.
"Is it not suitable for the place we're going to go?" Rina asked.

"Not exactly, but let's just go first?" Donghyun stood up and extended his hand for Rina. The couple then walked out, hand in hand, out of the cafe.
Incheon Airport 
7.30 am

"Hello, everyone! We're currently on the way Incheon Airportin the wee hours, waiting for one of our guest. He's been busy all year around and we barely managed to get a free day for this recording. He should be here soon, I think." Jungmin said as the car drove towards the airport.

Half an hour later, the car moved again from the parking lot towards the Arrival Hall. "He's here!" Jungmin announced as the camera panned towards two guys walking out from teh Arrival Hall.

"Hello, Jun-ssi!" Jungmin greeted him as soon as Jun get inside the car.

"Hello, sunbae-nim." Jun bowed as the car's door closed.
"Where did you arrived from so early in the mroning?" Jungmin asked.

Jun was about to answer when the car's door opened, revealing a guy who looked surprised. "This isn't our van?"

"No, hyung. Our van is at the back." Jun pointed out.

"Oh, sorry." The guy bowed in apology and the car's door closed again.

"Moonsik hyung is still sleepy I guess." Jun joked as the car start moving. "Where did we stop just now?"

"I met him a few times and he still managed to look good even when he's sleepy." Jungmin pointed out and Jun nodded in agreement. "Back to the question, where did you come back from?"

"We just come back from a shooting in Okinawa." Jun told him. "The others have some recording and meeting to go in the morning, so we take the earliest flight back here." 

"I see." Jungmin nodded. "Won't you be tired?"

"I'm used to it. Besides, doing this programme is kinda a rest time for me, especially with the mission you've given us." Jun calmly replied.

"Before that, I'm pretty sure a lot of people already know you, but can you still introduce yourself?" Jungmin suggested.

"Sure." Jun smiled at the camera. "Hello everybody, My name is Jun, a member of Dynamite. Please take care of me." 

"So, how long have you been dating?" Jungmin asked.

"We just passed our second anniversary a month ago, so we're currently on our third year." Jun disclosed.

"That's longer that I actually expected." Jungmin told him.

"Really? Some people actually thought we're dating earlier." Jun exclaimed in amusement.

"Not me, obviously." Jungmin commented, earning laughs from the staffs inside the car. "So have you given a thought about the mission?" 

"I did. We even talked it out yesterday night and we agreed that we're going to take it easy for todays since we both have been busy since earlier of the year." Jun told them.

"Then, let's go and meet your girl, shall we?" Jungmin said and the car continue driving off to their destination.

ICON MEDIA Entertainment Building
8.30 am
"Hello everyone, this is Park Jina amd you're still watching Romantic & Idol." Jina greeted. "Today I am actually in front of my previous company where I debuted more tha 10 years ago. It's nostalgic now that I think about it."

Jina walked inside the building, towards the lobby. "I wasn't here anymore when the company moved to this new building..." Jina trailed off as she walked towards the cafe. "Wow, this cafe is great! Why don't they have it while I'm still here?" Jina exclaimed.

"Eonni!" Jina turned around as she saw Stella walking towards her excitedly..

"Stella-ya!" Jina met her halfway and they exchanged excited hugs.

"Are you her by yourself, eonni? Where's the twins?" Stella asked.

"Of course I'm by myself, you silly girl. I'm working!" Jina exclaimed as Stella led them towards the private room for filming. 

"Have you eaten, eonni?" Stella asked as they sat down.

"Not yet, I'm planning to eat after this." Jina told her.

"Then, eat this. I made extra sandwiches this morning." Stella pulled out a container from her basket and passed it to Jina.

"Wow, you cooked this?" Jina sked as she opened the container.

"Yes, Junnie is coming back directly from Okinawa this morning, so I'm pretty sure he's famished." Stella replied.

"Before I eat this, should we continue with our interview?" Jina suggested and Stella nodded in agreement. "Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

"Hello, this is Melody's Stella! Nice to meet you all." Stella bowed towards the camera.

"So, I myself is very curious and I;m sure the viewers are too, how did you and Jun get together?" Jina asked.

"Well..." Stella grinned lightly. "As you already know, I had a few boyfriends in the past." 

"I was actually quite surprised to know that you actually dating Jun for two years." Jina admitted. 

"I actually surprised too." Stella chuckled. "We met at first when Jun produce our side tracks and started becoming friends. As you know, I have quite a number of songs that was produced by Jun. We met quite a lot as well. There was one night, I was crying my heart out at him because of some problem and he actually tell me that he likes me... and I'd say the rest is history?"

"Wow, I didn't know that Jun-ssi is quite a romantic!" Jina proclaimed in amuesemnet.

"Well, he is actually very caring and take care of me a lot even when we're just friends. I think I might have likes him longer than I thought." Stella admitted the truth.

"Is that why you agreed to join the show? Aren't you both afraid of losing fans?" Jina asked.

"Well, you probably know me, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people thought that I had this cold and 'y' persona? Those second lead character, chaebol daughter in the drama?" Stella chuckled. "And with Jun, I'm sure you thought of him as cold and hard to pleased, but we're actually the opposite of the personality we've shown on stage and as idol, so we wanted to show that side of us, hopefully?"

"You mean, like breaking the steorotypes?" Jina confirmed and Stella nodded. 

"Yeah, something like idols can also dates? Why are other celebrities are allowed to have their normal dating life and we idols get bashed if we want anormal life? We're human too, aren't we? I'm pretty sure you think the same, eonni. You broke up with Jungmin sunbaenim because of the backlash, didn't you?" Stella pointed out.

JIna glanced towards Hyojin who looked away and laughed. "That was a stroy of the past. I'm happily married now, with a pair of beautiful twins and I'm glad I didn't succumbed to the backlashes last time and faded away. At least, I'm here now, still in the industries, and meet a lot of high-potential celebrities like you, and others." 

"Yeah, and loyal fans will stay, I believe. Fans are like families, they likes me even when I make mistakes and wish me to be happy?" Stella justified.

"Yeah. I agree." Jina nodded. "So about the mission, did you receive it?"

"I did." Stella nodded. "I talked about it with Junnie and we have agreed to do something fun but simple."

"We'll be looking forward to that, then!" Jina stood up. "Thanks for the sandwiches, I'll enjoy it." 

"Tell me when you're free eonni, we've been dying to meet the twins again." Stella told her.

"You should come with Jun-ssi instead." Jina winked playfully while Stella just chuckled lightly. "Enjoy your date!" She shouted out as she lft.

Not too long after Jina left, the door opened and Jun walked in. "Hey babe!" She smiled happily.

"Hey, Hwannie." Jun smiled widelyas he accepted Stella into his arms before they both sat down.

"Why are you having your blanket?" Jun questioned as he put his jacket away.

"This is a woman PD's show, obviously they provide blanket for girls." Stella pointed out. "You know girls care for girls." Stella put her basket on the table. "Have you had your breakfast?"

"No." Jun pouted. "And I'm hungry."

"I know, that's why I prepared your favorite iced americano and ham sandwiches." Stella arranged the container on the table.

"Do we eat here?" Jun frowned.

"Yeah, they're still setting up the house." Stella replied. "Why are you rushing to go home, babe? Are you sleepy?"

"Very much." Jun replied. "I only managed to sleep in the flight this morning."
"I'm pretty sure you sleep on the way here as well." Stella and Jun just coughed out awkwardly.

"Let's eat first, babe. you can sleep all you want later." Stella told him as Jun happily sipped his favorite iced americano.
ID Entertainment Building
9.00 am

"Good morning everyone!" Jina waved to the camera while Jungmin pulled Jina closer towards him as he held the umbrella on their heads.

"We didn't expect it'd be raining so hard this morning." Jina commented. "I even did my hair."

"I'll protect your hair as well." Jungmin commented, making everyone cringes.

"Let's just continue our introduction inside." Jungmin decided as they quickly made their way inside the lobby.

"Hello, we're here again!" Jina and Jungmin waved to the camera. "Today we're in ID Entertainment, and we're going to meet one of the couples of the Romantic & Idol, together this time!" 
"There they are!" Jina pointed at the main door where the two walked in, waving and bowing to the staffs and the camera.


"Hello, please have a seat." Jungmin invited the two to the sofa.

"Please introduce yourself to the viewers first." Jina told them.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kangmin, a member of Orion." Kangmin introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dream's maknae, Seoju." Seoju waved to the camera.

"Actually we both are very familiar with Kangmin since we debuted around the same year." Jungmin started their conversation.

"I won't call the relationship between the two of you as familiar." Jina laughed, so does the two men.

"Well, we went out to drink occasionally, right hyung?" Kangmin and Jungmin exchanged knowing look.

"Honestly, I don't really like it whenever they went to drink together since Kangmin had quite a high tolerance of alcohol, so Jungmin oppa always come home wasted." Jina commented, maiking everyone laughed.

"Hey, yeobo..." Jungmin acted as if he was whispering to his wife. "Don't expose me in front of the camera."  And everyone laughed again.

"I'm quite familiar with Seoju actually. We were in a drama together once." Jina told them.

"Yes, in Moon Lovers." Seoju agreed. 

"I'm curious about one thing though. You guys are actually in relationship quite recently, and you guys are already out in public." Jungmin commented. "How are you guys so brave and public about it? Especially you, Kangmin."

"Well, I am in the industry for more than 10 years and she was in the company for more than 10 years too. So obviously we've known each other for more than years already. We've made a stable career, and for me, I thought it's time to settle down and continue living my life just like normal people, rather tan focusing all my energy and life towards my career." Kangmin explained.

"What about you, Seoju-ssi?" Jungmin asked Seoju. "You debuted almost a decade later than Kangmin. What make you agree to accept him?" 

"Well, honestly he was a sky-like sunabenim when I was first introduced to him. I was signed as a trainee in 2009, yet he was already on his 6th years. i debuted when he was nearly celebrating his 10th annoiversary as an idol. But I believe he's sincere with his feelings, He was always a brother to me, but I slowly realised I like him more than a brother." Seoju replied honestly.

"And why do you actually agree to be in this show? Both of you already have a large fanbase, don't you?" Jina asked.

"Well, for me, my fans have been growing old with me, having debuted for more than a decade. I don't want to hide anything from them, my status or anything. that's why I choose to show it off, how I live my life and I hope they will wish me a happy dating and hopefully married life?" Kangmin calmly replied.

"What about you, Seoju?" Jina turned towards Seoju.

"Nonestly, I wanted to show the other side of myself to my fans. I have been a happy and bright girl on stage, as well as an idol. But truthfully, I also have a lot of other sides that I wanted to show off towards my fan. Hopefully, through this show, I would gain my confidence to show off all sides of me to my fans that have been supporting me all these while." Seoju explained in detail.

"I think we'll get to know more about this as the show continues, won't we?" Jungmin stated and they all nodded in agreement. "Did you both received the misison?"

"We did." Seoju replied. "We talk about it and oppa said that we should planned on our own and surprise each other instead. So, we've actually personally messaged the staff and they will decide what will be our schedule for today."

"That sounds interesting! I can'twait to see how your dates will go!" Jina commented. "We'll see ach other around I guess. Enjoy your dates!" She cheerfully called out before they both left the two on their own.

As soon as the host couples left, the two laughed awkwardly at each other. "Was I being too straightforward, oppa?" Seoju asked.

"Why not, it's your charm." Kangmin pulled Seoju to rest on his shoulder.

"Won't our fans started leaving comments on me again?" Seoju sighed.

"hey, why are you being so down. We agreed to do the show to enjoy our life together, don't we?" Kangmin coaxed her. "Forget about them, baby. It's our life. We have the right to live it our way." Kangmin told her. "And true fans will stay and accept us, no matter what."

"Thanks, oppa." Seoju smiled.

"Anytime, sweetheart." Kangmin ruffled her hair.

"If you're done being lovey-dovey with each other, maybe we can move?" Hyojin talked from behind the camera.

"Oh come on, noona!" Kangmin frowned at the producer. "You're just jealous."

"Let's move." Hyungmin clapped his hand, grinning as he patted Hyojin's shoulder as they get ready to leave to their next destination.


I didn't know it would be this long. *pheww*. And we haven't even go for the dates yet! I was thinking of making it into 2 parts, now I'm considering of writing it in three parts.Hahaha.
Anyways, this is un-betaed. I didn't check for grammar and spelling and all those stuffs since I'm a quick typer. Hence, I'm opening a door for anyone who wanted to help me check my grammar and spelling whnever I write? You're most welcome!

And please vote for your favorite couple here! -> Couple Polls
Just for fun, so not compulsory. I try to make it like a show forum board online? Hehehe ^^

Pilot Episode 02 will be out when I finished updating!




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Chapter 11: I love the fact that the hosts and the couples are related in some way
I ship the hosts so much, they're the literal definition of goals HAHA (reminds me of my failed love life but we're not gonna talk abt that)
Really liking the pilot episode, and i can't imagine the coming episodes and how there's gonna be more fluff and cute couple interaction >.<
might apply again but it depends on my school schedule (It's really hectic rn but i'm gonna have a 3 week break soon so...)
Chapter 11: even the hosts are filled with such good chemistry!
it's nice to see them all interacting freely in front of the camera :3
i'm still in doing the apply so do wait for it o w o
Chapter 11: the couples are all goals <333 i can see all of their dynamics in this teaser alone OMG. also Jina and Jungmin???? I ship them sooo much they are so cute interacting with the couples i am gonna sob *^* ;;;;;;;!!
this is great pilot episode and i can totally tell there is gonna be more sweet and fluffy meetings HAHHA cant wait for the next ones!! >,<
Chapter 10: AAAAAA the teaser is so cute??? ADORABLE i cant wait to see their dates!
also that jun and stella pic????!!? I AM SOBBING #BLESS
i cant help but grin ear to ear with the teasers lmao <333
14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Sorry to hear about your computer problem! I hope you will feel better to know I finally thought of a couple though!
it about your computer but i know it'll all work out in the end! we'll still be waiting! take your time on the stories cause whatever result that is im sure we're all gonna enjoy it nonetheless <3
Chapter 1: okies! don't worry okay? losing your work is one hell of a stress so don't rush yer self
Chapter 1: Oh dear, were you able to fix your computer?
I know the feeling of a broken down computer and losing everything stored in the computer >.< (went on a year hiatus bc of the stupid computer)
Don't worry and take your time!! No rush :))