Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! (apply open!) [Please check Episode Guide regularly! (^^,)]
by elle_amylia
staff members & couples

Donghyun ♡ Erina

Kangmin ♡ Seoju

"Hello?" Seoju quietly giggled at Kangmin's husky and sleepy voice.
"Oppa, why did you changed the passcode?" Seoju asked.

"Try to guess~" Kangmin sing-song.

"I'm sleeping with Hayeon eonni then." Kangmin smirked as he could see Seoju's pout from behind the door.

"Surprise!" Seoju laughed as Kangmin nearly dropped his phone at the sight of Seoju.
"Come here, you naughty girl!" Kangmin started to chase Seoju around.

"Oppa, stop! I need to take a bath! We have early morning schedule tomorrow!" Seoju giggled as Kangmin caught her in his arm.
"What about bathing together?" Kangmin winked flirtatiously.

"ert!" Seoju headbanged their head and ran locked herself inside her bathroom, leaving Kangmin writhing in pain.

Jun ♡ Stella




Here's a quick look on the three couples' day before the first recording of the pilot episode! I try my best to illustrate the character according to your app, but add some more humorous in it. Hope that's fine.
And sorry I misspelled SUNHWANNIE~! T_T

I'll be busy for a while since I have a small family event in four days. My older brother is getting married! He was supposed to marry a month ago, but because of the lockdown, we haven't been able finish the preparation and decided to cancel it. Now that the lockdown had been ease slightly to social distancing, we decided to continue the event but make it small which only consist of a gathering of immediate family for both my family and his fiancee's family, which is only limited to 20 people. Quite sad, but hey! It's for our own good! Wish my brother a happy married life!

Hence, I will delay the pilot episode for a little while until I found the free time in my schedule! Stay tune! ^^
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Chapter 11: I love the fact that the hosts and the couples are related in some way
I ship the hosts so much, they're the literal definition of goals HAHA (reminds me of my failed love life but we're not gonna talk abt that)
Really liking the pilot episode, and i can't imagine the coming episodes and how there's gonna be more fluff and cute couple interaction >.<
might apply again but it depends on my school schedule (It's really hectic rn but i'm gonna have a 3 week break soon so...)
Chapter 11: even the hosts are filled with such good chemistry!
it's nice to see them all interacting freely in front of the camera :3
i'm still in doing the apply so do wait for it o w o
Chapter 11: the couples are all goals <333 i can see all of their dynamics in this teaser alone OMG. also Jina and Jungmin???? I ship them sooo much they are so cute interacting with the couples i am gonna sob *^* ;;;;;;;!!
this is great pilot episode and i can totally tell there is gonna be more sweet and fluffy meetings HAHHA cant wait for the next ones!! >,<
Chapter 10: AAAAAA the teaser is so cute??? ADORABLE i cant wait to see their dates!
also that jun and stella pic????!!? I AM SOBBING #BLESS
i cant help but grin ear to ear with the teasers lmao <333
14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Sorry to hear about your computer problem! I hope you will feel better to know I finally thought of a couple though!
it about your computer but i know it'll all work out in the end! we'll still be waiting! take your time on the stories cause whatever result that is im sure we're all gonna enjoy it nonetheless <3
Chapter 1: okies! don't worry okay? losing your work is one hell of a stress so don't rush yer self
Chapter 1: Oh dear, were you able to fix your computer?
I know the feeling of a broken down computer and losing everything stored in the computer >.< (went on a year hiatus bc of the stupid computer)
Don't worry and take your time!! No rush :))