R&I ♡ Teaser I

Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! (apply open!) [Please check Episode Guide regularly! (^^,)]
Romantic & Idol ♡ We're Dating! 
by elle_amylia
staff members & couples
KoreanMedia Building, Gangnam, Seoul
11 November 2019
10.00 am

"Good morning, PD Ahn." Hyojin nodded in greeting as she walked in the meeting room.

"So, what do we have?" She asked as soon as she sat down.

"What about this?" Writer Min pressed the computer and a video of a couple played on the big screen. The video continued playing and all six pairs of eyes in the meeting room focused on the screen.  

"What about PD Go?" Hyojin asked as soon as the screen out.

"I'm here!" A voice announced as the owner of the voice walked inside the meeting room, with most of the people stood up to greet him. "I was just in the Director's room to ask for permission."

"So, what did he say?" Hyojin asked on behalf of the team who eyed the guy expectingly.

"Hey, I'm Go Hyungmin for a reason okay! Of course I got the green light!" Hyungmin showed of his signature smirk as he sat down beside Hyojin who brushed him off playfully. "Why are you guys playing this couple's video again?"

"Don't the look like normal couple, PD-nim?" Writer Min asked as she replayed the video. "PD Ahn said we're going to make them seen as normal as they could, rather than portraying them as idols."

"Yes, I want the viewers to see them as normal couple. I wanted to make them relatable with the viewers, and get them accepted in the eyes of public. They're getting too much hates nowadays, just because tehy're trying to be human." Hyojin commented deeply.

"Are you talking about the person we both know?" Hyungmin raised his eyebrows.

"Who else? Hyojin shrugged. "I'm actually going to make them our main MC. What say you?" 

"Great. They're ex-idol anyways. And they're married. I should bring them to SBDD instead..." Hyungmin nodded, trailing off.

"If you agree, let's go. We have a lot of things to be done." Hyojin stood up. "Maknae, you called the represtative as I told you, and Writer Min and Write Cha should brainstrorm about the date course and scheduling. Hyungmin  and I will met the company representative to get their permission."

"Like right now?" Hyungmin frowned.

"Of course, we need to make sure we have a pilot episode ready on the Valentine's Day next year!" Hyojin remarked.

"Of course, my lady." Hyungmin stood up and pick up his coat. "You're the boss."

P Nation Company Building
17 November 2019
1.00 pm

"I have an appointment with your CEO at 1." Hyojin told the receiptionist as soon as she walked in.

"Oh, you must be PD Ahn from KoreanMedia?" The receptionist quickly replied as she checked the schedule. "You can go to the second floor's waiting room." 

"Thank you." Hyojin smiled and they both bowed at each other before Hyojin rode the elevator to the second floor. She then walked in to the said waiting room, being familiar with the building since it's not her first time walking around the building.

"Welcome, PD Ahn. My name is Lee Ganghwa and I'll be attending you while we wait for the CEO. He's currently in a meeting with a few employees." Ganghwa introduced herself and invited Hyojin to sit. "Would you like coffee?"

"Sure." Hyojin smiled and the lady walked out for a while before appearing again with three cups of coffee. "CEO Moon is on the way."

Not even a few minutes later, the door pushed opened and both Hyojin and Ganghwa stood up in respect to the newcomer. "Sit down, please." He smiled as he invited the two ladies to take their seat.

"So I heard from my officer that you're actually producing a new show?" CEO Moon asked directly as soon as they sat down. "And it's about idol?"

"Yeah." Hyojin smiled wider. "In fact, I am here today to recruit one of your artist to my show." She admitted.

"You're very straightforward. That what's I like about you." CEO Moon chuckled. "If it's my artist and it's a dating show, it's must be Rina, am I right?" 

"Yes, and just to be sure, I actually have PD Go in a videocall with Representative Kang in Startship." Hyojin replied as she switched on her tab and they were connected in instant since the two had been on call as soona s they stepped in the respective company.

"You two are really something." CEO Moon commented in amusement as Hyungmin bowed at him at the big screen as Ganghwa connected her tab to the LCD.

"Good afternoon, CEO Moon. I'm PD Go hyungmin and I'm working together with PD Ahn." Hyungmin bowed slightly in greeting. "Currently I am with Representative Kang in Starship."

"CEO Moon, how are you?" Representative Kang smiled.

"Same old." CEO Moon replied.

"Good afternoon, Representative Kang. Thak you for making time for both of us." Hyojin greeted him formally.

"You don't have to be that frmal, Hyojin-ssi. I thought we worked together for quite a long time already?" Representative Kang commented and Hyojin just smiled.

They then started presenting and discussing briefly about the program before the door in the meeting room opened. "Good afternoon, everybody. I'm Pandora Rina." Rina walked in, followed by her manager.

"Come in, Rina. Good thing you come here personally." CEO Moon commented just as the door on the other side also opened, revealing Mayhem's manager.

"Hello." He bowed to all of them before taking his seat. "Donghyun is having a personal schedule so he couldn't come. I will convey the message to him instead." 

They then continued their discussion in depth as they weigh the pro and cons of their artist participating in the said show.

"Honestly, I have no objection." CEO Moon told them. Both of them are old enough to decide whther they want to participate in the show or not."

"I have the same thought with CEO Moon." Representative Kang agreed. "Why don't you two talk it out and decide?"

"Then, we will wait for the good news hopefully?" Hyojin ended tehir discussion. Everyone agreed and end their discussion.


ID Entertainment Building
17 November 2019
5.00 pm

"This is the last for today, right?" Hyungmin asked as they followed the receptionist to the meeting room.

"Wonjin just called me, they agreed to meet us for dinner tonight." Hyojin told him.

"It will be paid by the company, right?" Hyungmin joked.

"Nope, I will personally pay for it." Hyojin smiled lightly.

"You should. You're that guilty." Hyungmin nodded teasingly and Hyojin just shrugged him off.

"CEO Lee is expecting you in his office instead." The receptionist told them before knocking the door. They both walked in as soon as they were invited and sat down inf ront of the middle-aged CEO. 

"You're here for the new idol dating show, right?" CEO Lee asked as Hyojin prepared tehir presentation. "We should wait for a while, both Kangmin and Seoju is on their way here."

"They will personally join our briefing?" Hyungmin question in amusement.

"Of course. They should know what they're being offered." CEO Lee replied. Not long after, the door was knocked from outside.

"Come in!" CEO Lee answered and Kangmin walked in, followed by Seoju. 

"Hello." Kangmin bowed and shook hands with the two while Seoju just bowed politely to them.

"Have a seat both of you." CEO Lee invited and the two took a seat opposite to the producers. "They reason I call both of you here because the producer are actually offering you to participate in a new idol dating show. Honestly, I don't really mind since both of you have been debuted for quite a while and have a steady fanbase. I'm sure you both can make a wise decision."

The two nodded and Hyojin and Hyungmin proceeded to present their offer and discussed it with the other three.


Bombi Restaurant, Gangnam, Seoul
17 November 2019
9.00 pm

"I'm so tired I'm sure I can even fall asleep while eating later." Hyungmin whined as tehy walked inside the restaurant.

"Then I suggest you call a substitute driver to drive your car instead." Hyojin chuckled as they were being showed to their seat. The waiter served them a glass of water each before their guest finally arrived.

"I'm surprised that you actually called us first." Jina stated as soon as they exchanged greetings and made their respective orders.

"I'm more surperised that you actually agreed to meet." Hyungmin chimed in.

"Don't mind him. He's drunk." Hyojin smiled.

"But I haven't even drink." Hyungmin commented but no one actually paid attention to him as they chatted about trivial stuffs.

"Actually, I would like to meet both of you personally to offer you to be the MC for my new dating show. We're recruiting idol who are dating publicly to our show." Hyojin told them.

"You've gone far, don't you?" Jina chuckled. "I still remember the day I actually broke down in front of you with my CEO and manager asking you to take down your article about me dating Jungmin."

"I know, right." Hyoin chuckled as well. "You must be hating me since I didn't take it down. I even wrote more articles about you, instead." 

"Honestly?" Jina snorted. "I hate you so much. I was on my wit's end and my career seem like it's going to end. There were so many hate comments."

"Yeah, she even ask for break up." Jungmin chimed in.

"But I'm glad you didn't." Hyojin sincerely told them.

"I'm glad I hold on too. Now that we're both already away from the limelight, we're happy that we actually found each other." Jungmin agreed.

"Yeah, I felt guilty, but that was my first job. I can't do anything about it." Hyojin told them. "I'm just gald everything was fine for you. That's why I changed my job, I guess. I feel remorsed about what happened."

"We should thank you too, honestly. If you didn't write about us, no one would know about us and so many people still supported us until now." Jina told her.

"So, about the offer..." Hyojin smiled. "We can talk about that since we passed the apology part, right?"

"Why don't you come to the new season of SBDD instead?" Hyungmin piped in.

"One project at a time, Go Hyungmin." Hyojin grunted and they all laughed.


So, here's a quick teaser the first two applicants along with our main MC. Their profile will be up soon and the behind the scene's updates will be up soon! 
Stay tune!

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Chapter 11: I love the fact that the hosts and the couples are related in some way
I ship the hosts so much, they're the literal definition of goals HAHA (reminds me of my failed love life but we're not gonna talk abt that)
Really liking the pilot episode, and i can't imagine the coming episodes and how there's gonna be more fluff and cute couple interaction >.<
might apply again but it depends on my school schedule (It's really hectic rn but i'm gonna have a 3 week break soon so...)
Chapter 11: even the hosts are filled with such good chemistry!
it's nice to see them all interacting freely in front of the camera :3
i'm still in doing the apply so do wait for it o w o
Chapter 11: the couples are all goals <333 i can see all of their dynamics in this teaser alone OMG. also Jina and Jungmin???? I ship them sooo much they are so cute interacting with the couples i am gonna sob *^* ;;;;;;;!!
this is great pilot episode and i can totally tell there is gonna be more sweet and fluffy meetings HAHHA cant wait for the next ones!! >,<
Chapter 10: AAAAAA the teaser is so cute??? ADORABLE i cant wait to see their dates!
also that jun and stella pic????!!? I AM SOBBING #BLESS
i cant help but grin ear to ear with the teasers lmao <333
14 streak #5
Chapter 1: Sorry to hear about your computer problem! I hope you will feel better to know I finally thought of a couple though!
it about your computer but i know it'll all work out in the end! we'll still be waiting! take your time on the stories cause whatever result that is im sure we're all gonna enjoy it nonetheless <3
Chapter 1: okies! don't worry okay? losing your work is one hell of a stress so don't rush yer self
Chapter 1: Oh dear, were you able to fix your computer?
I know the feeling of a broken down computer and losing everything stored in the computer >.< (went on a year hiatus bc of the stupid computer)
Don't worry and take your time!! No rush :))