Chapter 14 - The Great Fair

Lady of the Breathnach Manor



“Ah at last, here we are.” Himchan said cheerfully, his arms around Eithne, she leaning her head against his shoulder, as they sat inside their open air carriage and rattled down the road, pretending not to notice the many curious eyes that watched them passing. Eithne glanced over to the side of the carriage just within her view, where Jaebum rode at a quick trot alongside them, eyes fixed ahead and alert to the surroundings as the carriage turned and rolled down the driveway and through the opened gates towards the Breathnach Manor.


“See that the lady is given time to rest from her journeys, that my things are moved into the quarters, and if one or two of you would be so kind as to come into the town with me to oversee and inspect security procedures then I would be much obliged.” Himchan said cheerfully, springing from the carriage and then offering his hand to help Eithne down the moment the carriage stopped at the manor’s entrance. “I’m sure my lady is glad to be home after these long months away from her domain.”


Eithne smiled, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Himchan before he swung up into the saddle of the horse just vacated by Jaebum and trotted off at a leisurely pace followed by Yugeom and Jackson on their respective steeds, she turning to walk up the steps and into the manor with the rest of the boys following behind with various sized baggage. Jaebum followed Eithne to her quarters, dropping her bag to the floor and kicking the door shut behind them as he took her into his arms, a worried expression on his face as she collapsed against him.


“I take it you are not keen on motion my lady.” he said, her hair gently and pressing his lips to the top of her head as she gave a semblance of a nod.


“I’ve always been prone to motion sickness, but I don't remember being so sensitive.” she sighed, burrowing her face against his neck and taking a deep breath of his scent. 


“I wonder if we should not send for a doctor.” Jaebum said, concern in his voice. “Your stomach has been sensitive since the coming out party last month...perhaps I am paranoid but I wonder if some poison was ingested or magic potion slipped into your drink.”


“I’m fine, I’m sure it’s just stress, what with everything going on, planning for the return to the manor and the town fair. We had many late nights and early mornings the past month planning, preparing, meeting with town officials and preparing invitations to the surrounding villages.” Eithne sighed. “I know how important it is for the fair to take place and for my introduction to the townspeople to go smoothly, and I think I worry a little about...possibilities.”


“You will be safe my lady. Rest assured.” Jaebum promised softly, his arms tightening around her. A knock sounded at the door, and Jaebum moved to help Eithne be seated on a chair as the door opened and Mark and Youngjae entered, carrying soup and tea in hand.


“Ah, you are resting, very good.” Mark said cheerfully, setting the soup on the settee before her and kneeling before her, taking her wrist, and counting her pulse. Jaebum turned to go, nodding at the two as he said, “I will leave her to you while I oversee the unpacking of our things.”


“Now,” Mark continued. “I do not wish to pry my lady, but I have been noticing something of a change in you recently. Difficulty with eating, loss of appetite, excessively tired, and yet despite that, you seem to be...putting on some weight. Now of course I couldn't bring this up before now, but now that this has been continuing for several weeks...I felt maybe it was time I said something, as your doctor.”


Eithne took the object now offered her by Mark with a confused expression, her voice barely above a whisper as she asked, her voice trembling slightly, “A pregnancy test?”


Mark and Youngjae exchanged glances.


“My lady, there is...a nuance you should know about.” Youngjae said, clearing his throat. “Whereas humans have a cycle of nine months before birthing their young, the gods who conceive... give birth in nine weeks. Most human women do not begin to show their pregnancy bumps until they are in their second trimester, but it is hard not to notice that you have begun to develop one already. Most likely because you are now entering your second trimester for the birthing cycle that the gods follow.”


“Ah...I wondered why I was getting a muffin top.” Eithne said softly. “But I would not have guessed pregnancy, I’m not even late for my period yet.”


“For the sake of keeping things quiet, I suggest wearing something flowing, rather than form fitting, when we attend the fair tomorrow.” Mark said. “Also, it would be good to let Jaebum and Himchan know as soon as you have confirmed our suspicions so that they can decide what steps to take for the protection of you and your child.”


Eithne nodded as Youngjae moved the settee closer. “But first, eat this soup, drink this tea. You need your strength.”


“Citizens of this fair kingdom, and to all of our guests who have travelled from far and wide to join us, greetings and welcome from the Lady Eithne and myself to the great fair of Breathnach!” Himchan cried in a loud voice, standing with Eithne on his arm in the private viewing box of a large arena that had been set up over the past month of preparations. “As has been the tradition for thousands of years, the custom of holding a week full of sporting, events and feasting is held in honor of the empty seat of Breathnach Manor being filled, and even after all this time, today is no exception! So eat, drink, play, be merry! And let us celebrate this joyous occasion. To Lady Eithne!”


“Lady Eithne!” roared the crowd of excited  onlookers, who then broke into loud cheers and general noise making as the parade of the various entertainers made their way in a circle, waving their greetings to the citizens and the nobles gathered as they passed, giving demonstration of the skills they planned to show for entertainment. Jugglers, musicians, riders on horses, acrobats, gymnasts, dancers all passed in succession to cheers and whistles, but the moment the wrestlers, swordsmen and martial artists entered the arena, all male and all stripped to the waist to display their ripped physiques, a great roar of approval rose from the crowds.


“Well, we know which of the events will be most well attended.” Himchan remarked to Eithne, amusement in his voice as the screams of approval continued unabated. “Not that I blamed them, these are very fine specimens of the male gender, I would scream and drool were I in the stands too.”


Eithne laughed at the mental image presented her by Himchan, her eyes wandering to the several feet away where Jaebum stood, back towards them, face stoic as he stared out at the crowds. She still hadn't had the chance to speak to him. He had come to bed after she was long asleep, and left early before she had awoken. Mark and Youngjae had been correct in their suspicions. She was indeed pregnant. She wondered how Jaebum would react, would he be pleased. Worried. Displeased by the sudden news. Himchan coughed pointedly, and Eithne snapped out of it, realizing her eyes had been staring at Jaebum this whole time, and quickly played it off as nothing by letting her eyes wander around and stare at several others before gazing ahead at the parade of passing entertainers.


The MC of the event then came to center stage as the last of the entertainers passed out of sight, announcing that the acrobats would begin their show and would be followed by the martial artists, followed by the gymnasts, dancers, swordsmen, jugglers, musicians, horse riders and wrestlers, and should the crowd find the current entertainment boring, there were various prizes to be won outside the area in the various booths surrounding, as well as many baking and cooking stalls to have their fill should they find themselves hungry.


He also announced that following each competitive round, the winner could be challenged by the general public, or by one nominated by the general public, for a chance at receiving the prize, an announcement which was received with a roar of approval from the stands. Eithne leaned back in her chair, watching listlessly as the acrobats entered and began their show, still feeling tired from her travels the day before. Youngjae was suddenly at her side, placing a cool drink into her hand, insisting that she sip on the herbal tea to keep up her strength, and she nodded with a smile as she did so. 


The acrobats finished their routine and exited, and the martial artists entered, beginning their many rounds of fights that whittled down their numbers to the last two, who were both strong contestants and fought with such tenacity that it seemed like the match would be called as a draw.


“The one on the left is Magnom, he is one of the council minions.” Himchan said in a low voice to Eithne, nodding towards the arena. “Be sure to never approach him alone.”


Eithne nodded, glancing towards the part of the stands which were primarily filled by lesser nobles and members of the council, a cold chill going over her as she saw the grand master of the council and his personal servant walking down the steps of the stands and taking their seats in the front. Himchan noticed, his lips compressing as he took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Jaebum noticed as well, his hand moving to rest on his weapon immediately as his eyes narrowed and nostrils flared.


“Magnom the Magnificent!” yelled the voice of the MC, drawing the attention of Eithne and Himchan back to the center of the ring where the winner stood proudly, beating his chest and waving to the cheering crowds. “Tell us your wish Magnom, maybe the lady of the tournament will be gracious enough to grant you that wish!”


“I wish to be the Lady’s personal bodyguard!” shouted the man brazenly. “My lady I will serve you faithfully!”


“Her ladyship already has a personal bodyguard!” Himchan replied, motioning towards Jaebum. “The leader of the moon warriors, as is tradition.”


“Who follows tradition anymore, let me prove that I am more worthy and capable than he.” Magnum asserted. “Let him fight me, should he win, I will rest my case, but should I win, I wish to take his place as personal bodyguard!”


A great roar of approval came from the crowd, redoubling as Jaebum motioned for Jackson to come stand in his place where he stood guard, unbuckling and laying aside his sword as Jackson quickly ran to stand next to him. Jumping over the railing that seperated the private box from the arena, Jaebum stripped to the waist, tossing his dress coat and shirt up to Jackson as he turned to face his challenger, the crowds roaring in anticipation and approval. A thrill of terror ran through Eithne, her face went white as she clasped her hands nervously together, wringing them in agitation as the two men faced off against each other.


Across the way, the master of the council noted her anxiety, and his brows furrowed slightly, eyes narrowing as he looked from her, to his son, a glimmer of suspicion flashing in his eye as he turned to his servant next to him and said, “She cares for him, more than she cares for her husband. Maybe not all is as it seems, I want you to keep an eye on her, learn what you can.”


The servant nodded in reply, their eyes turning once more to the arena as Jaebum and Magnum began to fight. Magnum started with a one two kick punch combination that threw Jaebum to the ground, but it was the first and the last such instance, as very quickly Jaebum took control of the fight, proving that not only was he a better martial artist, but he was so far ahead in skills as to make Magnum look like a child fighting with a grown man. Despite the fact that he was far out of his league, Magnum continued to attack with the tenacity of a bulldog, as if he hoped to weary his opponent into submission, but quickly found that he was being toyed with and trounced in such an obvious fashion as to cause the crowds to roar with laughter at every attack of his that was rebuffed and counter attacked. 


Finally wearying of the game, Jaebum burst into a round of incessant round kicks and flying punches, knocking his opponent to the ground and out of consciousness, returning to the private box stands and leaping up into them as the crowds cheered in wild abandon. Whispering something to Jackson as he dusted himself off, Jaebum picked up his clothes and sword and left the box, presumably to clean himself up after his fight, while medical personnel rushed into the arena to cart Magnum away. 


The master of the council noticed Eithne whispering something to Himchan, then she stood and walked quickly out of the box, and with a nod to his master the servant quickly left the stands to find out what he could as per earlier instructions. Creeping quickly and stealthily through the camp grounds and between the resting tents for the royal and nobles who were attending, the servant found the tent where upon flew the banner of Himchan’s family, and sidling up to the opening he peered cautiously around the side of the flap. 


What he saw left no doubt in his mind as to the relationship between the lady of Breathnach and his master’s son. Sword, coat and shirt lay abandoned on the floor by Jaebum, his arms wrapped around Eithne as he kissed her deeply and passionately, before dropping to his knees in front of her to press his lips to her belly, hands resting on her hips as he nuzzled against her slightly protruding stomach, she running her fingers through his hair as she looked down at him, face glowing in pure joy.


Turning quickly, the servant swiftly returned to the stands and his master, saying in a low voice as soon as he had been seated, “You were right my master. Whether Himchan is her husband or not, I do not know, but what is certain is that the Lady of Breathnach is with child, and your son is the father.”


The master of the council pursed his lips and nodded, eyes narrowing as he thought for a long moment. “Tell this to no one. I have not yet settled on a course of action.”

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