DAY 11&12 | 11/20 KISSES

A Deal of 20

DAY 10

Minju was currently in the library hoping to see a certain girl situated in the corner, watching anime on their phone. But she could only sigh in disappointment when the usual spot of her roommate was vacant. The younger girl did not see her roommate that morning, she wanted to talk to Hyewon but when she entered the latter’s room it was already empty.

She knows that Hyewon’s first class would start at 11 in the afternoon. She then took 2 slices of pizza to heat up as her breakfast. Minju could not erase the events from last night, she knows that she’s also at fault for accepting the deal.

Now, here she is taking a seat at her roommate’s usual spot in the library. Her first class was already finished, seeing that the it’s already 1 in the afternoon, Minju’s waiting for Hyewon to enter the library to past time before the latter’s next class which, would start at 3.

Looking to do something, Minju pulled out her some books for her to work on some given requirements. She could not help but to always look up when she hears the automatic doors open, but would only sigh in disappointment when the person she’s expecting would not enter. Where are?

Being desperate, she decided to send a message to Hyewon hoping the latter would reply.

Where are you?

  • Minjuring

She was about to send another message when she saw that Hyewon already read it. Hoping for a reply, Minju stared at her phone seeing three dots moving. But after 2 minutes, those dots disappeared. Leaving her on read.

99-BaNgERz and a dweeb

KwangBAEE: go to d lib

hYEYna: y? saw u going to d rooftop

KwangBAEE: just go

cheyWOWN: here already. Saw minju, any probs between you 2?

KwangBAEE: nothing serious. Accompany her, she knew about yujin and wonyoung the other day

hYEYna: wer u at tho?

hYEYna: watevs, im here already. u owe me kwangbae

And that’s how Minju saw Chaewon followed by Yena approached her table. Taking a seat in front of her Chaewon smiled, Yena just groaned and put her head on the desk.

“What you doing here?” Chaewon asked.

Minju hesitated to answer but gave in with how the other girl’s staring at her.

“I was looking for Hyewon.”

“I don’t know, she told us to – “ Yena yelped as she felt someone kicking her under the table.

“Anyway, shouldn’t you be at the dorm?” Chaewon interrupted her, as she glared at her friend beside her who was still groaning from pain. Minju looked weirdly between the two.

“I need to talk to Hyewon, I thought she’d be here to past her time.” Minju answered and looked straight at her best friend, trying to send something through her eyes. Successfully, Chaewon understood her and nodded her head.

“You should go back to your dorm, Hyewon’s a little busy today.” Chaewon suggested. Minju was about to protest when her best friend stood up and pulled Yena with her. the former then looked at her direction waiting for her to follow.

“Come on, I’m sure she’d go back to your dorm after her s.” Chaewon smiled softly, and squeezed Minju’s shoulder as a sign of understanding.

It’s been a few hours since Minju went back to their dorm, looking out at their door from time to time expecting her roommate to enter. Where are you Hyewon-ah?

Seeing that it was already 5 PM, Minju expected to see Hyewon any minute now since her classes ends at that time. But it’s been 30 minutes of waiting, and Minju is disappointed to not hear the familiar footsteps of her roommate. She then heard her phone signaling of a new message. She hurriedly looks at the message seeing that it was from the older girl. Only to be disappointed.

Don’t wait up. Extra shifts. Be home late.

  • Kwangbae

Hyewon never went home that day.


Now, Minju is in their living room watching her drama and still no sign of the older girl. She’s been checking her phone from time to time, looking if she missed a new text message from the older girl. But there was none.

It was oddly quiet, despite the television playing in the background. Minju was not used to see someone at the floor playing with her phone, she was not used that the older girl is not annoying her on the simplest things. She missed how the older girl would always groan hearing cringey lines form the drama.

It was already 9 in the evening but Hyewon was still not coming back. 45 hours of not seeing Hyewon . Yes, she kept count since yesterday.

She groaned out of frustration and decided to send a message to her roommate. She grabbed her phone and started to type something when she heard a knock. Thinking that it was her imagination, she ignored it and continued to with her business when she heard another knock. More insistent than the last.

Hurriedly she went to their door, expecting her roommate to greet her. She was surprised to see not only her roommate but also Chaewon and Yena.

“Hey what are you – ?” Minju stopped when she looked properly at Hyewon who was being assisted by the two. “Is she drunk?”

“No Sherlock. Can we please throw her at the couch?” Yena groaned, adjusting her hold to her friend.

Minju moved out of their way to let them pass and immediately followed. Chaewon and Yena plopped their drunk friend on to the couch and stretched their sore muscles from carrying Hyewon.

“Damn, she weighs a ton.” Yena grumbled as she rubbed her shoulders.

Minju went to look at her roommate, only to see a very flushed Hyewon giggling to herself. She looked at the two other girls inside the room questioningly. Chaewon and Yena glanced at each other not knowing how to explain. The former cleared to answer Minju’s look.

“She wanted to drink.” Chaewon simply said. Yena nodded along and added.

“We just tagged along, uh- to accompany her.” Yena said as she scratched her forehead looking at the still giggling Hyewon. Minju sighed and looked to the older girl’s direction worriedly.

“But she knows she can’t handle her alcohol.”

Chaewon and Yena simultaneously sighed feeling sorry for their friend, because the three of them know that Hyewon is careful with drinking. As much as possible, she would avoid alcohol and would just stick to the foods. Imagine their surprise when their friend asked them to accompany her to drink.

“We know, but maybe she just needed time off from everythi – “ Yena was stopped by a strong nudge at her elbows looking at Chaewon. The former sighed and looked at Hyewon who suddenly went quiet.

“I don’t really know..” Yena started. “We were surprised too. Hyewon was not herself, we know that she’s normally quiet, but yesterday… it was just different. She – “ Yena groaned out of frustration.

“I just miss my friend too, okay?” She looked at the younger girl who was sitting beside Hyewon. “I hope everything goes back to normal.” Yena turned her gaze to look at Chaewon who was just looking at ground silently.

Minju was about to answer when someone suddenly grabbed her face. She was then welcomed by black orbs looking right at her. Hyewon suddenly smiled widely at the younger girl and squished Minju’s cheeks, despite of the latter’s protests.

“Minjuring is here~ Minjuring is here~” Hyewon giggled and continued. “Minjuring looks like a frog today~ but smells so good. I like it.” She exclaimed as she sniffed the said girl who can only blush.

“Kwangbae, stop that. You’re bruising her face.” Yena said and quickly pulled Hyewon’s hold from the younger girl, who can only rub her cheeks.

“Oh! There’s a duckling here!” Hyewon exclaimed and hugged Yena, who could only groan.

“Hey! How many times did I tell you to sto – “

“I think somethings going to come out.” Hyewon muttered and covered . Out of reflex, Yena immediately pulled the other girl into the bathroom to let her puke. Avoiding to make a mess at the living room, she then asked the girl to brush her teeth but was too weak to do so. Yena chuckled and brushed her best friend’s teeth for her. Please be alright Hyewon-ah.

In the living room, Minju stared at the two girls who quickly entered the bathroom. She diverted her look when she heard someone clearing their throat only to see Chaewon looking at her.

“I told you to stop the deal.” Chaewon started and glared at her best friend.

“I tried to tell her! But she didn’t let me finished.” Minju exclaimed and sighed, plopping herself on the space occupied previously by her roommate. “I tried to tell her the other day, but she didn’t listen.”

“I waited for her yesterday to talk to her but she didn’t go home. I tried messaging her but she never replied.” The girl looked at the ground while holding her head, remembering the past events of her trying to contact her roommate.

“I don’t know Minju, I expected more from you.” Chaewon answered. “We both know that Hyewon won’t stop because as she says, and I quote ‘I never go back on my word’.”

Minju looked at her best friend and see the intense look the latter was giving to her. She was surprised to see how angry Chaewon is looking right now, she’s known the girl ever since. Being the receiving end of her glare is not something Minju thought would happen, ever.

She was about to answer when Yena and Hyewon went out of the bathroom. Yena still holding the drunk girl, laid her down on the couch, with her head near Minju’s lap.

“Do you need some help in taking care of her?” Yena asked the younger girl. “She might be a pain in the .”

“I can’t though, I need to go home soon. I told my mom that I’d accompany her tomorrow morning.” Chaewon said as she looked at her phone, in which Yena nodded. Minju shook her head to reject the help being offered.

“You guys go home now. You already helped so much, thank you.” Minju smiled at the two.

Yena nodded hesitantly while looking at the sleeping girl on the couch. “If you say so.”

“Punch her for me tomorrow, okay?” Yena asked and smiled at Minju. She went on her way as she bid her farewell, while Chaewon still stared at the two roommates in front of her. Minju then looked at her best friend to see the intense look replaced by a worried one.

“Take care of her, okay?” Chaewon smiled. “Take care of yourself too Minju-ah.” Not waiting for a reply, the girl went out of the dorm when she heard Yena calling her from outside.

Minju then looked at the older girl beside her, who was snoring quietly. She decided to carry the girl to her room. Oh wow, she really weighs a ton.

After carefully laying Hyewon down on her bed, Minju looked for much more comfortable clothes that the older girl could wear. She pulled out a simple shorts and oversized shirt for the older girl and stared at her sleeping figure. Now, how should I do this?

Hyewon is not a drinker, she never gets drunk because she stays away from alcohol. So, taking care of a drunk Hyewon is new to Minju. She tried not to look to the older girl’s body when she was changing her clothes, it was hard to do so, but she managed to complete the task without much problem.

Laying properly the older girl on her bed, Minju was about to go out when she felt a grip on her wrist and was suddenly pulled down. Making her sit on the bed. She turned to look at Hyewon who was hugging her waist tightly.

The older girl suddenly sat up and looked at Minju’s face, caressing her cheeks. Minju would’ve thought that the older girl sobered up with how she was looking at her. She then saw Hyewon smiling softly at her, and leaned a little bit closer.

“Out of all the girls I saw, you’re still the one.” The older girl whispered as she traced the younger girl’s features with her eyes.

“Out of all the lips I’ve tasted, not one matched what I was looking for.” She continued. “Because I was looking at the wrong place.” Hyewon touched Minju’s lips and stared at it intensely. Minju could not help but feel a tug at her heart when she heard what the older girl said. Jealousy? But noticing Hyewon’s gaze, the younger girl felt her heartbeat quicken with the intensity of the older girl’s look

Hyewon discarded her finger and leaned closer to the younger girl. Minju could only close her eyes when she felt Hyewon near her, one move and their lips would touch.

“Let me.” Hyewon whispered and leaned her forehead against the younger as she gently cupped the latter’s cheeks. “Let me love you for the remaining time. Just like how it’s the seas’ job to make waves, how the sun is there to make us warm, and how the moon shines in the dark.”

“Let me.” Hyewon begged quietly. “Let me love you, and I won’t ask for anything else.”

Minju could feel the older girl crying, hearing what she just said, Minju does not know what to feel. She doesn’t know what to answer, how to answer. To see, to hear Hyewon beg her, is not something she wanted to happen.

Releasing her hold to the younger girl, Hyewon leaned back but was stopped by Minju who suddenly grabbed her neck. Minju released a breath and turned Hyewon to slowly look at her.

“You don’t usually listen to what I say, so I won’t answer you..” Minju started and started leaning closer to the older girl. She remembered all the things that happened before, how Hyewon takes care of her, how Hyewon never listens to what she says.

“But for tonight, let’s stop thinking. Just for tonight.” She connected her lips to the older girl, who softly kissed her back. Minju felt soft fingers combing her head, stopping at her nape pulling her closer. She felt Hyewon grabbing her left hand and intertwining both of their hands, holding her tightly.

Minju felt how Hyewon pulled her closer and closer, as if afraid that the younger girl would vanish into thin air. This kiss conveyed message that both of them cannot express, message and emotions that they dwell when they are alone.

Pulling away, Minju looked at Hyewon’s face that was stained by tears. She couldn’t help but slowly let her tears fall not caring if the older girl might feel it. The sight of how helpless the older girl looks broke her heart.

“Why – “ Minju’s voice broke. “Why are you still doing this?” Minju croaked burying her face into the older girl’s neck.

“I’ve caused you too much pain, why are still here beside me?” She cried as she hugged Hyewon tightly. She felt the latter rubbing her back slowly and whispered.

“Can’t help myself to love you this much.” She mumbled and was slowly consumed by the exhaustion from all the crying and the alcohol she consumed. Sniffing, Minju pulled slowly away at the now sleeping girl. She stared at Hyewon’s figure who adjusted her position to face the wall.

Minju slowly went out of the older girl’s room and entered her own, not bothering to wash up. She laid down and stared at the ceiling. Remembering her conversation with Chaewon the last time the four of them went out.


“What are you doing?” Chaewon immediately asked her best friend, pertaining to their deal. Minju can only keep mum, not knowing how to answer the girl in front of her.

“Because from what I see, you don’t know what’s happening either.” Chaewon said as a matter-of-fact to the girl in front. Minju looked up only to see Chaewon raising her eyebrows, waiting for her to talk.

“I don – I don’t know.” Minju sighed defeatedly and leaned onto the sink next to them. Chaewon went beside the other girl and held her hand.

“Minju-ah, this is not healthy.” Chaewon said, earning a nod from the other girl. “What are you feeling for Hyewon?”

“I don’t know.” Minju muttered closing her eyes tightly, because to be completely honest, she does not know what her feelings for the older girl was. She was grateful for Hyewon always being there, but she cannot comprehend the other emotions. It just does not make sense.

“You need to know.” Squeezing Minju’s hand, Chaewon continued. “Hyewon is my friend too, and I can’t afford to see her broken because of this.”

“She’s fallen too hard for you.” Chaewon muttered. Minju looked up to see her best friend’s worried gaze. And I think you are too.

Minju cannot answer Chaewon which is why she chose to keep quiet; she forces herself to spit out some answers, but her brain and body was just not functioning.

“We know how selfless Hyewon is, especially to you. She cares for you too much to even care for herself.”

Come on Minju. Say something! Anything. Minju thought to herself. But nothing comes out making her frustrated.

“Please, do something about it. Don’t take Hyewon for granted.” Chaewon said. “You’re my best friend, but I care for her too. I’m sorry.” She then walked out slowly out of the comfort room. Minju surprised by her words, washed up her face and exhaled slowly. Looking at the mirror in front her, she starts followed Chaewon outside and went to their table. Sharing a look with Chaewon as she sat down.


As Minju laid down, she remembered her talk with Chaewon from the café and earlier. She remembered how Hyewon always treated her with extra care.

Am I taking her for granted?

She remembered how the older girl was there for her when she was broken about knowing Yujin and Wonyoung are together. How Hyewon was patient with her, how she forgave her when she forced herself onto the older girl. She remembered what Hyewon said before she fell asleep

“I’ll be here as long as you need me Minjua-ah.”

And to be honest, why does it hurt to hear and remember those words? Why does it hurt that Hyewon sees herself only as an option? Disposable at any given time. Why does it hurt for Minju to see that maybe she is indeed taking the older girl for granted?

“Okay so, am I crying drunk or what?”

“Understatement of the year.”

“Okay, let me just flung myself to the moon.” Hyewon said as she buried her face into her palms completely embarrassed of her actions last night. I can’t even remember a thing!

“Stop that, you’re not embarrassing.” Minju said. “You’re weird, but weirdly cute. I guess?” She continued as she took a spoonful of cereal.

“Did I say something embarrassing?” Hyewon asked curiously as she stared at her plate.

“No, not really. You were a wordsmith actually.” Minju joked which earned a weak chuckle from the older girl. Minju cleared to get the older girl’s attention.

“I kissed you.” Hyewon quickly looked up to see Minju blushing. “Last night.”

“Oh.” Hyewon nodded and continued to play with her food, obviously spacing out. Minju looked up to see the girl staring into space.

“You don’t have to count that in.” She suggested, “Just forge – “

“No! it’s alright! Count that in.” Hyewon shakes her head and smiled slightly at the girl. She then cleared and looked directly at Minju.

“Sorry for being MIA for the past days.” She started, looking guiltily at Minju. “I know I’m such an . Then I suddenly went home drunk.” She muttered looking down.

“I’m sorry really.” Hyewon repeated, hearing no reply, she looked up to see Minju’s eyes glistening. Panicking, Hyewon quickly went beside the younger girl.

“Hey, I’m sorry. Am I that such a pain that I made you cry?” Hyewon said worriedly. “I’m sorr – “

She was cut off with a hug. Minju hugged her tightly that she could not breathe. Feeling that the younger girl would not release her any sooner, she gently returned it.

“Don’t say that. I forgive you.” Minju muttered. “But please don’t do that again.”

Hyewon smiled at the sniffing girl, she pulled away from the hug and looked at Minju properly who was still crying. She laughed at how the younger girl looks and ruffled her hair.

“I promise.” She said softly, wiping the tears still coming out from Minju’s eyes.

“Now, stop crying. I feel bad.” Hyewon said laughing at the younger girl.

“You better.” Minju retorted, can’t seem to stop her tears from falling. Without a thought, Hyewon leaned in for a chaste kiss. An innocent and soft kiss, which caused the younger girl to stop.

“Stop being sad or I’ll kiss you.” She said softly and immediately hugged the girl. She felt Minju nodded which made her smile.

“But you just did.”

“That’s a thank you for taking care of me.” Hyewon smiled.

“Don’t be such an again, alright?” Minju mumbled into the hug.

Laughing, Hyewon replied. “Never again.” And kissed the younger girl's head for assurance.

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did not proofread this. pls tell me if there's any typo or error. ty ty

Take care!


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MinjuMyLife_ #1
Chapter 13: It was an amazing fic, I really loved it.
Chapter 13: lol hyewon is definitely on TOP!!! nice work, thank you authornim
rynrkz #3
Chapter 13: seriously. i love this fic !! T_T
rynrkz #4
Chapter 5: noo im cryingg
rynrkz #5
minjupocket #6
Chapter 4: reading this again and again for the nth time, youre the best author-nim🥺✌️
hyemstar #7
The best
Bonbon1688 #8
Chapter 13: And here i am again reading this for the nth time 😬
Chapter 13: Oh my god this is such a good read. Loving every words placed, though I felt lots of second-hand embarassment lol. Other than that, bravo. I keep finding myself searching for hyeju fics every week--and shipping them real hard though the ship probably sink long ago
ChewyThe4DBeagle #10
Chapter 13: This was so good, I always look for more hyeju fics to read, they're such an underrated ship. Thank you so much for this Author-nim , I'm very much looking forward to reading more of your works. 😊😄😁