
My Missing Half

"You rejected him?! I thought you wanted to be a family with him?!" Why do I even let him in the house if this all what he does?

"Why is every time you're over all I get from you is yelling? Johnny I'm not a little kid."

"Well you're acting like one, even in high school you've had a huge crush on him and now that he asked you to be with him you said no? Look I've said this who kows how many times, I despise that guy but if he's the reason for yours and Mark's happiness then I'm not gonna get in the way." Why does he need to bring up the past. 

"I didn't say no to him, I said I'm sorry."

"That's basically same thing Yong-ah. What's going to happen now? Does he make you happy?"

I didn't even reply to him last night, I was too scared. And Johnny is right, what's going to happen between us now? He promised that he'll always be with Mark and I, I wonder if he's gonna keep that promise. 


It's been almost a week since I last talked to Jaehyun and he hasn't came and visited Mark as well, Mark is always looking for him and I made every excuses I can think of just so he won't be sad. A week was all it took and I already miss him this much. Now I'm standing in front of the company where he works, I took an early break just to come here and try and talk to him if it's possible at least. 

Everybody is wearing suits and formal wears, I have no idea where to begin to look for him. I'm lost in the middle of chaos in this building, I have no idea how he can work here, everyone is busy and everything is confusing. I don't have much time till my break is over so I have to find him fast. I was walking around to see if i can see him till I accidentally bumped into someone. 

"Hyung? What are you doing here?" I turned around and there Jaehyun in his suit holding a bunch of papers and he's wearing glasses, I never knew he wears glasses. 

"Can I talk to you?" Why am I so afraid to speak to him?

"Hyung can it wait? I'm kind of a bit busy with something." He started walking away with a guy that he was talking to before he bumped into me. If you don't do this right now Lee Taeyong then you will lose your chance.

"Jaehyun-ah.....Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun! I...I like you!" (A/N: Wow that was too cheesy lol) Everybody seemed to stop at what they're doing and all looked at me. I hate everyone's eyes on me, it's really uncomfortable. Jaehyun slowly walked to me and I instantly regret what I said. 

"What did you say hyung?"

"Umm..forget it, I have to uhhh get back to work."

"No, you definitely said something and I'll take you to work if only you repeat what you said."

"Everybody is staring at us, I don't like it." He took me outside and we went to his car, we sat there for a good minute.

"Hyung what did you say when we were inside?"

"I know you heard me, can you please just take me to work. If you can't then I can just take the bus from here."

"No I don't know what you said and I said I'll take you to work so just please tell me what you said in there." I'm embarrased to repeat what I said in there and also scared.

"I..I said I like you Jung Jaehyun." I can't look at him in the eyes and my eyes is just fixed on my lap.

"Seriously? You're not just saying this because you feel bad for me?"

"No! It's not because of that. I truely do like you." he didn't speak and I feel like I lost my chance.

"I'll drive you to work so you won't be late. Did you eat yet?" I nodded and just like what he said he drove me to work. Once we got to my work I was about to get out of the car but he stopped and grabbed my arm.

"Can I come over tonight?" he ask but I just nodded, it's been over a week so I wonder why he wants to come over now.


I got off work and went to pick up Mark from my parents, he usually have so much energy but this time it looks like he doesn't have any. When we got into the bus we sat in the very back like we usually do and I just can't avoid his sudden change so as a parent I asked him what has been bothering him. He ask me if his dad don't like him anymore since he doesn't come visit now and I told him that his dad loves him very much and that he's just been very busy that he doesn't have time. When we got home I told him to go upstairs to unlock the door while I get the mail and after grabbing it I heard Mark screamed and as an instict I ran upstairs to see what was wrong and to my surprise it was Jaehyun and he embraced Mark and our son just held on to Jaehyun tightly like he doens't want him to go anywhere.

"You're here?" I asked between breathes since I'm out of breath from climbing up those stairs.

"Of course, I did ask if I can come over." I opened the door and Mark went about what he did at school, showing Jaehyun the drawings he did. He looks like he got his energy back. I over heard Jaehyun tell Mark that he wanted to talk to me and I'm getting a bit nervous.

"Hyung...can we talk?" we both sat down at the dining table and waited for each other to speak up. 

"You know hyung...I still haven't gotten any answer from you."

"Answer?" I'm genuinely confuse what he's talking about.

"*laugh* I guess I have to ask again. Will you go out with me?"

"I uhh...yes, I'll go out with you." he smiled very wide to the point where both of his dimples is shown.

"You will? You better not take it back hyung!" he got up and gave me a quick hug then went to Mark to play with him. So this means we're together? I don't know much about being in a relationship since I barely went out with anyone. Let's just see where this goes.


It's almost Chirstmas and Jaehyun and I have been together for about a month now, he started to leave some of his belongings here. He barely goes to his own place now, after work he comes home here and would go to his own place only three times a week. Jaehyun and I both got really close to each other despite us seeing each other we put our son first. Instead of acting like 'boyfriends' we both just did our parts as Mark's parents.

"Appa when is Daddy coming home?"

"He'll be home soon sweetie, why don't you help me set the table so when your dad gets home we can eat right away!"

Almost every night Mark would stay up even in late hours whenever he knows that Jaehyun would come over. He refuse to go to sleep without seeing his dad first, the two have been inseparable since Mark found out that Jaehyun is his dad.

"Daddy's late." Mark's been pouting since Jaehyun have a few minutes late.

"He's probably got a bit busy at work. Why don't you eat first."

"No! I want to wait for Daddy!"

A few more minutes pass and the doorbell was rang. Mark jumped from the couch to oopen the door and there stood Jaehyun looking rough, even though he was exhausted he still picked up Mark. 

"Busy night?" he nodded and slumped down on the couch.

"You hungry? Mark wanted to wait for you to eat dinner." he got up and Mark followed him like a little dog. Once we all sat on the table Mark kept telling Jaehyun what he did throughout the day.

When I put Mark to sleep Jaehyun went to take a shower I sat down on the couch and Jaehyun sat right beside me and I apologized. "Why are you saying sorry hyung?"

"You were tired and I didn't stop Mark from talking."

"He's at that age where he loves to talk and no matter how tired I am I will listen to everything my son wants to tell me, if it makes him happy then all of my exhaustion goes away."

"You're a good dad Jaehyun-ah."

"I try to be hyung but now that Mark is asleep I think it's time for me to sleep as well." he put his head on my lap and closed his eyes, I never knew that I would be where I am right now. Never did I imagined that Jaehyun and I would be in a relationship. I am just so mesmerized by Jaehyun sleeping and it reminded me of Mark when he used to fall asleep on my lap.

Being together made me realize how clingy we both are to one another, we're both not as shy as when we started going out. Back then when he would sleep over he would sleep on the couch but now I don't mind sharing my bed with him the only thing that I dislike is that he tends to hog the blanket, I wouldn't have minded if it was his own but we both used the same blanket. So that's where Mark gets it from.

"We can't just sleep on the couch and you're back is gonna hurt tomorrow."

"Fine let's go to bed." He got up and we both went to my room, we got on the bed and I'm not sleepy yet and it seemed like Jaehyun's exhaustion is starting to go away.

"So how was your day?"

"It's taking the life out of me, we've been so busy since the holidays is coming. We barely have anytime for breaks, there's so many orders coming in and we're trying to get everything out and fast." 

"Wow it does sound a lot, is there anything I can help with?"

"Just seeing you and Mark is already a big help, you both are all I need."

"Stop being so cheesy Jaehyun-ah we're both too old for that."

"I'll never stop, I can't get enough of both of you." yup this is where our relationship is, him always being cheesy and me rejecting those cheesy lines.

"Hyung, there's a company party well more like a Christmas party...I was wondering if you would want to come with me?"

"A party? I don't know what to do in those kind of situations."

"I'll be with you the whole time, I won't leave your side. It's just my co-workers are bringing their girlfriends, wife or partners."

"I guess it won't hurt to go, just promise you'll stay by my side. I don't know anyone there."

"Really hyung?! You'll come? And yes I promise I'll stay right beside you throughout the whole night!"





So Merry Christmas!!! (and if you don't celebrate Christmas then I hope you guys had a good day/night) and I decided to update two chapters!!!




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susan0622 #1
Chapter 10: Happy New Year, authorshii so Jaemin was created out of love not of lust ha ha ha...Anyway thank you so much..
If it would be ok to suggest , I would like to know what happened to Yuta n Win' after their engagement. Please find Johnny a lovey dovey who can help him raised Heechan..
susan0622 #2
Chapter 9: I thought they will create Jaemin ha ha ha...anyway Merry Christmas, Authorshii thank you for the updates ...
Chapter 7: I don't celebrate Christmas but for the readers out there's who's Christian , Merry Christmas in advance....!!!
Be safe and happy with your families....

And Jaehyun, you're messed up big time and work harder to get Taeyong's apologies...
susan0622 #4
Chapter 6: Cute...now I am sure you aree working on the 'love' part authorshii...thanks..cant wait for your next update..
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww..... Both are looks likes a family to me...

Mark....... You're adorable...
K-PoppingPills #6
Chapter 6: uwu Jaehyun is going to have to say no to Mark’s puppy eyes ❤️
Chapter 5: Jaehyun figured out himself.... Hmmmm.....
susan0622 #8
Chapter 5: Yo can't wait to see what's Jaehyun's next move. Thank you authorshii
Chapter 4: I wonder Jaehyun's reaction when he know Mark is his son....?

Chapter 3: I hope Jaehyun will meet his son.....