
My Missing Half

I've been hanging out with hyung and Mark and they're both really are opening up to me especially hyung, he used to stutter and won't even look at me in the eyes but now every time I get Mark something that he really wants hyung would give me that piercing death look...and I'm really scared of it. Hyung said he's immune to Mark's cute face but it also seems like Mark is a little bit immune of hyung's stare. 

For the last few days I haven't seen hyung and Mark since my parents are in town and I've been trying to figure out how to tell them about my 'little family'. All I told them is that we're having dinner with some 'friends' of mine and I invited hyung to come have dinner at my place but didn't mention that my parents are over. This could go perfect or like a nightmare, let's just see how this goes.

"Mom? Dad? I'm gonna go pick up my friends and I'll be back."

"Take your time Jaehyun-ah, I still need time to set everything."

My heart is beating so fast while I'm on my way to pick up hyung and Mark, I have no idea how they'll react. I hope hyung don't hate me for this. I only want to show them the reason why I'm happy here in Korea, why I'm content being here, why I'm working hard, to show them who it was all for. Before I left the house I texted hyung that I'll be on my way. When I got to hyung's place I quickly parked my car and went up to pick them up.

When we all got into the car I got more fidgety, so much is going on in my head. I need to calm down and not act weird especially in front of hyung. "Jaehyun-ah are you okay? You seem to sweat more than usual."

"I'm fine hyung...just a bit nervous cause its the first time you guys go to my place." I didn't completely lie, it is the first time they'll see my place.

When we got to my place I held Mark's hand and hyung is walking close behind me. Opening the door I already feel like running away, why did I think that this was a great idea?

"Jaehyun-ah is that you? Are your friends here.....?" my mom greeted us by the front door and almost dropped whatever she was holding.

"Who are your friends Jaehyun-ah?"

"Mom...Dad, this is you grandchild Mark and Mark's appa Taeyong hyung."

"GRANDCHILD?!?! Jung Jaehyun what are you talking about?"

"Mom, don't yell. You're scarring Mark." Mark hid behind me still holding my hand tightly. I already feel bad about this, even Taeyong hyung is hiding behind me as well.

After the commotion that happened in my front door we all sat down, ate our dinner which was very awkward and now my parents just keep staring at us. "Mom, Dad it's kind of rude to keep staring."

"How did you even make a child?"

"Well...I think the both of you know how to make a child. I mean you guys made me....."

"You know that's not what your mother meant Jung Jaehyun."

I didn't want Mark to hear how he was concieved so I told him to go to the living room and watch t.v. while the adults are talking. I held hyung's hand under the table unconsciously and that was a way for hyung and I to relax. I told them the whole story and they were not happy, not because we ended up making Mark but because I was drinking under age. Hyung has been quiet this whole time and I don't blame him, I would squeeze his hand to assure him that everything will be alright. They also questioned hyung as to why I didn't know about Mark and hyung was too scared to answer so I answered for him. I told them how hyung was scared that I might not accept Mark, that I might take him away if I find out and that hyung just didn't want to burden me with a child. And not to mention I went back to U.S. after graduating high school so yeah.

"Why are you answering for him Jaehyun-ah? Can he not talk?"

"Mom, he's scared. I didn't tell him that you guys are going to be here."

"You are kind of scary honey." my dad got slapped on the shoulders from my mom.

It was quiet for a few minutes then my parents ask if they could go introduce themselves to Mark and hyung and I agreed. Hyung and I stayed sitting down at the dining table to let my parents have their time with Mark. I looked at hyung and he looked kind of mad, I was starting to get scared and also try to avoid his eyes. "Jaehyun-ah can I talk to you?...Privately?" We went to my room and once I closed the door he started hitting my chest.

"How could you Jung Jaehyun! Why didn't you tell me your parents were here!" hyung kind of yelled but kind of whisper at the same time. I try to catch hyung's arms to stop him from hitting me and once I got a hold of it I tried to hold them without hurting him.

"I didn't know if you would agree to meet them if I ever told you. And they seem to be cool with it now, they like Mark."

"That wasn't the point Jaehyun! What if they didn't like him because he was concieved while we were both drunk not to mention we were both young at that time too. You should've told me about this first before introducing Mark to your parents." I felt bad for what I did now, I put my hands on hyung's shoulders and looked at him right in his eyes.

"Look hyung, if my paretns didn't like Mark or if they disapproved of what we did I would stand my ground and still be with you and Mark. I would never leave you two just like that, I'm a father now and as much as I love my parents I'm gonna put the both of you first. And you got to admit...we made a pretty cute child, who could dislike him?" I earned a slap from the chest from hyung and we both just laughed it off.

"You two better not make another one!!" I can hear my dad yell from the living room.

"You want to try making another one hyung? Give Mark a brother or maybe a sister?" I gave him a little wink and he acted like he was about to poke my eye but thank God I avoided it.

"Stop joking! You're getting cocky. Are you always like this?"

"No, only to you hyung." We finally came out of my room and my mom is having fun playing with Mark in the living room. Hyung and I sat down on the couch watching them and Mark would occasionally come up to us to show the things him and my mom did. 

"So when are we expecting another grandchild?"

"Maybe soon Dad." I earned another hit from hyung and this time he punched me on my thigh, he gave me another one of his death glares, I'm guessing I won't live long to make another one with him if I keep making this kind of jokes around him.

It was getting late and Mark fell asleep from all the playing, I told my parents I'll be dropping them off, everyone said their goodbyes and my parents gave hyung a big hug and I'm just watching them from the back carrying my sleeping son. We headed down to the parking lot and once I opened the door I buckled Mark safely and I can feel starting hyung standing behind me.

"Hyung you know you can go inside, you don't have to wait for me."

"I know, I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine."

Once we got to hyung's place I set Mark down to his bed and kissed his forehead for goodnight. Hyung always walked me to his front door. 

"First I just want to say I'm sorry, sorry I didn't warn you about my parents. I'm sorry I put you in such trouble hyung. I just want to introduce you both to them."

"You don't have to say sorry, like what you said they like Mark, as long as he's happy then I'm happy too."

"How about you hyung? Other than Mark what makes you happy?"

"I haven't really thought about that, everything I do is for him."

"Don't you think it's time for you to think about yourself hyung? I know how much you love Mark but you have to find your own happiness...Hyung? I have no idea if this is out of nowhere for you and this is the first out of many times I'm gonna ask you this. Will-..Will you go out with me?" Maybe it was the spur of the moment but I wanted to ask him that for a long time. I looked at hyung and he seemed surprise, I'm ready for any answer he wants to give, let it be the yes I've been wanting or a rejection. Either way I'll always be here for them. There was a long silence but I finally got an answer. 

"I'm...I'm sorry Jaehyun, I think it's time for you to leave."

He closed the door and right at that moment my heart just shattered into million of peices. The drive back home was painful and thank goodness my parents were already asleep once I got home, went inside my room and texted hyung that I got home safely I waited for a few minutes and didn't get a reply. I must've startled him, you done messed this up Jaehyun-ah. I went to sleep with a heavy heart that night, I honestly couldn't sleep so I ended up drinking alcohol to make myself go to sleep.





So yeah, Taeyong met Jaehyun's parents......and a week from now is Christmas, it's coming by fast. But what are you guys doing for Christmas? Is there any traditions you guys do?  

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susan0622 #1
Chapter 10: Happy New Year, authorshii so Jaemin was created out of love not of lust ha ha ha...Anyway thank you so much..
If it would be ok to suggest , I would like to know what happened to Yuta n Win' after their engagement. Please find Johnny a lovey dovey who can help him raised Heechan..
susan0622 #2
Chapter 9: I thought they will create Jaemin ha ha ha...anyway Merry Christmas, Authorshii thank you for the updates ...
Chapter 7: I don't celebrate Christmas but for the readers out there's who's Christian , Merry Christmas in advance....!!!
Be safe and happy with your families....

And Jaehyun, you're messed up big time and work harder to get Taeyong's apologies...
susan0622 #4
Chapter 6: I am sure you aree working on the 'love' part authorshii...thanks..cant wait for your next update..
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww..... Both are looks likes a family to me...

Mark....... You're adorable...
K-PoppingPills #6
Chapter 6: uwu Jaehyun is going to have to say no to Mark’s puppy eyes ❤️
Chapter 5: Jaehyun figured out himself.... Hmmmm.....
susan0622 #8
Chapter 5: Yo can't wait to see what's Jaehyun's next move. Thank you authorshii
Chapter 4: I wonder Jaehyun's reaction when he know Mark is his son....?

Chapter 3: I hope Jaehyun will meet his son.....