
My Missing Half

It's been five years since Mark was born, well we are celebrating his birthday in a few minutes, and ever since then we've moved out to a different apartment from Johnny. I felt like living with Johnny with Mark around is difficult since Johnny has been busy with school and work and having a child running around might've stressed him out. He said he's fine with it but I really feel like we are a burdened to him.

Mark and I moved to the building right next to Johnny's so that if we needed anything we can just go to him right away, well he insisted that we move to that apartment. Throughout the whole time wehn we were living with Johnny, he helped me with so many things, him helping me with Mark when he was a baby, we took turns changing his diapers and such. I have no idea how I got an amazing best friend but I am thankful that he's there.

Ever since I gave birth to Mark Johnny's been asking who Mark's father is and I just gave up and told him who it is. He was shocked at first, asked a lot of questions, got mad at that person but ended forgetting about him which I did so myself as well. When I told him when it happened and that it actually happened at the party he threw he couldn't believe it. For some reason he felt like he was responsible for it since he's the one that invited me and just left me in the corner. To support Mark I have to forget about the past and focus on what's going on right now. I am both a working student and a single parent, it's stressful and tiring but everything is worth it at the end when I see my baby boy. In a few months I'm gonna graduate from culinary school and I can finally be able to work full time.

"Mark! Sweetie put your shoes on, Uncle Johnny is waiting for us!"

"Is Haechan going to be there?!" Mark yelled from his room.

"Yes Sweetie that's where he lives so he's obviously going to be there!" Did I forget to mention that Johnny adopted a boy around Mark's age? Lee Donghyuck or Haechan as to what he calls him since Haechan is like ball of sunshine. I guess he missed having a child around that he sat down, thought about it for a long time and decided to adopt one, let's just say Haechan is a bit hyper for Mark and Mark is not having it.

"Lee Minhyung hurry up!" he came out stomping his feet walking towards me putitng his shoes on. 


Mark has been sulking the whole time while we go walk to Johnny's place. "Sweetie stop pouting like that, it's your birthday you're suppose to be happy."

"But Appa he bothers me a lot."

"He just wanted to play with you sweetie." When we got to Johnny's place Haechan opened the door and quickly hugged Mark. He then started dragging Mark towards his room to play.

"Haechan-ah be nice to Mark, it's his birthday!" Johnny yelled from the dining room.

"It's alright, they're kids let them play." Johnny is just shaking his head knowing how mischievous his son is. After setting everything up we called both of the kids to come out and eat.

I don't like throwing parties and Mark never really wanted one since he's quite shy and don't want the attention on him so it has always been Johhny and I celebrating his birthday, he gets a different day to celebrate it with my parents while I go out to work or study.

While the kids went back to the room to play Johnny and I are on the couch just watching a cartoon, the things you watch when you become a parent. "So...did you get the invitation?" Johnny ask not even bothering to look at me.

"Invitation?...Oh you mean for Yuta and SiCheng's engagement party?"

"Yup that one, are you going? Yuta said there's a place for the kids so we can bring Haechan and Mark along."

"Yeah I'm going...I haven't seen those two in a while." The engagement party is not until next month so I have time to relax and just spend time with my little boy.

"You think they still remember me? It's been so many years since I last seen them." I asked Johnny worried about meeting them. As much as I love Yuta and he is my best friend I never actually met up with him in person when I was pregnant with Mark and even after I gave birth to him.

"They'll remember you, don't worry about that. You always tend to baby SiCheng and Yuta sometimes get jealous about that. Even in high school you had a motherly vibe."




"Hey I'm outside your building, I'm parked in front so just come out whenever you and Mark are ready."

"Alright, we'll be down there in a bit." I hung up the phone and grabbed everything I needed. I had to pack extra everything since I don't know what a 5 year old would do to himself. "Sweetie let's go! Uncle Johnny is waiting outside! Did you get your toy?"

"Yes Appa I'm ready!" Mark came up to me hugging his ukulele. Our neighbor Taeil hyung gave it to him for his birthday and he's been learning guitar from him as well.

The drive there was mostly quiet, the kids fell asleep after having a snack and I'm in the passenger seat fidgeting. "Yong-ah everything is gonna be alright, I'll be there right beside you."

I'm a bit nervous meeting everyone, it's been more than five years since I've seen them. They know about Mark since I told them and they've seen pictures of him but I haven't really gone out since I got busy. When we pulled up to the place my hearts beating faster, I have no idea how to talk to people let alone socialize with them. 

We got to the front desk and the guy that worked there lead us to a room. Once he opened the door I scanned the room and it's decorated all fancy. I can see both of Yuta and Sicheng's family are here and some friends that I recognize from school. I can see the couple standing with a bunch of people, I looked at Johnny and he just gave me an assuring smile.

Yuta seemed to notice us and he smiled an ran to us. "I'm so glad you guys are here! Thank you for coming!"

"We wouldn't miss it for the world Osaka" Johnny said while patting him on the shoulders.

"Congartualtions on the engagement." I gave him a hug and he hugged back very tightly.

"Yong-ah it's been so long! And is this Mark and Haechan? They all look so grown." He kneeled infront of the kids and introduced himself. He then asked us if he could take the kids where they can have fun, we gave him a nod, he stood up and told us that he'll tell SiCheng that we arrived. He then lead the kids to the 'kids room' where they can hangout and not be bored with the adults.

He walked passed SiCheng and whispered in his ears to tell him that Johnny and I are both here since he looked at our direction. He seemed to be talking to someone and that person has his back us, he has a very tall stature. SiCheng's face seemed to lift up when he saw us and ran towards us to give Johnny and I a hug, actually more like choking the both of us from the tight hug.

"Thank you so much for coming Johhny hyung and Taeyong hyung!"

"Yuta just can't wait can he?" I nudged Johnny and he just gave me a look like 'you were thinking about it too.' And I just can't help but laugh.

"No he can't. He has been saying that he wants to marry me since high school here we are!" SiCheng just laughed.

In the corner of my eyes I can see a tall figure walking towards us but all of my focus was on SiCheng. Not until the voice that I haven't heard in years spoke...

"Taeyong hyung?" I truned around and almost had a little heart attack, I almost even cried.

Johnny grabbed my arm and pulled me a bit closer to him while I couldn't even take my eyes off of him. I heard after he graduated from high school he went back to U.S., if I knew he was here I would've have never came. To the point where I won't care that my friends would hate me.

"Yong-ah." I heard Johnny saying my name under his breath, enough for me to hear. I looked at him and his seemed to ask if I was okay. I just gave him a smile and looked at that person, I have to put out a brave front. 

"Hey Jaehyun-ah." 





I really have no idea where this story is gonna go, I didn't write this beforehand like what I do with my other stories so please bear with me       

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susan0622 #1
Chapter 10: Happy New Year, authorshii so Jaemin was created out of love not of lust ha ha ha...Anyway thank you so much..
If it would be ok to suggest , I would like to know what happened to Yuta n Win' after their engagement. Please find Johnny a lovey dovey who can help him raised Heechan..
susan0622 #2
Chapter 9: I thought they will create Jaemin ha ha ha...anyway Merry Christmas, Authorshii thank you for the updates ...
Chapter 7: I don't celebrate Christmas but for the readers out there's who's Christian , Merry Christmas in advance....!!!
Be safe and happy with your families....

And Jaehyun, you're messed up big time and work harder to get Taeyong's apologies...
susan0622 #4
Chapter 6: I am sure you aree working on the 'love' part authorshii...thanks..cant wait for your next update..
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww..... Both are looks likes a family to me...

Mark....... You're adorable...
K-PoppingPills #6
Chapter 6: uwu Jaehyun is going to have to say no to Mark’s puppy eyes ❤️
Chapter 5: Jaehyun figured out himself.... Hmmmm.....
susan0622 #8
Chapter 5: Yo can't wait to see what's Jaehyun's next move. Thank you authorshii
Chapter 4: I wonder Jaehyun's reaction when he know Mark is his son....?

Chapter 3: I hope Jaehyun will meet his son.....